'g  U  UVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved.Y.\./activate_n/nf_.htmlAing QuickBooks9:(0 7:Customer ID 6:valid Licence Key 4:linformation 3:phone AftLinstall, , you need to  it. ( securely sendsor I t Code and Product IDp Reckon for |returns a*H` your copy of)pFIfion is successfulwill have received,s&5 be L ly enabled. k.\./activate_n/nf_license_key.htmlAbout your Ll ce Key9:valid*L 9:QuickBooks 4:Customer ID 3:Productp 3:Installationh Code Yo, is a unique number that atescopy of ( and giv full access to all features. )n: )Dly identifies the computyou are )ing or hav'Jed*|on. )G: A*I L1lh can usecapabilit-. .\./activate_n/nf_refresh.htmlRing QuickBooks (Updatpyour Licence Key)9:( 9:valids 4:copy of)D 4:Web 3:phone Warning: If 0 has expired,p will be able to view and print transhons that exist in)  but not*0 add new or edid *[. ( securely sendsh r Installation|% CodeProduct IDlReckon for (preturns a*h`5DIf the*= is successful), have received,=5(be L ly enabled. t.\./activate_n/ov_ ion.htmlAbout QuickBooks Aion and Licence Key9:( *0) 9:valid up-to-dates 8:error 7:transxons To have a fully-functional copy of) , you need t',5. I* cannot detect an Internet conne or has any problems  mitting data ushyour)will bewmpth|1ld.p by phonean & message is display_ duei ad | with 1@ can press CTRL-3` continue. 6@ .\./activate_n/task_license_key.htmlViewing your  information9:1T 5:valid up-to-date Lh ce Key 5:)4*8 4:QuickBooks 1:copy of )RYh+s a unique number that ates0, and giv full access to features. To use thecapabilit-p` must have a,5. From Help menu, click My'I(. _.\./activate_n/task_phone_internet.htmlWeb Aion IpruptP7:w8t 4:QuickBooksPnet connec` 3:message 2: If you have a dial-up), ensure that it is stilled to then determinthere` a problem withar' L and aHablet correcx, selh Try again by( `click OK.'8h not *ye H , press CTRL-3ntinue. a.\./crossell_n/order_cash_receipts.htmlO`ing sales  forms and envelopes9:1 8:compatible( 5:purchase,ds 3:offerps Reckon  a multi-purpose that is perfectp print/s. UseFisxm to other s, such as adjustment notes, '&s, cost estimatel When it's timep mail you'alsoprofessional-looking, 2. z.\./crossell_n/order_credit_memos.htmlO|*ing adjustment notes, refund forms, and envelopes9:purchase/ 9:* 8:compatible( 3:offers 3((s Reckon  a multi-purpose that is perfectp print2,s. You also can useR isdm to others you might need, such aL  cost estimatep When it's time` maill , professional-looking, 2 . .\./crossell_n/order_invoices.htmlOling  and envelopes9:purchase(Q )P 3: forms 2:click  QuickBooks Stationery 2:offers Reckon  professional-look) t all three standard*ty\ with a variety of match` '. Thesep ms can also be preprinted your company name, address, or business logox o learn more` to place an 2, go to the Help menu1?. . n.\./crossell_n/order_mailing_labels.htmlOding  9:professional pers`ised- 7: ing 2:QuickBooks 2:click (` Stationery 2:offers Reckon  *,: that save time by lettd you print them directly from)8. These can preed with your company name, address, and logo| o learn more or to place an $, got the Help menu?. . e .\./crossell_n/order_pos.htmlOx ing purchase  forms and envelopes9:3 9:'' 7:Print-s 2:offers 1:click QuickBooks Stationery - to p on 40 3` '** 110 ! Reckon  a multi-purpose that is perfectp0,s. You can also use^isrm (thers, such as adjustment noted ales receipts,4cost estimates. :.\./crossell_n/order_statements.htmlOting '` forms and envelopes9:. 9:compatible( 1:business 1:click  QuickBooks Stationery 1:offers . to print on 50 .-! Reckon /P`2 that give your  a professional look. To learn more orlace an ., got the Help menu+?d. . ?9.\./crossell_n/phones_supplies.htmlOrdering QuickBooks stationery8:click *S' 8:o0 4: forms 1:chequedpayslips Print invoices,ements, and other  30to pon 50 ! You can  , a variety of designed to work with). To learn more orhplace , got the Help menu?. . J.\./crossell_n/signup_offsite_backup.htmlOnline  for QuickBooks data9:Reckon Tools B 6:-+G 3: copy 2:Learn The, service can make scheduleds of you+|&company files to a remote location. To find out more abh8S gol the File menu, click Save or) Next, and then| *4)+ link. . '@.\./crossell_n/task_locate_advisor.htmlReckon Accredited Professional Partners9:>& 8:independent accountants 6:Find 3:Pay 2:payroll taxes  are 5 , bookkeepers, computer consul, and trai|C who work with small businesses every day. Contact us for further information. . tl.\./crossell_n/task_order_checks.htmlOd ing cheques and envelopes9: 9:purchase( 2:QuickBooks 2:Print'*p'Q+ 20 + 110 ,5.to p on 1:q7:p 10 ! You can # multiple formats in a variety of colour&designs that are guaranteed to work with ( . To learn moJorhplace , got the Help menu4click&(P Stationery. . *.\./crossell_n/task_read_privacy_statement.htmlQuickBooks P S9:click : 2:Help menu To t  the;, go to' and . . ).