'p  VF  VFVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved..\./merchant_n/help_cc_how_much_'l?acct.htmlWhat are the fees for a credit card processing account?9:authorisation 7:QuickBooks Payment Service 6:.\./merchant_n/info_mas_faqs.htmlPayment Service online resources6:QuickBooks > 6:p 49 2:customer s 2:trmation For more )T about the 8L , including how to contact . , see: ! *\.\./merchant_n/pd_helplink1a.htmlSee how views make matching credit card deposits easier (Payment Service)9:2 8: 7+yps 5:- Dprocesshfees With a QuickBooks  account, you can morelyer+, transactions wl the lump sum( that appear onbank statet. In ts to D% window, clickView  method type drop-down and select any2 displays+( s@Your 6 are grouped by date  type. .@X.\./merchant_n/pd_helplink2a.htmlWhat if the credit card Payments Subtotal doesn't match my bank deposit ? ( Service)9:;[ 9:0 3:p 3:QuickBooks'l 2:processing fees Your 9 may noyxstatel,l due to: ! Other  and adjusths, such as monthly,'4minimumpdiscount rates. . 2.\./merchant_n/task_cc_accept_yes_or_no.htmlHow do I get set up to  credit cards as a customer payment method?6: 6:5 2:| ount 1:QuickBooks 1:bank To enter and process*(s from your'^s,| must have a . atnr t . To obtain2you signp#for through a financial institution. You canthe informa inH,( manuallyh,`wouldothD!)transactions. .\./merchant_n/task_cc_deposit_pmts.htmlD ing credit card payments (P Service)9:3 8 5:- 4:bank state{ 3:*transactions You must record the in QuickBooks so that you can properlyncilehr accounF 3 way they appear on ,, not as|/0(. Inm $s to  window, clickView2 method type dX-down listpselect9*`%wan display. ;:..\./merchant_n/task_cc_expense_acct_for_fees.htmlSetting up an  account for(,ees9:- 9:Card AFees 6:tax lines 3:sub of Bank Chargbenefits Go to the Lists menu and clict of s. InNew window,EthenContinue(Name field, enter ntof this!, such as "Credit /." qE.\./merchant_n/task_cc_write_chk_for_fees.htmlWriting an expense cheque to account for(,ees9:, 9:+ 3:Order drop-down list 3:bank 3:credit card transactions If you didn't recojhe l when eposited the *Xpayments, ! `p . Delete #number. In its place, enter a noxo indicalhat this+is actually a dedu-3,, such as MDF. <'.\./merchant_n/task_find_cust_credits.htmlFinding outstatomer 9::x 4:Filter list 3:Click Modify Report Open Invoices 2:  The r shows oii and,x for all s. In the, wHow, c|s tab then choose Transaction Type from . x to only' particular' or job. *.\./merchant_n/task_mas_ccard_pymt.htmlReceiving or processtcredit t payments (P Service)7: 7:/ 6:- . This topic is not available. . ;/.\./merchant_n/task_mas_ccard_salesreceipt.htmlRecording credit | payments on a   (P Service)9:1 70 8:+ 6:QuickBooks - 1:cashxheque  and process420 Enter/d4d ! If you use 8U,can e)immediate% in the same way'?by t or c. d0p*information manually. /.\./merchant_n/task_mas_print_receipt.htmlPhing a credit card  (Payment Service)9:1 5:- 4:Enter Sales Rs window 3:ve s 2:transaction When you process-p, QuickBooks notifiesof the+Papproval inP ed. From thi, can )-P&. Ope )L. or9. f.