'k  V(  V0VantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved.7.\./choose_form_n/glossary_credmemo.htmlAdjustment note (definition)8:a,{ 5:(| 3:customer 2'('s balance 2:docul  A | ifying a  that you have Huced the'(`. Enter -ts inCreate )l Notes/Refunds window. . +  .\./choose_form_n/intro_dt_t.htmlCxing the right sales k9:.H 80 1:QuickBooks 1:startepX capabilities <| is an important step to gettpa good . Each)x offers a dieed et of featurez d *G. (invoices, receipts, an tements. ]t.\./choose_form_n/intro_dt_invoice.htmlAbout s (an overview)9: 5: 4:customers 3:srcehproducts If your ' don't pay` in full at the timeprovidr  or ,nifmy in advance,need to track how muchow . Using an helpskeepof whatx* ( In QuickBooks,*<is a {. onSicht record details a/a saleqa' who owemoney. !.\./choose_form_n/intro_dt_salesreceipt.htmlAbout  s9:+@ 6:cash' 3:tax 3:customers 2:payment You might want to track eac , calculate its tax, or print a for the. A ' , and using as , requires full  at time you{ord| . Examples of bl esses likelyzus' s include beautyd ons, pet gro#, newspaper stands, dry cleaners restaurants. .\./choose_form_n/intro_dt_statement.htmlAbout 'Ps9:billing(S 8:' charges 6:pay|s 4:customers 3:balance S  are ideal if you want to accumulate'beDe request| , orassess a regular monthly . You printP/` that shows the previous , details of all new s,  s received, and |. B.As!approprit-<send','p l} c3 as well|2L/. 6.\./estimates_n/display_.htmlOpen an existing 9:click E 1:C Customer Centre| s & Jobs tabXShow drop-down arrowYc Make sure the's feattis turned on. On*, select  or job for whom you wrot,. p2 andb n -H. i.\./estimates_n/est_price_level_info.htmlAbout  s on ' 9:customised'[ 9:* 7:Markup column 5:m percentages 4:Pf Ld menu The* appears in either the + oRate, dependingdh form behused. If1Pis turnedbins,) becomesCost'4which showunipst, not) . Make sure tha(*x!p1; is activep`printed version o, so your ers will seze ( markup. . ` .\./estimates_n/ing_strategies.htmlE (c9:es 9:QuickBooks 7'`)! 7:Actuals reports 6:Microsoft Word documents The  in (x is critical because itxthe place that holds poriginal(Hand any changes to. )s are required for creating some job cost, includ`}Cl to Complete xJob +s vs. -PIf you (` s outside of), but* set or fixed price invoices,m,ral@dy entering# information into).nne#'. m-.\./estimates_n/ov_using_'P.htmlOverview of  '9: 6:o 2:progress invoices 2:customer 1:QuickBooks An'< is a descriptionh work you can do or products'X provide for s. Apply each(to a'w jobyamultiple's  job. Turn th(w inyn, modifying it as necessary. t .\./estimates_n/ov_why_use_proginv.htmlWhy use press invoicing?9:0V 4.Pes 3:  1:jobs 1:phases Create es from s 40 hwould I6( Prog,| lets you  for t thatwork on and comple  . When using1,start by cdfan' the job. x\'.\./estimates_n/over_markups.htmlMarking up items on an  9:QuickBooks 9:@ 8 percentage 7:l 's cost ( enables you to add a |your basics awrite*\. Ifsetpa sa` pricd| t for the, isdifference betweentwo amounts, expressed}a) of)d(*, )8recalculx3  and reenters itnew). . X%.\./estimates_n/popup_est_off.htmlIf you turn off the ' feature9:'M ), 7:customer 4:transactions 3:Click C Centre `* is}, can't display*[rom s menu, and E are not listed as a )p type in+$. lShow drop-down arrow then cAll T). ( will bl cluded withrest o.)hs for that customer. .\./estimates_n/popup_markups_show.htmlShow  on printed '9: 9:/p 5:click Templh  3:Create E windowD customers QuickBooks hides' from the  bying onlyprice or rl after . If you wantar',s to see,d caniseer( so thatoriginal cost and appear when|d)$. W}cd$ye'on whichddp3l!|3t0copy, 0|name oft2| 've just ed 'Form' drop-down liRin 58. . hc4.\./estimates_n/popup_uom.htmlAdd columns for units of measure on an 9:Ctab 8:click Create E  2:C Manage Templ` 2:Title field 2: sm 4 and enter a newtque name` the t in N| . I(,(d`like UOM Q!U!x"` `%|f you use a long t Q(M(h might need top Layout Designerhwide laccommodt,xtext. . z.\./estimates_n/popup_why'P .htmlWhy use '[9: 7:Create Invoice 6:use 3:customers 3' form You can th(` to prepar(` s, bids, quotes, or proposalst your '. When it's timep bill,, can i from +P by clicking , intoolbaryou needp know how accur|$'s are,t" reports that com!+ d costs and revenue againstp r actual0. . .\./estimates_n/task_changeorders_track.html[Conxtor] T}   on '39:* 9:duplicate' 7:* p king 5: form 5:c' Whenever you modify items in an existing',have the option to shyours as al pdescrifield at bottom of+. The,8specifiesXactly whatd, dollar amountd each, andnet (to. Click Do Not Add if!want! be updated with`(`dout exu8ial,x#A4dform. t;.\./estimates_n/task_est_add_del_chng_items.htmlAdd, delete, or change line  on 'D9:revised'L 9:click D Line 8:( 4: s 2:Edit menu The .0 replaces the original'. o insert a, t belowintended ion point. _;.\./estimates_n/task_est_add_item_above_changeorder.html[Contractor] Adding ~s  a  9:*9 dking 5:c' 5:Description field of an empty 5:blank row 3:Enterprise edi|s C' is available only in QuickBooks Pro, Premier and 1l. If you e`hpd the Item column on hsameo as-M,de)ornew replaceser+@. Phursor+'to leftd)`*, go Edit menuclick Insert Line. .s .\./estimates_n/task_est_change_description.htmlC the D(l on an 9:) 9: 5:QuickBooks 3:*column-Pfield When you enterh item-, (l fills in/  automatically using)(ed wset upyour I|List. Note: This only )s*for tt#. To see/as*pwill print it, click Pdrop-down arrow at top of  andan' eview. . .\./estimates_n/task_est_change_num.htmlC  numbers9:.d 9:QuickBooks 7: 1:E  field 1:increases For each new(Hyou write, (P automatically ' the by one. The plus ke81,mindel 1. )  then picks up)ing sequence from ew number. .\./estimates_n/task_est_change_title.htmlC the  of form9:8s 8:+ 6:Proposaluse 'ltempl` 5:futur(l s 2:bids Print and customi) s 20 Create t or p s 90 inlation on's 5'/d 230 ! To c a( with a different%such as Bidx<. If you don't seeD "waf o f'in1T& drop-down list5"E= window, cDh thiso%ced}.t'your h template. @#.\./estimates_n/task_est_create.htmlC an 9:click E 6:Proposal template 4:p 3:jobs 2:popup_tips_invoice_in_stages expando Note that in QuickBooks, you usne ' f@ure to  a bid, , or quoX Enter the name ofclient|project. T)<((select/. bl*.\./estimates_n/task_est_create_multiple_for_cust_job.htmlC  ' for a t omer or job9: 9:@ 20 9:0 3:QuickBooksPinvoice (T lets you  several)  or proposals4@. Ydan make any unaccepted)(inactiveBIf*s from(,ing an one of6the samet% requireto choosTh( and thenel'dL ctlythat' form. . +.\./estimates_n/task_est_create_s2.htmlAdd line items to an 9: 7:( 4:QuickBooks 3:Item column 2 In the )h, enternames ofyou wantlinclude o. If necessary, changenformatiat ( fills in abouttem;8hdescrip or cost fofis'. o.\./estimates_n/task_est_delete.htmlD '9:E 1:Create s windowdlick Customer Centre 1:Edit menuLShow drop-down arrow Select the c or job whose'H you want to  Ct2x andk n c'. Go` d'-. I0.\./estimates_n/task_est_duplicate.htmlD an 9:click (uE  1:Active 1:Create  window 1:Edit menu 1:batch Go to the 'p and 6. 'd'` s are marked as  retain dvoflast recorded transaction. Note: If you #ing)for multiple customers, cannot print} mt a batch. [$.\./estimates_n/task_est_making_inactive.htmlMake an   9:unaccepted'x s 1:customer 1: QuickBook` job 1:multiple) If you have 0| for a job andfr  has '8one of th)u,` might want to mtt2('. Whend2<) keepsDrecorddit, but does not use+x numbers in reportsZOnTranst2 ons tab, click Estimates. A.