\./crossell_n/task_reorder_checks_reminder.htmlSetting a  to  cheques9:New or Edit Account 9:  9: 2:supply of'z2: box QuickBooks makes it easymemberl new by lyou set's and  while dwork. If|)for a particular a,Tch timprint a that matEs|#exceeds the'Tnuq,t 'll see a windowasks i'd like(more s, reseta r7or b' V atH>r current / ends at  #500,Qt\1450 in,pfield soyoul*to2m))X still have 50s left. .\./crossell_n/upgrade_qb.htmlU your QuickBooks product9:0R 2)P 2:softwares 2:business needs 1:P s tab )Phas a wide range of /D to meet,p . To see which is right for,, visit the Reckon web site and click*.. P.\./crossell_n/up qb_training.htmlQuickBooks 7:(T 3:accounts 2)\ softwareTin-depth' courses 1ant Our 7 are designed to help you get the best fromvr (', . We can showy |to save time, improve efficiencies and keer wayd 'Tant needsumHxexpert classroom style(@}sx ings right firsteveryso even a change inP aff doesn't affec$accuracy ofp 'ing. /.\./files_n/backup_wzd_options.htmlSet your  9:Save B Copy 9:, 9:local 9:portable t 6:O  window Use the .j: , to set default foing uph s. Whend run a or create a +t , QuickBooks first verifies integrity ofx r company before it continu$ + G.\./files_n/common_findh .htmlFinding a l on a computer9:QuickBooksany s 9:Microsoft Windows 2000 8: 7:folder 6) To locate)your ~, \low thLppropri|search procedure bexfor operatx system. Note:'XP users will see Tder "Shared Documents" when browsp but )cand'` display*Lonly as ")Pin paths ` addresses. Ontaskbar, click Startearch. .\./files_n/glossary_export.htmlE l (definition)9: 5:(l 2:transacd data 1: 1:QuickBooks A that stores company list and budget informa in text y  fer to another ('Uo+applic such as a word processor or spreadsheet. To c\te an ), gox the File menu, choose Utilities'D",then click one of vopx s. You can add)p yourself by editing6orzusqa*$hgramh(>iml? file. !C.\./files_n/glossary_import.htmlI l (definition)9:exx 6:transacp data 6: 5:( 3:QuickBooks A text that fers list, budget, and) to a (8 company . An  must conformspecific structure for*DD interpret the in"correctly. The only difference is*an't ad5Fn )`. .\./files_n/glossary_tlg.htmlTransaction log d (definip)9:t1 5:( 3:ReckH Technical Support 3:company 2:data QuickBooks uses a 2 to|ck changes`your t since the last time you backed upvr * . In case of an accidental f$, 68 can` 2, in conjun*withmost recentup,|recoverup|)ly savedd"6s. T\2$ has#same nras *D, but a .qbw.tlg extension. D.\./files_n/info_backup_routine.htmlRecommended  9:Reckon Tools B 7:QuickBooks company x  6:r70 4:network drive 4) To find out more abh1 go to the File menu, click Save copy orNext, andq n| Learn*)Online! link. If you up locally your hard disk has than one!,' onto a different fromxwheD$dkeepjr d+ing data,p +(are usx1, )* is automati preselected f' whend  open,applDtionwithin (. U.\./files_n/info_backuph .htmlWhat is a  h?9:): 5 s 4:QuickBookss 3:accidental data loss 2:company A*`ressed containing everythhyou need to recreate your |  and )lenvironment. Use,p safeguard )l s against 2x. Note: To ensure td)scan@stor-#in case of*`j&, regular&sh.. .\./files_n/info_p_extensions.htmlFile (P used in QuickBooks9:(1 *0 company g 9:x), 6:Accountant's Copy 4)0 data The following table describes tt-that)ps forhXit creates, imports, or ex. When youir*Tt your a'( to review,)drestor  on hisher&uteS s awithL.QBA(*wantdemail` move a 0,*resg;vers? of* ( M+ KC.\./files_n/info_nosetup.htmlStarting a QuickBooks company if you've already been usden or)9: 6)0 2*P Installation 2:Upgrade GuideDbrmFD )@ about u`from a previous version of) , refer to the)a *( and +0. . NG.\./files_n/info_port` .htmlWhat is a | able company p?9:3` 2:location 2:CD 1:ct versx1:email A4l- of your+, small enough to send by  or save`' media such axCD. Use6 wheneverx needx copy`(<datadanother ,zit*| person. When i- opened in the .adQuickBooks+T. .\./files_n/info_port`_vs_backup.htmlWhen do I use a  vs. a p able company d?9:3` 9:QuickBooks data 9: s 7:accidental loss of 5:email To safeguard your -8 against -(, Reckon recommends thatp upmr+ using theup feature. To ensure(ca| store,,` in casep/rcr\ e regular 2. In addition to allowkyou|schedul($e,* keeps a transac log8vbem?donjunwith8o,verlz+to)most` ently-entered*s. K.\./files_n/info_sample_company_.htmlS  9:+X 3:click Close C 2:QuickBooks+P 2:Stadium Construction & Hardware )has a 1, called =4 that you can use d n ex for setting up`r own ) ! . Go to the File menu and 1$. InNo# Open window,p a / button hod,`1d wantduse. .  .\./files_n/install_change_ option.htmlC a QuickBooks at type9:server+h 9:Exit) 9:: 6*xprogram 5*P Company File S You can  an existing)+h from a full-to a 1G or2utx/4. A1of*pT0ows a user to run the*" oir computer whereas2`only+donentsUI IB;OAs window, click eithP=*with1t'1Oror*42andu n Now. i5.