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All rights reserved.8LegalTrademarkQuickBooks(TM) is a registered trademark of Intuit Inc.@ OriginalFilenamePRFORMS.DLLNProductNameQuickBooks for Windows6 ProductVersion20.0D R1DVarFileInfo$Translation TAFEmployee W-2& ex8 (wb Employer's identification numberVw *wc Employer's name, address, and POST codeWw;Xw)Yw)Zw)[w) 0wd Employee's social security number`w 2we Employee's first name/M.I.bw9 3wLast nameaw9cwdw)ew)fw) 4wf Employee's address and POST code 9w1 Wages, tips, other :w2 Federal income tax withhelduw ;w3 Social security wagesvw w6 Medicare tax withheldyw ?w7 Social security tipszw @w8 Allocated tips{w Aw9 Advance EIC payment|w Bw10 Dependent care benefits}w Cw11 Nonqualified plans~w) Mw14 Other ww Pw12 See Instrs. for box 12 ww Tw13wStat. Emp.wRetir. PlanwThird party sick-paywHshld. Emp.wSubtotal ww ww Qw15 State RwEmployer's state I.D. 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R^F_^Fod~Z FF=F<J@CKind of Payer is a field on the Form W-3 that is based on the type of employer you are, the type of employees you are filing for, or the type of federal tax forms you are required to file.)941Choose 941 if you file Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return and no other category applies.+943Choose 943 if you file Form 943, Employer's Annual Tax Return for Agricultural Employees, and you are filing Forms W-2 for agricultural employees. Note: You cannot e-file if you choose this option. Choose File by mail instead.*MilitaryChoose Military if you are a military employer sending Forms W-2 for members of the uniformed services. Note: You cannot e-file if you choose this option. Choose File by mail instead.,CT-1Choose CT-1 if you are a railroad employer filing Forms W-2 for employees covered under the Railroad Retirement Tax Act (RRTA). Note: You cannot e-file if you choose this option. Choose File by mail instead.-Household employeeChoose Household employee if you are a household employer filing Forms W-2 for household employees, and you did not include the household employees taxes on Form 941 or Form 943. Note: You cannot e-file if you choose this option. Choose File by mail instead..Medicare government employeeChoose Medicare government employee if you are a U.S., state, or local agency filing Forms W-2 for employees subject only to the 1.45% Medicare tax. Note: You cannot e-file if you choose this option. Choose File by mail instead.d(none)AKALARAZCACOCTDC DE FL GA HI IAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTNCNDNENH NJ!NM"NV#NY$OH%OK&OR'PA(PR)RI*SC+SD,TN-TX.UT/VA0VTVWA2WI3WV4WY Form 940z,y-yHy y{{/y0y1yEy}} Ly{{Ky}}Iy y{{ Py{{6y7y8y}} Qy{{9y:y;y}} Ry{{y}} Sy{{?y@yAy}} Ty{{ByCyDy}} {{2y}}3yFy}}5y Uy{{4y}} My{{NyOy}} {{Gy}};N cKCompany InfoVerify data Name (as distinguished from trade name)"yd Trade name, if any&yd Address and POST code$ydydzdydydyd Employer ID number%yd Edit/Verify: Calendar year#y TZ  ,  d d 2  UP  sF What is Form 940?Form 940 is the Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return. QuickBooks calculates your taxable wages and tax owed from your payroll data, but you can edit the amounts shown. Please use the instructions provided by the IRS for Form 940 as your guide to determine whether you need to edit the amounts.{{; cK940 Filing Information,{{{{ A) }}{{ Are you required to pay unemployment contributions to only one state? (If "No", skip questions B and C)"}}WyYesXyNo}}{{{{ B) }}{{ zDid you pay all state unemployment contributions by February 2, %4d? ((1) If you deposited your total FUTA tax when due, check "Yes" if you paid all state unemployment contributions by February 10, %4d. (2) If a 0%% experience rate is granted, check "Yes." (3) If "No", skip question C.)" }}YyYesyNo}}{{{{ C) }}{{ Were all wages that were taxable for FUTA tax also taxable for your state's unemployment tax?"}}yYesyNo}}yIf you will not have to file returns in the future, check here.ZyIf this is an Amended Return, check here.}}{{; cKDo you have the right Form 940?,{{ QuickBooks normally publishes a new Form 940 in mid-December. If you last downloaded payroll updates in November, for example, you most likely do not have the current year's form."}}{{ zThe form you currently have is for tax year %4d."}}{{ Note: QuickBooks only holds one calendar year Form 940 at a time. You can create a Form 940 with payroll data from any year, but when you print it, the year displayed will be the year of the form, not your data. If you downloaded the one-time free update, the form you have is the only form you will receive without a subscription. QuickBooks Payroll Subscribers: To download the latest updates, choose Get Updates from the Employee menu, then choose Get Payroll Updates. Next, click Update."P}}}}; cKPart I 1. Total payments including exempt payments.y 2. Exempt payments.y 3. Payments of more than $7,000 for services.y 4. Total exempt payments.dy 5. Total taxable wages.y  Do you need to adjust any of these numbers? If you make adjustments on fields that also exist in other tax forms, make sure to make the corresponding adjustments when processing those tax forms.y&Yes yN&o P  ! P  .