\./estimates_n/task_est_memorize.htmlMse an  for future use9:click 'E 6:(2 3:How Often field 2:Edit menu 2:job name QuickBooks automatically ses+8without a customer', . If the inford on in others changes `  each(you prepare, leavet m blank when hpx#m. Go to' and 5. $.\./estimates_n/task_est_notes.htmlKeep  about an 6: 6:keep 5:l 5:text of the" 3:external expando If you've already entered some l, click at beginning n i wandate to appear beforex. Ex '@ k inlpad. Fillreminder, you((, andOK. wv.\./estimates_n/task_est_onoff.htmlTurn the ' feature on and off7:/z 5(L# 3:jobs 3:preferences 2:QuickBooks Administrator Ope| () . To have ), warn you whe try to record an'4 with same number asexisting', selectWt about duplicat* s checkbox. SpecifyzthX  ant line item~at zero amountspprintp.your progress invoice. .\./estimates_n/task_est_print.htmlPh an 9: 110 2:Click  1:p 1:Preview 1:external expando Open the'O. 2LTo see howed' will look, ceview.  .\./estimates_n/task_est_print_cust_message.htmlP} |omer s on '9:/ 9:0 5:Memo field 5:information 4:drop-down list If you don't see thewant in,, can write a new' and add it toc.  to( for~ r l records thattyour(tot, us( insteadh)tenter)appear.x!+lm wheret, pon reportcontain ) about estimate. (r.\./estimates_n/task_est_recall.htmlR an  you've memorised9:',' 1:customer 1:M Transaction List\Click Enter*{ 1:` s menu In the C :Job field, etname of or jpor whom| are writing. Make any changes|addiiswant toprefilled informax . This does not 0 you will be ableh reuse5 a originally recorded it. >.\./estimates_n/task_est_reports.htmlCompare ' to actuals9:Item E 9:click Jobs 9: 8: 6:c If you writ*tor bids,can create s that mr'd d costs and revenues against1. Job( vs. A Detail. This includ` ll jobhav*0hall line items on d invoices for those jobs. a.\./estimates_n/task_est_review.htmlR and edit an 9:gsed'H 6:changes 3:QuickBooks 1:job 1:original Because ( allows only one'P per job, when you *0, the .< replaces. Ifwant to create another version of instead, should duplict`'a&txmake}rsT*utomatD lly recalculd2 totals/tax( changes. e .\./estimates_n/task_est_toinvoice.htmlCreate an  from|9: 9: 10 3:expenses 3:job 1:Click Print s s 40  152based on  10 ! When a customer has accepted your(andgreed to pay a fixLamount,l can turn the entire(intot%. )  p! now, or selectTo be phed checkbox(it with a batch of5 s later. \0.\./estimates_n/task_est_to_so_po.htmlBase a sales order or purchdn an 9:Click PO 9: 9:)@ 2:Enterprise editions 2:customer the Create Invoice drop-down arrow at ttop of. Choose whether to c >|from this'. If you c to b`"t0t selected items,are asked`specify quantities for on estimate. T3.\./estimates_n/task_has_est_been_invoiced.htmlDetermine whether an  has q 9:- 8:Click Customer Centre 3:transaction list 3:right side of the1widthSelectc or job with you want to view. I3 showsfull only, adjus/; so can see. Ht?. 'tShow drop-down arrow andk n c, Estimates. .\./estimates_n/task_nopappend.htmlAdd a | about a customer or job8:{ 8: 8:job 1:CInformationXclick Edit Select the appropriate.. CDp Stamp to addcurrent dvtol. Entertext ofnote. +.\./estimates_n/task_nopedit.htmlEditing a d about a customer or job9:text 8:w 6: 6:job 3:clipboard To insert l , click where you want the new to appear. To copy'``'p, select )@ . You can use '| transfer from onepaddanother,h` onh r To Do list. d.\./estimates_n/task_nop view.htmlView  about a customer or job8: 8:job 6:| 1:CInformationXclick Notepad Select the.h. Look inds field of2|Job ) areaW To j a from an , go to Edit menu and +. >`.\./estimates_n/task_progress_inv.htmlCreate a  invoice from an 9:. 9:click E 6.,ing 2:external expando 2:option Go to the Customers menu and 4. Indic`how you want QuickBooksl set up ,qn OK}fchoosep for selected items, or a different percentage of each, specify` amounts|(put on,the+7 .\./estimates_n/task_txhist_.htmlView a transaction tory for an 9:click E 9:1 4:progress invoice 2:T)HX` window lists 1:| You can only see9 s that have been linked to a .L. WhOthe' opens, at ptop of. I* exe,>.ls you created fromZis'. 8.\./estimates_n/task_view_list_of_'t .htmlView a t of all '9:', 1:customer 1:job@Click C Centre| s & Jobs QuickBooks displays6. Use the Filter By and Date drop-downs to refinlistt' ed. If you want|see only( for a particular  or job, select-o on! tab. {.\./estimates_n/why_notes.htmlWhy keep  about customers or jobs9: 9:g 6:x 5:miscellaneous 3:x pad Each'@  you set up has its ownpad wherecan1 tolrselfthe.. YT ` jot d| factors that might affect ost` quoted on an (,lentersclient requests for chang@-(use #dt( a running recorL f conversations|'ve hw#ith}r'. .\./items_n/glossary_`,.htmlItem (defined)9:QuickBooks 8:income account 8:subtotal d 7:Retail businesses 7:products In (8, an is anything that your company buys, sells, or re in theXurse of'Puch as , shipp| and handlp charges, dissp d tax. Somes d serviceor inventory parthelpd@cord}d'Tqr'. Whenh create'for a `!i",associ`it with+. <.\./items_n/info_ .htmlWhich ` type should you use?9:'n 3 10 2:QuickBooks 2:setup feep purchase forms ( provides several(s to helpfill out sales and ,V qx ly. Miscellaneous labour, material, or part chargiu\as deliQy, (,service(bounced cheques, late , opening balaP, reimbursable expenshretainers\ %p, gift certificatdprepaymentst 'taxhippl|#handlpt0. A way of associatlindiA0u/s that often appear together on invoicse ordhso on, soal9 s in the group can be addedp s@t on&*4. } .\./job_n/task_jsuX,otime.htmlTracking work performed by subcontractors (without q x|)9:, 8:l 2:customersL service item(sed s When you set up forqr*l),p enter two priceswhatpay|+dand 'charge '. You tuse`-Sto :dto invop*RAsl recordx) nsactions, QuickBooks keepsxck ofincome texpenses associated x4*}o\ ervices. o .\./job_n/task_hsub_pay.htmlPay subcontractors9:p/P 7:Enter Bills 4:click Write Cheques 3:QuickBookty column When you i a,, can either w a c directly to the.or ea bill and / laew're|ing ots. Go Suppliers menu ),l+from0. Ifhave been e.k|hours for0 in (T%wxbe pD ptedhtransfe %( or bill. p .\./job_n/task_hsub_timetracking.htmlT work performed by subconxtors (q xt)9: 9:+ 20 2:customers 1:service item|priceswhat ,non-employees 40 (,a, 28 L! When you set up +X forqr*:eds,q ( two ( pay|+`/and `%p charge 'h. If ime+<have a record of how much ;he*ospeVon7 each'. uf.\./job_n/task_rpt_custom_tstatus.htmlCheck on the  of your jobs9:x 8:Click Modify Report 3:Cux er Contact List 2r's  2:information I  track ,| can create a r  that showscurrent )8 about each+, including@'@. The+forcomes froms & JT" list. Gany+!i)isxorrectmust first change *@at job. .\./job_n/task_setup_`track_and_estimate.htmlSet up for job ing,  s, or progress invoicing9:* 6:' 3:preferences 2status descriptions 1:qut on Open thexs and( )4. If you want to be warned whentrydrecord an'( that has same number al existP', selectWarn about duplicate' s checkbox. SpecifybthP 'line item` ve zero amountsxprint o/es. P.\./job_n/task_track_customitems.htmlTxing  ordered especially for a job9: er 9:job 7:Id  tab 6:cost of the  5:click Create Invoices For each, be sure to fill inname  orhCer:Job column. When you inr , xAdd Time/Costs button|enter h.Vs dh : ! Select+Hwithbillable item. ~.