'g  X  XVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved.k.\./print_n/common_ preview.htmlP ing how somethtwill 7:form 3:Pu  window 3:click 2:Cint'4Zoom In Go to a  and then +(. The, showsyour ` or report look ww you it on paper. You can no longer see` entire in, but ` `the scroll bars atright bottom edges of n!br|-other part'\7o view. 5+.\./print_n/help_number_ok_job_end.htmlDid forms or cheques  correctly?9:Pn Fd 9:Select C 7:nfirmation window 3 1 You can use the'/$ to re l if needed. In - Co/+, sany that you want). Note:l  other& , click File'\%, and `type of+print. o.\./print_n/help_previewer_labels.htmlProblems with ing 6: 6:p Pl pa partial sheet. }.\./print_n/help_previewer_reports.htmlTips for ing 6:- 6:tips Other ways to customise the appearance of reports. .\./print_n/help_!previewer_salesforms.htmlTroubleshooting problems dinvoices, statementl| orders, and other 6: 6:/ 6:|'< P|-+purchase6.  .\./print_n/info_ check_troubleshooting.htmlT)P cheque  ing problems9:6j 5s 3:text 1 style Note: If your s didn't  correctly, make surex selected the . Myer doest have full font support. ".\./print_n/info_creditmemos_troubleshooting.htmlT)P adjustment note  ing problems6:? Bottom part of letters are cut off. .\./print_n/info_ invoices_troubleshooting.htmlT)Q   ing problems6:7l Bottom part of letters are cut off. .\./print_n/info_purchaseorders_troubleshooting.htmlT)Q    ing problems6:> Bottom part of letters are cut off. .\./print_n/info_salesorders_troubleshooting.htmlT)Q    ing problems6:;| Bottom part of letters are cut off. .\./print_n/info_salesreceipts_troubleshooting.htmlT)Q    ing problems6:= Bottom part of letters are cut off. J.\./print_n/info_sep_reg_dd.htmlWhen to separate regular pay cheques from Direct Deposit9:: 7:, 5-@* 2:  stock 2:plain paper You may wantl your-P*L on ) rather thanh*. The most efficient wayr doLis ist'th9p,+ewl.you'rnad print.. #.\./print_n/popup_definition_formsleader.htmlUsing Fz Ls with partial cheques9:-D 9:reusable, 7: 4'page of shortened  2:inkjet ers If you use Standardmay hav@ ne or two left over from a previous ing, and need tox7. Becapmanyersdifficultied oces)the smaller' paper sizCf o0toge, a 4h can easily be attachyour!(s). You then loade > asfirst sheet EGo}-r envelope feederl/tray. t.\./print_n/popup_paychkprefs.htmlPx*ing company or employee information on the cheque voucher6:,C 6: 6:2 5:C Preferences tab 2:click )\ Go to Edit menu and /. I) window,ayroll & Es ilistleft. Cp5. e.\./print_n/popup_re check.htmlRing cheques9:Write C 2:Click Find 2,p window 1Px '4Home In the Bankx section, c +. Find , enter search c`ria fo you want to  a@ o .  at top of+\ window. Vn0.\./print_n/popup_reverse_order.htmlWhat if pages or cheques are ing in  ?9:'p 8:+ 4:Click Plers 2er Properties settings 1:Start menu Som ers default to(L.d. If you , this may cause to waste and re whenur ed numbon't match  registry. For more information,G)ferh the documentRat@me wit printer. r-.\./print_n/popup_reverse_order_checks.htmlWhat if my cheques ed in  ?9:ing 8:+ 4:Click P|ers 2er Properties settings 1:Start menu Some rs default toxpages/d. If you , this may cause to waste and re whenur ed numbelon't match& registry. For more information,G)ferh the documentRat@me wit printer. W;.\./print_n/popup_reverse_order_creditmemos.htmlWhat if my adjustment notes ed in  ?8:+C 6:. 4:Click Pters 2: r Properties settings 1:Start menu Some rs default toing pages/d. In most cases, you ca`solve this issue by changx your e3|. For more information,C#ferdthe docu|'I axme withd'. F'.\./print_n/popup_reverse_order_invoices.htmlWhat if my  ed in  ?8:+C 6: 4:Click Phers 2:r Properties settings 1:Start menu Some rs default toing pages/D. In most cases, you ca`solve this issue by changx your e3|. For more\"formation,C"ferd the documentI axme withd'. N.