'l  U2  U2VantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved..\./send_forms_n/help_pdf_driver_print_to.htmlPting ust the QuickBooks PDF Converter7:6i . This topic is not available. .  .\./send_forms_n/nav_display_)`prefs.htmlOpening u  terences9:Company Pref tab 9:Send Fd  6:o 2:click* 2:Edit menu Go to the 'P and /. In*window,(  ilist oeft. Cd5,.. =.\./send_forms_n/task_email_estimates.htmlE-ting '`9:e0T 2:customersllick 2:  2:Qu\ Books You can (\ to your ' directly from ( . Whenxx ,x( receives it as a PDF file attachmentothe V GoCu menu and cl Create Estimates. Z# .\./send_forms_n/task_email_sales_receipts.htmlE-hing  9:e5h 2:customersllick 2:Qu\Book'P Enter Sz R You can - to your ' directly from (. Whenx a,1,h($ves it as a PDF file ttachment along with a message^ Go|the Cu  menu and c| 3. !.\./send_forms_n/task_email_purchase_orders.htmlE-ling  9:e6l 2:customersllick 2:Qu\Bookp-P You can 2ts to your 'p directly from (. Whenx a-,l(( receives it as a PDF filettachment along with a cover noteLOpen the-h  want to send. .\./send_forms_n/task_email_credit_memos.htmlE|ing adjustment notes9:2l 2:customersllick Create A'> 2  You can / to your 'l directly from Qu\ Books. Whenx .9,p(, receives it as a PDF file attachto the . Enterint)ation fo-. }.\./send_forms_n/task_email_invoices.htmlE-ping 9:e/P 2:customers 2:QuickBookqEd Tax I 2: 'H You can ,\ to your 'l directly from (. Whenxan ,t( receives it as a PDF filettachment along with a cover noteT Open the l  want to send. i.\./send_forms_n/task_email_reports.htmlE-ling a 9: 7:Microsoft Excel file 6:attached PDF 6:e 3:Adobe Acrobat Send asto l the)na 2. - PDF 5n +. When cipient opens", is an * orfile. at.\./send_forms_n/task_email_statements.htmlE-xing (d9:e1X 9:customerHClick Et 6:company's  address 6:job When you(,zr  receives it as a PDF file attachh to the . Note: You cannot save a(-$withcommand F - Ssh, buthh ftolrself, which will ', . Select One C(, c(t drop-down list, at|&choose $ 's name. (.\./send_forms_n/task_email_sales_orders.htmlE-`ing  9:e3` 2:customersllick 2:Qu\Book'P Create Sf O You can + to your 'x directly from (. Whenx a*),`( receives it as a PDF filettachment along with 'messageRGopthe Cu  menu and cd!2. L.\./send_forms_n/task_)Daddress.htmlChanging your company's e-mail 9:6h 20 2:e* cp es 1**EC In|ation window 1:QuickBooks e my7t 40 <20 ! When/*l , be sure to update it in the 8. This enps that (@ enterx e correct "From"- w p6 invoices, statements, or estimates by email. ].\./send_forms_n/task_)Daddress_customer.htmlChanging your 's e-mail 8:7n 3'l 2:ez 2'Hh h  1:Edit Cu window If a+* c|es, be sure to update it in the 2`. This enx s that QuickBookterx e correct "To" whenq# h) invoic| statements, or estimates by . OA/ Info tab, enternew Eor Cc address. c.\./send_forms_n/task_)Demail_default.htmlChanging the  e-` message forlms9:4 9:o 4:  3:Kristy AbercrombiePh preferences e+ cover note 50 ,6 30 ! When you ( an invoice, statement, estimate, report, pay slip, or othPd, QuickBooks createsp % to accompanyh . Enter onep moreddressJ in Bcc field. .\./send_forms_n/task_)Demail.htmlHow do I { e-ds from QuickBooks?9:(7 8: 7)Q l 7:Excel file  attachment 7:cover note You canxs and reports directly.0. When youa,d r customer receives it as a PDF4` along with a (2:either-or H9p9?.\./send_forms_n/task_)Demail_cc.htmlSending e-x to multiple recipients7: 7:1{ 2:  addresses 1:Cc fieldHcopy of the invoice , statement I re are other peolwho need`receive a 1@)<, or estimate you d ing, enteroir - ina  . Use commashsepart h'. (business / by batch. .\./send_forms_n/task_)D"get_paid.htmlLetting customers pay you online (Billd Solutions)7:' 6:'a ?4. This topic is not available. . N.\./send_forms_n/task_)Dbatch.htmlE-mailing  by  (BilSolutions)8:Select Fc 6: 6:e 5:' 2:Click Edit E|  If you have manyto },canQuickBooks hold them to bett later in a single operat. When are readylx ` , gotthe File menu and cSend. In* l window, check)listed. .\./send_forms_n/task_)Dcreate_PDF.htmlSaving a ` as a PDF file9:QuickBooks s 9:Troubleshootd 6:standard font 6:attachedf 5xtement You can save .t  various reasons: ! If yt) that is blank whenorxr customer opens it,| may be able to solve the problem by us`a different. For(for which are h,this , choose a + su@X0Arial \ Times-Roman,d#described in Changpd. s on forms.  ..\./send_forms_n/task_)Dmail_batch_invoice.htmlMailing a  of s through QuickBooks9:(0 9:saved' 9:/ 6:transaction 3:service You can use the) pp to3from). Your ) is to be U"th =later. When you want %, go File menu and click Send Forms. . !&.\./send_forms_n/popup_microsoft_excel.htmlWhat is an Et file?9:(4 2:spreadsheet program 2:M  1(D 1:data - 1: t used to view and manipulate k . (hs havep.xls or an. The person receivingp( must.other capable oft ()s'the' you send. . .\./send_forms_n/nf_prefl .htmlChanging l erences for || 9:Company Pref 9:Send Fd  7:default note 6:bcc email addresses 6:red  Method If the -t a customer is ,"To beed" checkbox willdselected each invoice, sales receiptorder, or adjustmen you". Iftypically copies of allarpms to onel more people,d can enterui( in` Bcc field. The)ofdipients ed here!pre-fl"`-:4from QuickBooks. C..\./send_forms_n/popup_adobe_acrobat.htmlWhat is a PDF file?8: 5:Portable Document Format 3:free A Reader software 2:universal h at 2:business 63 ttpreserves the fonts, atting, and graphics ofsource d. s are compact in sizecan be viewed exactly as intended by anyone with :`. When you email a +D or report from QuickBooksh( [achi2, message includel:linkrecipit7pclick to download=VI/.\./send_forms_n/task_fax_document.htmlFaxing from QuickBooks9:(0# 3:fax machine 2:Printer Name drop-down list 2:Click  1 odem You can p , s, and reports.$ if you have amx d software. Connect}r tocompudeither directly or throughL network. 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