\./job_n/task_track_inventory_for_job.htmlTq 'p used in a job9:job 9:( 5:materials 3:QuickBookpunitemixgroup of ( If you keep(X`(and want tohoice customers for an ;'theirfs,can the costs x changes+. The procedure shows how to (+ byingit as a lump sum. ( automatically adjupyourx7 whenrecord t invoice. .\./job_n/task_track_inventory_for_ o_charge.htmlTy ' used in a job without ing for it9:job 9: (9 3:Qty Difference field 3:customers 2:Adjust Quantity If you don't want top oice ' materials taken rofp and' their~s, can still the costschangesp'8. QuickBooks calculates h amount by whichpreducevalue Lyour-assignwis at expensel job. Enter an'{accin *ment Afield. .\./job_n/task_track_owner.htmlT` costs of services performed by an  or partner9:/ 9: 9: 9: 20 6work l,non-employees 40 0'q18 0,t'(D 20 ! Because&s and&s don't submit bills, the(p'they wbe d5hoverall,job unless you enter a transaction to account for|*. Ifwant) timelcontribut`lAn reports such as p profitabilityl pestimates vs. actuad"here's what to do. @.\./job_n/task_zero_chk_owner.htmlWrite a l-amount cheque to an  or partnerxtrack the cost of work9:0 8: 8: 6:* 6:p Go he Banking menu and click Cs.  either in your regular accoa special0that has no moneyl it. InPayorderh field, entp$he name`d ). ,.\./payments_n/cc_refund_help_link.htmlIssuing a credit card 9:Process1p 9:return / transaction 5:Create Adjust| NotesYR@s window 4:QuickBooks bank account 2:Click Customer It is included with the busin`day', *t s that are deposited into your+ by merchant p# or. By followd)theseHstru!s,%/+*4drecorfin5K asH5separp+). In Available C:,, c)Give a refund. ,<'.\./payments_n/nf_ccrefundhist.htmlViewing Credit Card R History9:  5:Create Adjustl Note / s window 4:a(note 2:' cheque If the - is not alHdy open, find an existh-. In 4/, click! icon,en. Thi lists allh invoices to which you appliedcurren\,\. .\./payments_n/info_receive_noncustomer_.htmlRing  s that are not -related9: 3: invoice 3:depositsTsales pt|tatey 2from's. Q.\./payments_n/nf_ardisc.htmlApplying hounts and credits9: 6:' 5:customer bill)< 1:suH ier You can aAy  to a + reduces the amt' owes you. A i`(atT  d` ts from owed byH . This might be duehh return of merchandise, or if) does not receive a good`service for whicht y have paid. m.\./payments_n/ov_delete_inv_with_.htmlWhat happens if I  an Doice ts a ?9: 9: 2:Undeposited Funds 2:adjust| note 2:customer When you  applied to it, the stays o r books. The fx remaidt r bank account or in /, but+ no longer has`$offsetting%. If  is return| goods purchasedh(, don't!` invoice. /#.\./payments_n/ov_disc_avail_through.htmlWhat does DDount Atable T mean? ('Information window)2:0T 1:date 1:QuickBooks 1:customerx Displays the u  which qualifies for a to. ( calculatPthis based on,@% and'0 terms you set up. ! Setting up terms. x!.\./payments_n/ov_finchg_asterisk.htmlClearing an  (*) next to a customer's name so you csess finance charges9:-G 9: 7:.@60 5:credits 4:overdue balance In the As F C  window,'s and jobs marked with+|have  i form of & or adjusth( notes thatd n't yet applied%n invoicexstatec. You ne]yexistp0be[e a`-< on -sV If + still hah" outstandx +, returnh?penter -@. . u).\./payments_n/ov_how_qb_calcs_finchrg.htmlHow QuickBooks d ulates finance charges9:Asses/c 9:(# 2:foreign customer 2:overdue amount 1:lending laws ( crean invoice for th of,t. If your' doPnot pay by July 2 and` added termsl Net 30 to1t'(lselecthhe "4K on." checkbox,5inSestpbothoriginal ,on,$,'@ did t  this?(,H_#nlyxx05D. y7.\./payments_n/ov_use_sugg_disc_amt.htmlDo I have to use the Suggested DPount Am{? ('DInformation window)9:7 2:0PQuickBooks 1:customer  terms a (Tqs4p that you enT Lto calculat=8. You cant G is , or l  a differeT) amount. .  .\./payments_n/_to_undepfunds_help_link.htmlWhere do s from customers go?9:'< 9:preference off 9:single 8:Ux osited Ft account 4:sales P are automatically grouped together in the 7T so thatuy vailable to be dep later. If you sometimes wanttsend a ,L directly intoxpecific, turn|!q )foring$T ith o34. Ope% and)D(ps. _).\./payments_n/popup_collections_report.htmlFinding transa$ that still need to be paid9:Open Invoices 9:customerojobx( 9:*d In the Show drop-down list, choose All Sales T)P.Alternatively, you cana specific type of*H, such as'. Fic By6<+ and ChargesMYalso get a + contain+@( history for aL' jobs. [4.\./payments_n/popup_cust_bal_detail_rpt.htmlReporting on open adjustx note amounts and unapplied  for a | omer9: 9:0 7:: 6:Click Modify  3:Filter scroll box Go to the s menu, choose CDd s & Receivables,then c  Balance D$. Select Name from / @d drop-down list h# whybyou wantlreview. L .\./payments_n/popup_cust_qreport.htmlCreating a pomer QuickR9:2Z 5'X 2:Dates list 2: 1:company The s invoices, adjustd notnd  related to the'. Go* inCPor Job Information aX, and click*. To include transacps prior current month, choose a diffe date range from(. . A'.\./payments_n/popup_customer_pmt_terms.htmlAssociating  with a 9: 9: 1:Click C  Centre 1:Info tabHsales form Double-cthe't you want to apply x  to. pAdditional  and enter)/H. These' ll always be a edh  wi| utomatically fhin whenevercreateH'(x this'. . /.\./payments_n/popup_display_recv_pmts.htmlOpening the Receive P window6:5d 2:click/@Customers menu Go to ,d and 4. %.\./payments_n/popup_vendor_pmt_terms.htmlAssociating  with a supplier9:Edit S 9: 1:Click'` Centre\ s tab 1:Infothe'. Right-c ` that you want to aep and choose +. (Additional enter (0+pply. Z_.\./payments_n/receive_pymts.htmlRing  from customers9: 8'H s 3:QuickBooks bank account 3: e P formDinvoice The method you use to record a' depends on the'Xtype: ! Uche 3+hdown'or over . When&s-q,can either`osit each directly into a 5 or'8groups toge T#be movedxthat- later.  .\./payments_n/task_apply_pymt_to_mult_jobs.htmlAping one customer  to |iple o9:. 9:+ 4' 1:outstandd balance 1:Receive P window If you us  on invoices or billd state, for th)mak`l will appear inp ied To field of5. @a single'from a( covers more than+job, select t)x+whicharezlyaa L Your records showdredit *0but x charges agains) as unpaid. AQ.\./payments_n/task_baddebt.htmlRecording a bad d9:BHDebt 7:d tax invoice 5:TTAmount fields 4:Accx/ drop-down arrow Create a General Journal entry to write off the', and mark) as no longer receivable. InE No. ,h H. Clic 5select s R'lthis wasathat*poriginally posted to.  .\./payments_n/task_barter_.htmlEntering a  transaction for ad de or non-cash 7:150 6:. 6:trade Set up(account so you can`ck thed. . item thatd'll use to record dollar am ofgoods`services|teive. #0. . i .\./payments_n/task_change_pymt_application.htmlCping the way QuickBooks  es customer to invoices9:( 9:/ 9:oldest 2:P column 2:Un-AJy button By default,2htpx, first,ynnext , and so \! Whend undistributed amount of's! is greater thadue+pays' in full.>is lesnan.p6x entireto*, leavt> a balance due o invoice. Q,H.\./payments_n/task_collect_report_custjob.htmlFinding out if an invoice has been paid9:xs 6:transaction history 3:balance due Check 2*O 1:xomer\  There are several ways to find>l . The easiestj iopen the and look at it. QuickBooks marksNids with a PAID stamp. c.\./payments_n/task_finchg_assess.htmlA ing finance charges for late 9: FC 9:$ 30 4:foreign customers 4:QuickBooks 3:Exchange Rate (/ 10 Enter statel'10 Add fe1 3  ! When you &., (P creates an invoiceeach . Important: C# and jobs marked withx asterisk have| dits in th m of'l or adjust#nolthatnot yet applied tot invoice. 3=.