'p  WF  WFVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved. .\./centers_n/info_employee__list.htmlUsing the Es t 9:released  s 5:Click Manag( Information 4:,$ 20 3:View drop-down arrow 3:changes All)to see your active, inand 0. Right-c`{ of( to add, edit, delete, make an'-so on. 9 on*toolbar `C New' Default Settingsp set up payroll h8+ that most or aX%'p have in common.  q .\./centers_n/info_employee__txns.htmlWorking with  transactions9:3\ 9:single' 8:Click E  Centre 8:'ET(d List 6:report Use the. to quickly find, print, or edit'+out hav|to run s. 3 andon c*8s tabpdisplay your list of'sxx)'view a'* related` .lFromx'h ,P{! attopxd'0.l'x) List. E .\./centers_n/info_employee_ _using.htmlUh the E Centre9:-D 9:Payroll tabTprint  8:transactions 8:'s {rmad Use2 to acces+ about all of your's andg ir * in a l ral place. Fromp.,p can add a new',)tn existing)or ,D(L*. In default view'-,s list is oleft side|l98, whil-detailed* .| for selected' arD right. p .\./centers_n/info_employee__views.htmlCustomising what you see in the E Centre9:Click Released's 9:- 40 3:Transaction lists 11 Change 1 Activ(s All( toyour h ve, in and terminatD s. - only`! 000r$* .\./centers_n/info_payroll_ _using.htmlUh the P Centre9:,@ 15 7l Employees 6"Scheduled Liabilities 5:QuickBooks 2008/09 4:paying  taxes T/ is available for customers who have turned on functionality in (#. 5 h#ral placall your-relat[tasM:|le",+X and other l(,prepar'8)rms( 3 se simplifies"rocess of s4l `2$A). X?.\./pay_basic_n/cps_correct_ttt.htmlHow do I ' the tax tracking type for a payroll item?9:click Edit P Item 6:tax 3:T]TT|window 3:Cj 1`, First check to see if* you set up|benefit is listed. * button atbottom o  andrn 5'pNext inp00 wizard untilreach6|. .\./pay_basic_n/infomessage_type.htmlWhat x of drmation appears in the QuickBooks Payroll M  window?7:4g 7:(P) 2:Australia *, This topic is not availableh'. . 4(.\./pay_basic_n/info_important_tax_table.htmlPayroll tax  |rmation6:)4 6:p( 3:business' specificcircumstances 2:AustraliaLapplic TL laws and reguls change frequentlytheir ) can vary widely based upon the(Tfact +lHvolved. You are responsible for consultingP th your own professiona'advisorshcernh DQuicken ' disclaimiy(dilitypaccuracy or adequf any posi|8s taj by inxr activl statements. . Dj!.\./pay_basic_n/info_run_payroll.htmlRunning your 9:click Start Scheduled P 5: ss 3l employees 2:Pay E section of the  CentretT  showsx /| have set up. Ifp're new to QuickBooks, ll be promptedd a%', orl can s&pX'; ust,)Pbutton i cn't/s. C3toLlect3 that appears in4;andvn ;. Q3.\./pay_basic_n/info_tax_disclaimer.htmlTax advice: Quicken's legal (6:.H 6:t' 5:business circumstances 3:professionH sors 2:application  laws and reguls change frequently,their ) can vary widely based on the specific fact + involved. !'xy responsibility for accuracy or adequf any posits taken by you inzr x!returnsVIft have quesregarding accounthissues'NalTrelated toxr industT!\your 4,t should consultB(th|r own 6 , ant, attorneT3'expert`#+association. .  .\./pay_basic_n/popup_display_payroll_center.html)\:6:  5:click P Centre 1:Employees menu 1:, tab) icon Go to the , and 2. C**Lthen|0@.. Y0.\./pay_basic_n/pshelp_learn_more_lock_net_pay.htmlLocking and un|tnet pay when editpan exispcheque9:(3 9:b N\ Pay mode 9:U @dingsp roll item\unexpected changes QuickBooks lets you safely 4X withoutkify|the tax amounts,  base, total gros, or . By selecd +option ,cPmake to certaini" + details, such as `'st leave accrual,'recalcula'entire). If  is not "dBed," most*any6`* on60( e., which d#includ5 nd liability/s7tW net pay.  '.\./pay_basic_n/quest_adv_auto_update.htmlAdvantages of xmatic s6:a< 6:/ 4:QuickBooks 3:key featurexemployees Report data can be exh ed into a numbert formats! Youhave default settings for ' to sxtime in entering new)! 9R.\./pay_basic_n/quest_edition_check.htmlPayroll update is older than the last one used to process p9: 7:tax table 1(K Cx which (versionhinstalled ocomputer. To help ensure you arwingmost recent)tavaile,can go online and get a) update. . G&.\./pay_basic_n/quest_what_tax_table.htmlWhat is a tax ?9:'0 3:employee payroll|ments 2:PAYG 2:QuickBooks 1:date Your(L gives the current rates for amounttat must be withheld from 7 . These'include d, super', and othertxaffect yd payroll. F.\./pay_basic_n/task_email_paystubs.htmlEling pay slips to employees9:Direct Deposit( 9:' 7: 6  4:QuickBooks You can ( `your( dly from ( . P'7are delivered as PDF attachments, which preserve the format and layout of. If  company file doesn't include 'addressd and/or'X%,l 'll be pTptedd enterinion when`&a'h| employee. .\./pay_basic_n/task_paypref_display.htmlD ing the Payroll and Employees xerences9:(\Pref 9:e 9:p Open  '*g. pd B+.\./pay_basic_n/task_taxtable_version.htmlFinding out which  of the tax  you have9:'S 6:6 3:click TETd Information 3:,\ button 2)\Go toEmployees menu and 9. Below( , note'8'number, date it came into effect. If" want detailed i( ab`+your curre\',t,(pl$!. . ",.\./pay_basic_n/task_update_tax_tables_hdi.htmlGet a payroll 6:,@ 3:click Tax Td Information 3:Pt\  2'$taxes 3 20 Pay my'  and liabilities||current t rates 4 "! To g]!i(o onh#x , go to the Employees menu9. , your9twww.quicken.com.au. L.\./pay_basic_n/tshoot_payroll_item_unclassified_in_report.htmlWhy do amounts connected to a  y D w as u)8 on Profit & Loss by ?9:Job checkbox 9:company contributiP*sQCPreferences tab 8:*t 6:p loss When you set up or edit--,ne select the Track Expenses By *"llow additor <|carr#informa`. The'p' "R4 all'{taxTH,Customerl+, Service Item and C|=", must be turneds5for  be visible w*'re)ing'HhCs. S( !'. z0.\./pay_basic_n/wcw_help_why_create_ot.htmlWhy upgraders need to  new overtime payroll items9:3c 6:'4 3:QuickBooks 2008/09 3:hourly's rate(P* 0 implemented akind of+| specifically for+. The OPay,is a multiplier which takes its value from an * . When you mak' cheques, tP3 absorbsraise, because it bass& onx2). . 0.\./pay_employee_n/CN_payroll_online_banking_overview.htmlPaying s us}O B 9:real-life | account 9:' 7:Stage One 7:` file 6:QuickBooks There are three st s involved in cYt{an 1@ that is sent to th: setup a new, proces transactions and(` 1. C'H*X You needtset '*h(reflectsL 1 us draw your payments from. Upda1 records: For each'l set up a new/. [j.\./pay_employee_n/xlemp_assign_payroll_sched_default_record.htmlA  ule to all s (E Ds)9:'| 9:single/+ 6:/ 3:Company Preferences tab 20 window Go| the Edit menu and then click*8. CaP! Sd!` drop-down arrow.to selectp /L that you wantp.&x '\ to. Ifdon't see a0H14.,Add New| set up a new/L. *.\./pay_employee_n/xlemp_newuser_exp.htmlGet started with paying s9:Pay E s 9:payroll schedulenUnd P 6:Sf S'd button 6: 's` frequency Whether you're new to or already us|QuickBooks'and have upgraded`)2008/09,h  can |` your( in any one of the followh ways: ! Aft set up at +, )asks w( wanttassign)whodsame` (ld.d. Althoughalsan optionx>-+1a,..s is a more convenient |0efficwaywpayd*eacO period. .\./pay_employee_n/xl emp_ov.htmlPay s overview9:payroll schedules 9:Und P (  8:i E(H 4:QuickBooks 2008/09 In 0X, you can set up /0 or run'`without a'. A'xhthat is to occur Ta regular frequencyd, while'8 hmight only for special circumstancesxoutsidehL `is "1". Us(0s  , and 1other inwhen| need to`}r(= theircycle. d.\./pay_employee_n/xlemp_payroll_sched_assignl s_ov.htmlHow ing  ules to s work9:'@ 9:weekly/ 6:p 6:pay frequency 4:P Setup process In the  Centre, click E s button if you haven't set p (or)&Und'+<'ve already7I,hdohwants%usexm. Aftera/,are give optionl 2x /ll'8 withsamel(]I%'05 andd7some)J.a basis, QuickBooksZllI.P lthos)`. .