\./files_n/install_configure_server.htmlUse the QuickBooks Database S Manager9:click  9:.feature 9:) 8:Updates tab 7*company  T  is a utility that @ ows you to '(. for multi-user access. %Monitored Drives l keep.YD4G updj aadd new +pyour 7(!U&)download uto.8andd viewversion of/. Z .\./files_n/install_server_.htmlI the QuickBooks S9:/N 6)L+0 Company File 3) c 2:virus protectionhgrams )offers an aop for dedicated e s, which lets you store and access,< on a* without having to or run*itselfld). In+,Os window, click either *hx1|d1Only5h2|"then Now^Atend of",)DatabasA Manager opens)sca$ p9+: ! R.\./files_n/move_p&_error_qbwin_log.htmlUse the QBWIN.log to troubleshoot s9:' 9:QuickBooks 8:log 8: 6:Application Data ( records informabout unexpected condi| a x named "Win.H". You can review this ofor1|cause of many messages and in (. On$right sidh window, d%-click'. .\./files_n/move_p_open_new_location.htmlOpen a company h from a new 9:* 9:default'$ 9:folder 8:QuickBooks 7:Microsoft Windows 2000 Note:'LXP users will see the  "Shared Documents" when browsing but ( and'` display*Lonly as ")Pin pathsaddresses. Click 2i tmcNext. In C+w, |Look in drop-down arrow e to *G of*X. .\./files_n/move_p _rec_locations.htmlChoose a Lommended  to store company xs in9:+H 9:QuickBooks 9:24 7:Program Fh folder 5:SharXDocuDts Tyour,, you can use the4or cnother'T. Note: If already hav`!*\D 2, ( will assist in movingt-t*5whend instaH )and '|first op,. Asdefault+useW/lowh' cU!t{new, orexis*s: ! }.\./files_n/nf_nocompanyloaded.htmlNo  h is open9:QuickBooks+ 4)d 2:financial data Your 5 holds the , you enter into). You can't work in)x without one. When n4I, can do{ of ollowing: ! 6!.\./files_n/ov_backup_options.htmlBack up company  overview9:Reckon Tools tup 9:* 6: 6: copies 3:data t are important insurance — if you lose l for dreason, can restore thromvr ( y. Nottat atscheduled time ofyour!uter must b\n andile~ wtn edh(cld. To find out mjabh1D go to Ft menu, click Save{)y o1Next,nh$Learn*QuickBooks Online; link. ?.\./files_n/ov_portx.htmlPortable company h s overview9:|* 0H 6: 4:changes 3:accountant From your QuickBooks+,t create a . %, copy or send it to another location, and then restore` as a regular+ . The methoduse~ ex+ s determinesl  typeR&f ( can makewheyou continue usingp,l while)Nish d. W|the !person is finished-dx*, r sXwill return64hyou,vchu open -5. x!.\./files_n/schedbu_task_form.htmlSet your backup ule9:d 9:- 8:Save BCopy 7:Sd Hwindow 5:network drive Use the 4 to sQa'dta localcopyna + or an external hard. For to take place,computerr$ udo run QuickBooks must be on, but'any t/wantte \,cannoin| . Click *and(futures|Only7|lthen c Next.  *.\./files_n/task_audit_trail.htmlKeeping an  9:)4 3:record of|cked changes 2:QuickBookpadditionldata z (X tomatically s all the ', dele , and modifP made toxnsacin your '. This 7 is ~ed-eOditp il ensures thatccurate)t(is maintained. y .\./files_n/task_data_backup.htmlBack up company  9:QuickBooks+h 9:Zip drive 9:CD 6:Reckon Tools | up 5:e pies are important insuranceif you lose x for preason, can restore thromvr  copy. To`a different+$, open *v wyt' , anddn go toh File menuclick Save Copy or!. h"ftop r hard(, USB flash'u,lnetwork drive ! `I.\./files_n/task_data_backup_CD.htmlBack up manually to a CD9:recordable CD 6:third-party@ writing software 5:opera ystem 3:QuickBooks company l 3:steps To hlyour 5, you must have a read-p-ROM drirnd'x for'+|. ! Ifu r uter is runnxMicrol Windows XP H Vista, d included.. 82000)tuse =. &Z.\./files_n/task_data_backup_CD_Other.htmlBack up to a CD using Windows 20009:recordable CD 9:Click Local `up 9:* lad-writ drive 8:company ` Before l`+, be suretinstall the software for your CD-R oW. For mz inT mation about+0to prep| and l blank CDs, refert`document that came with'(Whenp manually),first savex##hard disk ath copy*t+CD. ! A.\./files_n/task_backup_CD_vista.htmlBack up to a CD/DVD using Microsoft Windows Vx9:CD p / DVlick Local 9:5 9: l Note: Although you selectedp r CD drive as the default lX tion, QuickBooks temporarily savetoy burn folder. Whenis complete+displays a message with where wasd. Followon-screen instrucist2`@5 your CD/DVD. J.\./files_n/task_data_backup_CD_XP.htmlBack up to a CD using Microsoft® Windows XP9:CD 9:'t)o 9:CD Writ|Wizard 9: d 8:Click Local  Important: Afterlup in QuickBooks, you must then use`),|, ctually writxh your CD. ! In prompt about cNlethex burnpprocess, cBurn Nowp h |CD now, or*Lanifwanth3 le.@'ve zed*T9,*Xwill be listed undR-"FlE CurrentQ$o CD". Oe.\./files_n/task_data_backup_manual.htmlBack up ly to local media8:)4 30 6:USB flash drive 5:Click L` up 3:removable storage device 3 Copy Note: If you are oinglto a record CD, referpthe information about CDups. )Vusn a -  or other 6, prep`` now. Go File menu and c"Savel to open h | up wizard. *.