\./payments_n/task_finchg_assess_on.htmlCharging interest on overdue finance cpes8: 8:5 4:, preferences 3:lend| laws 2:A. Important: Laws vary about whether you can3 "#. Please confirm with the appropriate authority that are in compliat"'*H. Select 4t9 checkbox. *.\./payments_n/task_how_much_cust_owes.htmlFinding out how o a tomer g9: 6:C@4Centre 5:information 5:open balance report There are two ways to find.specific, you. Ol the ) in h-\ 8$.\./payments_n/task_mark_invoice_as_paid.htmlMark an  as p 9:Receive P  9:printed 6/ window 4:QuickBooks 3:Customise I To indicate to ( that you have rd fullT against),musthord the'in.|. If 'from a ceris for several jobs, apply'to eachl separately by selectingone 6sand ttcorrect . Note: IfPAID stamp doesn't show onnr 2( , it's possiblem P|> Statusxmp option has been cleared6. +.\./payments_n/task__correct.htmlFixing a  that was applied to the wro\invoice9: 20 9: 6:error 3 transaction 2:accounts receivable  If you|identally')|19,can  by editpx*\. Go Lists menu and click Chart of A. In Re P- window,0$. .\./payments_n/task__down.htmlHandling i s and over9:* 9:)t 40 5:customer 5:outstand| invoices 2' name Create adjustx notes 10 Record a+T, pre, or* 40 ! If a  sends you more money than he}sxwes, there will be an amount left  after have applied`& to .you're rl!,<,tare do`one job for  , specify both+h* th, inC3:Jt ield`make su@ that QuickBookss.`(` orrect job. wi.\./payments_n/task__find.htmlFind customer s9:h0` What do you know about the/? u.\./payments_n/task__item_on_invoice.htmlRecording a partial  us c9: 9:-( 5:statep 2:customer A subtracts the amount of a . fromtotal*n  or '. You need( when you receive or advance'toward)4 atpbeforetime creat5Iffullp - on a6fter d it, ent`,atlIl#- `F cheque. 6.\./payments_n/task_track_cust_credits.htmlT|ing homer 9:/` 3:Adjust~ 2t nsactions tab 2: s 1:Click C@ Centre On the'\s & Job, select  or job you want to  . Then choose (h Notes from Show drop-down list abovetra'h o see! for all',s, c/oT)8 tab. ! j/.\./payments_n/task_use_unapp_creds_diff_custjob.htmlApplying a |omer lit from one job to anotherx9:seconds 9:- 6: 5:click Delete Deposit 4' Got the CustCentre and select x'who hasredit. Edi Amount field of so it iorrm aorfirst`Save & Newd nter a new inReceive P1 window f ( credit. t.\./payments_n/toc__late_bad.htmlHandling x or bad s7: e a bounced cheque from a customer. 9.\./payments_n/trouble_invoice_not_in_recvpay.htmlWhy don't my customer's s show up in the Receive P  window?9:1 8:. 6/H 3:account 3:job If you use jobs on(\ or billing state,must click job to whichwantdapply& whendisplad From drop-down list. QuickBooks prefills Deposit To field withlast  selected. S another'to see op\'hfor tha',. ..\./payments_n/trouble_previous_credit_missing.htmlWhy isn't a  customer  showing up in the Adjustd Note window?9:- )D 9:4 3:balance 3' When you click Ptoolbar ofCreat/s/Refunds,s appeard reverse dporder. If+t( seems to be "*:" 'are vie'a(H that.ly recjd,/amounts0n for'h current as oday, no'Ah`( l: was $702.00 and'had a 4f$9(an existlEGT2$200l 'appliedl'), w=x&H% a later time,c''lll0, but#| credit. . Dn0.\./payments_n/writeoff_help_link.htmlChoosing the account for a  off9:debt expens' 6: 5:Bad Debt 2:- type 2:A drop-down list U} n.h to record((s so that bHts are tracked with all money leavpyour company. Click4X and ce#e.L you have set up`'P. If xuse classes(transactions, enter appropriat1d3 bad debt. .\./pricelevels_n/info_(H_decision.htmlWhen should I use  ! instead of discounts or markups?9:fixed percentag+ 9:' 9: 5:custom 3ers Ppare created by you to reflect a *xa standardDbsezde f the item's am| for a particular erhjob. M |typicallyt%d with reimbursable expenses while)tgener(to givditearly payments. If~6de|.,can choose between a :pya`7!1 level. Jd.\./pricelevels_n/intro_)L .htmlWhat is a  ?9:fixed percentage*| s 9:customers 6: s of all itemt jobs 5:Item Pn L  s let you set ing for differeners or p . Oncecreate, and associlit with onedmore)L, each tim,\n invo@*, estimate, sales receiptorder` adjustmhnotethos3QuickBooks automatically pulls up the correc!$ a'$djob. You might us#er3/ your preferred'$s who at$harged $8 product A, $5+FB,. standard l9C. In another example,8havdspecific'HagrePto cQ0bU h|| resear8v@$3-administrative time. 9.\./pricelevels_n/pop_(D.htmlUsing the Pn Lp list9:click+`List 8:C.` 2:reports 1:ps menu 1:alphabetical order Go to( and 4. T1 stores all   you've created. / atbottom ofdp add, edit, hide, or delete *. j.\./pricelevels_n/task_adjustsels.htmlA ing selected  or rates9:custom 2:cost 2:percentageLstandar 1:   the +0' of' items by start`from+,i,h rrent+l|n increas| or de'7thia certain (. . h0 .\./pricelevels_n/task_apply_(`.htmlAting a   directly to an item on a sales form9:(3 9:) 1:Rate column 1:adjusted amount of the # 1:drop-down arrow If you haven't done so already, c^te). In), click- and choose-p|"t. THshxnextleach+is9. .\./pricelevels_n/task_associating_(x.htmlA(o a   with a customer or job9: 9:) 6:job 2:Additional Info tab 1:Click C Centre Double-c) in the list. `1r. *Pz L| drop-down and choose ) you want to %e t customer. e .\./pricelevels_n/task_create_(d.htmlCxing or editja  9:Item*Hs 2:dollar amounts of individual itemhCompany preference 2:fixed percentage 1:click Pj Ll list Note: You must have thes)p enabled to +. If you choose .E,an in~se~de$Hn al by a/. Forh"+ , either enternewinCustom"column,donmore s fromx' and +o&Adjl(Select@0-s buttone&al in bulk. \.\./pricelevels_n/task_(H _rounding.htmlR s by 8: 6s 3:Edit Pb Ld  window 2:Lists menu 2:user Open the 5. Go to( and click+`. Double-p ) that you wantd edit. "W.\./pricelevels_n/task_(H_rounding_items.htmlR s by t 9:Current Pl 3:Change Item s window 3:field 2:Unit CostLuser Select to adjust  of marked (s)`either a dollar amSt oh percentage. whethe cost i\ased on p+|'|PClick drop-down arrowpttop  i 'area and sonefollowing options: !   .\./pricelevels_n/task_printt'`list.htmlPling the Pn L l9:Click*d 5:c.L 1:Fonts 1:Margind Settings Note: You must have  preference enabled to vce s. /w at bottom ofl and 'nt Lp Check your , , Margins. a .\./pricelevels_n/task_turnoff_(h.htmlTurning the Pz L| preference on or off9:4 5:customersLsales 1*s checkbox 1:tick Open and ')s. Y .\./pricelevels_n/task_using_(`.htmlUw a  9:)40 5:customer 4:discount item 4:sales form 3:jobs You can associate,t with one or more sdl. If you< a', whenevercre(th that)isXll automatically appearD th the new amxDApplicable (xs are: invoices, estimathreceipts, adjustment noor orders. F1.\./proginvoice_n/about_form_invfromest.htmlSelecting options for xress s9: 9:/t 8:estimate 3:percentage of the 'p2:phas'\job  tfollow*D to create anan'l. The'xwill beh same amount as . If you dx $1,000, andwant to'h&p job in four equal s, enter 25xd)field.  .\./proginvoice_n/popup_when|ressinv.htmlWhat is  ing?9:0T 7:estimate 3(|billing 2:Job Progv I s 1:partial '' , also called(D or -,d' from an  in stages instead of for the full amount. Using('P , you can link(to's tp(will beH cludedt| 3@ vs. E)s reporzIf are not charg`pactual time and costs,lwant to8e a jobp phases, creath' first. 5E1.\./proginvoice_n/popup_zeroamtitems.htmlPreventing $0.00 from prion a d ress 9:.K 8: 2:QuickBooks 2:customer 1:Setd  When you don't bill a  forxarticular a 3., ( st` shows the'!, but with an amount of. Ifwant,can p$ s0). See  upjob trackp-and estimates. .  .