'g  W  WVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved.- .\./online_bank_center/task_)_ing.htmlAbout the O Banking Centre9:3_ 5:t 4:financial institution 3: accountsD3  window Choose3H for you want tot ess. Lists allh thathave set up( ove I|%net a!selected 38+x'paymenP you've made ush)xt% method. i.\./online_bank_errors/help_brpr_data_expired.htmlQuickBooks was unable to obtain or update important information9:Close ( 9:Internet connecb 7'W 6:) 6:l website You can't establish a)$pthe . Your'< service provider, y|*x*  itself could be overloaded with(ptrafficRIf| 're using a LAN*slow*P' caused by other people shart t same gateway) . 9K.\./online_bank_errors/help_net_connect_fail.htmlQuickBooks could not establish an Internet  ion9:Close ( 9:1 4'W 3:( website 2:click(CP  Setup 4get your((t to work. Tes:hrough). If` 're using a LAN)tr slow*P' be caused by other people shart the same gateway) . "-.\./online_bank_errors/help_net_read_reply_fail.htmlUnable to x a response6: 3:Temp folderTdisk space 2:QuickBooks (,P .ceived information from the server but cannot save it. You may uhtenough  or ya. Checker drive for free and errors. . RtA.\./online_bank_errors/help_net_send_fail_hopeless.htmlQuickBooks cannot access andount at the financial institution9:Close (  9:Internet connec` 6:acc 6:3* 4' Your 1 may xbe allowing`jto) orserverbe unavailable. Test y6through)L. If`'re us LAN)tr slow*Pcould be caused by other people shart x, same gateway) . a.\./online_bank_errors/help_net_send_fail_timeout.htmlQuickBooks could not connect to the financial institution9:( 6:3 3:Internet 1'( T setup 1:htype *`was unabledhp . Ifproblem persists after several hours, test your /X. X:.\./online_bank_errors/help_test_connection_type.htmlTroubleshoot Internet (s9:Direc3t 3:DSL modems 3: 2:ISDN* 2:computer You probably have a dial-up) if your s a phone number before i's to the'?. 8  : Choose this opd$0is alwaysed. and` don'tDdo anythingdaccess it(T) can include Local Area Networks, cable., (, .,wireld). 10.\./online_bank_errors/help_test_direct_connection.htmlTest your  Internet (9:8p 9:click Update QuickBooks 6:(02\ setup 4*Service 4:problems 'dExplorer is the Web browser that)  uses whenp need to acces , so we recommend you |' with it. IfB(show| Pddo not have 128-bit encrypd/, download a more secure' from: Microsoft( : http://www.m .com/ie Netscape Navigator or(UC\unic`+!n| ! Gol%d, File menu and c4. @.\./online_bank_errors/help_test_modem_connection.htmlTest your dial-up Internet (9:9t 9:click Update QuickBooks 4:(02` setup,Service 3:Microsoft(Explorer ' is the Web browser that)X uses whend need to acces , so we recommend you l* with it. IfB*show| Pddo not have 128-bit encrypx1, download a more secure'from: 90 : http://www.m& .com/ie Netscape Navigator or(UC\unic`+!n| ! Gol%d, File menu, a#en c4 . m.\./online_bank_errors/whatif_nomatch.htmlO statement does no` wnload9:Close QuickBooks 9:Internet connection 6:(6 6' 5:Bank website Your 'service provider, y|* or the(itself could be overded with( traffic. Test '( through). If` 're using a LAN)tr slow*P'P caused by other people shart ` same gateway) . (.\./online_bank_register/info_how_matching_works.htmlHow   ( ting)9:'transaction 9:QuickBooks Statement 9:account's  7:cheque number In the Mb T( s window, all ) s are marked 'uned' until you click Show R! opt. After+is, (h compares each* i' downloaded to+" ofcor\ ponding ,. ThD&ext time+ a s/+ignoH *s&as 'clear~&ina r': iteyKiest,#(+[wit+s$,()( that9not1`.'  .\./online_bank_register/task_update'l .htmlMatching  transactions9:QuickStatement 9:1 6Books  5)T 5:clicka O BanC\ re C| the Show R check box. This lets you view foraccount and have m`}r's to)X . If ) in (should besame as one , but1p giveswrong amor contains another error, selec incorrt z,y,b n 1 Edit T(` fix it. T .