\./pay_employee_n/xlemp_paysched_list_customize.htmlC se the Payroll S|ule List window9::x 8:click (DColumns 4 3:right pane 3v Es Open? Go to' menu, Pay(P andmnAdd or Edit/s. The Available  x& shows all~ c headers that you can choox)o display, Chosen `appear i#Enter'Information4 . If desired,)Wang<orde which)<s areed by selecting a((/|Move Up|,Down. 8.\./pay_employee_n/xlemp_paysched_list_win.htmlUsing Payroll Sdule ps9:4` 9:p ules 3:window 2v Es,xbutton Go to the( menu, click|)gandmnAdd or Edit`+s. Cp Related'Activities  ind 'Centre The'+$ holds / that are currently set upp QuickBooks. X.\./pay_employee_n/xl emp_paysched_delete_task.htmlD a payroll ule9:PSdule 4:Pay E s 2| List window 1'xActivities button)l' You cannot 1 that has  s assigned to it. Before you8!,must re all the)hwho'D  this/iaCher/l. Go`h '  menu, click +t andynAdd or Edit`+s !  .\./pay_employee_n/xlemp_paysched_edit_task.htmlUpdate a payroll ule9:.K 5: sLEdit PSp X window 4:changes 3:/field If you try to  the hs fromEnter'Information ,yrs will only affectcurrentx period andnot have anon next upcoming*or. iPay E1s secof" Centre. In addito ud3x0l cxlso dele3  or mak2x inactiv`Note: I/,has ' assignedf6itsed warnx message when`3e.p. ].\./pay_employee_n/xl!emp_paysched_makeinactive_task.htmlMake a payroll ule 9:.l 4:Pay Es 3|Sh xList window 2:click 1'Atities button You can't `'2hthat has  s assigned to it. Before y 9,must re  all the)who'P  this0Tanother/l. Goxh ' menu, $ +p andynAdd or Edit`+s ! .\./pay_employee_n/xl emp_paysched_setup_task.htmlSet up a new payroll ule9:.I  cheque date 6: s 5:upcomingp  period 4:P Centre Us+s is a quick and convenient way to your ' at each. You sthel+ one time, assign 3toappropriate(,Ql Books calculatesd#s for1lH* re'.(pay+ based o information you entered heredisplay2|xnextd% i Pay EJs sec of,`. .\./pay_employee_n/xl"emp_setup_multiple_paysched_purpose.htmlWhy set up  payroll ules?9:8w 7: s 3:pay frequency 1:business 1h` You can use0 to group together '| in whichever way makes the most sense for youd effectively runyr'and. All)ed|o sam0 must have(. Even ifv 'ring alld*weekly,x could3separatt((xx': ! !.\./pay_employee_n/xlemp_setup_paysched_define.htmlPayroll ules overview9:p.r 8'Lprocessing date 6: 6:QuickBooks 5e s 1allow you to group(/ who have the same pay frequency in whichever way that helps make} rlruns convenient and hassle-free. YX$ how oftenlh}r(m,yi chl is due, wd dayd runt `( calculateshr upcomp,./ so~&ca ' on timset up/4one-lassign(~2it0re.0s, basedhe)l, for each+ period. Q.\./pay_employee_n/xlemp_whichps_to_setup.htmlEs to set up for Payroll9: s 7:$ 3:QuickBooks 2:independent contractor 2:pay cheques ( defines an as someone you hwith and phold taxesthem. S all those who fxinto this categoryx ). 4x4ht.p regular,xdo not.on their behalf. =4.\./pay_employee_n/popup_accrual_sick_vac.htmlSick and vacation time  periods6:personalholiday. 6:t  2: 2:QuickBooks 2:pay cheque At the start of your'xyear, ystem grants lump sumx designate. ( eamountspecify on every (twrite for  hp htrecordedhl(s<L.\./pay_employee_n/popup_accrual_year.htmlA d" for personal and holiday leave time (definition)9: 's 9:=" 5's 5:(T 3:12-monthpiod An 5 is the - over which a(es` Dx. You set *H on either Daults orhp'lrecord can it to begin`January 1, if you],ealshh calendar year. #!.\./pay_employee_n/task_display_payroll_info.htmlD an 's P Info tab6:9t 4:Est 1:Compensation 1:New Hclick  If the' is already on list, double-*'s name. 1(not yet,(*[ at top ot. C| Change|s drop-down arrow and~n (x/D. . _.\./pay_employee_n/task(<,fed.htmlEntering federal payroll tax information (individual s)9:= 9:2 2:Extra Tax 1:QuickBooks 1'D- Regardless of how you have set up}r'x defaults,| can customise the'- for each''. (hn prefillst+when pay an* -Tax code, E4`! Reference Number, ',bate and Tax %.. .\./pay_employee_n/task(<sick.htmlEnter leave details (individual s)9:2_ 8:+ 4:L D window of the'<'s record 3:personaltime 3:(Regardlessx how you hlset up}r' defaults,| can customise for each' . Click OK toxr changes. Note: I"Prints as" name is something oth\,than "P%" or "Holiday", itHbecaused modifiedpr payroll preferencesfgiD8 that item a dift label, such as "Paid Time Off", when it pon'p  slips and vouchers. ec.\./pay_employee_n/task(<state.htmlEntering  payroll tax information (individual s)9:; 9:2 2- 1:Sd" tab 1:QuickBooks Regardless of how you have set up}r'h defaults,| can customise the- for each'. (`n uses this+|when pay an*Ina Worked secx*, click)|drop-down list and choo+wher1 works. .\./pay_employee_n/task(<wage.htmlEntering h and salary information (individual s)9:'s hourly 9:2 9:0l6 7:overtime payroll item 2:QuickBooks Regardless of how you have set up}r'p defaults,| can customise the6for each'4. In Earnings sec#ofPInfo tab, e* an*\+ 'type' + receives. Regulars: Clicknamp* that represents , fromNp drop-down list,%l 0rate i$HA/AnniFRdcolumn. ).\./pay_employee_n/task(<wage_detail1.htmlCalculating gross salary9:c5h 3:example 2:annual\ QuickBooks 1:'s pay To e the+ for,, (H divides+ bynumber of` periods in one year. T.is alway same, no matter how many hour works. G) : $1538.46. m .\./pay_employee_n/task_list'P .htmlAdd an 9: 3:QuickBooks 3'\ information 3:spouse name 2:Compens IB ( defines* as someone you give pay withchequd)hold taxes for them. Fill in any custom fields, or click D F to add, that track'H*, suchla birthdD\ ). C Pay Frlncy and select how oftenl(wd be paid.  .\./pay_employee_n/task_setup_tx ate.htmlSetting up default |x payroll information9:  3:individual'@ 1:QuickBooks 1:company contribu` |deduc When you setpyour'@s,enter2 that mos(ps have in common, such as ( ort0. (  saves tht ' solwon'tto re-it w-xt. record for an 1<. Note: Ap(hanges!make tae$|'up wi\9appear every time( new'. _{=.\./pay_employee_n/task_state_payroll_tax.htmlHow do I set up my company for Sv P Tax?9:/S 9: 7:E Record` up 6 4: Item/D is a -basedtm of revenue. Tick the "Include in0" check box||Tax Details sectiond h& rl those  s who need to bpdt + tax calculat s. Itlpossible{ an'To livt  oneand work'`"in anothe4. . .\./pay_employee_n/task_t`ate_wage.htmlEnter | and salary information (pt defaults)8:0 6:x 5:personal holiday payroll items 5:/D 3:annual If you do, QuickBooks displays them on allt cheques for s. Clickf PSchedule drop-down arrow to select ax sto assign'your ' ift y'reonx sames frlncy. can't find$(hat wantt, ch set up a new| +.  .\./pay_employee_n/task_t`ate_sick.htmlEnter | and vacation time inform(lp defaults)9:  c 8:/ 7:individual s 4:Leave Details window To specify accrp*for Holiday or Other hours, repeat Steps 4 through 7 kthe'|!tabs of t. Click OK to record your selecl(s. Note: I "Prints as" na|+ s something o than "Personal"m" ", it's becauset  modifiepayroll preference`  thatiD@ has a dift label, such as "Paid T|? Off", when it pon' pay slipsG ouchers. .\./pay_employee_n/task_t`ate_adjust.htmlEnter benefits and other payroll ments (dh defaults)9:1 6: 6:QuickBooks 6' items 5:grosst  In the . setup, you can e -related expense*that affect most ofi r's. first linetp Additions, Deduc|$ Company Contribu table, click a`(x fromIL1 Name drop-down arrowjf t  is based onl ercentagg(, order in whichd&them|t is important. :p.\./pay_employee_n/task_t`ate_adjust1.htmlAing x| salary or wages9:-k 6: 5:QuickBooks 5:gross 4:deduction All compensad+specia,P + taxable any contribuls + addito ! The pos that an'  has in the t affects how ( calculates 's based on a percentage of. An(i a'f $1,000,.]av$1d a 2 %( from gross. .\./pay_employee_n/task(<adjust.htmlEnter benefits and other payroll ments (individual s)9:2_ 9:1 9: 6'items 4: 's| cheque Regardless of how you have set up}r'H defaults,| can customise,*pto groh r netfor each'h. Deductions, such as health insurance, s to a retire|( plan, H union dues ! In the first linepdAddi*l5 Company Contribu table i P9Infod, click amrh.