\./proginvoice_n/task_edit_}_@_detail.htmlEditing press Coich9:-les 8(L 7:Click Prog| 6:oldT formation 4:estimate Note: When you try to view($  for anD , QuickBooks displays a message if have changed the  since recordtp e. To updatein' ed, cYes. )4s quantities, ratxand amountsboth 'Xtthis job, |dall other(Ts based on+.  .\./proginvoice_n/task_set_y_\_pref.htmlSetting the xress Koicx`erence9:;~ 6'| 4:estimates 4:jobs 1:qupon Opend and d (s. O/.\./sales_n/glossary_incacct.htmlIncome account (definition)8:i+t 7:company's  5:( 1:clicking QuickReportXsource An' that tracks the  of your .. Unlike balance sheet s,'@ do not have a register` their own. You can gl  listlnsach! s posted to an- by select|h)inchar s and 2. .\./sales_n/glossary_form.htmlS} |s (definition)9: 7:separate  5:QuickBooks invoice 5:( 3) Is or receipts are the s that you give tolr customersdconfirmpir orders. Even if` do not wantd you* a printed copy of} 0U, should still us/L|enter|inD( . Depending ontypex-businesscan each'X purchas\n a 1,px*(a daily1summar all sales. . L,.\./sales_n/info_retentions_receivable.htmlHandling customer ' oainage9:0 9:hret 4:invoice 4' 3:projects Some's for cerx types of  require you to hold back 10 percent|your total x,each'tuntilt 've completed the satisfactorily. Tcedure described here04 will noPnly helps trlwho owesir', but alsohow muchiyt. It sd# |' on books as an asset t'Xpaysp balance. L .\./sales_n/nf_invoice.htmlTasks you can do with  s9:creating'L 3:working 2:Cwe I  window\  transactions 1:customer Use the 3 to record 0. s are used`bill a who has purchapgoods or services fromh, butmak\ no payment attime ofsale. W3 .\./sales_n/nf_pref_markup.htmlDefault  percentage9:d6l 7:causes QuickBooksL  price of items 6:lerences 5:customers When you enter the's cost,)p calculates*ands it inS~ Pfield. Et ing a h$10.00 w`x is 25 % / to fill + s $12.50. Opeh' )<. .\./sales_n/ov_understand_.htmlAbout tracking items you sell9:bill`statements 9:customer 9:onscreen  formd progress invoices 8:individual Ifj r  accepts the estimate,l cantnsferinl ation from to an. I are useddn a(or client who has purchaxgoods Dserv`you, but makes no pay{$ attime ofh$. Use Remi}1 (\ withs| send summary*of out9h3balance)s. i.\./sales_n/ov_use_items_yho.htmlDeciding whether or not to use 9:QuickBooks 4:business income 4:  forms 3:benefits of 2 (u sl keep trackpthe services and products that you buysell. When', save time enterbin| ation, allow )X to do calculs, ,your -. You canm )K in-xdetail%hD,`earnp$ s income. l4.\./sales_n/ov_when_credit_memo.htmlWhat are adjustment notes for?9:._ 2: card refundpustomer 1:QuickBooks 1:bounced cheque Creat110 When do I need to use a.h ? You can als5 as part of the processxhandling a bad or , from a c. writ|( , always compled. first so ytrack|5 , return, an, correctly in (. . H.\./sales_n/overview_custjobs.htmlAbout lomers and w9: 9:individual (p 's name 8:Cust& Jobs list 5:colon When you write an invoice, must enter the'@ in :Job field. Ifare tracking separate fou a(cPalso)o of job af5D\ QuickBooks i`pretsbefohtj a*-l)*job. .\./sales_n/popup_markup_subs.htmlAdding a  for Tcontracted services9:cost of the-work 9: 7:QuickBooks 6:4</` If you know < in advance,can set up (  so that it automatically includesmr whenhentersrate#4 on an invoice l(x. receipt. )1tx )l4 prdhever| use0 item (don't(your (x cred; , leavand at $0.00. c].\./sales_n/popup_print_balance_field.htmlP`ing the customer  on invoices9:.{ 9: ed' 8:Job Total B 6: form 5:C ise I  window You can add,Et and j\ ,Tto your .P . Single-click er, or / from drop-down list dthen OK T+`p. Inlayout,s/new'l drag itp pplacet wantao form. !.\./sales_n/popup_reimbex`porting.htmlTracking  ursable expenses as income and'[9:3 9:# 4:Click Account 3:customers 3:preferences Open the  ' ). Select'e(l)checkbox OK. Entername of/-a you want to useyt`& receive from'P+$. . .\./sales_n/popup_usual_shipping_method.htmlUi  9:-D 6:preferences 5:customerl  2:QuickBooks Open the  and ' )+. king b".\./sales_n/resource_noclassfield.htmlCategorising 9:Track 9: tling 4:openxaccounthpreferences 3:departmentP location Create estimates 10 ) by , ( , etc. 70 Get inform  about receipts| P230 ! Ct" es enable you to1transacps, such as) or) . To set up *es, go he Lists menu and cliH0 List. a.\./sales_n/task_addmarkup.htmlAdding a 9: 5:click Create Invoices 4:Expenses tabYM  Amount)>cc` field If necessary, change the shown in+H or % . You can enter either as a flat atpercentageTIf you don't wantxr custom| o se+| printed i", selectPled time and costsone item checkbox. . U.\./sales_n/task_change_credmemo_num.htmlC`ing the adjustment note number9:4` 9:QuickBooks 1. 1: eHincreases For each new/you write, (h automatically ', by one. Enter a in place of*that*eded. DuplP 's: You can set a preference for - and customers so .warns if thave  a d'4. . H.\./sales_n/task_change_invoice_num.htmlC|ing  numbers9:-D 9:QuickBooks 2 1: e 1:increases For each new'lyou write, (( automatically '  the by one. Enter a  in place of*that*eded. DuplQ t s: You can set a preference for ( and customT# so .warns if thave  a d',P. . ".\./sales_n/task_create_invoice.htmlFilling out an 9:C Is 7:line item 7:customer 5ised template 5:taxX formation The name of your' appears in the T field orightlhx . Checkphow many s are availablex inventory I're usdQuickBooks to trackX,#con.Quantity column. To sPch for alltt- s that includeword "labour," plackeyi@ memo whenu% 8 invoice. ".\./sales_n/task_creating_item_for_retentions.htmlC an p for '8:', 2:click Item List 2:Descrip`  field 1:hs menu 1:Name / NoGo to the and -. In'/No., enter R(/X Amount deducted,. D'.\./sales_n/task_credit_memo_apply.htmlUsing a customer  as payment9:-p 9:click Receive Ps 8' 6:earlier job 5:adjust` note Important: If you'vetated more than oned for the', can be |ied only tojobwhich it was issued.  have an un t)p because of over$ onp),|} y towardD.second)nat'pEA$ alerts if5h@availabl'dit andCbalance field showsamoun\ vailable. 6.\./sales_n/task_credit_memo_delete.htmlDling a adjustment note (customer s)9:- 7:Accounts Receivable register 5:)(  1:C 'Find the/>in'or : . Right-click or job a n Use R. Select-  register. s .\./sales_n/task_credit_memo_d.htmlEditing a adjustment note (customer s)9:- 5:. 1:click f A'P 1:type CREDMEM 1: menu Select the/in register. T1transaction will be of *. Go to ' and 3 Note. KK .\./sales_n/task_enter_cash_|.htmlEping a ps receipt (if you track by customer and job)9:click Sf R s 9:individual' 9:job 9: 7:QuickBooks s can include payments |ash, cheque, or credit card. Important: I do not need to.X1p job, use these\ structions. the name ofx':job. u .\./sales_n/task_gift_cert_overview.htmlTracking a `ificates you sell6:/p When the/ is redeemed. y.\./sales_n/task_hide_expense.htmlHiding s that are not billable to customers9: 9:reimburs 5:invoice 2:charge costs 2:Amount column C)t back+ 10 Wd if I never plana'd for an? (L removex from the list of 3C so#you don't inadvertently your'<. Clid he Add Time/C|  button on l%tdisplayChoose B0| and window. $.\./sales_n/task_including_retention_on_invoice.htmlI ' on an 9: 9:'$ 3:blank line 2:Item drop-down list 1:Subtotal Create)X , but do not savl d close it yet. On the next ( i, click1 and cho`  2h Retention. w .\./sales_n/task_invoice_print_cust_message.htmlP|ing homer s on s9:/ 9: 9:C@ M  field 50` drop-down list 5Pformation If you want to  ahyour(Ma', use the 4;. -addL' for~r | records thatt don't,to see(Memo in(|ltype in( appear.d+emd1which enter it, andhreportcontaih"(about invoice. ,#.