Payroll update errors are often caused by general Internet connection issues or Internet security and personal firewall software settings.
Before continuing with these troubleshooting steps, verify that there is not a Knowledge Base article for your specific error at Payroll Update Errors (
To test your Internet connection, try
the following troubleshooting steps:
The problem may simply be due to an intermittent error that may be resolved when you try again.
- If you cannot view this site, there is a basic problem with your Internet connection that does not involve QuickBooks. Contact your Internet Service Provider for support.
- If you can view this site, continue with the steps below.
- Open QuickBooks.
- Go to the Banking menu, choose Online Banking, and then click Available Financial Institutions.
Note: Not all users set up in QuickBooks have access to this secure site. If you receive a warning that you need certain permissions to perform this action, the warning is about your permissions in QuickBooks, not your Internet connection. Ask your administrator or a user with Sensitive Accounting Activities permissions to continue these steps for you.
- If you can view this secure site, skip to step 4 below. You will know you are viewing this site when you see a list of financial institutions on the left side of the page.
- If you cannot view this secure site, continue with the rest of step 3.
- Close the window you tried to open. Go to the Help menu and click Internet Connection Setup.
- Select "Use my computer’s Internet connection settings to establish a connection when this application accesses the Internet" and click Next.
- Click Advanced Connection Settings and then click to open the Advanced tab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Settings window and verify that Use SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0 are selected.
- Click OK and then click Done.
The following Knowledge Base articles describe the steps to configure some of the more common Internet and personal firewall applications.
If you are using an application that is not listed, see Configuring Internet security and personal firewall applications for QuickBooks updates.
Due to the complexity and variety of available systems and software,
Intuit is unable to provide specific directions for a particular
system or environment. If you need further assistance, contact your
system or network administrator, the vendor from whom you purchased
the hardware or software, or a local computer consultant.