\./pay_gloss_oz_terms_n/ EMPDUPE.htm File9:*8 2:electronic data filexmployeh payment summary information 1:,ties An t  is an 2 that contains ,,+ for each e. This acts as a'of all-Hies created a tax period. W.\./pay_gloss_oz_terms_n/HECS.htmHigher Education Loans Program6:-d 4:HELP debt 4:tertiary student 3:Australian Tax Office 2:/ContribuScheme is a s used by the )|Government that allowyt-X to defer payof university fees until  can afford it. The t, as it is often called,cpai_acklpart of a person's tax L- their salary.x was previously knownx l x7 debt. .\./pay_gloss_oz_terms_n/ pmtsmry.htmPayment Summary8:-D 5:tax period 3:employers 2:s of an e's pay 2:Australia Ah  , as the name suggests, is a 3\ for a particulard  from|pecificr. Itl simil to a Group Certp ate, which was issued underold d!system in '|Y A(jsoTcircumstances may have two or morel)Vie'atend 0 if heesXworked"*\1 rs during thd ' . . ).\./pay_gloss_oz_terms_n/SFSS.htmc9:x" 7:Australian Government 7:tertiary students 6:repay|p financial supple| loan The S F'S( Scheme was a s that enabled / the option of borrowing money from38 to increaseviryodhilstying. ltbased onpent meetda number|condips set byg'@. After five years, (8 are compulsory onc tax`"Dches levell average weekly earnings and paidd d(( through x t system. O .\./pay_run_n/demp_enterhrs_sorting.htmlSort employee list in El Payroll Information window9:> 9:+X]E column of the? 7'$s 5:x criteria ing allows you to organise way+< appearsx p. You promised a bonusoall+s who're Class ContractorJ AfL4by ,t0, belongl d)< grouped together, which makes it easier forto E an amounBe B7xthese's. ~U .\./pay_run_n/d'emp_reset_payroll_sched.htmlRecreate pay cheques from a uledp` run9:Scenario 1 9:) 9:3 7:problem 7( 2 After you  (or4,had to void or delete onewmor1_the4D. You 4Hall d); neer,s+`, but -( dates that appear inP9 CentXhave alL9dy advancpnextl8 period. ( .\./pay_run_n/dl$emp_add_remove_columns_enterhrs_win.htmlShow or hide  in the Et Payroll Information window9:> 9:Hours  6:p item 6:Available C list 4:Chosen,TThe 4 shows all*s that you can choose to display, and1 \appear . To-a", clickdselect1 from2lnR=. If a * existsp an employee'sp chequep@record, bu%%notp% it| ,d= is still usedt calculatepaypaffect`7e Total * .  .\./pay_run_n/dl&emp_change_info_paychk_from_enterhrswin.htmlUsing the Eh Payroll Information window9:> 9:employees 9:p item 6:column 6:termin  The table in < is to help you reviewjr '' pay chequ` (L and add or make &s quickly, without open$ir*4 details. Important: Each earjs a  namehelgave when| set upp2x | You can `+to  of an'B'st (@R'or CFp@ments? by click *4hK list,l*phOpen` 1D' button.  .\./pay_run_n/dl!emp_confirm_next_steps.htmlComplete payroll run6: 5:CreaX Pay Cheques 4:C ation 3:S|  window 10DClick Send Superlink The * and Next + opens when you c 0. Thisprovides  thathave finished processingqr*'0inform on tD'(` need to take}c*l(t*. Ift 're uschedules, l4d period'sp3 appears it3EmployeC secc3 of P;Centre. ( .\./pay_run_n/dl$emp_enterhrs_add_payitems_columns.htmlAdd or display  in the E` Payroll Information window9:Employee 9:> 9:common p |Ae 'sd cheque 6:)\record Ths  represent*s that you've set up )p`$h&. Because of space limit$s only 12#s are-edfirst time` ope , so ifnumberd,Xexceeds 12, won't see allh/ze 4is=. Ifhav|ready cYt* and it doeslappear*> b*pPP s Use3vto' off-cycle,examppan annual $ . Select the X s you're writp&`p . Reviewi)Ninand Create`(*", x make changes if necessary. q .\./pay_run_n/dlemp_sched_tov.htmlWhat is Sd uled Payroll?9:click Start0 9:p ule 8:employees 3:QuickBooks 2008/09 3:  Centre After you set upjr .d using the New'P window,/appears inPay E section oft. ~, )gives| op assign/to ' withsamex! frequency. To ru., 6h%2 toT+lect it ande n5x. JZ .\./pay_run_n/dlemp_sched_ttask.htmlPay employees using a payroll ule9:' 9:.x 9:Enter PInformation 9:Steps windowH 's|  cheques Open the 7, for) . Reviewsummary i( i and Createx, xmake changes if necessary. Assistedp$ only: You can also send your`*8at a la|%timeIfhe closes.  .\./pay_run_n/dl emp_unsched_|ov.htmlWhat is Uuled Payroll?9:Click2p 9:termination pay cheques 6:p ulbonus+ 4:employees Usep|( to run your'wandfor special occasions whe needl creat  t| are not considered al rt of the regula'0. Examplesd2Hl annual / or anyh0#outp2| . Although 5% l)O, c9`Relat( Activities button inPay E4 sec=q0tx* C*T)ECAt-d85.  .\./pay_run_n/dlemp_unsched_task_termination_check.htmlWrite a )x cheque9:active and in employees 9:'s pay`Enter Payroll Inform 9:Steps window 8* release date Open the 70 for(ng  . Clickcalendar that appears i RDate column when you !tdselect+s's * . A+C islast dayl'x worked or will x '|any deducd: of taxes from +l. 1 .\./pay_run_n/dtask_add_bonus_payroll_item.htmlAdd a   t in the employee'sx cheque9:0 8:3 4:One-time  2:Enter name 2:drop-down arrow IEarnings section ofpay , click and start a new line,mnd-. Select Bh# fromh list if it already exists, or  to a(| +ifJ.ow next steps. '0 for$ field, typesame`5theNext.  .\./pay_run_n/d task_bonus_check.htmlWrite a  cheque9:employee's pays 9:Change Payments window 9:Enter|roll Information for Unscheduled''Pay El *, Set up'pay item in the 3 or s,wage * record. If you give"es occasionally at`r discre'special's, use following procedure to crea/%this circumstance usx10there isn't]%Bl=x7(columnd# it is grayed out(,, click)|name|Open|9F Detailqo`h3Reviewd4'first@6lected'H. ` .\./pay_run_n/dtask_setup_bonus_wage.htmlSet up a  ` item9:-F 6payroll 3:Earnings section 3amount 2:One-time  If th *4 is already s, in., clickIH Name column to start a new lineldrop-down arrow andDlect Bg$. :n't ,*tnter ncfor( field, typeh|,Lhthen&Next. '-.\./pay_run_n/task_enter_rate_for_undefined_item.htmlAssign a t to an t not set up forxemployee9: 30 5:pay cheque 2:Preview/@ 2:QuickBooks When you are finished ing hoursll s,Hlect , before creatxand td click. 'reach*T withbut no" payroll#'theield nextd(xx+. ( @Hmultiplyx p"ed b worked, add i any other amounts on this|0, t calculate taxes` holdings. B".\./pay_run_n/ex_pindep_contractors.htmlEntering a bill for an endent (8:4c 7:t 6:QuickBooks 4:Amou$lumn 2:writer Let's assume you have already added the5 as a supplier in (. InAcc field, selectexpense aacHted when?to,) 15|l Qty column. 4.\./pay_run_n/task_x indep_contractors.htmlPay endent )8:p8t 4:Items tab 3:Enter Bills window 3:detai@ of the work 3:You 9xsame wMyany other supplier: by eping andp ibk. a | for h4 performed. Note: Use' on * to fill i1person( for you. ;.\./pay_run_n/task_preview_paychecks.htmlP and change a pay cheque before it's printed9:Payproll item 9:QuickBooks 9:employeep',\ Earnings sectionH)salary From the Enter Pay InJma| window, you can ) details of all sl've selec[ tol!make ant i"sltheir#s. Open R+ or C(Payments by clicking a('s name} o at )p)LL P9e5D)e first3)<d?then Save & Nextn gotp1)w.wan/. C|! blank line i$Item N|column|2h .Y,03 appropriated0A|NeD|numbert sickw1vacFhoursHcolumn. 0.\./pay_run_n/task_enter_sick_vac.htmlEl! personal or holiday leave hours on a pay cheque6:(3 6:p ly employees 3:Hcolumn 3:'s salaryHwagel $roll items In the Preview Payment window that opens, number of decreased byamouP@8 time specified i/$urly 0. B&40-` work week, you would32if  took 8*3p. QuickBooks calculates rate fL:8ls using'hl1firstly '`x*. . }L'.\./pay_run_n/popup_add_pitem_pyck.htmlAdding a payroll  to cheque9:Overtime Pay+s 9:pay 4:compensation  4:wage 2:P Items secof thep InEarning9, click`start a new line,in he drop-down arrow. Note: 8h musH ppear i-Ltable belowf e(on whicho' rate is based. Otherd+0=t *.