'q  UR  URVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved.C .\./bills_n/f1_due.htmlHow is the Bill Due date calculated?9:+l 5:QuickBooks 2:h  20 1:payment terms 1:supplier Enter a   If you have no +x with , (X( by adding toof| number Xdays allotted for'ofs in|#s Preferences window.  ew+in placel `that* entered. 8 .\./bills_n/f1_exchange.htmlE Rate9: r\ of the desired currency 3:multi'>1:/*1:QuickBooks Pro 1:foreign dollar amounts If you are using +p, enterlatest . This-@ used to convert 4[ onTm intolr home' and vice versa. Note: M*p is available in ,\highHlevels.  .\./bills_n/nf_ pay_summary.htmlView your ` payment 9:Pay Selected B 9:*s S  window 8:Click Supplier Centre 7PriL Cheques The P,$ is displayed afterr c 0 in t . It showslls that successfullyY!iX nd provides easy a to@y more's or pc f ax#[lisd)in bold),, it mean|  wasX id entirely witht#count credits. 5.\./bills_n/nf_credit_overview.htmlWorking with s9:Bill C s 9:customerH supplier 6:w 4:C'A  is an amount that a  deducts from theowed byH . You can offer s to), and anothH'3 you. To help avoid confusion,! you are also called .d)gives .*. .\./bills_n/popup_accounts_payable_display.htmlD the A P register6:7n 30l 2:click Chart of' 1:Lists menuPtask Go to(p and 5. Double-3 . . H.\./bills_n/task_charge_to_customer.htmlMake expenses on a `able to a 9:w 9: 30 8: 2:BillcolumnDJob You can indicate that a portion ofshould be reimbursed by)0. In the detail area, enter or edit Account and Amf|ach parttx(]C%:(, click drop-down arrow choosye'. $.\./bills_n/task_credit.htmlEnter  from a supplier9: 6: 2:click Bt  1:discount 80 1:refund  in special circumstances 40 a, , or )` ! In the detail area, exexpense acs, customers, jobs class@to which you want to assig . Savecredit. [.\./bills_n/task_discount_or_credit.htmlApplying suDier s to  you pay9:. 8: 4'h 1:money 1:overpayment of a previous A  is  duex`from a(Tfor <@, returnl items, or any other reason. Enterh -. F!.\./bills_n/task_ edit.htmlEdit 9:| 1:Suppliers tab 1:TransactionsXClick  Centre Use these steps to chang amount due on a . If you knowq 's name, select+lcthe',kn chH drop-down list and choose Bs$.  .dget aofs for all's. .\./bills_n/task_edit_payment.htmlEdit q s9:} 'X 7:cr|(s 6:supplier 4:click Transaction History If you know the  's name, select+o onS s tab,jn f ShH drop-down list and choose Bill Ps. Cus )  to get a of"s for all' 2:L.\./bills_n/task_ enter1.htmlEo a d for expenses9:click B{ 9: 5 account 5:Ref 4:Memo E are all of the things you spend money on, and linked to one Lmore s. If pay $200 perz thutilities, assignNatto an.H set up,(ne'1e'-m`than$, ) in another A& field2$) there. L.\./bills_n/task_ enter2.htmlEo a d for items9:Bt 5:Ref 4:Memo 4:terms 2:Amount Due field You can s your inventory and non-(D parts, services, fixed assets. If you need to,p change the date ofd. Whensav` , it appears inunpaid detail report| transaction list by supplier report. y.\./bills_n/task_ enter.htmlEi 9:Pay B| 2:business 2:expensehutilitiYou can a  for items that yLkeep track of as parthyour  @t3D. I are anything'r company buys, sells,v re in theXurse|Suchroductxhipp| and handlp charges, discoundctaxuf|'re sure'd don't need to"&syoulready`pay it now,| -us| e Write Chequesp3 Credit Card C window` record payment insteadv usd< p'|. ^.