1 Privacy Information Management Statement

Reckon Limited (“Reckon”) and its related bodies corporate (collectively "Reckon Group") engage in a range of business activities including software publishing and distribution, provision of technical support and supply of data and content services. Each of the activities that the Reckon Group engages in may involve the collection of personal information.


We are required to comply with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988.


The privacy and security of the personal information that we hold about you is very important to us. This Statement is a requirement of the National Privacy Principles, and should assist you in understanding how we collect and deal with your personal information.


2 Collection of Personal Information

We most commonly collect information from our customers in the following circumstances:


o        Upon registration by you of any of the Reckon software range or services offered through any Reckon website including the www.quicken.com.au website or through retail and other sales channels.

o        Upon the purchasing of upgraded versions or renewal of subscription versions of Reckon software, often in response to our having communicated with you about such upgrades.

o        Upon the joining, or renewal, of various Reckon programs, including Reckon Advantage or the Reckon Professional Partner program.

o        Upon you completing an order for supply of business services, data or documentation such as SMSF Trust Deeds.

o        Where Reckon Professional Partners provide services or sell products to customers.


There are other less frequent instances where we collect personal information, such as when financial details are sought from persons or businesses who seek to be Reckon product resellers, where stock is provided on credit.


The information collected would generally comprise name, address, postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail contact details, as well as the details of the Reckon Group product that you use. High level information in relation to your business may be also be collected. Should you contact us requiring technical or similar assistance, information relating to your problem and our suggested solutions are also recorded by us to assist in better customer relationship management.


Where customers send us data files for assistance in technical support these files will be kept confidential and deleted after the technical support has been provided. We cannot accept responsibility for any data that is deleted and you are advised to keep a back up copy of any data files that are sent to us.


Personal information may also be collected when customers sign up for add-on services provided by third party suppliers such as debt recovery services, software training services, share trading services, banking services, bill payments services and the like. In these cases personal information may also be passed on to the third party suppliers.


We also collect information from delegates who attend our seminar series as well as other public events where registration forms and feedback forms are filled out by attendees. The information collected may be used to promote our products and services as well as those of some of our network of associated service providers and product vendors.


3 How we use this information

We use your personal information in the following way:


o        We collect personal information so that we can communicate with you about the Reckon Group products that you use and efficiently manage and administer all products and services we provide to you. These communications could relate to software upgrades, feature variations or enhancements, any particular issues or problems that have been detected within the software and corrective measures that may be taken, and informing you of other Reckon Group products and services, including the availability of specialised, software specific, stationery products, debt recovery services, software training services, share trading services, banking services, seminars relating to associated products such as share trading classes and other types of classes.

o        Identification and revalidation of software end-users assists Reckon in establishing who is legally permitted to use the various Reckon software applications and therefore assists us in enforcing copyright and intellectual property rights.

o        In the process of product installation a file on your hard drive records the date of installation. This is not personal information but is a product number unique to the computer on which the product is installed. This assists us to regularly revalidate that the product is being used on the correct computer and is not installed on other computers without your authority and outside the terms of our licence.

o        In the case of Reckon Advantage, the additional questions we ask in relation to your business assist us in developing a member profile so that future offerings that may be developed for program participants are relevant and appropriately targeted. As part of the Reckon Advantage service we also send correspondence to Advantage members (including by e-mail) containing product and services related information as well as promotional material.

o        Members of our Reckon Professional Partner programme, usually accountants, bookkeepers, tax agents, small business advisers, consultants and the like may from time to time be sent certain information including: personal information, products purchased, product keys, renewal dates and the like. This information is sent to these Reckon Professional Partners to enable them to assist you in keeping product memberships and/or subscriptions current, to enable them to install, activate and upgrade products in keeping with licence requirements, to provide support on such terms as are agreed and to provide related services.

o        Aggregated information (containing no information relating to a specific person) may sometimes be used for research and analysis purposes by us or contracted service providers for us to better understand statistical trends in industry and product usage.

o        Where credit terms are requested, financial information provided by the customer is used to perform credit referencing and checking.



