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Here's the solution you've been waiting for! QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll gives you the tools you need — including state tax forms — to minimize tax hassles and manage payroll with greater accuracy and confidence.
QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll Features:
  • Full integration with QuickBooks lets you avoid the potential for errors that come with re-entering data, since the information you need is already right there in your QuickBooks.

  • Download current federal and state tax table updates directly into QuickBooks: Download the latest tax table updates 24x7.

  • Automatically fills out the latest federal AND state forms. The latest federal AND state forms including federal forms 940,940EZ, 941/Schedule B, W-2, W-3, 1099-MISC and 1096, and state forms for over 45 states are automatically filled in with your QuickBooks data.  ( Click here for supported state forms). Plus, state and federal forms can be printed on blank paper so there's no need to purchase forms (with the exception of federal forms 1099-MISC and 1096).  Just print, sign and mail.

  • Track Workers' Compensation: Built-in Workers Compensation tracking, calculations and reporting help you track classification codes and rates associated with various job functions — keyed for regular time and overtime — helping to more accurately and easily track workers compensation cost.

  • Print your own paychecks: With all your payroll data right there in QuickBooks, you can print paychecks from your desktop anytime you want.

  • Integrated Direct Deposit included with no set-up fee*: Offer your employees the convenience of having their paychecks deposited directly into their bank accounts. Eliminate wasted time at the bank on paydays. And assure employees who are on the road or out sick that their paychecks will be deposited whether or not they're in the office. Learn more about Direct Deposit.

  • Eliminate trial-and-error guesswork in performing net-to-gross calculations: Net-to-gross calculations let you avoid the time-consuming trial-and-error approach to figuring out how much to "gross up" bonuses and other special employee payments when a net amount has already been determined.

  • Input hours for multiple employees in a single screen: Save time by inputting hours for multiple employees in a single screen.
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