\./bills_n/task_ enter_terms.htmlWhat are Tl ?9:payment  3:QuickBooks 2:net amou\due 1:supplier's record 1:date-driven( s for you ifspecified + whenet up the /. )uses to dekinedue b or `$. Example: 2 % 10 Net 30 means "pdisc!if\id withinpdays, , ind m"`pes0standard$, or5by 10thltmonth83.1d#+. U.\./bills_n/task_finance_charges.htmlF  you owe for a late payment6: 6: 5:n 2 1-D expense Entel new p only the , and}nt botht original `0@. Paying a bill. 0c.\./bills_n/task_handle.htmlWays to pay 9: 8:PMBx window 4lments 3:method 3:QuickBooks You can set up (h` remind yout' when they're due. Important: Ifd 've entered a i Eu *,` should alwusei .`that prexing with cash, cheque, or any form of` ment other than a credit card, Write C s window. .\./bills_n/task_inventory_return.htmlRing '9:(H 100 1: & 1:special circumstances Choose the appropriate way to (O. p component items|'< when you disassemble an y item. ..\./bills_n/task_ or_payment_delete.htmlVoid or  a t`9:D Bill Pmt 9: 220 3:h 3:Accounts Payable register 3:difference Change0 60 h p64 120  220 ! Find the. in window. Go toEdit menu and click$or)3Pmtuvp,t transaction,|*H1*8Pmt.d"- . x.\./bills_n/task_ paid.htmlWhat if I already o a `?9:| 6:QuickBooks 3:Enter B|  window 3:payment 2:purposes If you've2t outside of (y,d don't have to e the in).  want)``track allq rs for accounting , howevercan.anyway(0p`0 still need|assign `'txappropriate expense, dependrontt6hd6l$lfirst place: ! F.\./bills_n/task_ pay.htmlPay 9:mBm ), window 3:Enter 2Credit Card Charges(Write Cheques Use the ' to view and pay you've e`ed in0<. Ifre surel don't needh track}r x lments,t can u+ or 8 instead of using'`then(' a8, always(  to pay it. .\./bills_n/task_pay_assign_chknos.htmlA cheque numbers to a | payment9:*; 9:, 6:handwritten s 3:click Pay Bo 2:CN window Whensings in QuickBooks, you can  'or text`*s thatmake with 1", debit cards, or electronic fund transfers. In theph$ Method list atbottom of' , #!ax x$, o. ! Change date 4xmatchactual used ft#@ payment. .<.\./bills_n/task_pay_cash.htmlPay a d with d, debit card, ATML Pal or EFT9:ts 9: 9: 9: 9:(  To pay only part of now, find thein list and enteramount t Amt. ClickPayment Acc drop-down arrow chooseafrom which you wa( s. You mightCash,t", PP, so on. 5.\./bills_n/task_pay_credit.htmlPay a l with a  card9:ds 8:)W 6:uBp  window 3h ment Summary(`d payt You can change the order in whichls appeaxlist. Top only part ofnow, find' t  and enteramount t inAm he P-8 openspshowyXsuccessfully paid. .\./bills_n/task_pay_detail2.htmlWhat if I don't see the x I want to \?9:Show s 3:date 2:Pay Bd  window 2:field 2:QuickBooks If you2x in.@, it might be because still needlenterin (. have t, and elect"all" option 7hscrollzfi r too many s are listed, can narrow dow#ls by sing  due on or beforespecifyhh 2:click8, 1:Banking menu 1:task Go to*x and =D. . w.\./ccard_n/task_edit.htmlChange a crq l transaction9:5d 30 5+paccount 4:chart of s 3:Item c x Record button Double-click the+< containing) you need to . Inregister, select a* by y iTnce, andln maked necessary s. To*m, Edit T(4 attopp$xwindow, your )( Save & Closehe returnxp register. .\./ccard_n/task_ enter.htmlEh credit d charges9:click CCard C 9:supplier 5:purchase order 4:* drop-down arrow 4:fixed asset a1 for s you track through expense accounts and the following types of items: ) , non-inventory part, service, other#. Ifare ust s in QuickBooks to ', 01s' too. C2qP.d From -then 8a 5 ora new'\. 1.