\./pay_run_n/task_review_paychecks.htmlCorrecting or changlpay cheques after they've been created9:R P]C 3:esh date 20 window 1:Click Edit Go to|  Employees menu and{n c'/Void)s. Att , you canenumber, , bank account,y#e's addresx / provides Lock Netl, which means that'8safely edit certain ( details without recalcula6the net am{ of(. .\./pay_run_n/task_display_pyck.htmlD a pay cheque9:(0 3:Employees tab 3:view 2:Click  Centre 2:Name 3t and then cthe' . Under u,o selectn e whose) you want to change or x. In report, double-((<Y,.\./pay_run_n/task_verify_sicvac.htmlVing personal and holiday leave time9:= 4:employee 4(or14 3:Click Modify Report 2:E Contact List Go to the s menu, choose  s & Payroll,then c +g. 1 at top ofr. TL refreshesldisplD&l columns you selected. . x(.\./pay_run_n/task_void_paychecks.htmlVoid pay cheques9:x)K 3: date 2:Payroll tab 1:click 1:error If the)1 was issued in a previous quarter or year, you will have to re-filearh  x forms whenm -and a new one. xcan it only ifd n't yet create+4`!currentFAflh1,potation is includ(|Memo field |hnet amoun@06 is 0.00. .\./pay_run_n/task_delete_paychecks.htmlD pay cheques7:(4 50 3| 1:click P que 1:duplicatl Edit menu You may want to  a if it's a '. If the was forvri\quarter, y needt adjust and refileerh roll taxe ` . Gopl'then 4. a$.\./pay_run_n/info_paychk_cannot_change.htmlWhat you   on the pay cheque9:(3 5:s 3:Open P` | Detail 2:`rmation 2:unlocking net|  If amount o( is inaccurate, click 3 and enter and| s needed for payroll items list)p. If! are in Lock NDPay mode, however,can make&s, such assify`a)d"` Earnings secb$, ersonalholiday leave accrual, without recalculat (. For mofo1 abd1d1e>a|2=-A+|,/$.. . .\./pay_run_n/task_xemps_by_group.htmlPaying your employees by 9:'S 9:s of( 2:QuickBooks 2008/09 1:l 1:payroll schedules In 0,d can payl24xassignh10 to differentd ,. Set up a/p. A  the/t` ,. g.\./pay_run_n/task_adjust_sick.htmlAing personal leave time for an employee9: 9:1 4:accrual of2F 4' pay cheque 1:Ptab How do I stop the <[ on*)k? ;0d!: Double-click  whose hours you want to adjust. .\./pay_run_n/task_adjust_vac.htmlAing holiday leave time for an employee9: 9:0 5:vacation 4:accrual of1~ 4'< pay cheque How do I stop the ; on*)+? ;,+; Double-click! whose hours you want to adjust. b9.\./pay_run_n/task_emp_payback.htmlCollecting payments from an employee9: (*'sd cheque 6: 5:Step 3. 4:changes If the Pay Cs to Deposit window appears, click Seh NoneOK, andl n continue with  ! In` Make s , choosename o iReceived Ft!column. You can deductamouniaqe' owes you*one or more)s. !.\./pay_run_n/task_loan_to_employee.htmlGiving an ladvance9:(T (H 2:company 2:procedure 2:QuickBooks You cT use (\ to givel (n  on upcomhpay, which then be reimbursedp the  through payroll deductions. Use this ' if your' has a policyLat allowstl s s for personalNasOn hExpenD!Account screen, enterasset abee up` the loan. i!.\./pay_run_n/intro_enter_qty_pyck.htmlWhen can I  a quantity on a pay cheque?9: 6:(` 5:Qfield 2:Earnings Area 2:commissions The , is visible only if you use C(. Addition, deducor company contribu` based|: Er tDQ I do not!nything in,,@ickBooks calculatesamount forpayroll item without ush x,\. . J.\./pay_run_n/trouble_time_format.htmlChange the way hours are displayed for pay cheques6:)4 2:QuickBooks 2:Preview Payment window@preferencex| entries T9in4\ is determined by) setall * in (. Vtor c?@. _.\./pay_run_n/info_paystub_calc.htmlWhat l"rmation appears on previously generated pay slips orcheque vouchers?9:0 9:`- 8)W 6:) 4:date When you print a|x ford6 , only the following data is included: ! Items td$were used"all s cre#x this employee from July 1 ofcurreD year through(xis). If payroll iafte~ e fe,` y will noT&;d&affectxaat`"l4-P. Kr.\./pay_run_n/pshelp_alternatives_to_void.htmlA)d to ding a pay cheque9:futurelroll|ment 7:*g 6:( 2:QuickBooks 1:employee You can only edit orx *xs you issued in the last| period as ( locks adrevious ones. Modifygpay,l affect year-to-date amounts fX4s andt liabilitiBeforel*-l(, considerfollow`*: ! & .\./pay_run_n/pshelp_impact_void_payroll.htmlHow ting a pay cheque sht data9:( 6p'l 4:funds 2:year-to-date figurexQuickBooks If you the most recentd, ( up} s2 to reflect change. The 3for)swrite infuture will be correct. Alternatives|2. .\./pay_run_n/info_revert_void_pay.htmlRing a d ed pay cheque9:/L 6:unsaved changes 2:Click 2:Qu\Books 1:P]C window   in the / to remove anh you made sincelast d (. . .\./pay_run_n/info_void_group.htmlVoiding a  of pay cheques9:)7 7:2 2:QuickBooks You can only x  one)P at a time in (. . X%.\./pay_run_n/task_calculate_hours.htmlLet QuickBooks '  automatically on pay cheques and timesheets9:(# 6:) 6:( 4:Weekly T window 3:Change PaymentsWhen you are enteringin the Review or 4d|5, can a r},(t will)x %for+. If "8-1",* 5" same field0:30-4:3588:0tp4so on. (.\./pay_run_n/task_reprint_paycheck.htmlRing a lost or destroyed pay cheque9:2[ 4: register 4:bank account 3number 1:C` dwindow You will also have a record of the1hin your'. Openln findd) that was0. I iconbar click e to writx new cheque. =4.\./pay_run_n/task_display_paycheck.htmlWhat if the pay cheque isn't ed inEdit/Void P' s window?9: / . 8/eC  2:date of 13/10/2007LShow 1:range 6 I want to vd-H ? By default,1t !s all)s td(were created with)}s'previous two weeks. Specify a differeLt range. _.\./pay_run_n/task_find_paycheck_problems.htmlResearch tax calculations with the payroll detail review report9::z 8'x. 4:h amounts 3:year-to-date transacd 3:employee'sp cheque When you creqa)t, enter a 6\, or'company liability adjustment in QuickBooks, may notice that' have inssedv de. To see wt numbers were urto'e e*`can gener'7pv he5 showsp:9behind<) and ` tellif( was manually overwritten, )has reached a earnings base limit07limit. .\./pay_run_n/task_change_paycheck_amount.htmlC the dollar  of a pay cheque9:(3 6:;M 4:date 2:earnings item 2:Click Edit Note: To make sure your records are correct and that taxeproperly calculated,` should (H|( by adjusting eitherhrate ohours workr raan td nfacex(d(. Go to Employees menuen c'/Void PM0C0s. Sel|!l p wantl edit.  .\./pay_run_n/task_change_paycheck_date.htmlC the p of a pay cheque9:2[ 9:( 2:Click Edit 1:Date fieldt e PX  window 1Save & Close Go toEmployees menu and{n c'/Void PACs. Enter arg in` Select)\ s from/throughhp( you wantxedit. h .\./pay_run_n/task_change_paycheck` period.htmlC the pay  on acheque9:p 6 4:date 2:Click Edit 1:PI P fields Go to Employees menu and{n c'/Void qC s. Enter a z ro in` Select) s from/through.  you wantxedit. JM.\./pay_run_n/task_change_paycheck_pitems.htmlC the payroll  on ah cheque9:pay ( 4:date 2:Click Edit 2:quantity Assisted P customers: You cannot t(l.  after you've sent it to+ service. GoEmployees menu andkn c'/Voi C s. Under Other'Iy',hc ei an amount or ladd mor-. K.\./pay_run_n/task_time_payroll_2.htmlWrite a pay cheque based on hours entered9:employee's)s 8'c 7:l  data 6:QuickBooks 5:Ez P Information window Note: When you turnt tracking, the already selected Use d to cBte* op appears in and Compensd ChangH ab ofEdit E!. I >, click an )0name orOpen~$ C1Detailqod|first)psta din Save & Nextp navigate throughi (Previewtment, (@ displays a breakdowU5fFworked for each job d,P itemearnings section. ..\./pay_run_n/info_create_pitem_bsd_hours.htmlAdding a payroll p based on 9:Click PItem 3:quantity window 2:c/ List 2:Add new,'  In the 9, selectl ition or Deducp. Followsteps to *. Calculate(, choose onMf options: ! {1.\./pay_set_n/info_ot_howworks.htmlHow Overtime Pay payroll items d9:Entering8 9:.'s rate 9:QuickBooks 7:employee'sl # cheques 5:multiplier It does not necessarily have a of its own. ( basesx on the valuelp( you chose whenreated*9 'd by forRegular/ aboXit i  record or)(PIf an 'has two 6~s,must c9Xand make sure that`y followl correct7 Earnings tabl@,4`1,. ).