-P  <;P  JIP d(#P; cKLine 1 Total payments (including exempt payments) during the calendar year for services of employees. QuickBooks calculated value[y  Your adjustments (if any)\y Final amount for line 1]y )(P 87P EDP ; cKLine 2 Exempt payments QuickBooks calculated value_y  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for line 2y ^yd)(P 87P EDP ; cKLine 3 Payments of more than $7,000 for services. Enter only amounts over the first $7,000 paid to each employee. Do not include payments from line 2. The $7,000 amount is the Federal wage base. Your state wage base may be different. Do not use the state wage limitation. QuickBooks calculated valueay  Your adjustments (if any)by Final amount for line 3cy m T P P P ; cKPart I Summary 1. Total payments including exempt payments.y 2. Exempt payments.y 3. Payments of more than $7,000 for services.y 4. Total exempt payments.dy 5. Total taxable wages.y  P  ! P  .-P  <;P  JIP ; cKPart II Summary 1. Gross FUTA tax.fy 2. Maximum 3b. Total tentative credit.y 6. 7. Total FUTA 8. Total FUTA tax deposited for the year.y  Do you need to adjust any of these numbers?y&Yes yN&o P  ! P  .-P  <;P  JIP  WVP #q#PAgricultural labourBelow mrket-interest rate loanBCharity Orgs. in Section 501c3CCorp. under Act of CongressDeceased worker's wagesDependent care assist programDomestic serviceEd. assistance prog.paymentsEmp. achievement awardsJEmp. contributions to planMEmp. payments after 6 monthsHEmp.Contributes to Section 403bGEmployer contributions to SEP#Family employees(Federal employees-Fishing & other activities.Fishing boat less than 10 ton/Fishing boats; share proceedsForeign Gov. & Global Org.2Foreign service by U.S. citizenZFringe benefits for exclusion8Full-time insurance salespersonUFulltime studentGroup legal services plan[Grp. Term Life; Cafeteria Plans Hospital InternsHousehold workers]Indian Tribal Government7Insurance agent or solicitor Laity who took vow of poverty Laity without vow of poverty>Lodging on Employer premises<Meals and lodging=Meals on Employer premises MinistersNewspaper & magazine suppliersNewspaper Carrier under age 18NNo Emp.payments after 6 monthsNoncash pay for housework etc.ANon-profit organizations Non-resident Alien RR worker!Non-resident Alien Student, etc."NonResidentAlien wrk outside US\Nontax scholarships & grants$Offspring employed by parent*Other fed. employees9Other insurance salespersonDOther org. under Section 501a%Parent employed by offspringPatients Employed by hospitalsRailroads, etc.Real Estate Agent&Direct Sellers Reimburse moving expensesResident Alien outside U.S.FRetirement and pension plansIRetirement&Pension distribution0Salmon or halibutService outside Emp. businessKSickness or injury payments&Spouse employed by spouseTSpouse of studentState Gov. Emp. & subdivisionsStatutory Industrial Home EmpRStudent in nonprofit org.QStudent worker in private ed.VStudent nursePStudentsWStudents employed by campsTaxability dep.on # of EmpTemp. agric. labour, foreign ctryTips less than $20 a month4U.S. emp. foreign affiliates3U.S. Gov. EmployeeUnemp. comp. plan benefits)Uniformed service memberSWorking student & nurseLWorkmen's Comp. Law; cKClassify Exempt Payments yThe IRS requires all exempt payments to be classified. See how QuickBooks classified $%s in the fields below. Total exempt payments are $%s. You must classify $%s using the table below. If you need a detailed description of the classifications, click Classification Descriptions. zClassification zAmount Reimburse moving expensesy Dependent care assist programy Grp. Term Life; Cafeteria Plansy "yCy "yCy zClassification zAmount"yCy "yCy "yCy "yCy "yCy  zTotal Exempt Paymentsy Undistributed Amounty +y&Classification Descriptionsy y y y y "yCy "yCy "yCy "yCy "zCz "zCz "zCz "zCz "zC z " zC z 2> >0 K J0 X W0 e d0 r r0  0 > >0 K K0 X X0 e e0 r r0  0  0  0 J0 J0 J0 J0 J0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 ; QuickBooks has found State Unemployment liability forEyAState Info Employer IDyd SUI Ratey Edit/Verify: State experience rate period Fromy Toy  LF ((  2>=B >=B ;EyA continued Taxable Payroll (as defined in state act) QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (c)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ;EyA continued Contributions actually paid to state QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (i)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ; QuickBooks has found State Unemployment liability forEyAState Info Employer IDyd SUI Ratey Edit/Verify: State experience rate period Fromy Toy  LF ((  2>=B >=B ;EyA continued Taxable Payroll (as defined in state act) QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (c)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ;EyA continued Contributions actually paid to state QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (i)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ; QuickBooks has found State Unemployment liability forEyAState Info Employer IDyd SUI Ratey Edit/Verify: State experience rate period Fromy Toy  LF ((  2>=B >=B ;EyA continued Taxable Payroll (as defined in state act) QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (c)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ;EyA continued Contributions actually paid to state QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (i)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ; QuickBooks has found State Unemployment liability forEyAState Info Employer IDyd SUI Ratey Edit/Verify: State experience rate period Fromy Toy  LF ((  2>=B >=B ;EyA continued Taxable Payroll (as defined in state act) QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (c)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ;EyA continued Contributions actually paid to state QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (i)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ; QuickBooks has found State Unemployment liability forEyAState Info Employer IDyd SUI Ratey Edit/Verify: State experience rate period Fromy Toy  LF ((  2>=B >=B ;EyA continued Taxable Payroll (as defined in state act) QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (c)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ;EyA continued Contributions actually paid to state QuickBooks calculated valuey  Your adjustments (if any)y Final amount for column (i)y  #< "!P 10P ?