\./print_n/popup_reverse_order_purchases.htmlWhat if my   ed in ?9:+C 7:- 4:Click Pxers 2: r Properties settings 1:Start menu Some rs default toing pages/`. In most cases, you ca|solve this issue by changx your e3|. For more information,_"ferd the documentI axme withd'. K.\./print_n/popup_reverse_order_saless.htmlWhat if my   ed in ?9:+C 6:* 4:Click Pters 2: r Properties settings 1:Start menu Some rs default toing pages/T. In most cases, you capsolve this issue by changx your e3|. For more information,S"ferd the documentI axme withd'. P,.\./print_n/popup_reverse_order_salesreceipts.htmlWhat if my   ed in  ?8:+C 6:, 4:Click Plers 2: r Properties settings 1:Start menu Some rs default toing pages/\. In most cases, you caxsolve this issue by changx your e3|. For more information,["ferd the documentI axme withd'. $.\./print_n/popup_ways_to_forms.htmlWays to  9:| 9:Po 7:options 6 window 6 Fl  menu T a single copy of the , click on'` toolbar andqn* . ! To quicklyl current goh|File, choose,;x more than on` D5T /l|`*s you wantt print. ! S.\./print_n/popup_whydeposit.htmlWhat is a  summary?9:-H 5:single 1:payments 1:D s window 1:bank A list of the  in a ,. You can 0 when you are entering or viewh(vinMake -(not use-  to mp(Jatp, butxjitdhelpfill ou'hlip and a0wayx"keeped recordlyour*s. +.\./print_n/popup_wrong_chk_style.htmlWhy aren't my cheques ing correctly?9: 5:Pb Cwindow 3 X St  selection@ Settings tab In many cases'may not as you expected because the wased to matchl loaded ine r er. On*th2, be sure| click(%.4. I `$s| +,)DBank Account drop-down list, and choosr"h9 account. t .\./print_n/ ing_invoices_in_batches.htmlPding  of  and other forms9: Fu  9:1 5: 2:cheques   20 )9 , statements,. 3)( 4lhat the sales receipt 5' grouph"fs 'me time 170 ! Go to File menu, click&then|type  you wantt &.t ImportantIf0 mail|7labelsd',must dm beQe'T'. BR .\./print_n/task_billpaystubs_.htmlPping remittance advices6:4t 4:credit 4:/ show ls 2:| payments 1: Forms Go to the File menu, choose ), andxn click R(A. To list' from a different date range, enterh  beginn|q e@ |s inDatedThru fields. Why doesn't:Nidhirely with credit? {.\./print_n/task_check_.htmlPt ing batch (multiple) cheques9: liability 6: 3C window 2:Number of copies 2: nea@ed  and attachLstubs 0 70 5(h 5 more than one 30 ! NoteFor , typw e n you want in the .` field o Settings tab.d Important: If`re's a problem while (ing yours, press Esc to cancelh( process. 1 .\./print_n/task_chkvouchers_.htmlPling a transaction journal report for a cheque9: 8:8 4:register 3 ccount 1:Click  Open the ` ) that you used to writee. Select)N i,xL) atop ofto % it. . X  .\./print_n/task_customer_info_.htmlPting `rmation for a single  or job9:C  Info 8:job 8:- 3:Click ' Centre 3:Transacd s list Select the appropriat/ .  atop of  and{n c,& Job*. This "s everyth"d()|!- area, includxnotes. L .\./print_n/task_customer_list_.htmlPting the Cs & Jobs w7:3] 1\tab 5:Click'0 Centre 2' Contact List report 1 Verify that8h appears in+ as you want it to  Gotl drop-down menu top of4hnd choos/&. When++}, are actuallyq2a# duplicates w|"l currently see5. o .\./print_n/task_customer_txns_.htmlPting  transactions9:7 5:Click C  Centre 3:report 1:'h& Job T(| Lis*s s tab Verify that the+` list appears as you want it to . On*, gohh drop-down menu op of+ and choose(/HWhen 3, are actuallyb1a +# duplicates wd%`! currently see i,  Centre. ({ .\./print_n/task_deposit_slip_.htmlPping a  h with*Lummary9:duplicate+s 6:' 2:Total Number of D"ed Items checkbox 2:copies 1:Cheque Note: When you *@lip, all s must have a payment methodl either Cash or . In the  window, select'X#and s, qtl click OK. SP clear Include c{in ,kende5orequireys` your bank. .