\./files_n/task_data_backup_restore_online.htmlBack up or  company  using Reckon Tools lup9:* ,88 7:QuickBooks 6:  4:Click  copy To find out more abh10 go to the File menu, c Save p!Next, andq n| Learn*( O*link. )|will create a local  of` +`n present you witht0h' login windowWIn (,2\#Openu"RC C?to oh|d"portableC'wizard. .\./files_n/task_data_restore.htmlR  you've backed up9:company 9:QuickBooks 9:onlin up 9:network drive 5:CD Your up copy containsr r d@ to the dateh up was made. If` is not onhard orva +h, insert CD, USB flash,ther h% age device inapproprit~n (p, goFile menu and click Openp /C,to ohl pportable0 8 wizard. 1.\./files_n/task_edit_scheduled_backup.htmlEdit 'i s9:/L 3:Click B Copy 2' futureES window 2:Local Go to the File menu and c Save orxopen wizard. p-tp Only'.|lthenNext. I : Wt, selectd" you wantx`2 from4list) Edit. ! /.\./files_n/task_p _openfirsttime.htmlIf you're p ing the company t for k9:* 2:colleague'sH Click Open 2:x or Restore C X*  beforl example  haven'ted<, i just installed a . onm ruter`*Ld! network: ! (d )ann c Next. Locate0tl.$button. .\./files_n/task_changeinfo.htmlC|ing your company |rmation9:QuickBooks 9:1 9:tax year 8:income dform 6:individual report If needed, +'s Legal Inh. If.lname and address is different from the /you use on printed x s, enter that*+ in /l fields' did not select an -T whent cread+l5,, or i.has'h(licknew'( drop-down lishR1* section. A=.\./files_n/task_ delete.htmlDling a QuickBooks company 9:5e *g 7: 4uter 2:name If you have just started usp)and want to over withir+m,h can create a new+the same x. Whensdt|y,*will ask ikwri@your exist| &. TT*H has p ') ,a .qbw extension. u.\./files_n/task_move.htmlUse a portable company x to e-mail or j a+9:3 9:destinationuter 7(file 6:  3:.QBW You canQuickBooks 'pfrom onx xanotherm,dsend th'to person as Ye attachment. l$your pplici$md$| 30copy32. Note: When you open8 ,' that is created may be smallerx r origF5l '. 9.\./files_n/task_move_win.htmlCopying a company w uspWindows9:QuickBooks+ 9:8 61% 5:network server 5:removable media Because the copied+ is notressed, ittrecommended that you first check size and make sur plan to}y|has enough free space for'L. When Pq'a)from a ,, broweo drive on whichdat is located. |65d'rrespondptransaction log file. -_.\./files_n/task_ew.htmlStarting a new QuickBooks company c9:(f 8)0+ 71d 5:single business 5:EasyStep Interview A6 contains all the financial records for a -. ( provides you with sample+s that can use as ex set&upxr own1 . The Contractor editions of*t +8 created specificallyconstrucp 'l. .\./files_n/task_&ointerview.htmlCreating a QuickBooks company without ushthe ' 9:EasyStep I 9:(+0 7:information 5:accounts In d e New C'ndow, e} ) abxyour and click Next. Choose onMf ( preset charts of  by selec#ctyp#that most closely matches |s.  Filename for3^re`2propR d |5loc%, make h3chang 'd like,thenSave to cmo8.\./handshake_n/task_find_register.htmlFind your Installation Key Code9:3\ 5:QuickBooks 2:CD 1:Help menu 1:sticker You can l9 on a  withCD or by going to the ' and clicktAbout (c. verify that copy of) is #edlpress` lF2 key when-open. T@ Product Inform)wT. ow displays either ACTIVATENOT)@basedd"|r status. PQ.\./handshake_n/task_reg_existing_num.htmlRegister QuickBooks if you are installing on a new compuK9:( 9: 1:F2 key`ile menu 1:Product Information window Ii *0/, need to activate again. To re-, goxthe F and click A($. You can verify thatpr copy of*|is r(ed by press`&! when-open. Y.\./handshake_n/task_regl ister.htmlReg QuickBooks9:1T 9:copy of) 9:r ration numberHsingle-user licence 6:File menu Activate)0 is available on the ' only if you have not yet a djr 0. (t will detect thatt already ered an be asked to providePost codephone! used when'cingdr fir.\ t.\./handshake_n/trouble_hs_licenses.htmlTshoot QuickBooks ces9:user'< 9:company fileuter 9:open) 9:pack number When using) in multi- mode, thes you used to install each copy of*0 determine how mxx s cahe a * at same time. For mp` that D%wed 1h'X, cheDoth(s on he sh make sure no ,|m sd2 . If"have morelc reelrs who ne&use*., c$addH-your* , or conside+| Enterprise, which provides fJ*upp 20 users. .\./help_n/task_printing_ topics.htmlP Help 9:*[ 2:olbarX toolPpapepsheets of If ':a d requires extra - , don't use the ( on*4. Click ic}orightld  title, as shown below. >V.\./help_n/task_troubleshooting_l.htmlT)d QuickBooks in-product Help9:8p 8:Close) 5:I, window 4:index\.topics In rare cases, you may open ` and note that all the formatz lwrong. O`)xthen click to try again. If would preferhjust se`e selected@pic, d Hide button attop ofx) window. ;.\./help_n/task_using_d.htmlU| QuickBooks Help9:(E *0 9:How 7:book index 7:` Search (1 provides several ways for you to learn and find information about ). Whenluse the Is: U*8}ld up a specific) term or d#. Ifcan'th *<gneep!, referd h Support Resources page. g.