=P ; cKLine 3 Computation of tentative credit yy Totalshy iy jy Total tentative credit for line (rA Ui9 2 62  wud ;EA (a) Statedd(b) State ID # (c) Taxable wages(e) rate  (f) (c)x.054  (g) (c)x(e)  (h) (f)-(g) or 0  (i) amount paid; cKLine 8 Total FUTA tax deposited for the year, including any overpayment applied from a prior year. QuickBooks calculated valueny  Adjustments for current yearoy Overpayments from a prior yeary Final amount for line 8py ^)(P 87P GFP TSP ; cKPart II Summary 1. Gross FUTA tax.fy 2. Maximum 3b. Total tentative credit.y 6. 7. Total FUTA 8. Total FUTA tax deposited for the year.y  P  ! P  .-P  <;P  JIP  WVP ; cKPart II Summary continued 9. Balance due. This should be $100 or less. Pay to the "United States Treasury".qy 10. Overpayment. Check if it is to be:ry syApplied to next return, ortyRefundedP -2P A d ; cKPart III Record of Quarterly Federal Unemployment Tax Liability (Do not include State Liability) QuickBooks calculated value Your adjustment (if any) Liability for quarter First Qtruy vy wy Second Qtrxy yy zy Third Qtr{y |y }y Fourth Qtr~y y y  Total for yeary ,m/x%2/ %2/ %2/ ;%26/ Z2 {{; cKIRS E-Filing Requirements,{{{{ Did your state reporting number change this tax reporting year?"}}zYeszNo}} cKIf your state reporting number has changed during this tax reporting year you cannot file using the E-File && Pay service. You'll need to print your form and mail it to the government.2{{{{ Did your state assign a State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) experience rate this tax reporting year? "}} zYes zNo}} cKIf you have an assigned State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) experience rate (including a zero experience rate), click Yes. If you do not have an assigned experience rate, click No. Note, you cannot file using the E-File && Pay service if the rate has not been assigned.(}}; cKYou have now finished Form 940. To print Form 940 click "Print Form 940". Make sure you sign the printed Form 940. To save your data and exit click "Leave".yPrint Form 94&0!yPreview Form 9&40 The printed Form 940 looks different from the blank form the government provided. However, it has been fully approved by the U.S. government as long as you print the form with black ink on white or cream colored paper of at least 18 lb. weight, size 8" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 11".,^,2xx^^^^; cKYou have now finished Form 940 To file and save your forms: To e-file: Preview forms, print and save a copy, then click File Online. To file paper forms: Preview and print forms. Sign them before filing. To save your data and exit: Click Leave. zStep 1!yPreview Form 9&40 zStep 2yPrint Form 94&0 zStep 3,yFile &Online Forms you print look different from the U.S. Government forms. They will be accepted as long as you make sure your printer is loaded with 8.5" x 11" (or 8" x 11") white- or cream-colored paper, of at least 18-lb. weight, and the printer ink is black.,^ ^- -^> >, P2FPZ i2FiZ 2FZ^d,y"y,y&y,y$y,yy,yz,yy,yy,yy,y%y,y#y-yWy-yXy-yYy-yy-yy-yy-yy-yZyEyy Eyy Eyy Eyy Eyy /y[y /y\y /y]y 0y_y 0yy 0yy 0y^y1y`y 1yay 1yby 1ycy Hyy Hyy Hyy Hydy Hyy Hyey Iyy Iyy Iyy Iyy Iyy Iyy 6yyE6yy6yy6yy6yy 7yyE7yy 7yy 7yy 8yyE8yy 8yy 8yy 9yyE9yy9yy9yy9yy :yyE:yy :yy :yy ;yyE;yy ;yy ;yy yyE>yy >yy >yy ?yyE?yy?yy?yy?yy @yyE@yy @yy @yy AyyEAyy Ayy Ayy ByyEByyByyByyByy CyyECyy Cyy Cyy DyyEDyy Dyy Dyy 2yyE2yy2yy 2yy2yy 2yy 2yy 2yy 2yhy 2yiy 2yjy 2yky 3yny 3yoy 3yy 3ypy Fyfy Fygy Fyy Fyly Fymy Fyy Kyy Kyy Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy Kyy Kyy Kyy Kyy Kyy Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyy"Kyy Kyz"Kyz Kyz"Kyz Kyz"Kyz Kyz"Kyz Kyz"Ky z Ky z"Ky z 5yqy 5yry 5ysy5yty4yuy 4yvy 4ywy 4yxy 4yyy 4yzy 4y{y 4y|y 4y}y 4y~y 4yy 4yy 4yy NyzNyzNy zNy z]y#0@31067 #0@31068 +cy#0@31073 #0@31074 +y#0@31077 #0@31068 +#0@31195 -#0@31074 -y#0@31069 #0@31075 -#0@31197 -_y#0@31196 #0@31195 -dy#0@31196 #0@31075 +fy#0@31197 0.062 *gy#0@31197 0.054 *y$0 #0@31117 y$1 #0@31130 y$2 #0@31143 y$3 #0@31156 y$4 #0@31169 y#31005@2 $0 #31005@2 $1 #31005@2 $2 #31005@2 $3 #31005@2 $4 y#31005@2 0.054 *y#31005@2 #31005@3 *y#31005@4 #31005@5 - 0 maxy$0 #0@31121 y$1 #0@31134 y$2 #0@31147 y$3 #0@31160 y$4 #0@31173 y#31005@7 $0 #31005@7 $1 #31005@7 $2 #31005@7 $3 #31005@7 $4 hy#31005@2 sumiy#31005@6 sumjy#31005@7 sumky#0@31081 #0@31082 +ly#0@31079 #0@31083 minmy#0@31078 #0@31084 -py#0@31086 #0@31087 +#0@31198 +qy#0@31085 #0@31088 - 0 maxry#0@31088 #0@31085 - 0 maxwy#0@31093 #0@31094 +zy#0@31096 #0@31097 +}y#0@31099 #0@31100 +y#0@31102 #0@31103 +y#0@31095 #0@31098 +#0@31101 #0@31104 + +y#0@31115 #0@31116 +y#0@31119 #0@31120 +y#0@31128 #0@31129 +y#0@31132 #0@31133 +y#0@31141 #0@31142 +y#0@31145 #0@31146 +y#0@31154 #0@31155 +y#0@31158 #0@31159 +y#0@31167 #0@31168 +y#0@31171 #0@31172 +y#0@31069 y#0@31196 y#0@31075 y#0@31083 y#0@31088 y#0@31174 y#0@31175 y#0@31176 