\./ccard_n/task_ enter_annual_charges.htmlEd credit a  8:8q -pccount 4:pt of as 1:C column\Supplier field Open the+. ;p You can selecti{est you use to track month-to- financges,bank servi(d , or anotherdyour choosing. ^.\./ccard_n/task_enter_credit.htmlEg a  amount for(L{8:+ '<t 7:supplierH 3:C * Card drop-down arrow If you return merchandise and receive,can  th in*Charges winX. ClickPup sed From.hthen ca  ora new'\. I detail area at bottom of, assig% toappropriate expen`" ccounts. L.\./ccard_n/task_enter_itest_charges.htmlEt credit h finance or  c9:1 9:. 7(Hexpense account 4:t t ofs 2*\ If youxry a balad from month toon a*,must :8 in QuickBooks. Yn add these when reconcileur*`&follow instructions` them directlye,o0$ register. Open| +. .\./ccard_n/task_passing_exp_to_cust.htmlPass along a credit x expense to`ustomer9:1 9:` ` 5:Enter C Card Charges window 3:Billable column 2:JobIf you have purchased something for)Hwhichwill be reimbursed, indicate it on the >. For each'$Xitem, exapproprip i C&)l. To(8that this'should|b6ed3to , make sure-8 is selected. d.\./ccard_n/task_pay.htmlReconcile and pay a credit t bill9:.I ,H transactions 8+statement 6:QuickBooks 5:(window Before you5 , first r'the+' against .*h 've entered in (. You can either use Write Cheques tol `% now, or E`  Bills*Payifp wantttrackand/or it later. Click Continuezgotx.. 3.\./ccard_n/task_ review_payments.htmlReport on  made to a credit h  bill8:.K 6:0 4:chequing account 3:Date drop-down arrow 3:Filter scroll box Gotthe  s menu, click A ant, and thenTransaction Detail by. Select fromy / MC p.choose. you uqoh*yr/ s. :.\./ccard_n/task_rpt_customized_cc_txns.htmlReport on credit t purchases8:3\ 6:journal r 3:Memorise button 3* 2*4 accounts You can xthe ,p to show(\ madeua*. Click jOKtreturndh window. If this will be usefulpyou in future, c'- attop o` e report. .\./ccard_n/task_void_delete.htmlVoid or  a credit h entry9:/L 40 7+X transaction 4: C Card Charge 3:*PActivities 3:Enter *xs window To remove the amount of2, either |)|) it. If you knowsupplier's name, select+o onSs tab,hn clickk ShH drop-down list and choose+(/. x'ing changes (t*8to zero but keeps a recordt#it in QuickBooks. Z.\./ccard_n/trouble_limits.htmlWhere can I enter my credit q ?8:0T 3:Description field 3+account 2:QuickBooks 2+ ( does not provide a specific  foring+ . When yousateirl',d!use the /k inNew A window,8this am|. TH ( add will display on anytms and aretdr informa,only. : .\./checking_n/info_not_use_s.htmlWhat not to use a cheque for7: 5:Enter Bills window 3:bx 3:payroll taxes 2:Write C 'To pay  you have already e` ed in the 0,mPT*'. +  and liabilities,L(`(L receiv`tems t|$include(8appropriate procedure`* inventory. . .\./checking_n/nf_0pref_acct_num.htmlAutofill payee account number in cheque memo9:, 7:h erence 6:a33 6:) 5:QuickBooks If you set up a supplier, customdother name, or emplop to include an-, ( |matically displays theon eachthatissue A a$for whomt 've specified0. You8 as part of entryX If this ( is turned on9add,@du"MU= Tld whenq !a'o'payee. t#.\./checking_n/nf_ pref_createpays.htmlChoose a default account for ing pay cheques9:- 6:)| 4:openwban} terences 3form 2'  d Opens thex with. that you c. Ifdon't mak`selection, QuickBooks l,last used# . Where to findVis). .\./checking_n/nf_ pref_date.htmlChange cheque | when is printed9:  4:opening banm d erences 3:example 2:today'ss thon ato *you. Wzthef is turned off, QuickBooks retain)that l wrote,mT)p`t March 15. k$.