\./pay_set_n/task_data_from_payroll_service.htmlEntering  } | an outside'p 9:company taxes 9:employee 9:5 9:* 9:QuickBooks If you are switchl= to tracklyour'in (q, needae` some)+ into). When set up information about both ' and +d grouped by eac( . For other-p'D3, add thex ss wages for,Lalculate amount based onrroftax, ob&nglimit. .\./pay_set_n/task_payroll_on.htmlTurning the  feature on and off in QuickBooks9:OpeP 9:(x 20 9:-0 3:Employees preferences 1* Administrator p 20 P| ! Select Full'< to access all2s,}.'No*turn)x-|0 '.\./pay_set_n/task_payrollh up_interview.htmlUsing the  setup '8:5d 3:QuickBooks 2 1:click P S`  1:Employees menu T8 guides you through}tnup'in (. It helpset )taxes forp r company, andh hcommonensationbenefits correctly. Go to',\1. &.\./pay_set_n/task_payinfo.htmlInformation to gather beT e you set up payroll9:Tax ) 9:employee 8: 7 start date 5'Ptaxes Examples include health or lifeXsurance premiums that are@id by the , un`dues, repayments of' advi s oans,(lcontribuy!s|!pensd or retire|  plans. For each',&need+\'s name, address, phone number, Social Security'\filingh(tus, andxX . Quarterlypay period summarie, 4 amou|#frombeginnrof calendar yeard"yourP/Ad rt date. m".\./pay_set_n/task_how_pitems_work.htmlHow payroll  l 9:company's'x liabilities 9:+]PExpensL( account 9:QuickBooks When you create any kind of' transaction in ( whether it's a| cheque,taxdment, or an adjust(0 expresses the -terms*P&. To keeplr balance sheet andprofiloss stateyst"uratD)$associatappropr`|t(*s with each|ph*. Yh,hlso use sub22to see more detail G0you.for') 5E 97|0Q expenses. U .\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_add.htmlAdding payroll 9:common,X 2:taxes 1xpani 1: of the followl types The'\setup interview guides you through settwup  and c1x that manyx need to do. It automaticallyn s b held!daffectcorrectlyT You can alsod`additional ;3 di  from%P1 Item list: ! 3.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_local.htmlSet up a miscellaneous state or  payroll tax7:/O 7:1 2:Australia . This topic is not available in 't. . .\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_common.htmlSet up a  payroll g8:1T 3:click P Item List 1:CFinish 1:SetP interviewD  If you need to sll or, run the'-T. Goll|s menu andzn 5. The new  appears i,'. . h.\./pay_set_n/popup_other_leave_types.htmOv Lt Names9:)7 5:  5:QuickBooks 4:Company Preferences 1:Personal ( allows you to specify two additia ) uit the needs ofxr business. Once ied,rse+are reflected throughout (l, including` payroll item list,'Hprint}p(,'Liability reportsslips anne #, Holiday0)`|31 or 2 cannot be givensame nqal = exis type. . d%.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_salary.htmlSet up an annual 9:Click AS 9:Leave Pay 2 3:Hourly Wages 2:Holidayx 2:Overtim If you need to sll or payroll, use th` SetHinterview. Select andwn c Next. Follow` onscreen instructions forpting` } f`typesahw`: Regular~, *x, Personal) , Other (1.T2. .\./pay_set_n/popup_whysalarypitem.htmlS payroll ` s9:separate , 9:ies of company officers 3:pay cheque 3:employee` holiday leavet You need a2 for each typex y you want to list on ad . To trackTid personaltime or,Xh, set up ;$regular,.pay, and ,pay. For income tax purposes, sh+{,may$Tth3x1'ly from .'x. 8d.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_hourly.htmlSet up an  wage9:)4 7:Leave Pay 2 2:click Fullhroll 2:Payd preference 1'SSetP interview If you need to sll or p , run th -,. C}W\ andnn  Next. Follow` onscreen instructions forhtingp!u f`typesx)Hs: Regulard , Overtim, Persona#, Holidayther (91O-T2. X*.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_ot_sick_vac.htmlCreating payroll  for overtime, i  and vacationo9:x'  9:* 6' 6:'< 4:salaried employees To c|e an'+xhourly(,' wage+, select O Pay on the Wages window, dfollow onscreen instruc` s. For 0 )(y4 either Personalr Holiday l!'t(en  >~R.\./pay_set_n/popup_whywagepitem.htmlHourly t payroll ts9:h5n 5+hx 3:pay cheque 3:employees` ersonal holiday| You need an 6 for each type of+you want to list on ap . s may *ms regular, overtime, p, or* can theP pplyh same+l| |many '0 evelough|y receive different rateshpay. . :%.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_deduct.htmlSet up a payroll ion9:/L 1:Click Custom Setup'PFinish 1:P  interviewdrev If you need to sll or'4run the 5D. You must create a separht for each'h' from gross or netl can als''s that are based on something otheren wages. a'.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_addition.htmlSet up a payroll 9:.H 3:separate'l 2:after-tax` 1:Click Finish 1:P SetP interview If you need to sll or| |, run the 5,. You must' 3 for each'l r company makest gross or net|. Examplesx.xs include tips, expense reimbursements, trave`-vances, and other'@,+p. $!.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_commission.htmlSet up a (`9:C' s 40 3:Hourly Wages 2:Click Finish 2:Prev If you need to s ll or payroll, run the P SetP interview. payp r employees on),t can one or more htrack(spay.  Other andgn cl Next ! dHK.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_contribution.htmlSet up a company-paid benefit or other expense9:2 8:payroll 1:PSet@ interview 1:click Item ListL If you need to sll or , run the'<-. You must createPseparh x# for each=,"want`track with pay cheque. Gohes menu andzn 5T. .\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_edit.htmlEdit payroll 9:click P Item 3:changes 2:Addition 2:Cx Finish  the *  button andnn 5. Next inp0D wizard until you fi  windowwantmake necessary  . You can't a+\ marked as an  to a Deduction. wY$.\./pay_set_n/task_changes_pitems_affect.htmlWhat do  to payroll  ?8:+_ 8: 7d cheques 6:employee information 2p'X+jC you make6 the newd write, buthy can also 2D and+!td!h have already cXted. If existing+are'd,xppears onpay` (x|(ms2 ised when1 any of follow3: ! -{.\./pay_set_n/help_payitem_merge.htmlMh payroll ts9:tax+O 2:* name 2:federal tax 2:exampl|exceptions Important: After you +s, cannot separate them into two, again. Ifare ing a predefined otherl+ for a miscellaneous stax with a company contribup set upthe sameh , select`3. One,$ affects grossh and one  net pay. . )".\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_del.htmlDelete a payroll | 9:click Undo P Item 2:Edit menuL entry 2:Lists1* | What you should know befored2J B/* s topic goes heD ! Cthe + button and then 1 . Important: If+vn  by mistake, immediately goHa ' 6`. .\./pay_set_n/info_amounts_summarize.htmlS sing payroll  for this year to date9:x-to-x. 6:QuickBooks 3:P Setup interview 3:employees 2:click + If you needpset Hall or , run the,(. Skipprocedure icompany has just hired its first (s) andnot done before or4x'@. Whenl're settr0up''in (-,`'ea( 9sed'7` beginn| to use)`'butl 've already writtenh cheques earlier i-calendar year. }.\./pay_set_n/task_enter_emp_ytd_amts.htmlE|ing employee year-to-date amounts durppayroll setup9:terminated's 9:click PSs 4: information 3'Tdata 3:+history Prior to d+summary ) for an'x, make sure that you've organisedbr t the way QuickBooks requested. GodqE(s menu and 1( . Important: BeU!e5@/p4s,h must complete Sec|) s 1 through 3 of6 i`>view, which includK"ettf*up} r an+1, .your's. ;.\./pay_set_n/task_emp_ytd_guide.htmlFilling in the YTD Adjustment window9:3\. 7:company-paid taxes 7:gross salary 6:employee 5:QuickBooks Ifdensation was subject to state untax, enteramou^oftax. If you decidextrack ` ' expenses, such as insurance,ta payroll  for each` period, mustst)ee+is). Ft very (and,tax5n, (M s!wage basereports x d forms. ..\./pay_set_n/task_enter_prior_pmts.htmlEting  liability payments dur ayroll setup9:ptaxes 9:6 8:click PSb 7'iest|(of  and'pdYou must  summaries of(ypade for) othert) from the beginn`h(he calendar year through today. If your company has not mp`'8d+ or * .this,,`  can skip adjustx5. The P(P8ITx4(L st January. L$.