y#0@31076 y#0@31197 y#0@31078 y#0@31079 y#0@31177 y#0@31084 y#0@31085 y#0@31178 y#0@31222 #0@31223 +y#0@31199 #0@31200 +#0@31201 +y#0@31196 #0@31202 -y#0@31205 #0@31207 +#0@31209 +#0@31211 +#0@31213 +#0@31215 +#0@31217 +y#0@31203 #0@31218 -y#0@31196 ''[y'' ''''/ 26''''ay'' '''''''ay'' '''''''ey'' '''''''`y'' '''''''y'' '''''''y'' '''+''''y'' '''''''y'' '''+''''y'' '''''''y'' '''+''''y'' '''''''y'' '''+''''y'' '''''''y'' '''+''''ny'' ''',''''uy''''',''''xy''''',''''{y'' ''',''''~y' ' ''',''''y'' ''''''''y'' ''''''''y'' ''''45''''y'' ''''26'''yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyFSDYFF940NAMECALTRADEADDREINBXAY BXAN BXBY BXBN BXCY BXCNN1XN2XL1L2E2L2E1L2L3L4L5ANSBSRCTPDFRDTOESEFCNGCNHAC ICN!H3AB"I3AC#P23B$P26%P27&P28'P29(P210)BX21*BX22+P3F,P3S-P3TH.P34/P3TT0P211P222NAME23C3AA4CITY5STATE6POST"y#y&yyy4y5y6yy4y5y6%yWyXy Yy y y y yZyyy^yydyyfy0gy1yAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy iy!jy"y#ly$my%y&qy'ry(sy)ty*wy+zy,}y-y.y/FSDYF9F940XPAY7PMT8AMT9y7Cy8y7Cy8y7Cy8y7Cy8z7Cz8z7Cz8z7Cz8z7Cz8 z7C z8 z7C z8 AKALARAZCACOCTDC DE FL GA HI IAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTMUNCNDNENH NJ!NM"NV#NY$OH%OK&OR'PA(PR)RI*SC+SD,TN-TX.UT/VA0VTVWA2WI3WV4WYForm 941/Schedule Bzyy {{yyz}}y {{yyy}}zz {{zzz}}z y{{ y{{z}} {{ z z z z}}}}y z{{z}} {{zzzz}}; cKDo you have the right Form 941? "~The Form 941 you currently have is for tax year 2005 (Rev. January, 2005.) QuickBooks only holds one Form 941 at a time. You can create a Form 941 for any quarter using your payroll data, but the data will print on the form specified above. If you already downloaded the one-time free update, this is the only form available without a payroll service subscription. If the IRS chooses to modify this form, they may or may not accept your current form for future filings. QuickBooks Payroll subscribers: To download the latest payroll update and forms, click Leave to close this window. From the QuickBooks Employees menu, choose Get Updates - Get Payroll Updates, and then click Update. After the payroll update is complete, return to this interview.,(T<T;N Company InfoVerify data Name (not your trade name)yd Trade name, (if any)yd Addressyd{zdzd|zd}zd~zd Employer ID numberyd Date quarter endedy2zzzzz JS 1 I,      UP gPB What is Form 941?Form 941 is the Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return. QuickBooks calculates your taxable wages and tax owed from your payroll data, but you can edit the amounts shown. Please use the instructions provided by the IRS for Form 941 as your guide to determine whether you need to edit the amounts.; cKPart 3 - About your business 16 If your business has closed and you do not have to file returns in the future, check here3z Enter the final date you paid wages4z 17 If you are a seasonal employer and you do not have to file a return for every quarter of the year, check here5z, 6*6)B  <<6<; cKLines 1 to 4 1 Number of employees who received wages, tips, or other compensation for the pay period including Mar. 12 (Quarter 1), June 12 (Quarter 2), Sept. 12 (Quarter 3), Dec. 12 (Quarter 4)y 2 Wages, tips, and other compensationz 3 Total income tax withheld from wages, tips, and other compensationz 4 If no wages, tips, and other compensation are subject to social security or Medicare tax, check here$z Do you need to adjust any of these numbers? &YesN&o, @F  99@9F  HH@HF  WW@W ##P; cKSummary for lines 1 to 4 1 Number of employees who received wages, tips, or other compensation for the pay period including Mar. 12 (Quarter 1), June 12 (Quarter 2), Sept. 12 (Quarter 3), Dec. 12 (Quarter 4)y 2 Wages, tips, and other compensationz 3 Total income tax withheld from wages, tips, and other compensationz 4 If no wages, tips, and other compensation are subject to social security or Medicare tax, check here$z, @F  99@9F  HH@HF  WW@W ; cKLine 2 2 Wages, tips, and other compensation QuickBooks calculated valueCz Your adjustment (if any)Dz Final amount for line 2z     ((F 76F FFF ; cKLine 3 3 Total income tax withheld from wages, tips, and other compensation QuickBooks calculated valueEz Your adjustment (if any)Fz Final amount for line 3z  ,,((F 76F FFF ; cKLines 5 and 6 Column 1 Column 2 5a Taxable social security wages9z x 12.4% (.124) =Iz 5b Taxable social security tips:z x 12.4% (.124) =Jz 5c Taxable Medicare wages and tips=z x 2.9% (.029) = #z 5d Total social security and Medicare taxes (Column 2, lines 5a + 5b + 5c)jz 6 Total taxes before adjustments (lines 3 + 5d)z Do you need to adjust any of these numbers?&YesN&o 2T2 ))(F )P6(F  887F 8P67F  GGFF GP6FF  ^^6]F  mm6lF ##P; cKLines 5a and 5b 5a Taxable social security wages QuickBooks calculated value/z Your adjustment (if any)7z Final amount for line 5a9z 5b Taxable social security tips QuickBooks calculated value1z Your adjustment (if any)8z  Final amount for line 5b:z  ((F 7x6F FFF  ZZi iFx wF F ; cKLine 5c 5c Taxable Medicare wages and tips QuickBooks calculated value0z Your adjustment (if any)Bz Final amount for line 5c=z  ((F 7x6F FFF ; cKSummary for lines 5 and 6 Column 1 Column 2 5a Taxable social security wages9z x 12.4% (.124) =Iz 5b Taxable social security tips:z x 12.4% (.124) =Jz 5c Taxable Medicare wages and tips=z x 2.9% (.029) = #z 5d Total social security and Medicare taxes (Column 2, lines 5a + 5b + 5c)jz 6 Total taxes before adjustments (lines 3 + 5d)z  2T2 ))(F )P6(F  887F 8P67F  GGFF GP6FF  ^^6]F  mm6lF ; cKLines 7 and 8 - Tax adjustments For detailed information regarding adjustments, see the IRS instructions for Form 941. 