\./checking_n/nf_$pref_makedeposits.htmlChoose a default account for maq 9:- 6: 4:opening banherences 3:Dg m 2'(chequx Opens the Make + with. that you c. Ifdon'tp|selection, QuickBooks hform(last used# . Where to findWis (. D.\./checking_n/nf_pref_numbers.htmlWarn about duplicate cheque 9:6k 7:h erences 6: 4:Causes QuickBooks 4:Opening /p to wdyou when ctry`record a that has the sam as a \vious. The ing c.X` take more timed-is affects performanc@ ignificantly if have a large company file.  .\./checking_n/nf_%pref_paybills.htmlChoose a default account for paying 9:- 6: 4:openani ` erences 3:Pay Bhs m 2' chequ| Opens the , with. that you c. Ifdon't makxselection, QuickBooks |form(last used" . Where to findVis). ~9.\./checking_n/nf_ pref_payee.htmlStart with  field on cheque9: 9:) 4:opening banm d erences 3:text cursor 3:bills Positions the ) so thatname ofifirst item you enter when xwrite a,a `, or'@credit card charge. It s|!s inSupplier" . Where to findVis). x%.\./checking_n/nf_,pref_payliabilities.htmlChoose a default account for payroll )9:- 6:1 4:opening banu lerences 32om 2'chequd Opens the2h with. that you c. If no selection is made, QuickBooks tform(last used' . Where to find^ is). .\./checking_n/nf_*pref_paysalestax.htmlChoose a default chequing account for  tax payments9:prese0 9:openkbanq herences 8:03 6: 2:Select DAs You can qa)L so that a specific0 appears as thetx/inPay Tax window. I5l to Use section, makWure Ope 1box isTxed. Click/drop-Dn arrow1(D and c8d/Hyou want to use. #.\./checking_n/nf_pref_voucher.htmlPrint account names on 8:p* 6: 4:opening bany p erences 4:h  of the inventory item 3:QuickBooks A) . Exceptions: ( s *dpayroll |cheques and/,4tfor) purchases. R .\./checking_n/nf_pref_writes.htmlChoose a default account for t ing cheques9:- 6: 4:OpenwBani `erences 3:Wf C w m 2'8l p s the 0 with. that you c. If no selection is made, QuickBooks openform(last used# . Where to find^ is). .\./checking_n/overview_defaultaccounts.htmlSet   for recording transactions9:. 9:banp + 9:company preferences 5:form 3:personal+t If you regularly use the samespecific 2,can set* so that apm always opens with desired(illXin. QuickBooks remembersu r)'even ienter a* and manually chooseGdif%t'`2),L%do not/pr-s,htp -L l/ used last tiL.hx#P the form. f.\./checking_n/task__edit.htmlEdit information on a cheque9: 9:) 5 date 4:bank account register 3:Write C s window You can change the6 in2 or from which you wrot . Ifare wor|"/and want to see all fields, select , xclick *Transac*to ope8()\lwayD%usx,|2(kprivhe5s,x* have QuickBooksL*6 atime of printing. 5 .\./checking_n/task__no_print.htmlRemoving cheques from the Select Cto Px window9:, 9:* 3:click Pay Bills 1:Suppliers menu 1:accounts The way to rqe ( depends on what you wanth do. h bill payment wlno longer appear in . You can deletecheque. {.\./checking_n/task_ _ruined.htmlHow do I handle  cheques?9:,D 3:missing numbers 2:QuickBookpamount 1:Expenses section of theYou might accidentally print over a page| or otherwise teargdamx(ls. Skip|4 by resettt| cder when you your next batch)`. To save$0.00 +A,must entyee name and assign an|!c in < . . U.\./checking_n/task_ _void_delete.htmlVoiding or la cheque9:~ed 3:click Use Register 3:empty transactionL.Edit menu 3:QuickBooks If you need to cancel out the amount of ,can h'e it.  only changes to zero, but keep/ in (. Dx&*| irreversibly remov ), from)  andx't be undone. .