Remote Access company informationpage qbw:RemoteAccessServiceInfo Remote Access
QuickBooks Premier: Accountant Edition 2007 includes 12 months of Remote Access service, powered by WebEx.*
Enjoy greater flexibility as you work with your client's QuickBooks live from anywhere with just a browser and Internet connection. Work on files without the hassles of exchanging disks or driving to a client's office. Work you do remotely is automatically saved to your client's computer.

Transmit data using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption and password protection options.

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For an extra $29.95/month, Remote Access Platinum Service lets you:
  • View and use all applications on each remote desktop, plus, setup any five computers for "unattended" remote access.
    • Print files from remote computers to your current location.
    • Transfer files from one computer to another.
    • Record & playback remote sessions — for training and support.
    • Access all applications on the remote computers.
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