7a Current quarter's fraction of cents?z 7b Current quarter's sick pay>z 7c Current quarter's adjustments for tips and group-term life insurance@z 7d Current year's income tax withholding z 7e Prior quarters' social security and Medicare taxesz 7f Special additions to federal income taxz 7g Special additions to social security and Medicarez Enter amounts for lines 7f or 7g only if you have specific notification from the IRS to do so. 7h Total adjustments (Combine all amounts: lines 7a through 7g)%z 8 Total taxes after adjustments (Combine lines 6 and 7h)'z   h &&6%F  2261F  >>6=F  JJ6IF  VV6UF  gg6gF  ss6sF } 6F  6F ; cKLines 9 to 13 9 Advance earned income credit (EIC) payments made to employeesMz 10 Total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC (lines 8 - 9)Nz 11 Total deposits for this quarter, including overpayment applied from a prior quarterOz 12 Balance due (lines 10 - 11)+z 13 Overpayment (line 11 is greater than line 10),z PzApply to next returnQzSend a refund Do you need to adjust any of these numbers?&YesN&o  6F  ##6#F  --6-F  ??6?F  II6IF Zd#q#PTotal taxes (line 10) and total deposits (line 11) do not match?A discrepancy between total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC and total deposits may be due to the rounding of numbers. If this is the case, adjust the amount in QuickBooks with a company liability adjustment, and on this form according to the following excerpt from Circular E. [Circular E] If there is a small difference between total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC (line 10) and total deposits (line 11), it may have been caused, all or in part, by rounding to the nearest cent each time you computed payroll. This rounding occurs when you figure the amount of social security and Medicare tax to be withheld and deposited from each employee's wages. If this is the case, report this difference on Line 7a.; cKLine 9 9 Advance earned income credit (EIC) payments made to employees QuickBooks calculated valueyz Your adjustment (if any)zz Final amount for line 9Mz  J((F 76F FFF ; cKLine 11 11 Total deposits for this quarter, including overpayment applied from a prior quarter QuickBooks calculated value*z Adjustment for current quarter^z Overpayments from a prior quarterz Final amount for line 11Oz  J((F 76F FEF UUF ; cKSummary for lines 9 to 13 9 Advance earned income credit (EIC) payments made to employeesMz 10 Total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC (lines 8 - 9)Nz 11 Total deposits for this quarter, including overpayment applied from a prior quarterOz 12 Balance due (lines 10 - 11)+z 13 Overpayment (line 11 is greater than line 10),z PzApply to next returnQzSend a refund  6F  ##6#F  --6-F  ??6?F  II6IF ZdTotal taxes (line 10) and total deposits (line 11) do not match?A discrepancy between total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC and total deposits may be due to the rounding of numbers. If this is the case, adjust the amount in QuickBooks with a company liability adjustment, and on this form according to the following excerpt from Circular E. [Circular E] If there is a small difference between total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC (line 10) and total deposits (line 11), it may have been caused, all or in part, by rounding to the nearest cent each time you computed payroll. This rounding occurs when you figure the amount of social security and Medicare tax to be withheld and deposited from each employee's wages. If this is the case, report this difference on Line 7a.; cKPart 2 - Deposit schedule 14 Choose the state abbreviation for the state where you made deposits. Choose MU if you made deposits in multiple states"yB 15 Check onez #~Total taxes are less than $%d. The IRS does not require monthly liability detail or Schedule B (Form 941). QuickBooks will leave these items blank.Sz $~You were a monthly schedule depositor for the entire quarter and line 10 is $%d or more. The IRS requires monthly liability detail if line 10 is $%d or more. QuickBooks will calculate this in Part 2 of the interview.Rz %~You were a semiweekly schedule depositor for any part of this quarter. The IRS requires Schedule B (941). QuickBooks will complete this schedule in Part 2 of the interview. ~ 6<  --72<JU2ZJs2xJDo I need to complete Schedule B (Form 941)?Schedule B (Form 941) is the Employer's Record of Federal Tax Liability. If you are a semiweekly schedule depositor, or your payroll tax liability on any day in the quarter exceeds the standard amount for a monthly depositor, you're required to complete Schedule B and file it with Form 941. Consult with your professional tax advisor to determine whether or not you need to file Schedule B with Form 941. ; cKLine 15 Monthly Detail QuickBooks calculated value Your adjustment (if any ) Final amount 1st month liability{ Uz Vz 2nd month liabilityX| Xz Yz 3rd month liability| [z \z !