\./checking_n/info__void_closed.htmlVoiding a cheque inl period9: 9: 9:rent expense account 8:adjust| general journal entriesLQuickBooks When you ||dated1F, ( warnsthat it could affect`r prior reports, potentially caus|inaccuracies. If theed$ was only associwith an.,+creates., to keep8d+urate(D2k ars/Potherdm3s+@notifie)|/|p +4 previous finanL l reports. yZ.\./checking_n/task_ _write.htmlWh a cheque (to print)9:Ch). ;A.\./checking_n/task_pay_electronic.htmlRecord purchases made with ATM cards, debitPayPal, or EFT9:)w 9:'+ 8:'  7:' 5:Memo fields You can use the Write Cheques window to r3using*tp other forms of e' payment. /YfTexpenl!you track through  accounts andh followgtypT!of items: fixed asset, non-inventory part, service, chargeNIn No.&, replac&c% number7a codt at indicates emh.( purchase. =.\./checking_n/task_prefs_.htmlSet | erences for banx 9:Opening B* 1:QuickBooks Administrator 1:Company Pref tab 1:default account 1:forms l  the2. OnM/L , decide if you want to set a chequht followd: ! I are)a*, click5. 9#.\./checking_n/task_set_default_account.htmlSet the   forWrite Cheques window9:- 9:2 6:Opening Ban| preferencesT+ 2:bank'35 You can set your* to automatically open7 with+ib A# field. If` have no+ set, QuickBooksslast used. Chooser r +a-<;. b.\./checking_n/task_write__inventory.htmlWh cheques to purchase ' or other items9:click C 7:(tra 3:open(Lorder 2:I`  tabL QuickBooks Gohthe Band menu and 1 . Fill out l, b\don't save it yet. If an 1D exists for , (d prompts youdreceiH agains' as soon|pente supplier's name`ppayee. 4.\./checking_n/trouble_if_ck_numbers.htmlCheque  in register are out of order9:sort 9:cking' 7es 6 5:QuickBooks (- j s es first by date, thenL1transaction type. Payments received as line items on invoices thatdeposited directly tol h account. Open,l register. j[ .\./checking_n/trouble_reset_ _numbers.htmlR` QuickBooks cheque 9:(m *0- 9:click Write Cs 2: N field 1: ing account ( reme two independent sets of- for each)X. One{ is es that are NOT printed from),TWhen youpreparz to es, enter th' inFirst!+matP2{e f/ oirer. .  .\./gloss_n/ary_expacct.htmlExpense account (definition)9:e,z 5s 5:( 3:transac`s 2:click Chart of A s An' that tracks wlyour company is spending. Unlike balance sheet s, -s don't have their own register. Go toh Lists menu and 5. OP .\./gloss_n/ary_liabilities.htmlL(@ (definition)9:) 5:(l 4:company's debts 2:government 1:bills +lare your - . In a sense, ) represent the credit extended to business. *,includet've received, moneyx owe on cards, tax'p`(, employee withholdings7and both short-term llongdebts.  .\./gloss_n/ary_purchaseform.htmlP hs (definition)9: 5:(x 2:QuickBooks 2:bill| cheques The , available in ( ar)orders, , credit card charges, anp eques. . ?.\./po_n/glossary_po_acct.htmlPurchase Orders account (definition)9:non-posting 8:pos 5:( 2:QuickBooks 2:5 6. ( creates thi(the first time you a ,d. Tdq 1(\ at does not affect` r balance sheet or income statement. . g"+.\./po_n/info_po.htmlWhen should you use purchase orders?9:,H 2:bill 1:QuickBooks forms 1:cheque` redit card transaction Use a- w`you'r ing items. dother .' buy or receive that never had on. R' and a h toge with no initial-, entXa bill. h8.