\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_state_local.htmlSetting up  and  payroll taxes7:+W 7: 2:Australia 4. This topic is not available in 'P. . oD.\./pay_set_n/nf_at_explain_merge.htmlMerging payroll items for the same tax9:Edit PItem 9:user-defined company-paido 3:*P name 2:wizard 1:Click You canxbine two-0that track+L when one is set up as a *U,| +X andotherma+, T specified inp table. Select+y@ 8@ Change0 `& to be exactly2asof+p7- ha'x.X. )# .\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_bonus.htmlSetting up a  payroll o7:0P 4:Click B| 2:Hourly Wages 1:employeP SetH interview If you need to setll or, run the 5/. payr r ' one-timees,` canone or moresttrack es pay. Select andwn c"Next. .\./pay_set_n/task_pitems_super.htmlSet up  contribution9:Reportable Employer Sj C) 3:'tAddip al and Salary Sacrifice type of1 2:onscreen instruc` s 2:Co, 2:Tax tracking  If you need to sallx your payroll, use the P Setup interview. Follow3P fori t~upf`qsx0s:( Guarantee Act,(x( , Collective Agreement, Prodl#vity, Redundancy,/d+, SpovDeon4Memeber Voluntary. "D will appear on$INBx.d SummtCas a  . 0.\./pay_tax_n/concpt_payroll_liabs.htmlHow QuickBooks calculates  pilities9:( 9:1 6:employer contribution'8items 4:P Liab  accountT payment )4 are the amts you have deducted fromzr es'dl s but not yet passed on to govern` or other agenc\ for PAYG tax, HELP Debts anddme O. (p* (h owe each withholding|u; d,records it as a transac1in an automatically-creat&0lled /). WE -process,*n inc ses+ balance of this' y account. 1 .\./pay_tax_n/concpt_trackingtes.htmlHow QuickBooks s company-paid taxes and benefits9:+ -\ 8:( 6)0 payroll reports 6:pay cheque (9Xwith eachp  you write. When,d a) ,can the total cost to  foremploye}T,equal+ ensation plu-0\ benefits. .\./pay_tax_n/f1_check_liab_date.htmlCping the x your payroll tilities are\ id through9:c 9:1 5:tax\ yment 5:Form 941@ Type field WhenhFidar+inPay Liabwindow, QuickBooks used""  to fill ins for 0 and1 to calculate amounts due. You can look at&y cheque*creatxo se d(0we-. Selec5you want`see,clickEdit Transaction button o+ register. 7>(.\./pay_tax_n/info_legal_character.htmlDetermining valid 's for your company's  name and address9:C Lv A 9:2 8:." 2:letters 2:QuickBooks Based on government requirels, we recomXd thatl use the followx)`whenente  in (`. Y g ar.p'federal*state tax forms. . t&.\./pay_tax_n/info_payroll_summary_rpts.htmlGenerating   reports9:4d 5:state taxes 3:employewage base 2:QuickZoom All of the fBow`  begin withsam:.. To determine gross ds and held or accrued for each wall'Qsmdxrange you specify, credh4. I%form ask(hx% aq, can)lh (by ush''h on an amount in(7N%|#.\./pay_tax_n/info_prior_futa_payments.htmlHandling  FUTA  that haven't reached the limit3: 3:1 h.  .\./pay_tax_n/info_self_adjl0es_wrong.htmlLocate possible setup errors in your payroll data6:*; 6:* 3:tax 2:xrmation 2'item Use the following ) as a guide when revie and troubleshootdtax calcul s that appear incorrect: ! The($etail  report provides ded,\bout how QuickBooks'Pdamounts on employe cheques dp*ear-to-dh/transacd%s. You can also creia'`(]!wle wage base (P for each tax. (.\./pay_tax_n/info forms.htmlPreparing and filh payroll tax 8:/L 1:employer 1:Payment Summary 1:accountant 1:d office As an  , you're usually required to pee /, including: ! If not sure whichl are+ file, contactfr ( or the! office. . [..\./pay_tax_n/intro_adj_liab_emp.htmlAdjusting the payroll tax |ility forcompany vs. an employee9: 9:(& a ment 8:3 3:examples of)s Some*D require you tot as a whole. The most commonHasontuse ax( is whenlM iw minP!discrepancy betweP(calculationKn a)form andt  sumppieseach'X . Associate)twith\specific'''D's calendar-year total a deducs or -paid or benefit ap ncorrect. cK.\./pay_tax_n/intro_adj_liab_posneg.htmlWhen should the payroll tax amount be positive and w)inegax?9:0 7:xility adjustment 7l cheque 6:QuickBooks 5ditem If a) ' is for an employee, ( displays a message suggesting that you make(s onjay instead of here. For most flat-ratep& es supported by l)tabl,p automaticall~"dsmisst/onnextl3other, company-paid benefits,6nonldeductionXcan\creas>y ed\=ng it.$. _1.\./pay_tax_n/nf_payliab.htmlWorking with payroll taxes and other x ilities9:verifypy 9:/L chequesLPay Liab  window 8' 8:QuickBooks After you specify the date range inSelect DaRFor1sd S ton , ( creates im record transactionshyour company file. Chang`(| sort order ofl h0*dBy default,*l 4t are l ed alphabetically by'item. Runna PA5 y Balances rephClick.e)Rbutton`&generm3a'D-mfD7l#time period?iXShow/lfields. K.\./pay_tax_n/nf_ladjexpaccnt.htmlExpense account for Employee Liabilities window9:Payroll s 9: 7:QuickBooks 6:9 3:pl y balances report (4 needs to know which'you want{usextrack the e withholding and deduction amhs. )enters . as , but `can  a different. News: Ifxname of an that doesn't exist, follow onscreen message#set up account.    .\./pay_tax_n/d gather_info_forforms_basic.htmlG prmation for payroll tax|ms8:) 6:/ 1:methods 1*ue|guidance You can use the following  to +Tto prepare and file you+ es: ! For addiwal , contactrofessiona advisor. . U .\./pay_tax_n/sk_`unschedlment.htmlCreate a custom payroll tax or non-hliability cheque9:ies 9:6 8:0d 5:QuickBooks 4:CL'Payds Go to the Employees menu, choose PTaxes and ies,then click >. Note: To have ( only display ) where youbalances`pay, selectHide zero 'checkbox inlower-left corner ofwindow'If ed more than one'}y`;abletx( same supplier,*}cBsHBsingle> for aeCh(Xies. v.\./pay_tax_n/popup_display_rptnavprl.htmlDing the list of payroll reports6:-D 4:click R Centre 2:Employees & P 2: s menu Go to *\ and 1P. In) ,1. . G.\./pay_tax_n/popup_payeetliab.htmlPh names for payroll dilities9: . 5:click Edit PItem 2*P ListD single supplier Select the'$itemwhich you need to enter ajee. In/  window, verify p  and Next)8 of agencyh|isPid field,or chooseappropriat ee name. +.\./pay_tax_n/popup_payitem_qrept.htmlTo run a QuickReport o`payroll d for a taxdm9:click* 9:f 8'8 4P Item ListEC Modify  Select the'l l which you want tir. FForm 941 last quarter, lPaid Through drop-down liX and choose LxCalendarT. It includes liabilitylments d(Xadjust|+ies|*( accrued within! date range. /.\./pay_tax_n/q_calctax.htmlWhat to do if the pay cheque appears|pulate incorrectly9:Paydroll item 9:employee'sd 6 Amounts 6*record 6:Deduction  Seem Wrong When you preview an 3,may find the '+d a or others on4$ differenL| n expected. Usefollowing informato  how QuickBooks(4%(taxes alT2nvestigh/ problems with )or i#r*{pay data. If"have mord an one Regular .@(need two Overtime/s,each should fall belowoir Gspondx#6x`QEarnings table. $.\./pay_tax_n/q_payliabilities.htmlWhy do my payroll ) show the wrong amount due?9:(7 9:1 1:Pay L( window  30  If your 4Xs3, check following: ! f.\./pay_tax_n/task_#es_by_check.htmlPay payroll taxes and liabilities9:)U (T 3:QuickBooks 2)0 company file 2p ee ( allows you topir`-Tothe(\)4. There is one way=(1H in (T: ! Each| ee must be set up as a supplierdyour)+. Q.\./pay_tax_n/task_verify_t liabs.htmlV ing payroll pilities9:5 2:1 report 2:numbers 1:transactionx y amount 50 If you want to checkfr  befored` ies, create ap.. On the , double-cliF anto display a list of aH#* that affect . findyour*X are not correct,v c`djust them. . .\./pay_tax_n/task_paying_liab_exp_pen.htmlP additional payroll expenses and penalties9:. 9:'x 6:Review h ility cheque 5' ies 5:window At the top of, click 5\@ enter'/'5,Create. I  is no one you want add" toNext or Previous a/ until displaysappropriate%. Ep"amount"\y*|Recalculx buttonxrecompute+Lcheque. ?|(.