Employee Organizer company informationpage qbw:EmpOrgServiceInfo Employee Organizer
Purchase Today!
From hiring to retiring and many steps in between, QuickBooks Employee Organizer puts the tools you need to help stay on top of Employment regulations...right at your fingertips!1
  • Guides you step-by-step through employment processes — Tips on recruiting, interviewing, and performance reviews, promotions, terminations, establishing time off and leave policies and much more!

  • Access up-to-date information on important state and federal laws — Avoid common mistakes that could lead to costly legal disputes. The Employment Regulations Update Service provides regular updates to important laws and regulations.

  • Gain access to our e-mail help line — Your specific employment questions will be answered on-line within two business days - all without an added fee.2

  • Reduces complexity and saves time — Cut down on the time you spend on employee administration right away! Employee information is in one centralized file where it's easy to access, update and generate reports. You never have to enter data twice!

  • Prints employment forms, letters and templates — Selected state and federal government forms, templates for letters and other documents and employee management forms!

  • Provides software upgrade guarantee — You will continue to have access to the Employee Organizer at no additional cost whenever you upgrade your QuickBooks software.3

  • Helps you manage your people better — "Best practices" and management tips enable you to be a better boss by coaching your employees to be better employees.
Best of all it integrates with financial information already in QuickBooks—the product you already know and use. No need to use separate software or learn new programs!
Purchase Today!
Questions? Call:
Try it RISK FREE4 and get FREE updates for 12 months!  Click here or call 888-246-8848

Works with QuickBooks

QuickBooks Employee Organizer integrates directly with QuickBooks so you don't have to enter data twice, saving both time and money!