QuickBooks Support Resources
If you didn't find the answers you needed in Help or Tutorials, try these support options...

Self-Help on the Web

Assistance from the Experts

Terms and Conditions

Intuit reserves the right to limit each contact to one hour and to one question or issue ("incident"). An incident is defined as (a) a single issue or problem that a Plan member asks a support representative to analyze or resolve; (b) a product usage question that involves a single topic on a drop-down menu or one QuickBooks report, or (c) a single question on a specific point of sale or bookkeeping topic. The support representative will determine how many incidents will be handled during the course of the telephone contact. Support is limited to QuickBooks installation and functionality as described in product documentation.

(1) 30 consecutive days of QuickBooks 2007 support included from first-time registration. Offer valid 90 days from software purchase; U.S. only. Internet access required for callback support. For more information about included support, call 888-320-7276. Callback support not available outside the U.S.; call 520-901-2670 outside the U.S. Additional terms and conditions apply.

(2) Hours of support may vary occasionally due to downtime for system and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. holidays, and events beyond our control.

(3) QuickBooks-specific error messages are defined as errors that tell the customer to call technical support, errors that prevent opening your data file, errors that close QuickBooks, and error messages that contain the code "C=".

(4) Support hours may vary due to downtime for systems or server maintenance, company events, observed US holidays or events beyond our control.

Intuit reserves the right to limit each contact to one hour and to one question or issue ("incident"). An incident is defined as (a) a single issue or problem that a Plan member asks a support representative to analyze or resolve; (b) a product usage question that involves a single topic on a drop-down menu or one QuickBooks report, or (c) a single question on a specific point of sale or bookkeeping topic. The support representative will determine how many incidents will be handled during the course of the telephone contact. Support is limited to QuickBooks installation and functionality as described in product documentation.

(1) The Full Service Plan for QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions is good for 12 months from purchase. Dedicated support engineers available weekdays from 5 A.M. - 5 P.M. Pacific time. Intuit reserves the right to limit each telephone contact to one hour and to one incident. Support availability subject to occasional downtime for systems and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. holidays, and events beyond our controls. Terms, conditions, pricing, service offerings, and availability of the Full Service Plan are subject to change at any time without notice.

(2) Hours of support may vary occasionally due to downtime for system and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. holidays, and events beyond our control.

(3) QuickBooks-specific error messages are defined as errors that tell the customer to call technical support, errors that prevent opening your data file, errors that close QuickBooks, and error messages that contain the code "C=".

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