\./po_n/intro_po_job.htmlOrder items for a specific job9:Open Purchase s 9:job 4:customer 3` name 2:C column On the poq, y  andd by doing one or both offollowing: ! When you create a bill, receipt, cheque,h credit card charge toves against a/QuickBooks transferst` h-  o I,tabnewaction. Go Reports menu|oose Jobs, Time & Mileage,&tx click 2 by Job. #.\./po_n/nf_purchord_template.htmlAbout the Custom P| ase Order form 9:  5:blank fields 4:columns 2:z 25 A' is ahat defines where * and  should be included. Each time you use a',fill in! with appropriate entries. ICre|,s window can choose 4, or*o c3iTyour own' by adding|r company logo, rearrangxl$resizpl&,( 0x unique to business. m).\./po_n/po_too_long.htmlMultiple-page purchase orders9:m:| 2:QuickBooks 1:transaction total If a-X is too p to fit on one r, (L addsqin als as needed. Each oh :`numberThe / appearset@ last page. H.\./po_n/preview_po.htmlP a purchase order before you print it8:, 2:click  1:Pdrop-down arrow 1:fields@  You may want to   , especially ifl 've customisedL so that some ` see onh r screen don't. ! Cthe 34 and then +. h0.\./po_n/quest_po_uses.htmlWhat does a purchase order (PO) do?9:,f 6'@ 5:PO 5:QuickBooks 4:services You use0lto tell a supplier tdyou want togoods or . When h receive the /, (Tt s information on,dxenter a bill, cheque,`credit card charge fo|e same'$s. `can alsol-ms` , from\!contractor, offic'` s, a new asset your companyothPitems*are not dup ap ventory in). . ,".\./po_n/quest_purchod_fob.htmlFOB8:FOB 3:buyer 3: ase order 20 2d# site 2:traditional accounting terms On an invoice, \ refers to the from which you usually shipar d products. i ,q,t canIe `field| indicatelupplier howwantarto beped. In :/|l  between* and seller regard&ransportap) costsdmomeJat$l ssumes ownT*`& of an item. .\./po_n/task_display_D!form.htmlOpen the Create Purchase Orders window6:;| 4:click5 2:preference 1:Supplix menu 1:| Make sure your ( for using pois turned on. Go to, and :. . 2I.\./po_n/task_drop_ship_on_po.htmlShip items on a purchase order (P.O.) to a third party (q p ping)9:, 9:+ 6: 5:d 5:QuickBooks (, provides support for +(|, s. You can qx ly and easilys directlydcustomers, liemployees, or anyonehyour Other Names list. Click the Sj)To-down arrowc'nam] fperson| business| whom you want`x,'x , .  .\./po_n/task_po_bill.htmlReceive items that arrdwith a h 9:Enter Bills 3*4 window 3:Iab 3:cost`purchase order 60 'against a / T 120 ! Go to the Suppliers menu and click'<|)<topen*\. Verify#|  ol  tab match+|bill. /.\./po_n/task_po_bill_others.htmlMaking items ordered for a job | able to a customer9:job 8: 170 3:C column of the I tab 3:purchase  60 1:Bill  Receive against a / Make>t ! If you(and specifyvin5X,M, can easily m`x ''whe y arrive. Whir7onX3a , %pt, cheque, or credit card charge, QuickBooks transfers'or>nam>x5'P. ! k).\./po_n/task_po_charges_and_discounts.htmlEnter shipping  on a purchase order (P.O.)9:. 9:-20 5:x$ 3:bill 2:Expenses tab of a cheque You should never e L. Instead9the 0x when you receive lorl x0 ifpay(as soq's it. Note: For inventory item's, can associate e&such a|' x or freight'withxr costd,goodxld ac> i%of an account. B.\./po_n/task_po_customize.htmlCse your purchase order (P.O.) form9: sed template 9:,/@ 5:d 0 3:Quicken Product Invoice You can change the names and layout offieldsua.to fitnee company. InBasic ation window, click ManaETenter a new uniqut # i  Name . Previews+: T\final stept-ing3` is seenho( lookD"nscreen&in print preview. (.