\./online_bank_register/task_ correcting_transaction.htmlC'l an unmatched )9:3\ 4:QuickStatement 2BooksRin*7 2: Select the 3 in. error. If you change) so it now s one of.s ,V,  automatically marksp as 'M''4. . J.\./online_bank_register/task_match_from_editmenu.htmlM|ing and unx transactions9:*8 6:Click  2:QuickBooks Statement 2:U  If a  is incorrect or if you want to manuallya ) that ( doesn't,can easily do so. ! Selw the+;in h '!xone *. )1|)s` tchange an)match.  .\./online_bank_register/tastconcilingstatement.htmlAbout re' your QuickS9:,A Books 9:transaction 6 2Try All )s from2 account will match)*ry and so)the,automatically. A minor difference exists in - betwee,! ry that prevenL )ing.s, d thought y are essentilp same ! Ilis cased% could selecttwo- X&click M|+, forch)to/- . 4.\./online_bank_register/info_reconcile_diffs_elec_statmt_vs_qb.htmlR xerences between QuickSPements andBooks9: ( 9:unmatched transactions 8:financial instituc 6:) With  ding,) helps you  the+ from(ddownload to ones already i. WhT!d actually takechequesxyour 3htdeposit,t y process eacp e separately. In this case re is one entr- but]vi]i}e%'!8. VF-.\./online_bank_register/task_add_one_transaction.htmlAdd one )` from an QuickStatement to the 9:, 9:) 9: 30 4Books 3:customer payp s Click situah that applies| you. It affectstexisting+: If )D is a  , you may needl mark| invoice asNid|f it,4to a sur6, bill as paid.  /.\./online_bank_register/task_add_multiple_transactions.htmlAdd  *x from an QuickStatement to the 9:, 9:3? 9: 40 4Books 3:customer payx s Click situal that appliesd you. If it is ala su r, you may needlmark a bill as paid. K(.\./online_bank_register/task_funds_transfer_window.htmlT   using the '}Fm 9:click-w 8:3 6: 4:account 2 To +, both  s must be at same financial institution. In3:, 1xFrom drop-@$n arrow andq n) t)x (from. C$x-@ into.  .\./online_bank_register/task_manual_match.htmlMly  transactions in QuickStatements to one(hBooks ( ding)9: 9:*W 7: 7(~ 4-D SometimL(H may nota*ua. with its counterpartdthe . Click p)' that you want`#(o /<` 3M`1 button. %.\./online_bank_register/task_match_transactions.htmlM} *\ in QuickStatements to ones'hBooks ( x ing)9:10 9:*b 8'\ 30 7-Ls 3: After you download a-e,needh the/>it|d0. ReviewsPus that assign each*t"h (p and decide wt to do. When all *|5have been ed or add, |6 is deleted fromF`Bank se@ ofOG h ing Centre. W_&.\./online_bank_register/task_correct_transaction.htmlC a )h so it matches one in an QuickStatement ( `ing)9:, 9:)Z 8Books 6: 3:Mj T(ts window Sometimes may no-3with its counterpartpthe  because p)|is wrong. If this happens, you can -<$@)Xwill automatically0 ed+to3t '. 6+.\./online_bank_register/task_unmatch_transactions.htmlUndo es that QuickBooks hasLde for * ( l ing)9:( 9: 9:) 5: 4 Statement As*,in a' to ones in the , it makEaOtch you don't agree with. Click) )t$|want|+. 'chang*e sTus of o ed.  .\./online_bank_setup/glossary_olb.htmlO ling (definition)5:(4 4:QuickBooks 3:T ancial instituh 3:transacws 2Statements With , you can download ( fromvr 3 into. Fin0| s provide different levels of-T service. Some do not o| it at all. l .\./online_bank_setup/info_t .htmlAbout  xing6:QuickBooks 6:accounts 4:financial institution 4:missed transacprequently-asked With-,+ that you don't have time to enter into ( as they happen are downloaded/ directly fromb r 3P. WhX  anStatemE,& compares itwthe,halready iand points d2any discrepf-es* reconcile3 ath \#d ofmonth,xx-p#|(o deal wt0excep5, not allyr, once again. a .