\./license_n/task_read_eula.htmlSoftware Lx ce Agreement9:8p Read the QuickBooks 8. .\./iif_n/t cannot_convert_nonintuit.htmlC!ing your company data from a non-Quicken product9:1W 8:* 3:Books 2)0 listh*accounth s ( can )xother (xs, such as,lwell|some =. Ifx#'ve been usvanfinancial software$ anddDke to import information,that'inD',ldo so if th)llowsto ex @a spreadsheet or text fileGYou 2 correspond|(Hsts, budge`p individual transactions.  .\./iif_n/info_h reference.htmlR guide to import files9:tex 9:row 7:block of t rmation 6:'h  4:column headings The  that QuickBooks exts ands are (. xbest wayhview an or islopen it from a spreadsheet programway, you'll see the data laid out into rows. Alll!` CUST entriesyour Customer:Job list appear asdingle 'P infile. .\./iif_n/task_import_create.htmlCling an  file9:)4 9:QuickBooks lists 9:Start (`H supplier information 9:block of+[UsIIF, you c($) foryr), budgets, and transacds. The easiest way to seeunderstheb ma*< needsd!data iexd) someyou0`ds view the resultxp- in a spH1dsheet. If it contains more than one typd1X"a mixtur'Ms9Lmake spthatN#ch'<* has its own 7in,d.\./iif_n/task_import_trans.htmlIing *actions to QuickBooks9:text file 9:Amount column 9:distribud linl)0D(( Special keywords identify the beginnx and end of each*y l provide headings that indicate type|informain  . The first rowt'` covers general * appears ). If one+is an\voiceanother/ payment forin, you can\(in94!`* i:be appliedd<| invoice. -0.\./multiuser_n/dbr_error_6123.htmlResolve  |9:r/P 4:company fileuter 3:change firewall settings 3:(L oftware On the x | where'H  is stored, verify that'is powered on andtnot in Standby or Hybernate mode. If you us*0(  ar|rrect. Try to ope(d' again. . .\./multiuser_n/dbr_error_6130.htmlResolve  |9:r/PP 6:computer option 4:Block Web Bugs 4:McAfee Privacy Service 3:change firewall settings If you us*toftware, verify that th* are correct. CliEOs andwn c` Info tab. V- onWis - hleared. k0.\./multiuser_n/dbr_error_6175.htmlResolve  |9:r/P 4:company fileuter 3:change firewall settings 3:(L oftware On the x | where'H  is stored, verify that'is powered on andtnot in Standby or Hybernate mode. If you us*0(  ar|rrect. Try to ope(d' again. . -.\./multiuser_n/dbr_error_6176.htmlResolve  |9:r/P" 6:QuickBooks company files 5:Scan Folders tab 4:Add button 3:click ( Go to the uter where'H is located. (Start , Programs(, andm n(h Database Server Manager. Selectz f that contains)@s.OK. -.\./multiuser_n/dbr_error_6177.htmlResolve  |9:r/P" 6:QuickBooks company files 5:Scan Folders tab 4:Add button 3:click ( Go to the uter where'H is located. (Start , Programs(, andm n(h Database Server Manager. Selectz f that contains)@s.OK. .\./multiuser_n/f1_(8firewall.htmlChange your  settings6:/L 4:QuickBooks 4:TCP 4:Outgoing 3)t access In my-| environments, (0, uses the Internet protocol TCP/IP for data communication. Ifcompany's network isected by a',h may need to reconfigur/Doftwaretallow*to)<e using. Most' appls youx (themdspecificxgrams access. r.\./multiuser_n/glossary_client_server.htmlC- networks (definition)6:4 6:  5:( 3:Microsoft Windows NT S 3:computer 6are(@in which at least one 1 is dedicated to sharing files, printers, or other resources. This+, usually not used by individualsd do their daily x& . Examples of +l operatlsystems |Novell Netwxand 9. 1.\./multiuser_n/glossary_'P .htmlWhat is -p mode? (definition)8:- 2:(| 1:company file 1:detailsDlicence agreement Mx( lets more than one person work with your * at the same time. You must purchase ple QuickBooks s to mit(|s. See( for further details. qN.\./multiuser_n/glossary_peer_to .htmlPeer-to-d networks (definition)6:p/ ,_ 5:( 3:connected computers 2:Microsoft Windows 2000 5do not use a dedica` file server. This means that all( on the can sharetir resources, including | s. An example of a 2 would be two or more 1 runnt 4. . t .\./multiuser_n/glossary_singlet.htmlS-` mode (definition)9:(| 5:company file 5:( 3:switch 2:access 0|limits  to your *Lp'one person at a time. If other people are working in the,d y must close| or exit QuickBooks before| can p.you.md-( and tryldo somethhthat only be din .,*|warns|needt modes.  .\./multiuser_n/info_rec_non_diff.htmlWhat's the p(erence between setups?9:QuickBooks Company File Server 9:tuter 1 *D 7:cfile In a -d environment, )uses a database s to manage access`p*. When on performs p)operation+ sends request'.X*2, where*\ is located. Th/-t+Sads from and writeto0mtpreturned vArm'0. H(.\./multiuser_n/info_process.htmlAbout the database service, t, and es9:. 9:'{ 9:p 3:acl 3:company file QuickBooksw s a, er to manage `x* . When running,0 er can createfollowing;|. Important: In ordintain9X)hould not be deleted or stopped. 