If you would prefer not to receive communications from us that are not related to the bullet points above please let us know by:

calling on 1300 QUICKEN (1300 784 253), or

emailing privacy@reckon.com.au, or

faxing (02) 9577 5557, or

writing to The Privacy Officer, Reckon Limited, Locked Bag 15, Broadway, NSW, 2007


4 Disclosure

From time to time the Reckon Group may agree to facilitate communication by an external party (a party to a marketing alliance with Reckon, for example) to any or all parts of the Reckon user/Advantage member database. We would generally undertake the communication on behalf of the external party (but at their cost) so that access to the personal information of our customer remains with Reckon.


The Reckon Group may use, from time to time, external service providers to facilitate communications with its customers, for example a mail house. In these circumstances, Reckon may provide personal contact/address information to the external service provider to enable the communication to be dispatched. Such information is provided to the external service provider on the strict basis that it be used for this purpose only and agreements are put in place to ensure this.


5 Access to Information

The National Privacy Principles provide you with the right to access the personal information that we hold in relation to you. If you would like details of the personal information which we may hold about you or, if you would like to correct any of the information that we hold, please contact us as follows:


e-mail: privacy@reckon.com.au or write to us:


The Privacy Officer

Reckon Limited

Locked Bag 15

Broadway NSW 2007


We have internal procedures in place to deal with such requests, and we may require further information from you to verify your identity.


6 Information held by Third Parties

As a company incorporated in Australia and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, Reckon is required to maintain a register of members pursuant to the Corporations Law. This function has been contracted to an external provider, Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited ("CIS"). It is the usual practice for registers of listed companies to be managed by third parties. CIS manages the members' register on behalf of Reckon, which includes personal information relating to name and address details, security-holding balances, tax file numbers, bank account details and e-mail addresses. CIS has its own Privacy Statement as to how it deals with personal information, and Reckon shareholders are directed to www.computershare.com website for further information.


The trading and dealing activities of the Reckon E*Trade service are performed by ETRADE Australia Securities Limited ("E*TRADE"). Pursuant to the agreement that Reckon has with E*TRADE, and as authorised by the customer when agreeing to the trading rules, E*TRADE can provide to Reckon, at Reckon's request, personal information relating to the customer. E*TRADE has its own Privacy Statement and Privacy Policy, and Reckon E*TRADE users are directed to the Reckon E*TRADE section of the  www.quicken.com.au website for further information.


6 Web site

Websites of Reckon or a Reckon Group company may use "cookie" technology. Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to an individual's hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies make web-surfing easier for you by saving your passwords, purchases, and preferences while you're on a website. The use of cookies is an industry standard - you'll find them at most major web sites. Where cookies are used on a Reckon Group site, the cookie-technology is not used to collect personally identifying information.


7 Information Storage

An electronic customer management and database system is used to store most of the personal information collected by the Reckon Group. This system is accessed by authorised users and contains security features to ensure the protection and integrity of the data that we hold.


8 Web analytics services

The Quicken.com.au site uses ClickTale web analytics service. ClickTale may record mouse clicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity as well as any text you type in this website. ClickTale does not collect personally identifiable information that you do not voluntarily enter in this website. ClickTale does not track your browsing habits across web sites which do not use ClickTale services. For more information see Privacy Policy for Information Collected by the ClickTale Web Analytics Service.


Reckon does not use ClickTale to collect personally identifiable information about users. Reckon uses the information collected by ClickTale service to determine how people interact with the website and design ways to improve the website’s usability. You can choose to disable the ClickTale service by visiting http://www.clicktale.net/disable.html.


9 General

Should you have any queries in relation to this Privacy Information Management Statement or to issues generally surrounding the private information that we hold about you, please contact the Privacy Officer at the addresses referred to above. Similarly, any complaints in relation to privacy related issues should also be directed to either of these addresses.


From time to time, this statement may be amended. An up-to-date version of the Privacy Statement will always appear at the www.Reckon.com.au website. Furthermore, you may request a hard-copy of this Statement from either the addresses referred to above or by telephoning


Australia: 1300 QUICKEN (1300 784 253)