\./online_bank_setup/info_ account_number.htmlFind your   ( l ing)9:, 3 2:financial institution 1: statements 1:cheques It appears on0. Ifp have  for the,can usually\e one to f5(hcannotit, contactq rt0pis h, rmation. .  .\./online_bank_setup/olb_quest_cost.htmlCost of  services9:-D 6:financial institution 5:h  3:published literature 3: $ charges Providing you've set up QuickBooks properly,h can download,Statements or create ABA files at any time for nothing. Your 3 maythe-a h|hvides should contactd6directlydrefer to{ ir 2t determine what4s apply. . L.\./online_bank_setup/olb_quest_how_fast_start.htmlHow long is the wait between applying for  services and gett|them?9:- 7:| 5:ABA file 3:hs 3:financial institution Once set up,3 will provide you@th a password or Person@ Identifical Number. Many  can|l'very quickly, sometimes onsame workp day. For crea$ s, as soon|hhave an APCA entered i Ban preference\p`  BA file. ".\./online_bank_setup/olb_quest_how_reconcile.htmlR accounts that have l ing9:' 7:QuickBooks 4Statements 2:transactionxfinancial institu` You '`'t7$ the same wayy+other(?in (, usT pap s sent to j byzr 3. With-,) helpsh match*h from(downloadth ones already +P. Bd"e time'\, most ofzr +will> been checked aga|4bse(k, s#r7 rds should beh.urate andt process fast. (.\./online_bank_setup/olb_quest_paper_statements.htmlUse  ping ( with 9:' 6 2)  2:financial institution 1:electronic transac` s After you|rt usp,1,willPtreceiv9Dexactly ashave in thlst, unlesandrr 3 decide otherwise. The reason at` need,' to reconcileaccount atend ofmonth. Pd8D8 provla physical ryour 5x, fo+r security. . F!.\./online_bank_setup/olb_quest_requirements.htmlR)D to use  services6:-G 6:*$XBank 5account 3:feature If you are planning the hdownload d stat inding, need|be ablehconnectxr computer`h Internet. Ydlso an  at d that offers- and|  must have already set up foraccessVIf((x.p)cT te ABA files6a'to unique APCA number, provid%j1by|r bank. =.\./online_bank_setup/olb_quest_security.htmlS of  services8:1w 6:- 4:QuickBooksP128-bit encryption 3:highest levelx  To safeguard your data, (P uses state-of-the-ar* and authenticam features. Al communs withp( require a PIN or password, whichm'y| need posses s an extra precauq,shouldp a Web browser0, the 7 currently available. . $.\./online_bank_setup/olb_quest_times_available.htmlTp that  ling is ' 2:financial institution The you can use.< depend on your 3<. Contact them directly to ask abouir current policies. . E.\./online_bank_setup/task_change_download_permissions.htmlAllow or prevent access to h ing ())9:user  7:QuickBooks 5:) 4:password If other people use this copy of (dif several networkedkies-share one company file, you can control who may,. Set up each personuses*`as a` r, and then give)ph)the part.that hetshe needsHClickj Cmenu,dn Users)~UpRoles. $.\./online_bank_setup/task_change_prefs_general.htmlC  |ing ` erences9:OpentBank|)t 7:QuickBooks 4:downloaded transactions 3:- register 70 1Statement (L has two*H for- . Each time you add an unmatch,8 fromt ' to ,re asked ifwant`| it directly into the 'borddil al informat in a business`m. InO8 -area, click or clearcheckboxx Always use'when``75t. . @<..\./online_bank_setup/task_contact_financial_institutions.htmlC your ' ) ( x ing)9:3 3:h 2:QBOtuickBooks 1:APCA number You'll need to : Tsee if ,0 is available. To use/n Q'1, hshgenerate statements as QBO or QIF files '-@*also(providel with an )l. . o.\./online_bank_setup/task_remove_ service.htmlR  `ing from an account9:QuickBooks 4:-  3:hidden information 3) 3:O Bank Details tab of the'If you no longer need)h to have-,can  ityour 00. In)\, open |changeh |4(,* downloadedfinancial institup+ won't show i7's register any more. .C.