5.\./multiuser_n/ov_'8 .htmlAbout -p QuickBooks9:3^ 6 | 5:company file 3:installation 3:setup With4 , more than one cP work on the * at same time. When2needs tot * , you switch|)modk Oncue is in* u, otherb rs set up now opeoat t% from an computer. 0.\./multiuser_n/ov_(8setup.htmlSet up -l QuickBooks9:3_ 3: 3:licence 2 r 1There are two ways to s9. "Install)D Company File Server Only"p up: If you cannot i0on the same computer as|t file,D lect H. Doe~ isH tup requi|! n additional& licence? .\./multiuser_n/task_coa_refresh.htmlR the chart of accounts (-d mode)9: 9:/ 6:- 3:View menu 3: changes If you are using QuickBooks in -( and another * 4, can 4 to seelatest| |. Goxl#Listsclick C&A&+')- List. . 8.\./multiuser_n/task_hosting_start_stop.htmlS| or i -} 9:Stop*access 7:computer 6:m|? 5:click Utilities 4:File menu QuickBooks will prompt you as needed to set up a pp0(dt any files. Ifi r(is already to0=,hsee th item .\./permissions_n/task_password_none.htmlCompany file is suddenly asking for a 9:clos`date'\ 9:c)  7:QuickBooks 3:ver| of )^2:X-administrator user name When openv a *|the first time in a new\3, `+must be uppd and,H login windowd$automatically displayed. Because1 is op*required wpx/, you may have been loggdin to d all along withbon6$8 , but now that(@is be` ed`$3F's'. TH1p6`<*of(oare'Fis(p7bold abov'fieldlenterd#)s or*X.\./permissions_n/task_password_setup.htmlAHgning s to new users9: 40 6: 1:QuickBooks Administrator 1(30 1:combination of lett\  and numbers Set up a' 40 0Q32P3 40 ! When a'a, tryouse(settt!"best practices" such as the following:t Chang( s on a regular, periodic basi+protect your data. .\./permissions_n/task_period_close.htmlSet a ` ing date and,@password9:* ,9  4:open| accounthpreferences 2:book|ClosuD` section If you decide to s , QuickBl requires the' for changat would alter bala|x*$have!ed. In *,\lect' through whichwantbr qb)VEnaa(in both P.2Confirm 'Pfields` limit acceshb5edp'eriod. .\./permissions_n/task_period_reopen.htmlR your books8: 4:l 3:single-user mode 3:|ing accounthpreferences 2:clox date To ),l must clear the currend(. This gives anyone withproper ) fulld ess to transact`! entered on or before*. Ifhave QuickBl# Premierl)UEp prisecan see a history o r * changJinC&Date Excepreport. .\./permissions_n/task_user_add.htmlAdd ds and give them access9:p 20 9: 10 3:Click 3:Qu\Books 3:Deleting Transactx window Gl u s tol  company file 30 D! GoCmenu, cl Users,#thenSet UpRoles. Wlthe Changs!or :` opens Yesfirst ques|( if you want&d)hbe ableheditdc1e t*in addi to ch(xt=)xindicp+whether4have**from priorgounB periods. B*.\./permissions_n/task_user_add_accountant.htmlGiving your (l full|ess9:acc@ 20 9:highlOt A'( 6:Add User 5:Confirm Password field 4:ALgned Roles ne es to the company file 30 Give myt* 20 ! Click Yesucthat/qihaved dto a`reas of QuickBooks. You've now atrolep(d-$. 6.\./permissions_n/task_user_edit.htmlChanging a fs )9:/L 5:Click Edit User 4:screenAct e 2:access Give  to the company file 30 e'+x! Whenlast  appears, checktable that summarisesnew rights. QuickBooks Enterpp offers more advanced optx)|customis*. 2.\./sdk_auth_n/intro_int_qb_with_other_sw.htmlIntegrate QuickBooks }  software9:( *0-compatible' 6:key*Hdata 5) 2 solutions 2:applicax) permission This means that in some cases you can use thes(L(p designed fordr type of business @industry!( l. Sales, customer, and&financialbe shared between*tdcertai*X2. Data transfer p! uch more secur`D manual importingex)Pvalidatet*'data. V .\./sdk_auth_n/(ccess_ensuresecurity_hlpid.htmlProtecting company data6:*8 4:application developer's name 4:signed ) 2:digital certifte 2:)5 iol Each xature is associated with a*  that includes the*/ and other inform. If*Pis valid.`has not been modified since it wased, administratorXll see(D(.u,'n- o0'. For quesa5s details regardd=l trustworthinessx a particular+'| or 1P , please consult*D' 's website. p .\./sdk_auth_n/ccess_sensitivedata_explain.htmlAllowing a to personal w9: 9:+` 7:signed applications 2:company file 2:bankp ount numbers {ess/ in your *( with cau| . Make sureemployees aH alerted that|Pll be usn*es certain types of,<. Givintegrad ) `0oris"t , ax/()d)+4puntilrevoke access.  .\./sdk_auth_n/hnotify_error_message_com.htmlTroubleshoX#ng an integrated application that isn't responding9:4 5:QuickBooks 35 s preferencet 3:problem (  attemptto launcht) , but cannot determine if the+.is) . I persists, you may need to reinstall/@or contactdeveloper o ) h are hable solve ,)Administratlan remo) from (. .\./sdk_auth_n/task_allowing_access.htmlAp QuickBooks-compatible software to ) files9:( *1 nyDintegrated applicationsD)8 7)T2D When you do so,can define how the* esmr+x andmuch informh wantj shl!between0vnd)t . Level of read-and-modify: Whether/$onlyPquiresBadp your) data, or w it must be ar8tond 2 . ABdpersonal (or not/reDto +, sx*as employee Social Security numbers|customer credit card numbers. `.