Standard Payroll company informationpage qbw:PayrollStandardServiceInfo Standard Payroll
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An estimated 30% of businesses are charged with payroll tax penalties each year1 — often as a result of late or inaccurate payroll. QuickBooks Standard Payroll helps make sure you aren't one of them. You gain access to the latest state and federal tax tables — no matter how many times they change throughout the year, along with easy-to-use tools that make payroll processing faster and less prone to errors.
  • Avoid making errors — and the potential for costly penalties. QuickBooks Standard Payroll can help you be confident that your payroll is accurate and complete.

  • Fewer steps mean fewer hassles. Having employees means having to manage payroll. But it doesn't have to be a hassle. QuickBooks Standard Payroll makes the entire process faster and easier because you can:

  • Stay in control of your entire payroll process. It's your business. So it's also your business to understand where the money's going.
    • Get the tools and tax tables you need to process your payroll in-house.
    • You decide when to pay your employees. Process payroll anytime you want.
    • See the big picture more easily, by generating standard and custom payroll reports directly through QuickBooks.

  • You stay in control of payroll for just $199/year (annual subscription).
To save time, use source-offer code C20069-P13495 when signing up!
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