\./merchant_n/task_mas_process_cc_refund.htmlR ing a credit card transaction (Payment Service)8:5 8:QuickBooks - 4+ 3' p To - , you can issue the customer( that will be !ed usdh8. How do I deposits? The+ appear as a negative amount in Un ed Funds by default, although'\i9g`is accfprefer. {[.\./merchant_n/task_mas_process_cc_void.htmlVoiding a credit card transaction (Payment Service)9:customer's+refund 9:5, 8:Receive s 6:Create Adjust Note R s window 5: Important: You can `9,before it has been " ed by the bank. To reverse-=p!after' (,it, you must issu)to( instead. Open+o's i. oEntSales  pts window. f:.\./merchant_n/task_pd_helplink1.htmlWhat are payment method type views?9:7r 7.lTraveler's Cheques 6:2 5:Cash 5:American Expresss P6p enable you to display transactions by. You might, for example, name a 0$ and assign itcthe.d( . This way,dwill beed whenchoosel t. s`deposit ash* or (type. .\./merchant_n/task_qbmas_apply.htmlAh ing for credit card processh (Payment Service)9:QuickBooks -w 6:4 1,` sXSubscribeLcompany file If you've set up passwordsyour *,x must be the )administrator to --H. Go`yC$Cp$-s page. Information that is usefultknow beIep,|/this s,hdisplayed, such as a dem%p of5, = discount feesare charged' , and more. 9&.\./merchant_n/task_qbmas_edit_customer.htmlEntering a  's preferred payment method (PService)9:( 6:, 5:- 5:ReceivL  4'information You can keep track of how each' usuallyh s -- for example, by cheque orrp card. For c(Dhts, yselect the type and e`')numberhexpir date. When record al) , QuickBooksNes 73to7ill certain fieldsop|*s on d-, includ`@l.hD Sales  pt forms. n-.\./merchant_n/task_qbmas_steps_to_enter_cc_pmts.htmlHow do I  credit card payments?9:Process2| 6:E|  Sales Receipts window 2:ve P 1H1:sale You9@ in the same way that you record other', by using.; or9. To p h# online through Service, select"9 when saving" option. .: Ifare~ei` for a t((Tpreviously* ed on an invoiced statex=, usae9)4 to|,and+Tcustomer's payment. e$.\./merchant_n/task_return_record_cc_chargeback.htmlRing a credit card (9:4` 7:click Write Cheques 5:business expense 4+payment transaction 2:bank account You can procg the* as a  /refund or y it.<, suchad debtx . Delete yc number. In its place, enter a noxo indicalhat this is actuallyl.'<(TCB. L.\./merchant_n/task_return_record_ccrefund_nomas.htmlI don't use Payment Services - How do I  a  and credit card ?9:Process1t 9:QuickBooks. 9: 5:Create AdjustNotes / R,s window 4:transaction Click the Customer:Job drop-down arrowhoosec or job for whom you are entering. InAvailable C!, cGive&`/(Issuvis' via field, select type of+0usltdrefund.  #.\./merchant_n/svc_qbms_troubleshoot_cc_refund.htmlT)l credit card s (Payment Service)9:Click Void  9:Receive s window 9:c(Invoicep0tustomer When a c has overpaid or undan i , you need to the(properly and make surexr QuickBooks accounts are updated . Inx se cases,pT is usually nx turn of goodsms(s lved, just aof moneyi f'2td%cancelldhe order p7u"sz"be edrediodentory. Z.