\./online_vendor_payment/glossary_olpay.htmlO supplier  (definition)9: / 5:( 4:QuickBooks 4: s 3:ABA file 7lets youd bills fromir's electronically using an , through (,. Afterl 've set upwr Sfor !Banking,d use)( to send's' the Internetxyour L(ancial institution. (.\./online_vendor_payment/hsc_banking_stop_olp.htmlCan I l an  supplier ?9:5h 2:ABA file 2:financial institution You cannot> once the  has been sent to your 3. .  .\./online_vendor_payment/info_ pay.htmlAbout  supplier 9:5g 6:s 4:frequently-asked 2 s 2:oireh s Why should I| 's ? Since you canbills witDt writing paper chps or goxto the posDffice, it's fast and convenient. I'(hx secure? _.\./online_vendor_payment/olb_quest_when_ols_arrive.htmlHow long   to suppliers taked9:'k 6:- 2:ABA file 2:funds The)8should receive your  within two days oft sending the . .  .\./online_vendor_payment/task_ pay_bills.htmlPay a supplier  using the }Bx window9:'I ), 9: 5:}  2: bankx account After you have added service to an ,can use'}p2 . Important: If are` ' not entered inTQuickBooks yet, eitherfirst or else creat% from Write Cheques instead. To`l6y part of anow, fin(in list and)ram|0#Amt.hp(column. e_ .\./online_vendor_payment/task_setupdees.htmlSet up suppliers so you can pay them 9:' 3:\ ee 3:Address Info tabH account number 2:QuickBooks As s.for  banking,need to record information about. work, clicke .x and chea` ee's name, a,phone are correct. C*ibal'enterrr ,H withpayee.  .\./online_vendor_payment/task_write_checks.htmlPay a supplier  using the Wd Cheques window9: 8:2 4: # 3:QuickBooks 3:expense account After you have added service to an,can use2tmp2 . Important: If arep`"a billlready entered inT(, c]tfrom`0Bill+ instead. Click'toOrd|4f drop-down arrow and choo'to pay. %6%.\./online_banking_oz/help_nf_fiadd.htmlYour Bank and  9:d 2:QBOtuickBooks 2:financial institution 1:APCA number t 'll need to contact yp3tsee if-, is available. To use/n Q', hsp generate statements as QBO or QIF files ',p*also(providel with an )l. . .\./online_banking_oz/info_creat`"aba_files.htmlSet up suppliers so you can pay them 9:Click Preview ABA k 8:' 6: 2:O B Centre 2:` Account Name b a details for each employee or' to be\id through` method ! If noT yment description is entered, a+dof "pa" will display in ! by default. 0File if,wishl)the'L before 6 it. EE.\./online_banking_oz/info_preview_aba_files.htmlSet up suppliers so you can pay them 6:ABA s 6:' 3:O B Centre window 3report 3:errors Click P while creatingu in:. the available links to drill down and correct any  . Ifxre are no, closei  C}eF|to continue. . .\./online_banking_oz/info_importdd_statements.htmlI  u (9:4` 9:QBO filesluickBooks 8:transactions 6:electronic(` Generad an 2 at your s Web site and saving it as a onhard drive ! Only somehave the latest technology required to ge(s in  ormat. Whilst Q' will match * automatically,zrebe+that differpdetail or on't show up. k#.\./online_banking_oz/info_recreate_aba_file.htmlRe- an   t (in ABA format)9:Click Preview ile 6:O B Centre 4:o{ 4:1 3:QuickBooks If you findp error in the ilecan r'*{. (D asks i are certa ata r has not processed+,H provides a default folder with e installation directory called Export Files/Files.  .\./online_banking_oz/popup_quickstatement.htmlAbout electronic '|s9:2\ 05 3:monthly account transactions 14206e3d separate paper(  Use4 30 Understand an3 20 jth4 05 ! Lists p*0 in your ( +(hat occurred since last downloahmy+ tl were not matched from previous's. You will receive a 6 by mail d listing: as usual. ^W/.\./online_banking_oz/olb_quest_delete_quickstatement.htmlCan I  a QiS?9:,F 2-As Books 1:Bank area 1:click  automatically s them after you have matchedl transactiony contain to ones infr accounts. Ifd wantt5, select itl the From '5,bn  D). Onced item., cannot be retrieved. . k8.