QuickBooks Payroll Features
We have been hard at work adding payroll features and functionality to make
your life easier.
Please take a moment to learn more; a version-specific list of our improvements
is shown below.
- QuickBooks 2003 / QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 2.0 / 3.0
- Plain Paper W-2s: You can now print your W-2 and W-3 on blank paper.
- Improvements to Pay Liabilities: The Pay Liabilities screen is now easier to
use and understand.
- Better Reports: A number of Payroll Reports were redesigned to give users more
control and more information.
- QuickBooks 2004 / QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 4.0
- Includes all the features in QuickBooks 2003 shown above, plus
- New and improved federal forms: We've added form 1096 and made improvements
to forms 940, 941, 1099, W-2 and W-3.
- Paycheck and Pay Stub improvements: A redesigned paycheck and pay stub is
easier to read and more professional looking. Plus, you can control whether or
not to print information like social security numbers.
- Calculate Additions and Deductions based on hours: Instead of having payroll
items calculated on quantity, you can now have QuickBooks calculate based on
hours worked.
- Running total of hours: Now when you're entering hours for an employee, you
can see a running total for that pay period.
- QuickBooks 2005 / QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 5.0
- Includes all the features in QuickBooks 2003 and QuickBooks 2004 shown above, plus:
- New QuickBooks Standard Payroll (formerly Do-It-Yourself Payroll) features:
- 940EZ: We've always included the Form 940, but we've also added the 940EZ due to customer requests.
- New Overtime item: QuickBooks has created a new Overtime payroll item that multiplies an employee's hourly wage by a fixed amount (1.5, for example). This minimizes data entry and helps ensure accuracy.
- Our new QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll offers everything in Standard Payroll, plus these great new features:
- The latest state payroll tax forms, automatically filled in with your QuickBooks payroll data. Just print, sign and mail!
- Workers Compensation tracking, calculations and reporting help you track classification codes and rates associated with various job functions. It automatically calculates and excludes your overtime premium so you don't have to worry about under-paying or over-paying premiums. Track Workers' Compensation classification codes and rates for different job functions
- Eliminate trial-and-error guesswork of calculating a net check amount. Quickly calculate gross check amounts for bonuses and commissions. Calculations are done for you in a single step.
- Input payroll hours for multiple employees in a single screen