~If your total taxes for the quarter are less than $%d, QuickBooks will not print amounts in these fields. Total liabilities must equal total taxes after adjustment for AEIC Total liabilities for quarter-z Total taxes after adjustment for AEICNz ,$}F# F# BF# ,F F Total taxes (line 10) and total liabilities do not match?A discrepancy between total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC and total liabilities may be due to the rounding of numbers. If this is the case, adjust the amount in QuickBooks with a company liability adjustment, and on this form according to the following excerpt from Circular E. [Circular E] If there is a small difference between total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC (line 10) and total deposits (line 11), it may have been caused, all or in part, by rounding to the nearest cent each time you computed payroll. This rounding occurs when you figure the amount of social security and Medicare tax to be withheld and deposited from each employee's wages. If this is the case, report this difference on Line 7a.; cKSchedule B (Form 941) Summary Summary of Federal Tax Liability 1st month liability 2nd month liability 3rd month liability Final amount{ X| | Total liabilities must equal total taxes after adjustment for AEIC Total liabilities for quarter| Total taxes after adjustment for AEICNz x-FF,Fx, F FTotal taxes (line 10) and total liabilities do not match?A discrepancy between total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC and total liabilities may be due to the rounding of numbers. If this is the case, adjust the amount in QuickBooks with a company liability adjustment, and on this form according to the following excerpt from Circular E. [Circular E] If there is a small difference between total taxes after adjustment for advance EIC (line 10) and total deposits (line 11), it may have been caused, all or in part, by rounding to the nearest cent each time you computed payroll. This rounding occurs when you figure the amount of social security and Medicare tax to be withheld and deposited from each employee's wages. If this is the case, report this difference on Line 7a.{{; cKIRS E-Filing Requirements,{{{{ Did your EIN change during this tax period? " }}zYeszNo}}}}; cKYou have completed your quarterly federal tax form(s). To print or preview a form, click the appropriate button below.zPrint Form 94&1zPreview Form 9&41zPrint Schedule &BzPreview &Schedule B The printed form may look different from the form provided by the U.S. government. However, the format has been approved by the U.S. government as long as you print the form with black ink on white or cream colored, 8" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 11" sized paper of at least 18 lb. weight. Click Leave to save your data and exit this interview.^2xx2xx;.z Az z )z fz gz hz iz &z  ; cKSchedule B Month 1 Daily Tax Liability - First Month of Quarter. Day Day Day Day Liability Liability Liability Liability }1 }9 }17 }25 ?{ G{ O{ W{ }2 }10 }18 }26 @{ H{ P{ X{ }3 }11 }19 }27 A{ I{ Q{ Y{ }4 }12 }20 }28 B{ J{ R{ Z{ }5 }13 }21 }29 C{ K{ S{ [{ }6 }14 }22 }30 D{ L{ T{ \{ }7 }15 }23 }31 E{ M{ U{ ]{ }8 }16 }24 F{ N{ V{  Total tax liability for the first month of the quarter:{ ~To view or adjust a tax liability, click the corresponding Liability Field. QuickBooks Calculated Value Your Adjustment Final Amount} } } }Details of Day Liability i1-T i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i#<<<W*WWbW(K*b< d,P<< <#; cKSchedule B Month 2 Daily Tax Liability - Second Month of Quarter. Day Day Day Day Liability Liability Liability Liability }1 }9 }17 }25 { { { { }2 }10 }18 }26 { { { { }3 }11 }19 }27 { { { { }4 }12 }20 }28 { { { { }5 }13 }21 }29 { { { { }6 }14 }22 }30 { { { { }7 }15 }23 }31 { { { { }8 }16 }24 { { {  Total tax liability for the second month of the quarter:X| ~To view or adjust a tax liability, click the corresponding Liability Field. QuickBooks Calculated Value Your Adjustment Final Amount} } } }Details of Day Liability i1-T i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i#<<<W*WWbW(K*b< d,P<< <#; cKSchedule B Month 3 Daily Tax Liability - Third Month of Quarter. Day Day Day Day Liability Liability Liability Liability }1 ~9 ~17 ~25 k| s| {| | }2 ~10 ~18 ~26 l| t| || | }3 ~11 ~19 ~27 m| u| }| | }4 ~12 ~20 ~28 n| v| ~| | }5 ~13 ~21 ~29 o| w| | | ~6 ~14 ~22 ~30 p| x| | | ~7 ~15 ~23 ~31 q| y| | | ~8 ~16 ~24 r| z| |  Total tax liability for the third month of the quarter:| ~To view or adjust a tax liability, click the corresponding Liability Field. QuickBooks Calculated Value Your Adjustment Final Amount} } } }Details of Day Liability i1-T i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i1#<<<J< i#<<<W*WWbW(K*b< d,P<< <#; cKYou have completed your quarterly federal tax form(s). To file and save your forms: To e-file: Preview forms, print and save a copy, then click File Online. To file paper forms: Preview and print forms. Sign them before filing. To save your data and exit: Click Leave. ~Step 1zPreview Form 9&41zPreview &Schedule B ~Step 2zPrint Form 94&1zPrint Schedule &B ~Step 3,yFile &Online Forms you print look different from the U.S. Government forms. They will be accepted as long as you make sure your printer is loaded with 8.5" x 11" (or 8" x 11") white- or cream-colored paper, of at least 18-lb. weight, and the printer ink is black.^( (^2 2^< <, P2FP_P_ i2Fi_i_ 2F_^d; cKPart 4 - Third party designee Do you want to allow an employee, a paid tax preparer, or another person to discuss this return with the IRS?zYes Designee's namez2 Phonez (###) ###-#### PINzzNo If you select Yes, complete the Name, Phone number, and PIN information. If you select No, any information in these fields will be discarded.   -P7d6 FdEP FdUdT<  dP xzzz; cKPart 5 - Sign here Remember to sign the printed form before mailing it. Enter your name as you will sign it on the printed formz( Titlez Datez Phonez (###) ###-####  ,/6 FE UTB dcP d; cKPart 6 - For paid preparers only (optional) Firm's namez: Addressz( Cityz Statez Post codez Datez Phonez (###) ###-#### EINz ##-####### SSN/PTINzzCheck here if you are self employed^d *d) 6d5 BdA2 NdM< ZdYB fdeP fdrdqP rd~d}F zz9zIz:zJz=z#zjzz?z>z@z zzzz%z'zMzNzOz+z,zVzYz\z-z?{@{A{B{C{D{E{F{G{H{I{J{K{L{M{N{O{P{Q{R{S{T{U{V{W{X{Y{Z{[{\{]{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z|{|||}|~||||||||||||{X|||yyyyyyy{zyzy|zy}zy~zyyyyy2zyzyzyzyzy3zy4zy5zyyyz yz y$zyCz yDz yz yEz yFz yz zyzz zz z$zy9z yIz y:z yJz y=z y#z yjz yz y/z y7z y9z y1z y8z y:z y0z yBz y=z y9z yIz y:z yJz y=z y#z yjz yz z?z z>z z@z z z zz zz zz z%z z'z zMz zNz zOz z+z z,z zPzzQzzyz zzz zMz z*z z^z zz zOz zMz zNz zOz z+z z,z zPzzQzzy"zzzSzzRzz ~ z{ zUz zVz zX| zXz zYz z| z[z z\z z-z zNz z.z zAz zz z)z zfz zgz zhz ziz z&z z?{  zG{  zO{  zW{  z@{  zH{  zP{  zX{  zA{  zI{  zQ{  zY{  zB{  zJ{  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Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return. QuickBooks calculates your taxable wages and tax owed from your payroll data, but you can edit the amounts shown. Please use the instructions provided by the IRS for Form 940-EZ as your guide to determine whether you need to edit the amounts.{{; cKWho May Use Form 940-EZ, Answer the following questions to determine whether you can use Form 940-EZ.@{{{{ Did you pay unemployment contributions to only one state?"}}3Yes4No}}{{{{ Did you pay all state unemployment contributions by January 31, %4d? (Answer Yes if you deposited all FUTA tax when due and you paid all state unemployment contributions by February 10, %4d.)"}}5Yes^No}}{{{{ Were all wages that were taxable for FUTA tax also taxable for your state's unemployment tax?"}}_Yes`No}}{{ If you answered no to any of these questions, you must use Form 940. In addition, do not file Form 940-EZ if -You owe FUTA tax only for household work in a private home. Refer to Form 1040 Schedule H instead. -You are a successor employer claiming a credit for state unemployment contributions paid by a prior employer. Use Form 940 instead.^0}}}}{{; cKDo you have the right Form 940-EZ?,{{ QuickBooks normally publishes a new Form 940-EZ in mid-December. If you last downloaded payroll updates in November, for example, you most likely do not have the current year's form."}}{{ The form you currently have is for tax year %4d."}}{{ Note: QuickBooks only holds one calendar year Form 940-EZ at a time. You can create a Form 940-EZ with payroll data from any year, but when you print it, the year displayed will be the year of the form, not your data. If you downloaded the one-time free update, the form you have is the only form you will receive without a subscription. QuickBooks Payroll Subscribers: To download the latest updates, choose Get Updates from the Employee menu, then choose Get Payroll Updates. Next, click Update."P}}}};N cK940-EZ Filing Information A. Amount of contributions paid to your state unemployment fund: m B. 1) Name of the state where you have to pay contributions: EaD 2) State reporting number as shown on your state unemployment tax return: bdIf you will not have to file returns in the future, check here.6If this is an Amended Return, check here. Do you need to adjust this contribution amount? If you make adjustments on fields that also exist in other tax forms, make sure to make the corresponding adjustments when processing those tax forms.y&Yes yN&o,6 @P 6 @P 6@P , , (PP; cKLine A Total contributions paid to your state unemployment fund. QuickBooks calculated valuek  Your adjustments (if any)l Final amount for line Am )(P 87P EDP ; cKPart I 1. Total payments including exempt payments. 2. Exempt payments. 3. Payments of more than $7,000 for services. 4. Total exempt payments.@ 5. Total taxable wages.  Do you need to adjust any of these numbers? If you make adjustments on fields that also exist in other tax forms, make sure to make the corresponding adjustments when processing those tax forms.y&Yes yN&o P  ! P  .-P  <;P  JIP d(#P; cKLine 1 Total payments (including exempt payments) during the calendar year for services of employees. QuickBooks calculated value7  Your adjustments (if any)8 Final amount for line 19 )(P 87P EDP ; cKLine 2 Exempt payments QuickBooks calculated value;  Your adjustments (if any) Final amount for line 2 :d)(P 87P EDP ; cKLine 3 Payments of more than $7,000 for services. Enter only amounts over the first $7,000 paid to each employee. QuickBooks calculated value=  Your adjustments (if any)> Final amount for line 3? m TP P P ; cKPart I Summary 1. Total payments including exempt payments. 2. Exempt payments. 3. Payments of more than $7,000 for services. 4. Total exempt payments.@ 5. Total taxable wages.  P  ! P  .-P  <;P  JIP ; cKPart I continued 6. FUTA tax.I 7. Total FUTA tax deposited for the year.  