\./sdk_auth_n/task_restrict_permiss_apps.htmlR ions for QuickBooks-compatible software8:) 7:< 3:application 40 2) files,HAdminiX ator Using the Integrated A(Hs preferences to  an )s abilitylaccess). Creatd a user specif[lly#d)X login as and'` ) of that . Let)2 % automatically.  .\./sdk_auth_n/task_run_applDo.htmlLet QuickBooks-compatible software access files automatically9:integrated appl\tion 9:(P+0? 5:login user 4:I(A( list There may be instancPin which you want an 4one designed to shhdata with)nto!(h"d out requiringx$horisat! from a. Change any of the opxs. I0ny has multiple s and Allow this*l'+ is selected, for) in as. ! P.\./sdk_auth_n/task_|using_preferences_to_restrict.htmlUse P( to 2 access by QuickBooks-compatible software9:integrated applications ) 9: of one specific* 6:< 5:) 2) ny files You can permit or denyto a ~#le*tclicking in the "Allow A! " column nextx%d)H's name. In Properties yselecclear boxes that a -<h &(d,,requirT prompt before lettt` program )D&, and 72lo#automatD= lly. Note: If&*$ has m`than?user ID|en when "y" ," also to s. ! &=.\./updateqb_n/help_version_mismatch.htmlWhy can't I open my company file?9:U  QuickBooks 9:sample+ s 6:release of*3:solutions 2:incremental s To support new features, each major 3p changes the data struct for,. Becauthis, once you work with a+ in a,cannot&that% from an earlie'. Your accountant made(od. by using a more rece\% or a lat(l,. -6.\./updateqb_n/quest_maintenance_release.htmlWhat is a service pack?9:*< 3:click U  QuickBooks 2:version of*\ 1:File menu 1:) s 6 Reckon sometimes create. for an existing 3( . This occurs when a problemldiscovered and fixdfter the'Phas been distributed to users. {.\./updateqb_n/quest__length.htmlHow long will it take to  QuickBooks?9:(7 5:60 2:connection speed 1:size of the  Get an 60 ,(ht? The time required3d depends on your .4 and0L. Slowe0slargs$l&erx download. . yM.\./updateqb_n/quest_N_requirements.htmlWhat do I need to download a QuickBooks service pack?2:connection 2:InternetH( 1:(0+DInstalla  To ), you willaccess|the , either through a modem or some o( . Make sure check l System R)k in* and Upgrade Guideren'Dhavecorrect *. T!.\./updateqb_n/task_release_number.htmlFind which  of QuickBooks you are running9:click) 7:)installation 6:find 4*Server +3/P Database  Manager With), press CTRL+1 or the F2 key. In | Product Inform window, `version and'ii top line. Go to Start button, $Programs(, then(h6. .\./updateqb_n/task_share_s.htmlSi  in a multi-user environment9:QuickBooks 9:4 2) 2:computer\instructions To  0p:6, |s must follow the *p from Reckon to apply service packdeach  running)D. . Sx.\./updateqb_n/task__qb_server.htmlU the QuickBooks S manually9:/s 9:  file 9:  computer 6:Click s 3:location If you are using another' to download) and wantpsave/directly`d, browse inShAs windowna  oobe d. ), copy *|*'h.p.at)hat,can easily find again(p 0 to a differen(U,(('. .\./updateqb_n/task__when.htmlWhen should I  QuickBooks?7:(4 1:software 1:Reckon Web siteDbasis From time toit becomes necessary for to issue a -. Yourefer he on a regular basis. . E .\./updateqb_n/ ing_quickbooks.htmlInstall an e in QqBs9:(0 9:products 3:Reckon Web site 1:File menu 1) browser Us for) are usually made available through '' . Go to the ' and click ( stopen '8kyou+T. From here you navigate| -P, which can downloadh computer.  .\./files_n/info_condense_data_h.htmlCleaning up k8:z 4 ` 1:single-user mode 1:taskDcompany/4 significantly affects your * by removd transactions. Select an endmePmad a file. . +.\./files_n/info_data_condense.htmlHow QuickBooks cleans up o9:(l 9:deleted transactions 9:effect\time 8:reports Im` ant: When you t your a,*( s+ that%no longer need, replacing them with new general journal14summarise, by month,q ,. The endh date, specified forperiod of " before which want to remove+L, has no * on+xl%ed afte )$. Of*|on or t.(s and 'h s only those0have n,.\./oz_additions_n/task_acf_w4.htmlAudit Company File - Data or9:Click+ 9:purchase tax amount excep 7:*( 6:linked payables accl 6:prepaid transacTohess the ACF wizard, from menu, choose1. The+\ window i fourth and final stage of !+. #Display E Report to view detailed resultsx x.( fX!d duringl1audit. 7.\./oz_additions_n/concpt_acf.htmlThe Audit Company File (ACF) wizard9:0 7:ACF 6:stages 4:except  report 4:QuickBooks ' brings together useful, high-level informa about your c file, as wellper`ing an integrity check of,data. I-Xt is large and/or` expect to find errors, ( recommendsDverifyt, less thXa week beIed run tp3'XYou cxlso clickPrevious/Next buttons ia;9|skip backx forwL< between 8, or)|radio nn towisht jump to. ZG.