'f  W  WVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved..\./pay_deluxe_n/info_payroll_sum.htmlP summaries9:(L 4:company taxes 2:wages 0 include , withheld, and +, accrued. . 6.\./pay_deluxe_n/info_time_required.htmlTime  to set up payroll9: 2:benefits 2:company 2:employeetfamiliarity After you gather the xrmationneed)your, it will take anywhere from oneveral hours, depending up r )LV th(x|size ofl)and what  providesd' . . ~-.\./pay_deluxe_n/task_payroll_setup.htmlSetting up QuickBooks 9: 7:(x 3:P Sd  interview 3:click +| 1:Employees menu Use the,( to settyour. The)will guide you throughhup, step by. Gox t,4 and 1. . K>.\./pay_deluxe_n/pshelp_bal_941_prevqtr_payments.htmlCorrecting overpaid or undpayroll taxes in | ious quarters9: liabilities 6:5 4:misshy  3:QuickBooks data 3't forms If your - shows that| have-,@1ma(tperiod, need to adjus r`"ieshmatchp(.  substantially/6l, get a refund from the gm6nx9 and enteryin) . Make sure(( appropriate -endy1et$d'For P$ Ending' fielddactual'Ptz&inPS Dxfield. 2.\./pay_deluxe_n/pshelp_bankid.htmlFinancial institution identificax6:f  Using only one |  account for your payroll expenses. '.\./pay_deluxe_n/pshelp_sole_proprietor.htmlPayroll for a ( ships or unincorporated partner8:- 8:9 6:p 6:owx  If your business is a2`~an9j, an( are normally not trelike regular employees. A` general rule` woulx y an `# with a " " payment drawn from| equity account,al2H" have beenking4t( as , void thel*Xxd recrs l/ 'sings. \.I.\./pay_deluxe_n/info_bank_numbers.htmlFinding your financial institution BSB and account 9:d 9:7 6: 4:printed cheques 35routing N used by:are typically locad at the bottom of-. The ssnce is . Important: x| 1 on*s may appear in a different order. i..\./pay_deluxe_n/info_bank_numbers_on_printed_checks.htmlCan I  cheque  and account | rmation directly on my s?9:purchased 9:1Tindividual 3:QuickBooks 1:company-related*" ( does not allow you to ad ormXH&nhxPPDAj HDP C xbfF]H` @X@Pd¦<x(T9`FF@ @&&# ,#PQ hZp9@r4@;!@l QI("**&"&&j*M@ "$ 8"EH(BF$ E&d, A L Sh.x AFuXF_dp@uX.N}`HhHFjf(Hh֮j@XH"&&b&&P&f%E ,bb@&fFhv$ JD"&fD 0^H XQ&@hbf憦&F6&&sCBD f @!P hX   lhQH$R@ H* .$F(1 1HMB A (, 2PxM8pn.4EPJF BF$ P. `NF0 j H pn, h&2n4M 0404)P VfYR T bH JT2U XE5P "Bj&'fPJf XU h "&&&(=X*@2%@ `h@A yY@%h&HA(Eh *1X `B.@fTEX JꎤH 6 @U0 @ @ X8ePh1H Ax!.*4FP =X%`H@DlbfxP&PZFHQE@ 6r=$ `H/$(UUdJ HRNHA Pf@ N<i@P2.PaX5HZUR6 HV `@bffF*&F"*IhjJ& 6 nhx4֦;Y^)HP`AUeX"%Pqz|@hXI%P-X Pv5Pp=bdΊF"&@PfjF@ff *&&@am$@ L ,%>IqAqYiYm`n \@F `9@}9Hu^Q8x@E0 EA(f*b A04A8 h"F&&QUH* "$BfFFQUPJ  BD"f HJ(L0"& J "&&}  BFF}*& bff$ .&0 9 fP&P*h 2 ? *FJ.G M .8S N] le x$j κr rN2HZ v U$ a( "&DP { !Hzjd I Z   6 Xp -@D )HfJ,bfa M HjH`%xIff`ZLF@DpFFHFH"& .  E 5X 8< xE ^ ~ EI !P: E X E@ AP`llI4JT F2  I4 b.FJ . Ɔ&&&bf&bj$BF&HM&d&BF` i † PXff$ & nF h ]  FMe  rjap*   $ . 5 2; E CUIH.fR.X45Pa2h mVv 0^A A e@I E(I$I,%I Y(nX>$ `8(9@FM5H*&  QBFdrUY(Meemm@ 9P1@4E8P "&F$&ΐ>B("&fD bF7(NND"&f&FƆF4a!`jPbf @HXJ@,0 H& %!J+0:AP!H"!`bff @ IrVBFFDE(Zc(ZV&o@F\$l0nvl fj&, PzdYE`(@"&&]@U*p*@& p"&J&d)PA(L U n2p*M6A8Q@EY   ~JDx&E!P=@ E(  Aii$eM( I0&fH@ Q U] e`H6ne ixV$m.u3q(bFD*0t N7uH>}D}8KPT[dBFF*VF"F&&>VDh2fVk#bffJ.&f&fBfFF^Nfd& pRjf sv   {$AH$E Z6D&EA|&^I$zI(MI@M]f Y8 E(` RY@MYP]]X aPy\&0M(%P!h$ F0BF} %p ^fD ZFI0 UU  e"&*]e%m8*"H-N3>BHIPQ A!HY %HZUcUFhem "&&$z z @B\b*&$@Ba`@BP@@bdB  U@j U @U   H P PIB& X ""&& X."*"N"p ~("(""%P""6$"&J $BFj*$H &"&f&LQBFFFHBFTBFFR(&@.&HTP P 3 &0 V:&r@(@K(HaB@VV @*&&*X(nA!hhPRa (AH k(q( h%Hx(u}(4a@(0M(-H(E*$**n,,H,X,r.FD "&FFjp pN."&&f&.j., r...0H5p 02 0Tj&H-P08!@z0v 0Xj @ @x ` #0M-0M70U@0Q&J0]N0eV 2&d9PE _2( %hi2l~s2 py2@2%4N446r8.X828R88%X8%`8%h8>8Hhd @@ @8M8M 8U 8UP : :. :>F :*  * H > jN >b|%PT >n^ > uc >*h >H5Xr >y > >N > >%p >% >%e0 >V > > >=H >=h >E >E0 >E@ >E` >]` >e HJF >e( >e8 >eH% >m+ >m6 >8B >8J > N @W @z] BN&Fa Bh B%@o B%Hx B Bv D F" Ff F F F F @ H Hb H* Hj H Hb                                        %NEjU7 NESU7NEU7NEEU7 YNEpU7 NEV pY7c uNE (b7 .<NEC 1:? :^NE+58 NNEU7QNE[7XWNEmU7\NE U7`{NEU7rfNEU7 eNEN U7 hNE4U7NE[U7&NEU7NEU7("NEU7rCNE]U7NEiU7 *NEU7!NE U7"6NEfU7#2NEU7c%NEU7g&,NE U7`'vNEU7( ,NE| U7$*ANEbU7k+ NE U7$-6-NE[ U76.@WNEU7/QDNE\ *:@1[ NE  #Y; 2]%%3