Do you need to adjust the total FUTA tax deposited for the year?y&Yes yN&o P  ! P #;#PAgricultural labourBelow mrket-interest rate loanBCharity Orgs. in Section 501c3CCorp. under Act of CongressDeceased worker's wagesDependent care assist programDomestic serviceEd. assistance prog.paymentsEmp. achievement awardsJEmp. contributions to planMEmp. payments after 6 monthsHEmp.Contributes to Section 403bGEmployer contributions to SEP#Family employees(Federal employees-Fishing & other activities.Fishing boat less than 10 ton/Fishing boats; share proceedsForeign Gov. & Global Org.2Foreign service by U.S. citizenZFringe benefits for exclusion8Full-time insurance salespersonUFulltime studentGroup legal services plan[Grp. Term Life; Cafeteria Plans Hospital InternsHousehold workers7Insurance agent or solicitor Laity who took vow of poverty Laity without vow of poverty>Lodging on Employer premises<Meals and lodging=Meals on Employer premises MinistersNewspaper & magazine suppliersNewspaper Carrier under age 18NNo Emp.payments after 6 monthsNoncash pay for housework etc.ANon-profit organizations Non-resident Alien RR worker!Non-resident Alien Student, etc."NonResidentAlien wrk outside US\Nontax scholarships & grants$Offspring employed by parent*Other fed. employees9Other insurance salespersonDOther org. under Section 501a%Parent employed by offspringPatients Employed by hospitalsRailroads, etc.Real Estate Agent&Direct Sellers Reimburse moving expensesResident Alien outside U.S.FRetirement and pension plansIRetirement&Pension distribution0Salmon or halibutService outside Emp. businessKSickness or injury payments&Spouse employed by spouseTSpouse of studentState Gov. Emp. & subdivisionsStatutory Industrial Home EmpRStudent in nonprofit org.QStudent worker in private ed.PStudentsTaxability dep.on # of EmpTemp. agric. labour, foreign ctryTips less than $20 a month4U.S. emp. foreign affiliates3U.S. Gov. EmployeeUnemp. comp. plan benefits)Uniformed service memberSWorking student & nurseLWorkmen's Comp. Law; cKClassify Exempt Payments The IRS requires all exempt payments to be classified. See how QuickBooks classified $%s in the fields below. Total exempt payments are $%s. You must classify $%s using the table below. If you need a detailed description of the classifications, click Classification Descriptions. Classification Amount Reimburse moving expenses Dependent care assist program Grp. Term Life; Cafeteria Plans "E "E Classification Amount"E "E "E "E "E  Total Exempt Payments Undistributed Amount +y&Classification Descriptions     "E "E "E "E "E "E "E "E "E "E 2> >0 K J0 X W0 e d0 r r0  0 > >0 K K0 X X0 e e0 r r0  0  0  0 J0 J0 J0 J0 J0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 r r0 ; cKLine 3 Computation of tentative credit  TotalsD E F Total tentative credit for line 3b.G (rA Ui9 2 62  wud ;ED (a) Statedd(b) State ID # (c) Taxable wages(e) rate  (f) (c)x.054  (g) (c)x(e)  (h) (f)-(g) or 0  (i) amount paid; cKLine 7 Total FUTA tax deposited for the year, including any overpayment applied from a prior year. QuickBooks calculated valueJ  Adjustments for current yearK Overpayments from a prior year Final amount for line 7L ^)(P 87P GFP TSP ; cKPart I continued Summary 6. Total FUTA tax.I 7. Total FUTA tax deposited for the year.  P  ! P ; cKPart I continued 8. Balance due. This should be $100 or less. Pay to the "United States Treasury".M 9. Overpayment. Check if it is to be:N OApplied to next return, orPRefundedP -2P A d ; cKPart II Record of Quarterly Federal Unemployment Tax Liability (Do not include State Liability) QuickBooks calculated value Your adjustment (if any) Liability for quarter First QtrQ R S Second QtrT U V Third QtrW X Y Fourth QtrZ [ \  Total for year] ,m/x%2/ %2/ %2/ ;%26/ Z2 ; cKYou have now finished Form 940-EZ. To print Form 940-EZ click "Print Form 940-EZ". Make sure you sign the printed Form 940-EZ. To save your data and exit click "Leave".yPrint Form 94&0-EZ!yPreview Form 9&40-EZ The printed Form 940-EZ looks different from the blank form the government provided. However, it has been fully approved by the U.S. government as long as you print the form with black ink on white or cream colored paper of at least 18 lb. weight, size 8" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 11".,^,2xx^^^^  3 4 5 ^ _ ` m  aE b  6de g t k l m       7  8  9  ;      : < =  >  ?    @  A B C H I  E     D E F G J K  L I     " " " " " " "        " " " " " " " " " " M N OPQ R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] 9#0@32567 #0@32568 +?#0@32573 #0@32574 +#0@32577 #0@32568 +#0@32695 -#0@32574 -#0@32569 #0@32575 -#0@32697 -;#0@32696 #0@32695 -@#0@32696 #0@32575 +B#0@32697 0.062 *C#0@32697 0.054 *$0 #0@32615 #32515@2 $0 #32515@2 0.054 *#32515@2 #32515@3 *#32515@4 #32515@5 - 0 max$0 #0@32621 #32515@7 $0 D#32515@2 sumE#32515@6 sumF#32515@7 sumG#0@32581 #0@32582 +H#0@32579 #0@32583 minI#0@32578 #0@32584 -I#0@32697 0.008 *L#0@32586 #0@32587 +#0@32698 +M#0@32585 #0@32588 - 0 maxN#0@32588 #0@32585 - 0 maxS#0@32593 #0@32594 +V#0@32596 #0@32597 +Y#0@32599 #0@32600 +\#0@32602 #0@32603 +]#0@32595 #0@32598 +#0@32601 #0@32604 + +m#0@32619 #0@32620 +#0@32569 #0@32696 #0@32575 #0@32588 #0@32674 #0@32675 #0@32676 #0@32576 #0@32697 #0@32722 #0@32723 +#0@32699 #0@32700 +#0@32701 +#0@32696 #0@32702 -#0@32705 #0@32707 +#0@32709 +#0@32711 +#0@32713 +#0@32715 +#0@32717 +#0@32703 #0@32718 -#0@32696 ''7'' ''''/ 26''''='' '''''''='' '''''''A'' '''''''<'' '''''''g'' '''''''k'' '''+''''t'' '''''''J'' ''',''''Q''''',''''T''''',''''W'' ''',''''Z' ' ''','''''' '''''''''' '''''''''' ''''45'''''' ''''26'''gktabFSDYFF940EZNAMECYTRADEADDRCITYST POST EIN A B1B2BX1BX2L1L2TEXT1L2TEXT2L2L3L4L5L6L7L8BXAPPBXREFL9P2FP2S P2T!P2FR"P2TT#IRSY$IRSN%DNAME&DPHONE%DPIN(TITL)PDATE*EIN2+PMNT,NAME2-ADDR2.CITY2/STATE20ZIP2   m a Db6:@IMNOPSVY \!]"*,-./0FSDYF3F940XPAY1PMT2AMT31E21E21E21E21E21E21E21E2 1E 2 1E 2nAbout payment summaries =o000030?0Z0b0k0v0000000000 111$1=1C1V1[1h1w11111111111 2212222$323=3C3W3l3w3333334 444555"5/5<5I5f555555666#6G6O6Z6`6f6l6r6666666666666666667 777!7*757A7F7V7[7a7g7}777 00000 1(1,1H1d1h1