
Superannuation Information

Employer Contributions

Code Description PAYG Comment

SA SG Contributions (compulsory) No Legislated compulsory Superannuation Guarantee Act contributions.

CA Collective Agreement No These are company wide agreements that contain employer superannuation contributionswhich normally exceed the legislative requirements.

EA Employer Additional No Used in funds where the Employer contributions may be fully vested and an additional account is required if the additional employer contributions are not fully vested.

PR Productivity Contributions (Award) Yes Used where Productivity/Award contributions need to be identified separately rather than included in SA. For example the union may require the contributions to be shown separately on the payslip.

RC Redundancy Contributions No Used for Redundancy funds – offered by certain industry funds.

Employer contributions are not normally subject to PAYG Tax at the time of processing. In cases where the employer contribution is subject to PAYG Tax, the amount is added to the employee's gross pay before QuickBooks does the calculation. Thus the employee pays tax on the employer contribution at the time of payment.