\./po_n/task_po_edit.htmlEdit a purchase order (P.O.)9:,_ 5:`$ 1:Click Supplier Centre 1:Filter 1:Transactions tab the  By drop-down arrow and then c All POds. Double-| , you want to  Saved -.  F.\./po_n/task_po_edit_detail1.htmlClose all or part of a purchase order (P.O.)9:Open POps 6:cs 3: d checkbox 2:-4.form 2:individual items Click the Filter By drop-down arrow andgn c2@. To p entire-L, selectq - on1. Save1x. . t .\./po_n/task_Dfind_item.htmlFind transactions for a specific k8:* 3:click p 1:Advanced tab 1:Edit menu 1:Filter scroll box purchase orders and s 70  all?\ 220 ! Go to the ' ( . To review a*` involvingx, select))Ll TL button. . n .\./po_n/task_Dfind_open.htmlDisplay a list of l purchase orders (P.O.s)9:2{ 5: 1:POt 1:alphabetical 1,( The 2 shows all4oin 0x! by supplier name. It includes the date and numberpeach-. To see more detail for 1<, crel p 1| s report.  .\./po_n/task_Dfind_specific.htmlFind a  purchase order (P.O.)9:click POts 5:| 1:Account 1x (X drop-down arrow What do you know about the-? Ch .8 andjn 3. Select a-p fromd listp Go To button. O.\./po_n/task_po_items_arrived.htmlFind  rece` but not billed3:click Item Rppt 2:Transaction Type 2h  1:Edit menu 1:Filter scroll box Go to the ' and l. Select . from/`QCd / drop-down arrowthen*. Ba#.\./po_n/task_po_list_items.htmlSee which inventory  are on order7: 60 5:- 3:click I' Stock Status 2.x 1:Item report shows The5 by / the s  of eaht in your(<, includingre point, quantityphand,D , next delivery date, and a\age sales per week. Go to Rs menu, -then.e *  . Printh a report. .\./po_n/task_po_list_print.htmlPk a | of purchase orders (P.O.s)9:-g 5: 1:Transactions tabKtopt the QuickBooks window 1:Click  h.  . Select PO. (Filter By drop-down arrow and then cAll1"&.\./po_n/task_po_list_receive.htmlR items ordered on a purchase (P.O.)6:,_ 5:` 3:POvs p  3:click I|  2:Enter Bill Open the 2. CNew Transactions attop ofwindow andzn an oph for ingh. If you ed a bill with(, +, (4. x5.\./po_n/task_po_list_show_all.htmlShow all purchase orders (P.O.s)9:-g 5:$ 1:Filter 1:Transactions tab 1:Click Supplier Centre the . . Select PO. ( By drop-down arrtnd then cAP/ . .\./po_n/task_po_list_show_open.htmlShow x purchase orders (P.O.s)9:click Open PO 5: 1:Transactions tab 1:CSupplier Centre 1:Filter the .. (t By drop-down arrow and then 8 . To see more detail on each2, create` 2| s report. d?!.\./po_n/task_po_onorder.htmlFind out what you've  ed on purchas s (P.O.s)9:ope/{ 5: 1:Lists menu 1:Click Supplier Centre]cItem | You can get information quickly ablitemst. To view a particular-, double-i| the report. h Filter By drop-down arrow andrn All P$Orders. tv.\./po_n/task_po_pay_before_receive.htmlPay for items when you order them9:cheque 9:credit card charge 6:asset account 6:open purchase 5+transaction Finda  or 0the ). If necessary, record addixal expenses on a new2Xpheque. u~/.\./po_n/task_po_pay_later.htmlReceiving items that you pay for 8:bill 4:accounts|able features 2:QuickBooks 1:advantageLj rd pts If ve a l `s and wait until theis due,can take ' of7 in (. Thes( include!',s,payments, which helpkeer moneyx your businessas loT- as possible. D" wasS ith", enter*h#items. H.\./po_n/task_po_pay_part.htmlPay for only x of a purchase order (P.O.)8:bill 8:,{ 5:| 3:result 2:click Receive Items Select each. that contains i| you're ring and OK. In the Creat pts window, make any necessary changes toline, such asd| quantity or cost. Enter|! whente it. {nt.