\./sales_n/task_invoice_reuse.htmlCreating a recurrl (memorised) 9: 3:expanded topic 1:fields 1:QuickBookpoGd the Edit menu and click M I. Enter a name that will help you`ognisqe on d TransactiDlist. Choose how want (B t|" invoice. RS.\./sales_n/task_invoicing_for_retainage.htmlI for the final '9:-D 3:click Create exustomer 2:Amount fieldXItem When you're Ddy to ec6K, c\Da new)at con|s only Retention item. CiC :Job drop-down list and choosjob. In *p, ente'total aof'  heldidp&as a positive number. hK.\./sales_n/task_job_sub_bill.htmlInvoicing customers for subcontracted work9:click Create es 9:H0! 7:job 4:line item When you record the expense, beTre to entername ofjob inC:Job columndetail area `m. Cl+drop-down list and choose or \: ! IfhavHet up onedmorex*h ,*Pdt.which d. was done. .\./sales_n/task_marking_p _as_final.htmlM a p as  9:Pending Sg 6: 6:Fx 5:transaction 3:d  Invoice Go to the Reports menu, choose , andln click +. For an i '*ds receipt, R*4>.\./sales_n/task_open_ar_reg.htmlDisplaying the Accounts Receivable register8::z 43ya  2:click Chart of' 2:Lists menu 1Use R Go to( and 5L . Select your'*TEC Activities at bottomhd#list)*|. kf.\./sales_n/task_remove_item_from@ exp_list.htmlR`ing an u t the reimbursable expenses g9:3p 3:Amount column of  2:customer 2:Hide 1:job If you know that will never bhh for a, click in) next to: . It does not 'original transaction% your records]Yports st~sh'( as associatedFth 'lor job. " .\./sales_n/task_returns_unpaid_inv.htmlHandling  on  invoices9:-D 6:h 3:customer 1:records of all ped items If your  isd from a.0, void the. When` /l instead|delet ,maintain complete 2. If :butlre aLred fonp, do not/. .\./sales_n/task_p_reimburse.htmlAdding able expenses to a w9:3 8:printed invoice 6:` 5:costs 3:Choose Bill Time On the or s receipt form, entername of customer and jobp which you incurred. Click icolumn nextxeachwanincludH/. If)h)lselec appear ash+ingle line item when*6, he Pp0cime#0m od 4 checkbox. *A.\./sales_n/task_ edit.htmlEditing invoices and  receipts9: 10 9:+v 6 4:Accounts R` vable register 4:Change Manage- 30 j a,` 130 Hformation I've enteredl1VanP 10 ! Use the follow| procedure to x"data you'for )6or,. Find%or f+ in Customer Centre H :. +.\./sales_n/task_pending.htmlMarking a p as 9: 7:h Invoice 6:mDS`  Receipt 2:adjustment note When you enter an i ,s r, or a -,can d the). 've finished fillninp l)go toEdit menu and choose onMf following: ! F|)<"&x Pending. O.\./sales_n/task_ pending_why.htmlWays to use a  s9:*8# 9:customer 6:order 5:billing draft 5:estimate Back ed items: When a  purchaseshroduct that you do not have in stock, enter the' a.  is delivered|l'and 'Apv"fo , markp#pfinal. Erne prepare an # or bid x (,*d.2..\./sales_n/task_register.htmlUsing the accounts receivable 9::x 2:invoices 2:statement chargtransactions 1:adjustnotes T= lists all , pay|s from customers, ., and' disyou've entered. You can easily open any ) x&$*e / directly into thil-gister. [.\./sales_n/task_sum.htmlEntering daily  (if you don't trackto each customer)9:*90 8:singlereceiptX 2:record keeping 2:summary I*need to+ s for,E, can simplifybr , byoall+p a specific period of time on a 2. Th- acts ash|your$`that-. +0*0++X -,;the+7 form. wM.\./sales_n/task_select_reexp.htmlBilling customers for expenses on invoices and statements9: 9:date of the last( 9: 9:' 9: Ils occurred before d4t you sent tomr'!,x may waus This pti stead. Whenprint a( , QuickBooks normally includ$ly charge d after>to). Ifare writm3a'0h)Dto calcul0tax`7l1/sl 've @ed, clickSBed(ptaxable checkbox. Q.,.\./sales_n/task_select_time_costs.htmlBilling customers for t and  on invoices statements9: 9: 9:date of the last ' 9: D(TWhen you print a(, QuickBooks normally includes only charges |d after|4 to. Ifare writq"a'~waX)Dto calculktaxl%xexpens\%you've /ed, clickS2ed 'p taxable checkbox(h`ombine all activitiTthat have samt rvice item intod+ingl\2fon2, or i 'hoose how*fills iDescription field - register!Changew2opeO QTransferrt2hV$ Time window.  .\./sales_n/task_set_customer_preferences.htmlSetting )` for  and s9:'/ 9:) 9:! 2:QuickBooks Administrator 1:information Open the2*0. Set) to suit your needs. Press F1pecific ) about any of/L you see. LD&.\./sales_n/task_setting_up_retentions_receivable.htmlS up a R' R' account7:outstanding (L 5:asset 2:Name fieldpumber1:Current Al To handled ainage, you first need to | nn + forvr 4m ) Goh the Lists menu and click Chart of As. Ifx  use ns, enter 1320 in y N field. .\./sales_n/task_spec_home_recording_`.htmlR the | of a u t 9:dummy chequing account 9:'Lclostcosts\1( 5:CA The transferdt capitalised | out|an asset toXxtgoods sold'|! On next two linesxt`s receipt, you need| '|0tfrom| r Development C`!0your|0. i"namx,xx is ford price`$, which` deposit directly into4L. B.\./sales_n/task_spec_home_tracking_cost.htmlT the xs of h houses or developments9:  9:single* 8:)f 6me 5(Tconstruction If you are a building constor)er,may and sell*@. When ameu a* want,* to bt'ntained i r profitloss statet(d`.same time period as income from|9|2that\2me. To i k2xor each individual,\!t uptBhproperty|a customert QuickBooks. ].\./sales_n/task_summarize_time_exp.htmlSsing reimbursable x and expenses9:combinhactivities 7:invoice 7: 7:/3 6: entry If you have a lot of l ies for the samGypepworkcharged at(rate, can collapse|m into a nle y onm  or iregister. e (, QuickBooks automatically fills Description field  with( ' service item d(T. Click Transfer/L-wan%to show )(d,.*d4assigned to(. j%(.\./sales_n/task_tax_expenses.htmlApplying taxes to some 9: 7: d 4:Choose Billable Time 3:Costs window 3:E tab of the 3On  and *, select that arepx. S(ed'* checkbox. Wxyou should see: O invoice form,,have ah code iTAX\lumn. . I.\./sales_n/task_time_bill.htmlCharging costs back to customers (reimbursable expenses)9:e 8:' 5:3 5:Create Invoices 3,l Include +h and 40 for actual -50 *1p10 Enter.on &p ms 2 that are paid in full 10 Add;20 ! If you want th(select|/appea\s a single line item whenprii* orreceipt, he Ped.as od checkbox. Important: Do thixly ix!certai'tex$>pshow onlytotal ofcosts. k.\./sales_n/task_time_bill_markup.htmlAdding a  to reimbursable expenses9:3_ 8: 6:click Create Invoices 4:costs 3:tab In the. window, select a customer or job with x+Y,r n | Add TF/Cp button. If you want | to appear asXsingle line item whenprii'} P ed p. and as o`  checkbox. W9it showamount. '.\./sales_n/task_time_change_billable_status.htmlMaking }  again4:transaction 2:invoiceD QuickBooks 1:hsheet 1:'p When you record an  for(v, (U s theh from noted to. Open`  td datawantd . Save(. RO.\./sales_n/task_track_costs.htmlAssigning ", time, or mileage to a job9:Mark expenses 9:chargex ustomer 9:job 9: C) backu cs 10 l and as reimbursablex  2 ! For overhead'?: E not caused by any specific`! shouldbe a(edka C :Job. In the+T column, be sur, eachx h$ or job. k".\./sales_n/task_track_daily_overage_shortage.htmlTding  s and s9:'{ 9:'p), accounts 6'| items 3:tax liability report Use the'd, inEnter S` Receipt window when you are creatma" summary to record any discrepancies. You'll see4@d aCte a noninventory part called O0s,assign ittyour'| subaccount. .\./sales_n/task_unhide_billable_expense.htmlUping an 9: 60 6: ing 5 5:change 1 e Find the d containx loriginalh . The is now unhidden. f.