\merchant_n.chm`whatfeecreditcardprocessingaccountbankchargevarietyprovideservicesetupmonthlydiscountrateauthorizationvarydependsellvolumefactorcheckcompleteinformationquickbookpaymentwhensignupseeprocessacceptallowtransactionsetkeepregisterup-to-datelistsiteonlineresourcecontactcustomerfrequentlyaskedquestionviewmatchdepositeasymerchantlumpsumappearstatementmenuclickwindowmethodtypeselectdisplaygroupdatemixcashincludemastercardvisanonbankamericanexpressdiscoveroktotalresultreasonchargebacksoptionalentermemosavesubtotaladjustmentminimumhowobtainfinancialinstitutionmanuallyrecordreconcilesuredownloaddrop-downdiscrepancycalculatebuttondifferencechooseapplyexplainprintsummaryexpensechartbottomnewcontinuenamefieldshortdescribesubaccountcheckboxarrowhigher-levelbusinessseparateprocessortaxlineappropriateitemmissbenefitassociatewritepayordersupplierdeletenumberplacenoteindicatedeductionmdfamountcleartabfindoutstandingreportcustomers&receivableopeninvoiceshowfiltermodifyjobreceivetopicavailablereceipt2070immediatenotifyapprovaldetaillatehistoryrefundreturn60issueusenegativeundepositedfunddefaultchangepreferencesufficientoffsetoriginalcreatevoid10importanttimesettlereverseinsteadlinkenablesinglesameusefultravelerassignbarterpasswordcompanyfileadministratorsubscribesubmitapplicationusuallyexpirationprefilloptionformeditcenterdouble-clickneedsavingpreviouslychargebackbaddebtcbinstructioncolumnmarktaxablegivetroubleshootoverpayunderpayproperlyupdateunexpectedbalancecasegoodsinvolvemoneydifferenthelpcontaintipresolveincorrectgeneralrulerememberoverchargedailycutofferrordaysolutioncorrectagaintaskverifyareasettlementoverpaymentadjustsectioncloseinventorycancelcancellationrequiredownproceduremessage   u1"&fPhf].Hvb¨Q%HdFX-@fX%H BF2&bfX*&„ bfF&d"&.fu$PXbff@"FH$"&&D"&&2*("&&F*E*F NA"F&XIB&&FT"&-H HffED"&*-`JFFE} **nbfRF`JF"*.$f2FBFNuDr``BfPDBFFdBFFZ&HBFFfJEJf*n$A BfFx&@IbFFftBF-P P¦M0dBFJ~ffE5&JJeA]4T| bj LIJaA FHABbFb&&@JDbf&PJH `nP )@ ZzH H 4(4 (IX=@)@l@&@@F&Q(& Έ&@ -(M0U @!Pa E4J<Dg@`ndbf&b&Nf"FF$ @&*0ADA X6( HfX&,n4y" @FH  &ELHRXZZ p1@%@cx5Hhv.{Nl憄2!xh&PA]hv&QBF H.2$PHH@.2&P : vRFj*6$"&@&L2H HLp@VDBFB.F&&hff@BF&DƆRbfnX&]fb†Xf&@fPr fPJn&FfFe D"&jF&f@@ @bfJ&@hF2&LffX&B@&bX =XAj-@Xn&HFFH6jffnFFzfJ nI} +( $ Hf@Fr&p i( BF^z9(NH%h$r(bj bj&.X `M$&&.& $"&)@I MM Q 9H fE 5PHdAU Bf"b+j3nApBFʶtvjD-@*26x"&&J&&*j -xn$: @r.&RRHx&&`JN @RHxRRHx^ @RHxjjF Q<LnGnMV"&HERRfT @[BFfE(jLI(. a7 Hf&&H b. b& f&FbJj&&&FDh 2 bn/in(&!@Q%@ XH w|@P6`EH)HP-H-@ ,8(,(4} YNfZffJfN NfjET Vv 0@XE(jf @X@XZ @X B7R:4^(PZL`=@%@jfHjdx ` `X(] fFFfff $`BF&nF@ H&HehI@5@D bfF%H PFPe %@ =Ple %PZT=pJH  Vtt X H@@EAhApEA0P*A8XJ A@` ] U IA Yq U M8hA U ]U]v#] }/aAeUu8<a `]v$>jA p"`*HJM5@D%>amCiu]mM HbjHM Q8 iUFָ RDEum6\d ABMh o y  R& $ hd&bf&D  j HE   9@Elrd~L\zdz  U ]8 ]@ ]Pf aETJҦʄ <T a FR m $I*.@]  f"&"& @APfE jN a$6PM8$ |PePUPuP )Ve/Z5z>>bI IYm0R A |XE(eMFnMwI %P h ]&&fdE ]@FF %@]0YH !HQ f!U  efu&uDedv4h> T\1M0HEXHEM\iUf IrdumV|M=HA t QE-PM0E0v]0 I] Qe  }]]M"& &F&J$pepUpup $h>.^0;&D @J@2r`>v`:r`62j`@@djF-@JF @JH.FrM H*@T6[ E0|Z_X|!`PBPE8P  Ng:m$]w- @bf XF&fD-@F%@D!pRX]pPʥDF `@%PV>LFR"dfU8fF&f@fF& l¦&bfƦ* XmP.UHE8fN"fjA&Y NH&F%HRPUHUX @  a@@A8HH @ ] V )HBFM: X) | 9@]H8i] 4 2$ $&f . $]x**jf),6 U8U8]PUPj;Pe)BJ-HR E22 8W^ej2qzzE( . 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