\./po_n/task_po_pay_when_arrive.htmlReceive and pay for items at the same time9:open purchase order 9:click Write Cheques 4:Pay 2:Ol of field 2:Banking menu Go to *\1T. . When you entersupplier nninPay ,, answer Ye' message about r"tagainst an 1%this . C!d'h Account drop-down arrowth your petty cash account. ;.\./po_n/task_po_print_list.htmlAdd a missing purchase order to the Select POqsuPt  window9:4 9: 2:click Batch 1:drop-down arrow 1:Save button Open-you wantwaddx . 7\To return F, $l3\ and} n Batch. . %.\./po_n/task_po_print_some.htmlP| only p purchase orders (P.O.s)9:-g 5: 4:Create POwindow 1:forms 1:Open PO  Be sure your  er has enough  or paper to the.. QuickBooks removestick next|0tindicd that it will not)l. Did$ correctly? }4 .\./po_n/task_po_receive.htmlR items that arrive ahead of the bill8:x 130 4:Create Item "pts window 2:result 2:Open PO's 1:purchase order 60 'against a / @ l ! Click Yes in' Exist. I94 , make any necessary changes to line(, such asingquantity or cost. .\./po_n/task_po_receive_partial.htmlR, only some of the items against a purchase order (P.O.)9:open-p 5:click Il 5:quantity 5:x 4:Create `pts window As you are recordingpth<,can edit to match,Tactuallydt%d. To x"9, got xSuppliers menu and 1K orv s Enter Bill. In;make any necessary changeslin:, such as*'T or cost. BL.\./po_n/task_po_rpt_job.htmlDisplay a report of open purchase orders (P.O.s) by job9:job 9:2 6:<3 5:  1:Joblists items The O}PO\4 still on for eachx . Go to the R s menu, click s, andyn9. Printing'. s.\./po_n/task_po_sales_tax.htmlTracking  tax for purchase orders (POs)9:' 8:- 5:POs 4:office supplies expense account 2: s You can enteron a- , but the amd is considered to be part oftotal. Simply includeax as+cos''oand'it insame . For inventory item'$ s, you may wantpassociat'$s like r freight charges withnr goods soldsLsteadd!l+,. 1.\./po_n/task_po_write.htmlCreate a purchase order (P.O.)9:click POps 5:x) 2:fill 1:Supplier drop-down arrow 1:preference Go to the s menu and :. (You must first turn on your ( for using-ds. This*also sd inventory.) >G.\./po_n/task_po_write_detail2.htmlOrdering non-inventory or service items on purchase ols (POs)9:-_ 9:+ 7:+l 5:POs 2,T  When you  a- for-,can include these typeQf wthe1Lm: ! --` still track|r ope0to see whatt have and not received. Important: Ifenter a-- ine = area of/8, make sure assign an expense account to item. \ .\./po_n/task_preview_po.htmlP a purchase order (P.O.) before printing9:, 6: 5:l 2:Zoom 2:click  Open the. you want to . C  In` see portions of1.  .\./po_n/task_print_po.htmlPt one purchase order (P.O.) at a time8:, 5:h 5:Click 1:Preview POint button Should I pbefore  ing? Open th/8you want to. )`xtop ofwindow. .\./po_n/task_print_po_batch.htmlPo a  of purchase orders (P.O.s)8:-g 6:6 5: 2:ingh  Select the To be ed checkbox on each-4 you want to . ! Make sure}r er has enough forms or paper'-X. Did ! correctly? c.\./po_n/task_report_open_pos.htmlDisplay a  about p purchase orders (P.O.s)9:2x 8:Open PO 5: 1:PO number 1:click's The 9 lists all4including supplier, ', and expected delivery date. Go to the R%s menu, -then2. Printd a report.  .\./po_n/task_reprint_po.htmlR a purchase order (P.O.)9:P|-w 5:{ 3: ing 1:-90LPreview PO 830 2s 40 7| 90 ! Click thebutton to -\ now. 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