\./sales_n/task_using_subtotals_on_ forms.htmlUm ' on  9: 50 9:)n 4(l item 2:estimatel1:QuickBooks Cre|s 10 Put a'gan  50 Enterthat are paid in fullt) 40 Use invoice Include*50 ! A(h adds up the amounts of|s above it,olast'. If you use two'esta row,0'allprevious)onform. M(.\./sales_n/task_view_cash_in_undep_fund_reg.htmlViewing ts in the U`osited Funds register9:0p220 2\ 51account 2:QuickBooks 2: receipts (p lists anythat you have grouped with other  |. Use  to see a of all jed8. Any 'chono X3x directlykan  do not appeari(h. ..\./sales_n/task_voiding_.htmlV or deleting an invoice9:Tax I 3:Transactions tab 3:customer's nameECs & Job2:excep If you know the -, single-click it on2i,fn r ShT drop-down list, and chooses. don't94(l. then.t, to get a of*s for all' n*;T.\./sales_n/task_voiding_ receipt.htmlV or deleting a  9:Dke Sr R 3:Transactions tab 3:customer's nameECs & Job2's If you made a mistake while creathe,X to give|p, correct t and reprin+. don't know , click., h then choos-s,| get a list of,8s for all s VXinvoice4B^4).\./sales_n/trouble_dep_missing_pymt.htmlFinding payments  from the \ osit list9: 6:*` 3:Dep|s window 3:account 1:Uned Funds A might be0k ofs to'8 because: ! You have forgottendselect inP\ .)0chos  to an  other than / when enterd-l* payment. -H.\./sales_n/trouble_why_est_not_wysiwyg.htmlWhy does the printed form look different than one onscreen?8: 6:* 1:columns 1:field` Pl and customise estimates 20  -t? Some  are designahto show' but not vice versa. You can changeV is';ionh% most1. F..\./sales_n/tshoot_invoice_convert_to_from_po.htmlCan I create L p a purchase order?9: 9:,l 3:product 3:business 3:customer Say you've d/ in QuickBooks forh  thata ed. Now want to sellra  and+or the h'tinformation 's al_$dy -t . You'll needd* new 'your'T. . .\./sales_n/tshoot_top_invoice.htmlTrouble  problems9:.H 7:printing s 3:customis-X payments Findp a reimbursable expense. %.\./sales_n/whatif_editmemorized.htmlI can't change a sed invoice9:click Mse I 6:content of+ transaction 4:(D,\ d T( list 2:Edit menu You may be trying tothe by double-con d i8. t +H` - from ;fGo`x 'p and /t. P.\./sales_n/whatif_nocustomization.htmlWhy can't I see the changes I made to my invoice?9:layout 8: 2:QuickBooks 2:click PreviewP form ( does not show all of,d|* on your screen. To.", +$, or print invoice. 6-.\./sales_n/whatif_noexpenses.htmlI can't find a reimbursable 9:2X 7:customer 4: transaction 4:job 3:Choose Bill Time If you  , it's possitthat th'x* didtget assigned to a  or job when it was saved. Dit is] b, entername of.ZinC#:Job column. Selec.with .s,p n clickh Add t' /Costs buttoncope1 and window again. #.\./sales_order_n/nf_.htmlWorking with  s9:*8 1:Create Sj Oh s window 1:products\servicehcustomer  Use the 8, to record for  and .  are usedhtrack - until`y can be fulfilled invoicedD d#a purchase bal on a*. s.\./sales_order_n/ov_*@ so.htmlAbout  s9:)8 8:products 7:invoice 5dentory 4 of the  and services Sl help you manageh; `r customers . You can fulfill multiple+L at once usingOv# Fment Worksheet, orp+tthem one` a time from individual* forms. When don't have enough inv) to' t)2 If5ofor mor) to completely+@x,', h'create a purchase+(d)x thos) you need. z.\./sales_order_n/ov_*@sofw.htmlAbout the Sb O` Fulfillment Worksheet9:open s 9:? 9:  Amount column 9:QuickBook- s list If you track inventory items in ( and use+u, ` can help decide which+4 to f# when on't have enough)onBnd* them all. T,pp1 upper portion ofw1 shows} /D with someDformaa<each onh differt<2s. L.any quantity pulled fromD ' s (than 'opick91actual/h should be noted .;td.changed$)' bePe printingpacking slip. .\./sales_order_n/popup_print_so.htmlPt settings you can adjust for  s7:' 7:*} ?. . Select a different printer. &.\./sales_order_n/popup_so_off.htmlIf you turn off the   feature9:1U +T s 5:Transaction List 5:customerUt(vs h5 isq, can't displayer*s fromC s menu, and Sz Ox s does not appear as a general )l type Dx  Centre. & want to view,Dwhile'|f,edrun a+report,pn QuickZox a*. Note: know which - hln existing*'T also findx*8U.\./sales_order_n/task_*H create_so.htmlFilling out a  9:)4 9:customerH)` form 9:tax inpation 7* template To select  , click the T drop-down arrow neartop right-hand corner a'. Once you fill in*|savetransac`, this'* w|becompreed)henevTfus*|# again. Ifht+ s who place sj al1 s each month bP5h onlyZndtm anH0voice o}a, can)<s to keep7ed ofthey've placed. d.\./sales_order_n/task_*Hfulfill_so.htmlFing a  9:)4 9:pick lists 8:packhDslips 5:products 4:quantity of an item QuickBooks helps you with this process by lettd `print (, +, and shippdlabels directly from*D s. Use the form ed to gather (l". When don't have enough inventoryh ,( If5 of one or moreh!)tcompletep4 )], can create a purchasg der h)x thos) you need. H.\./sales_order_n/task_*Hinvoice_from_so.htmlCreating an  c a  9: 9:)_ 10@ Show quantity ' template 9:Back ed column e*based on, 20  1 eI-) n estimate or*\h,.t! There are two ways to c`7+D0: by star<n exis*"or+with a newB . Note: If you select the "+ available insteaE:f'xt; hand" checkbox,number inA'E isL minus any items alX"dy reserved for other transactions. 3o.\./sales_order_n/task_*Hpo_from_so.htmlCreating a purchase  { a 9:e- 9:) 6:allowable items 4:.lorm 3ed , does not change the status ofd!. Select 3 for allnow to addpl*D#(|h,. The fol"`-type# are ed on/: Inventory Part,)< Assembly, Non-.FixDlt, Service, Other ChargTGroupT ubtotal. E4.\./sales_order_n/task_so_add_del_chng_items.htmlMaking changes to a  9:click Delete Line 9:) 7: 3:backed s 2:x's B)d quantity What happens when I, ts a . ? If you're ust)xtrack(s, be aware ban's O|'T automaticallys9 on both the*\ and any invoices` may have already c[tedKsedl - . To insert a new line, right-7inrowj,re want=ddxtt0I Line. ^i.\./sales_order_n/task_so_memorize.htmlMsing a   for future use9:click e Sr Os 7:( 3:How Often field 2:Edit menu 2:Customers If the information in others change with each+you prepare, leave| m blank when hspm. Go tou ' and 8 . Type a namn atXll help recogni is+',lookl it on*d Transac!list. i.\./sales_order_n/task_so_onoff.htmlTurning the   feature on and off8:1 3:customers 3:preferencet 3:Enable Sr Ops Open)t '% ). To have QuickBooks warn you whe try to record a+4with me number as an existd , select Wt about duplicat+ s. Note: Ifturnl&)*,can work 2  s but cannot crL2T ew ones. ".\./sales_order_n/task_so_print.htmlPhing a  8:)4 2:Click  1:Template drop-down list 1: Preview 1:changes Open the* . To see how, looks before ing, c( . I window that appears, check settings for your't job and make any necessary changes. Xd!.\./sales_order_n/task_so_print_cust_message.htmlP|ing homer s on s9:/ 9:)UC@ M $ field 5:drop-down list 5:information If you want to  ahyour(on the*x, use4. Choo1from, nexx'. I(L type iMemo! appear,x ) l"`/which enter it, andhreports that contain )4 about)h.  .\./sales_order_n/task_so_recall.htmlRing a   you have memorised9:',* 2:Click Enter Transaction 2:M*\ List 1:x s menu 1:addip s Go to the and c 8L. Select.8want` use. You will be abledreuse3 as" originally recorded it. u.\./sales_order_n/task_so_review.htmlR ing and chang  9:)4 40 6: es 1:QuickBookp*form 1:Print Open the*`. Click  to create a copy oforiginal* for your records. Ente o/ form. !b$.\./sales_order_n/task_view_list_of_so.htmlViewing a d of all  s9:*8 2:Show drop-downTcustomer 2:job 1:Click C Centre Use the Filter By and Date-Ls to refin*4 displayed. If you wanthsee only+4 for a particular  or job, select-o on s & Jobs tab. Then choose S~/ O|/s from1 abovtransactions. |.