\./pay_tax_n/task_discount_payroll_liabs.htmlEntering a  for  hilities9:1T 30 (ctax's 9:Review'y cheque 4'(taxes 3:window Pay my' and' D 20   30 3L  ! At the top of, click 5B eh4 expenses/penal}1,"Create. I 6. is no one you want add'toNext TAPrevious a/ untilt@playsappropriate cheque. 3".\./pay_tax_n/task_adj_liabs.htmlAdjusting payroll pilities9: PLiab 8:y ament 7:Amount field 5) balance 4:date  the'y a10 3y4 zmy2d 20 ! Go toEmployees menu, choose'Taxes and ),then click1. In Date#, enter|! for which you are makh3d (. j.\./pay_tax_n/task_select_liabs_to_pay.htmlSing the |ilities to pay9:payroll*p 8:Pay Liabwindow 8: Date Range for26:date 3:field In4`, you choose which*<want now. Go|` Employees menu, PTaxes and*,xn click Cre`Custom' y Payments. If- one of two related* , QuickBooks automatically sp other'y. .\./pay_tax_n/task_refund_t liabs.htmlRecording a payroll xility  cheque9:= 7/ies 50 6:Deposit R of Liabx ies 5:QuickBookp Amount field If you overpaymr/| and taxes,o ma`ceive a,(, whichneed to r! in ((|correctmr)h balance. Goxthe EmployeH menu, choose P*Tm t),then click ;. Aftertd+,*increases |(kfortax speciA.d#mak/ zero. hn&.\./pay_tax_n/task_emp_refund.htmlGiving an employee a  for a payroll deduction9: 8:non-tax0 8: 3: 2:salary' items If you've ed too much7, stas health insurance,o ne giW the0. In iE Summzse, ente!ositd amountdappropriate+l , and record pay cheque. UseWrite C s window to w| .P3"regular" cheque. I2.\./pay_tax_n/task_find_wagebase_limit.htmlDetermining the current m r lp for a payroll tax9:)7 9:- 4:click P Item List 3:Reports menu 2:tYou can de+Xeanrings;h by creatsa r  about your' items. Go to *`, choose Employees &, andfn 5ing. The Annual L( column shows|;`2tax. . !.\./pay_tax_n/task_add_memo_liab_chk.htmlAdding a l to a payroll ` ility cheque9:6h 9:employer ID numberPp 6:click Edit P Item 4:Memo field You can automatically add t , such as your 08 with a tax agency or \ IRA account. CNext untilt Finish|%recordx r changes. Whenlp) the)0 tracked by thisd-item, QuickBooks enters* from0o in((. .\./pay_tax_n/task_track_pexp_class.htmlKeeping  of payroll expenses by 9:ing 9:. 5:company contribution'Pitems 4'preference 3:QuickBooks (, automatically assigns es to wages and -paid taxes. Turn on the'( for'D'|'tjob costx$t l!. ! Choose betwee6 either always a singlexan entir cheque qodif&t (Pearnings -hindividuald cheques. )'.\./pay_tax_n/task_adjust_pliab_accnt.htmlA your payroll l ilities account (Assisted Ponly)6:9 5: 3:Show*h 1:fields 1:  balance Pay)|. Enter the last day ofquarlor period for which`  areoing)[ in. from/through . Y> will now be zero. . .\./pay_tax_n/task_zero_lliabs_rpt.htmlZeroing out the payroll xilities report9:Adjust PLiab 9:8 2:negative balance 1:Amount field 1: Taxes If you have overpaider3in prior quarters,l maya small . on`4P. If#ais less than $1.00(want to a%you4jsox> shows a p7'. Gol t5Employees menu, choose') and ),then click 8T. M .\./pay_tax_n/task_self_adjustx%es.htmlHow flat-rate tax changes affect pay cheques8: 7:payrolllment 6:0 6:'| 4:built-in table QuickBooks usDits 0 to determine the p\(nd brackets for withholding amounts. Important: If you orl a+p , andqnedit a previously recordedd!*E,ppx#X ll refl|*cnewyfhre haPeen aaap&|,x$assigecT=omerojobn earnings item, whT c re-h(automatically updat6Vth , even though'did notany o4 o| e payment. %.\./pay_tax_n/task_list_rate_wagebase.htmlListing the xs and m p limits for tax payroll items8:. 8:/ 4:flat-x pes 3:*! pp report 3:click P Item ` The Amount column of9< showslof all -\. Dependron,either comes from update or is one you enter whenset up+p)Hnnual Lt.-#)0current - ,|maximum a subject to this tax. . 0.\./pay_tax_n/TOC_trouble_paycheck_calcs.htmlTshoot pay cheque hulations8:5g 7: s Changing thed roll items on ah cheque. Y*.\./pay_oz_n/APCA in QB.htmlProviding QuickBooks with your  number9:default*W 9:( 5:online-enabled account 3:bank level 2:ABA file ( needs to know/ before it can create an  | x{ . *\ow has details of/p, which include|%the xgenerates. Note thatx) enteru t, alwayDverrides x company 1. . .\./pay_oz_n/concpt_email_t summaries.htmlE` payment 's9:0d 2:employees 1:QuickBookshrollPInternet 1, Instead of printing|, for your ',| can choose to 5 directly from 0. Processq r0. F|.\./pay_oz_n/task_email_payment_summaries.htmlEping  '9:3p 7:default text 5 3:employees 2:Send Forms Go to the E menu, click Process P S and}nSelect1to . those 'G ona -s)  window with valid " addresses who have nominated|receive0T via. Each sent contains *l explain|0x'purpzof$ents  attachment. .\./pay_oz_n/task_email_l summaries.htmlE` payment 'p setup8: |ployee preferencesail( 7:default text 7  Th* whether toor print0` must be| up as an individual)x for each em. You y law inform all's of the decision(\0and get|ir permisppchange inDactice. Ei'sx/contains &x% explainingx  purpose*| ontent' attachment. `+.\./pay_oz_n/concpt_superlink.htmlTake the headache out of S| Choice with Link9:Tools(G 8: 7:* 4: funds 3:hs Reckon - takes < compliance. ?( information and straight from your QuickBooks filetransmits it electronically to allt%d(required"annuFd. Subscrip}s contracts for|+ are set up extern (. t.\./pay_oz_n/task_superlink.htmlRemit to many  funds electronically using StLink9:'/ 6:) 6:QuickBooks 4( file 3:payroll procesz ', liabilities are calculated and compiled for).by( as an extension of your regular 0@. This  involvec multiple windows in (. (0 displays the mLage "Dox want`0!mrannuatd*Snow.0?" Y.\./pay_oz_n/task_superlind bscribe.htmlSu to St Link9:Tools(G 3:xs 1:Internet-based service@QuickBookt(0 software Reckon -l is a third party, 4Lat integrates seamlessly with your 1. ptions and contracts for( are set up exhallyx#(`. All financial transac take place privately betweenh'. D.\./pay_oz_n/info_eligible_termination_payment.htmlSetting up payroll items for Emplo T( Ps9:= 9:Tax Trackt Type window 9:Addid, 6:General Inform 5:name As QuickBooks will not allow two \more,P to have the same t you would needrgis.differents. Le` Grossh" selected. Noth at anyion in thixk isrelevant as6 )xt6lll be manually calculated and enXmt time of. . +y,.\./pay_oz_n/info_hol_loading_01.htmlIntroduction to holiday 9:term HL 7:Assigning Leave 6:- payroll item 6:i) 4:Employee Record The.+ would normally be aedae s who are entitlreceiUl . Whenever a'* isLid, QuickBooks wiPautomaticapply tD-. Because:l a defaultT(,nre` no need for you`do any set up. !  ).\./pay_oz_n/info_hol_loading_02.htmlProcessing a holiday  payment7:5d 6:p' 2:HL `roll item0x 2:QuickBooks (/ wiP automatically calculate the -. Assign|1|+# to employee recordmdl#-3currX#l when inP& Preview window.  .\./pay_oz_n/info_hol_loading_03.htmlHow holiday * will affect PAYG tax and payment summaries in QuickBooks9:(3 8: 6:-D/, 1:HL s All@6| to befree upd$320`any financial year ! !.\./pay_oz_n/info_Other_payroll_items.htm P I9: | 3:micellaneous adjustments 3:positive or negaamoux 2:employee 1:commissions The * can be used to track ex]s` deductd relN ng{an , e.g. )|time in lieu. You alson t44 to make any 6 using :GIf ) has leftcompd and been paid for they will not work, ycreate a)type of@<7 x use ith%minus* days fromow` to them. NI!.\./pay_oz_n/info_payroll_TIL.htmlTime in lieu9:LY  item 9:h 3:Employee Report 2:e s 2:termination|ments The /h has been created by Reckon to help youltrack tU t)vr ' accumulate or use. p with zero rpand using sameh|# fTextra hours worked x+taken !- against regular` 6E7.\./pay_oz_n/info_payroll_TILrpts.htmlCreating a time in lieu report9:LuR 4:Employee 3:Quantity 3:task 2:Filters tab Ust the  by   you can select fo display d+d item only. Go to s menu, click's & P  and}n2. To viewx r memorised T%#%, g; M', the"s,.`+Report. .