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_1.htmlReconcile invoices with linked receivables account9: 9:8 5:audit check 3:date range 2:A s R'  The scans all transac regardless of what (t is specified. Where an excep`efLd, the)\report'stwo amXts, anddifference. Foreign curiy display inappropri`!. . ^E.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_2.htmlReconcile purchases with linked payables account9:5g 9:'" 4:audit check 2:date range 2:outstanding bills The scans all transac regardless of what (L is specified. Where an excep`ef\d, the)\report'stwo amXts, anddifference. Foreign curiy display inapproprix. . 6,.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_3.htmlScan for postdated transac9:4` 5:audit check 3:l range 3:excep| report The scans all+ regardless of what d  is specified. A ques mark displays if any5L are founhWhere an (is, the)\(ttype, , number, namd d amQ t|(X. \G.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_4.htmlCheck item value on hand with linked asset account9:( 9:2 5:audit cx 4:QuickBooks 4StoIA*l The scans all transac* regardless of what date range is specified. Where an excep`efXd, the)\report'stwo amXts, t"ldifference. Foreign curiy display in approprih. . B;.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_5.htmlCheck tax reporting basis against default(9:/O 9:1 7v 6t preferences 2:except  In Tax P( your3lis set to Accrual andSales figureld (Net ! In Rs & Graphs0D`#(Cashh(X Where an ( is found, the)\. specifies which* conflict. . {2.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_6.htmlCheck for sales tax amount excep9:9t 5:transacp 3:calculated GST)Hs 3:/ receipt / adjustment note 3:' report The c covers invoices,,8s and.Ds. A ques` mark display@ f there aony )/s w the QuickBooks )|)difffto`  actual/'/-. W an( is fB1d, .L(ttype, dL. , number, name!9o*|. &5.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_7.htmlCheck for purchase tax amount excep9:< 5:transac| 3:bills 3(order / `)0s A quesd  mark displays if there aony )s wthe QuickBooks calculated) differs to`  actual(or. W an(H is fV$d,' report(xtype, dP, number, name and-o*@. You can drill down from4pplicable*0 correct it. . $m*.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_8.htmlCheck for tax code excep9:1T 5:transac 2:valid' 2:TM Cm E report 1:date range A quesx mark displays if any * are found where a , has not been assigned. Wn(g is , th)(ttype, x, number, name and amDt of ). You can drill down from'toapplicable* correct it. . V'.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_9.htmlCheck deleted transac in audittil9:)7 9:2 3:ACF excepp report 2ionh rill-down fun !ality You can change the period of time covered by.| choosing a different date r fordata . There is no d5} )p$x2. For full8Land to showcompl1/, runA1Trail+. . B+.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_10.htmlScan for prepaid transac9:2X 5:audit check 3:purchase date 3:x rangpexcepx report The scans all+ regardless of what  is specified. A ques mark displays if any3` are foun`Where an (is, the)\(ttype, , number, namd d amQ tt(l. .\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_excepx_report.htmlAudit Company File (ACF) ' 9:ACF/X 9:Click Hide E s 9:associated transacw 7:* 6:QuickBooks (, produces a single/ based on the results of all achecks. Show) and. in individual ses to stor hh" detailf Ifdatareveals an)X your },followingprocessd` youtdrill downtd4 withT ((: ! @.\./oz_additions_n/popup_acf_security.htmlChange sales tax preferences7:audit 6:3| 5:administra`  func`s 4:QuickBooks 3:company file When running the Az C File wizard, ( assumx hat you haveauthoristo perform'P contained within. If are a limited* user and do not access to some 68+displays error messages ittemptn usse(` as part of+You may c-let , butreB5ic|areasV llbe0Pt,x `be able`crea* excepd? report. . :F.\./oz_additions_n/task_acf_w1.htmlChange sales tax preferences9:Audit Company File 8:*8 Informac 6:3 47 window 1:ACF wizard To access the (d, fromh menu, choose 0. The+* i first stage of 0H iscollects and displays high level i( about your c*file in one place. &.\./oz_additions_n/task_acf_w2.htmlAudit Company File -,:Ac9:0 9:+! 5:QuickBooks 4:ACF wizard 3:errors To access the (, from menu, choose 0 . This window informs you oflast time certain essential data maintenance a were pert ed ong r c%file. If0X is large and/ord expect to find , ( recommend~!atverifyh, be]e` run(. 09.\./oz_additions_n/task_acf_w3.htmlAudit Company File - Account Reconcilia| Summary9:0 6:QuickBooks as 3:4-s  window 3:notes 2:4 Tox ess the ACF wizard, from menu, choose 0. T|-.Z i third stage of 0dc o r'e an||), highlMt)W in s+" and click'e.  .\./crossell_n/order_w2s.htmlOx ing forms7:'@ 5:click  QuickBooks Stationery 2:Help menu 1 If you want to 4, gohthe '  and ?. . .\admin_n.chm> 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