\./stmts_n/glossary_billp.htmlBilling statement ( definition)9:|+ 5:\ ance charges 5:1 3:customers 3:past due A /L lists th'L that a  has accumulated over a perioT f time. Use(Ts when you want to let}r'ds know how much is  from previous's. Wt it'sx send'e,ew,X informa|,, decidetther` add -, a n prix\%'. ].\./stmts_n/glossary_invoice.htmlI ( definition)9: 5:1 3:customer 3:quantity 3:line item detail An  lists what you sold to a and shows the  cost of each . In QuickBooks, a( is a form onEiLhrecords about\sale-$who owesmoney} fneemake automatic adjustmentsp priceTs will work for you. p .\./stmts_n/glossary_remindx.htmlR er statement ( definition)9:* 5:1 4:invoicesHQuickBooks 3:delinquw payt s A 0d/ summarises a customer's account with your company by listing rech , adjust| notes, and  ived. You use1Hs whenl bill through buXant toqr's about 1. 0 \re differxfrom other "forms" in (|. +.\./stmts_n/info_ar_and_custregister.htmlHow tomer s work9:0f 3'P 2:QuickBooks 1:Custxs & Jobs list 1:finance charges ( provides a' for each(\on your 3. The(ts all the accounts receivable transaction| lated to that'. 'ls do not shx&ash sallceipts. |)-.\./stmts_n/info_income.htmlChoosing between invoices and billp statements9:0S 8: 1:QuickBooks 1:reminder (T businesses I*1 serve the needs of most ( , but if you" periodically for charges that accumulate over time,may want to consihqg ,,. Entert l 0. p .\./stmts_n/ov_h_dates.htmlHow the  work on statements9:'0 )@s 3:S Date field 2:QuickBooks 1:endingWhen you Preview or Print',2t is up`d to) that entered. For)H with open transactions< automatically calculated basedl&u(pkous( for\is customer both types of(s, (sdu5`' charges if0t$blank. { .\./stmts_n/ov_h_reminder_what_appears.htmlWhat  on a  statement9:0P 4:invoices 3:QuickBookpdelinquD paygs 2T formation A1/ summarises a customer's account with your company by listing rec`, adjustt notes, and'@ ived. You use1Hs whenl bill through buXant toqr's about 1H. R2(\re differx from other "x's" in (. w.\./stmts_n/popup_balance_vs_open_stmnts.htmlB forward vs l transactions statements9:list+x 9:printed( 3:' period+Hbody+@date /4's / falling within the(. T* that occurred prior toFrom w of'  are summarised as a +'line. Open+(dall,h x/, meanpthose unpaid charges or unapplijay3tcredits`/(date. &^+.\./stmts_n/popup_billing_stmnt_insteadof_invoice.htmlUsing  statements (if you periodically)9:0 3:customer register 1:QuickBooks 1:need| 's charges I5,l)lmay servefr . You keep a record of each 0 in a special' ded the''p . When it's time to send out), ( prit)` )by u/|entriesdx's. .\./stmts_n/popup_billing_stmnts_whaT on_it.htmlWhat appears on a  statement8:/L 3:QuickBooks 2:balance 2:customer register 1:'( charges ( creates0s ttsummarise activity for a 'duringDspecified time period. The Description Hld includex e informa you entered about each item`%the Items list an)<any text` m d20'L' when l|/DPDate, number, amount,d*or.( in'$! c.\./stmts_n/popup_cust_stmnt.htmlC\omising statements6:`0` 2:QuickBooks 2:columndfields 1:' format ( enables you to e the( . Rename any  or . Us Layout Designerc movtd resizes and columns.  .\./stmts_n/popup_delete_stmnt_charges.htmlDd ing statement 9:/L 2:A/R 2:click e Stmt C  1:customer register 1:Edit menu Enter0 10 / 60 ! In the A/R or /t, select.. Go to' and 6. 5.\./stmts_n/popup_display_statements_to_print.htmlOpening the Create S' window6:6h 2:click0DCustomers menu Go to +d and 5. . +.\./stmts_n/popup_memorize_stmnt_chrgs.htmlMsing statement charges9:4z 2ed transaction group 2:A/R 2:click e Stmt C  1:customer register In the A/R or /, select.. Go to Edit menu and 8. CyGl Name drop-down listhoose #2 you wantgadd' to. .\./stmts_n/popup_open_cust_reg.htmlTo w a |omer or job register9: 6:*d 5:click En\ Statement Charges 3x 1:CC@ Centre Select the/thas'Qc  apply to. Verify name shown in :Job field. If', re for a differp , s)orrh- from list. . <.\./stmts_n/popup_t _limitations.htmlStatement )h 8:billing s 8:',* 7:separate(> charge 6:invoice 3:QuickBooks You cannot record tax, percentage discounts, pay items, or group  as a ' on a /. A5p represh"only one T)add a messtsuchd "Thank you for| r business" to5VHC.\./stmts_n/popup_whyprintstmnts.htmlCan I see how the statement will look before I  it?9:ed( 3:Create Ss window 2:PreviedQuickBooks 1:advance  Although ( does not provide a  for(s like itwith other business| ms, you can get X* at whpl appear on each* if lick  in(6(. . .\./stmts_n/reminder_with_invoice.htmlR statements work i s9: 9: ) 4:customers 3:delinquent pay 2:'QuickBooks When you use' to billbr 'e,| can also send 10tnotify|) about 1t. A1( summarises what 'veed previously through( by listing th)gyoudLt, credits given, and any'receivedP You don't have` enter more datahcreate a1`( alXdy knowneedsdappear on'. . cZ.\./stmts_n/task_ar_reg_billing_ .htmlPreparing  statements9:individual customer registers 9:p9 9:A/R' 9:'h charges 7: s If you use13 toir'2s,| enter the(  directly in each''s'l . If necessary can ally rost won't remove its association with4jobyou'llEiveet$ alongother job-related+D job reports. .\./stmts_n/task_stmnt_under.htmlCorrecting charges on statements9:(0 1:conp ustomer If you  a c too little} a(d, howmake the (l dependwhetherhave sent'` yet. )@over's. $.\./stmts_n/task_stmnt_under_not_sent.htmlCorrecting  charges if you did not already @ d the statement9:reprinted(T 3:tips 3:A/R register 2:C\te S s window 2:inc  In 6 , make sure that date range of1 issame as it was fororiginal(@. I"are u&a(one customer only, selecO+tption whe<p displayed. Thi&hset to 0(0all'4s. d .\./stmts_n/task_stmnt_under_sent.htmlCorrecting charges if you already ` the statement9:customer's(X 3:adjustm L A/R register 2)+0(Open) orrr *T. Edititem description i Memo field so that it shows wthwant  to see oprinted(. T*h will include/H along@ th any other%s forbilld3period. k.\./stmts_n/task_p_receive_payments.htmlRing  toward a statel9:customer' 8:'| 8:Use Undeposited Funds 8:default D 5'$ When you   for*l've sent toH,h use the e P windowhrecord. 3 as- To account ! If  is particular job o"r C.s & Jobs list, chootas well#'s name in :Job field. -:.\./stmts_n/task_p_sending_via_email.htmlS single statements by e-c9:/t 8:Click View Selected Customers 7: 60 4Et  3:forms You can *to your cu  directly from QuickBooks. Whenxa(!,x( receives the l as a PDF filettachh . Tp choose's namex drop-down list. .\./stmts_n/task_ asses_fin_chrg_reminder.htmlApsing finance charges on statements9:click  FC 9:billx(# 7:QuickBooks 4:Mark invoices 2:customer If you use 0, don't print the-  that ( creates. When send`r next(| after %21,1s will be reflectedl&`'  along@ th any other)- . Important: C" s and jobs markZ wi asterisk have|dits inorm of pay7 or adjustx notes%l.not yet applied to invoice. \I.\./timeandest_n/form_hmarkup.htmlChanging the  on an estimate9: 8: 6:QuickBooks 4:percentage of item's cost 3:*4If you set up a sales price andDt for'%, isdifference between two amounts, expressed as a ;. cl"m total afterh've enter| &, (@ recalculate )i,P< (. $.\./sales_n/popup_ account.htmlA9:A/R  4:foreign QuickBooks 3:currency of the *3:w 2: s Receivable If you want)H to record ` in a differeP) , select another* . If multic is turned on andd 're entering a from a 0,'<0 must match3 Customer. 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