\./online_banking_oz/olb_quest_get_quickstatement.htmlCan I retrieve a QqS again?9:,\ 7:unmatched transactions 4Books 2:click Cancel 2:register After you've your.tovr , deletes the', unles re are still 4 l|d. Onced| downloaded a* in/,p can't(<that+)nothD ,_. sav* hax5lready been(. . F .\./online_banking_oz/task_ print_quickstatement.htmlPd an electronic '8:2X 30 7:click  Register 5:Qq S  3:transactions 2Books rThe * in the ,0 appear opaper( your `  sends|. You c\match to onesx ,,n n +h'4. Toa'T, display it, go to File menu and 2L. . k .\./online_banking_oz/help_t .htmlWhat is  `ing8:g 5:)\ account,TT files 3 recordx,credit card transactions Download to QuickBooks an electronic  of your and 6X fromfinancial institu|. Y' uses thexprocess automatic payments)\p" pemployeehd suppliers. To d)Lstate2U,` first nee#havel"1  withjr 6 .\./online_banking_oz/task_getstart.htmlGetting ed with  g6:-D 5:electronicltements 3:QuickBookpactive*< account 2:financial institution W0, you can download 3 frommr's Web site directly intocorrespond`  in (. For'ed)(Preconcile the transconsx( has process,ponest've xrded, to check fdiscrep&es,5out havlto waita paper(c arr~1inmail. Remember tha,o sta;r 3 needsh create5|p+BO or QIF format. D .\./online_banking_oz/popup_first_time.htmlGoing  for the  p 9:corresponddaccount 6:QuickBooks 5 Statement 3:| 2:PIN After settfup ld{an  at your y,h must enable3H in (L. Ifalready hav set up, need to it before impora '(do not add * s normal and}n B .\./online_banking_oz/info_-Xpin.htmlAccount p rmation, passwords and PINs9:{ 9:) 9: 9:d 3:a numbers After you apply for service,zr d providesh with the*X need to acces through its Web site. This+0may include customer ,t "s, a'K ora",#morr Ifforgetir0contacto have a new, temporary one assigned,t n change itx next timel log in.. _ .\./online_banking_oz/task_confirmation.htmlEnabling an existlQuickBooks account for  9:( 8)0 7:Default APCA number 4:)4 field 3: details ( makes a of s that relate to-$ active. You should check with your financial institud$ first. Enterd$*in the*d%thi( if it is differe{)rom1 company. S .\./online_banking_oz/popup_+confirmation_whatdoineed.htmlBefore enabling an account for  , you p to have :9:, 2:QuickBooks 2:l 1:Web site 1:financial instituh Created a new  in (L that reflects the-'withir . You should alsset upd !(3 sop# can download statements fromkir . . .\./online_banking_oz/task_importstatement_index.htmlDownload an electronic ' forlaccount9:2 6: 75 6:Web Connect`mat 5:newer technologies 3:QIF QBO is a 0 that uses the latest(y to d2hs from a financial institution'ssite. QIF|c oldqdx * |,(|s into Quicken softwar hBooksTill supd2bis if your4t doesn't have 0t .. . |.\./online_banking_oz/task_import_qbo_file.htmlIing an electronic statement from a qbo {9: 7:2 6:transactions 2:QBO usd Windows ExplorerDaccount S  the ,t6n right click your mouse and choose Open. A dialog box opens that givesj adice between procesd* now or savlthem for later. The +are -edaat| end to confirm success. 4.\./online_banking_oz/task_qif_ofx_convert.htmImporting a QIF file9: 6:alternative network location 3:OFX 2:PC's hard drive 2:quickbooks NOTE : You can Oy i) into QyBx from a' on your computer+, not an :.  to C! : Click browse`navigatthe't| downloadedfinancial instituj$'shine 1. Save 0dL. as: Choophe name of d(- and1wish(fh to be saved to. &I0.\./online_banking_oz/task_qif_ofx_convert_accounts.htmWhy is my y  not showing up in the QIF to OFX C er?9:+@ 9:QIF 9:*@ 2:QuickBooks 1:A drop-down list You need| enable an'Xfor tbefore (t displays it5 o8\. If"you wanthgloadoes&appear, it 0. 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