An estimated 30% of businesses are charged with payroll tax penalties each year1 — often as a result of late or inaccurate payroll. QuickBooks Standard Payroll helps make sure you aren't one of them. You gain access to the latest state and federal tax tables — no matter how many times they change throughout the year, along with easy-to-use tools that make payroll processing faster and less prone to errors.
- Avoid making errors — and the potential for costly penalties. QuickBooks Standard Payroll can help you be confident that your payroll is accurate and complete.
- Fewer steps mean fewer hassles. Having employees means having to manage payroll. But it doesn't have to be a hassle. QuickBooks Standard Payroll makes the entire process faster and easier because you can:
- Stay in control of your entire payroll process. It's your business. So it's also your business to understand where the money's going.
- Get the tools and tax tables you need to process your payroll in-house.
- You decide when to pay your employees. Process payroll anytime you want.
- See the big picture more easily, by generating standard and custom payroll reports directly through QuickBooks.
- You stay in control of payroll for just $199/year (annual subscription).
To save time, use source-offer code C20069-P13495 when signing up! |
Save $ on payroll!
Call: 800-624-2106 |
*QuickBooks Standard Payroll requires a subscription, EIN and currently supported version of QuickBooks. Internet access required for download delivery and Direct Deposit. Nominal additional fees apply for Direct Deposit. Checks sold separately. 24x7 access subject to occasional downtime due to systems and servers maintenance. Terms, conditions, features, pricing and service options subject to change without notice.
1 UBS Warburg Bulletin, Nov. 16, 2001