\./pay_oz_n/task_process_TIL_twoitem.htmlPing extra time worked and in lieu taken usxthe separate payroll ` s9:w 9:3| 8:click Pay Employees 8:( 6:ing If you want to track1 ly`+,needcredanother+x p(X". To checkg r e, balance, print a Quantity b( Report. Note: Because`  are X.an hourly .with thes-,p)H/0Xwill appear onmi" slip. V.\./pay_oz_n/task_process_TIL_hourrate.htmlPing extra time worked andin lieu taken with an g ly s 9:` 8:click Pay Employees 6:ing 5:Lh :payroll item 4:Quantity column If you want to record dollar amounts against , needl enter- . You can use one * or sepal+` s when assignt),| |. E the number of-s me+ has2off P47\l1he -d. ".\./pay_oz_n/task_process_TIL_oneitem.htmlPing extra time worked and in lieu taken usxthe TpQLppayroll s 9:/L 9:click Pay Employees 9:k 9:) 6ing You ca~e ; to track both)@=` off by your e. To check-d,lbalance, print a Quantityh  Report. Note: Because`  are not+an hourly rate with this 7, p"',twill appear ont ir pay slip. 9T=.\./pay_oz_n/task_process_TIL_QBtimesheet.htmlTime in lieu and the QuickBooks '9:2[ 9:j 6)t 2:employees 1:Review If you us4 cannot transfer'xfrom'S to' pay. areh ckingz r (extra worked*8taken| will need`enter it manually`x& or Change Payments window. P1| with an hourly rate. H.\./pay_oz_n/info_recording_fbt_01.htmlSetting up payroll items Fringe Benefits Tax9:FBT+ H+| 90 9:@ Trackx Type window 7:Reportable. 4:General Information The|ment summary given to the employee atnd ofyear shouldxw any ` attributed forperiod from Aprilprevious to Marchcurrhp. Choose Comp Con iond' radio button. This tz%of,wiP3allow amount|be acctindesired manner and appt!on a certaivrtpay*. KMH.\./pay_oz_n/info_recording_fbt_02.htmlSetting up payroll items Fringe Benefits Tax8:FBT+ 6: 6:Tax 4amount 2:employee  Choose ax period in which to the p . Select'\* fromOther PIsectionp p Review or ChadPayment window. It does not matter if thisl' |ermanently assignedp` -. Q.\./pay_oz_n/info_recording_fbt_03.htmlSetting up payroll items Fringe Benefits Tax6:Reportable fb 6:Tax 6:+ 1:INB Payment Summary 1td Be to be seen by the employee on pay slip appear1| under 8 amount. R" amount. Ac.\./pay_oz_n/info_redundancy_pitem_03.htmlHow (p affects PAYG Tax and Payment Summary9:INB.W 9: 6:(H 2:Type D*p s'p. Appear on the 1 under . Note: The exact way in whichpayroll is maintainedt often dependdupon individual business requireys!emplo! contracts. Usep-rmation co'lis secal  illustration. ,.\./pay_oz_n/info_redundancy_pitem_01.htmlSetting up payroll |s for (pments9:Tax Track|Type window 9:additionx'/ 9:1  5:General Informa` 5:tax The ATO has a range of l about the rulesRlato termin h. In ' to what would n`lly beCid phe employee upon resig ,rs makuy  in accort-j#th h contract and/or company policiesEA)*\, as opposea wagesL(, allowspa|be as` different partsx+p) summary ! Q`&.\./pay_oz_n/info_redundancy_pitem_02.htmlProcessing a ( payment9:R'p 8:pre-calculated1 6:p'X 4:Review 4:Payroll Items section of the  or Change P window Choosel t fromOtherd  ! M. Whenpay is finalised, go toemployee record Et5 Info'\and enterlast dayx-work i ReleaX* Date field. C .\./pay_run_n/ov_advance_holiday.htmlOverview of   payments9:5h 8:multiplet periods 6:o \ 4:employee 3:QuickBooks When an6D is created for a( cxing 2v, ( distributes the gross'8 earnings evenly x pay. If5can be)d amongst)D, one7 issu|entire'1 knot4t, you must-:@t0each) with a different ), otherwisetaxOll worked out correctly. .\./pay_run_n/f1_advance_holiday_window.htmlA H Payment 9: end date 9:4 9: p dvailable pay periodD  Number of( s: Type the n'( s for which you want to an employeir, aPthen press TAB key. begin: If (h is incorrect,W$terl% that starts. You shouldn't havetmanually se/ because QuickBooks automaticcalculate'o-ased on(`,jat*specify above. . h&.\./pay_run_n/task_advance_holiday_pay.htmlCreating an   payment forxemployee9:5 9:Pay Es\pay period 6:processx payroll s 6:QuickBooks When you c}ex5 that covers more`n onel , an *the entire( as lo~$s  arnings remainsame%each). Ifea\differ`,between)s,| 'T$have toa separatl4)`"t is '. Reviewp tdetails| ensuDthey hcorrecAt'#(is be;idp` employee. .\./pay_tax_n/info_EMPDUPE_eci.htmlSubmit the  file online9:ECI 9:*lE 9:ATO 3:free ECI software 3:sensitive and secured transactions Instead of saving your,to magnetic media nd|eoATO,` re is now an\thod for stl3|ATO. The ATO has provided a gateway, calld`&lectronic Commerce Interface, to allow highly hjbeatD#fely over| net. 6via0requiresd)tdownload / from tWeb sitverifyhr identityp #'s satisf9,2to rece> digital certificate that will *H). .\./pay_tax_n/info_EMPDUPE_file.htmCreating an  s9:*8 7:click Process Payment Summaries 5'data 4:disk / magnetic media 3:Export Files\  After you printgr ps,| also need to cqe.( that contains the-2y `have justed. You c[#useJ is+xsupply Australian Taxation Office with/r2rmfor all employees inlr companyLQuickBooks(d7 and promptsxzit` x) root directory \[product]\[E_name]\8Windows VisF@& 7 : C:\ProgramData\Intuit\)'\[P ). Q .\./pay_tax_n/task_amended_payD tsummary.htmlADded  ies7:0n 6.l 5:ATOTemployees 4. y If any-|y details change after you have lodged '-H to the ATO can submit an ,y. When are resending9), makeZ reonly select'. QuickBooks prints6l information for each' o7P forms. ".\./pay_oz_n/Info_450_Threshold.htmlApplying $450 tt+ to causal employees9:Super Payroll Item for Casual staff 9:. 7: r contribution p item 6:+6:s  old When creatdthe se^ d *4 you will needtuse a different descrip|. In this example, wexd name 'FT'|+usedfull time( and d*'CAS5( c+(es. Golx 1x Compensap Info tabselect1under Addids, Deduco, E?r C)sd/tion ! kb.\./pay_oz_n/info_include_holiday_t in_advance.htmlHow to process  pay in  9:Change Payments window 9:1 8:Review 8:step 5 7:employee Hl can be d|the  separatex slip. Then click Opent cheque Detaild progrkto t  or 4H . You should also note thatdateslt |$period fields coverrelevant  of payment. <.\./pay_oz_n/Info_Make_Prev_Pay_Adj_02.htmlCreating payroll item for previousd adjustments9:description Pay A't 9:special purposex'` 4:Click 3:Additype 2:a Whilst the) could be made by usxa regular+, such as "Hourlyx", you maylfer to c|e a :. The;eitherxa Wages x or +. GoxpEmployees menu, cd$ Manage|'Items and}"nView/Edit+ List.  }J.\./pay_oz_n/Info_Make_Prev_Pay_Adj_03.htmlProcessing a payment for previous holiday adjust|s9:Hourly Pay 9:clickl Employees 9:1T 7: date You should select a suitable'`h , other than theute receives his/`regular . When you haveed,toc an*, Create Openp cheque Detail. There is no ne| o enter 0:00 againsSupXpayroll item. L.\./pay_oz_n/nf_Filter_CDEP_Payments_Window.html a  w8:2X 5:p  date 3:2 Xfields 1:x range Select the required relevant toporting period. If you wredpayroll paid on a certain ,ln enterh same D` From and To  l* was Thursday 25th November, 2007+25/11/x+ 0. . ~).\./pay_tax_n/nf_processw2.htmlPrint Payment Summaries9:p4d 6:employees 3:Payroll  ing Preferenc,` field@ing In the Tax Year, choosep yor which you are (0s. /1type of p"y1 , Individual Non Business or E$Termination-. Select Generate( as 'ADded' ifhave changed any '8/details after lodgd4it with the ATO. '*.\./pay_run_n/task_enter_paychecks.htmlPaying employees9:p-J 7h roll payments 5:QuickBooks 2|| date 1:preview Select 'Eh hours and - before creating' if you need to  or change the number of worked, sickhholiday time, miscellaneous additions`deduc,xl basis fbomIso. Cae without'Zusl+below last quantities'want (X|process all maq ' as soon|b&clt. I(chose '+\.b,m,*Pdisplaysf Pi8 BFQ  M ]zv@  ,,Y   9` &, j II `A%%X HBFF MhBFFrFHFX@x6e1njҊjn> J)@]`i FJ Z0H x-@l}I R&e =@2RX<e0Z hjp U ],Y(a 0 8Y0A P`ʦn  @PaY |VI(a f&hfQ0< :c"&&&&&Jf&FF&F¦Jh&@ &&$"&&&&@pf&@&b@FFN@U"&&&@P&Fp&H&&HFffJ*P. 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