\./print_n/task_deposit_summary_.htmlP|ing a   only8:-X 2:Click  1: D  window 1(lip 50 Set up your . ),. In the -L, choose'X*, andh n click OK.  :.\./print_n/task_edges_cut_off.htmlEdge of text is clipped or cut off when ing9:t 8:d) 2:Font area 2:Adobe Type Manager 2:exit QuickBooks If thenearq st a reportdgraphtmissPl, margins may Dtoo small,gyou have specified tha beyond ablexyour er. * within a form t designed|+Ulx,S A fp(controllertenhancer, such as 0u,cause) to produce unwanted resultE,n(out. 0 .\./print_n/task_employee_info_.htmlPting  drmation8:6| 3:Click E  Centre 2: s tab 2:Transact s list+  at the top of  and{n c,Info. This s everythrinl() area, includlnotes. You can also choosx  your'8 or /. s.\./print_n/task_graph_.htmlPting a 9: 1:Click /4top of the Open(?. /@)? at.. T'.\./print_n/task_insert_checks.htmlLoading your cheques Ho the er9:blank 9:> 2:tray 1:fraud 1:partial page Important: You may find it convenient to have on' dedicatedt {all+. While l1 , verify that er will enough tonerh clearly | `!text on$. w' fuL xs of$( |#| normally use for t*.  .\./print_n/task_invoice_no_ .htmlRemoving s from the Select Is to P`  window9: 6: 1: ed checkbox If you no longer wantt  an,can rte it(4list ofbe ed. Find. Des{To ('x. . ..\./print_n/task_list_.htmlPping a h9:ShippdMethods  7:Job Type 40 4:h reports 3:R Centre 3:Employee the Customer)B50c 70 Manage my 'P1/e6+Mess` 3*Payment 0Class+ Sales Rep List 4*US.40XSuppli+,++4.$ ! In a QuickBooks0, go to+9 drop-down menu in6 and clickname ofd. To acceL!h+? for aTransaction&, right- o / hoose View as a Report.  .\./print_n/task_memrepgroup_.htmlPl ing a memorised @ort 9:4` 60 4/ls 2:Click 2: of/|s 1:Process Multiple Reports window You can  a34 at one time. Go to th(H menu, choose M', andn c. List. Double-| namedl* you want`print. .\./print_n/task_memtrans_.htmlP` ing a memorised  action list9:M'qThs 40 1:Lists menu 1:  1:click  `IC38 Go to the  and 3s. 9g at bottom ofh)t(. In(L window, selec oph$s you want.0.. e.\./print_n/task_nothing_s.htmlWhy doesn't any ?9:er 6:QuickBooks 4:WindowordPad 3:documents Since  is controlling the er, a good test~to from W . If you can1},i np problemh h ably related to ( L Also try` a|#er type of  or formwil$),cisot +area, andunl fine`r changeshthat setup d only. 4.\./print_n/task_po_.htmlPh ing a single purchase order8:3_ 1: 1:Click '4reate POts windowTchanges From the C:, c(x . If a message appears asklyou to save ,( Yes if pwant+form with a new, uniqu.P number. Check )options, and make any necory to them. c.\./print_n/task_preview_ing.htmlP ing before you 8: 7:Click  2: window 2:Dms 1:QuickBooks Pt cheques 20/ 10pint invoices, statements, and other 3x0-6lh reportsgraphs 5l550 ! Almost everytht"{!can" in ( be +ed onx'r screen(l it. If the' is a, c,l' drop-down arrowthen0. .  .\./print_n/task_blank_timesheet.htmlP a  'p9:click Bj T 3: 3Use Weekly)2Enter 2:Employees menu Go to the ,f, (, anden2. Onp/8 window toolbar d drop-down arrow.- . I 's , ex number of copies you wantd 43. ! .\./print_n/task_ labels.htmlPxing 9:(D 6:Post Code 2:QuickBooks 2ering Make sure that your er is on and the sheets for x or cards are properly loaded in . You can targemailpto a specific geographicd a, byyp a particular 'tgroup of(Ts to. To doPis, selectwith+d"start checkbox"ente (( wantcusexlimi printing. #.\./print_n/task_mult_forms.htmlPhing `iple copies of an invoice, statement, or other {9:; ) 7:sales 6: 6:'t 5:Click  Open the ( you want to . Window, enternumber||need, and c(. ! If)`he originaldUyibh$llatd zCo checkbox. . .\./print_n/task_ one_check.htmlPding a single cheque9:+? 3: Cs window 2:QuickBooks 2: x s 1: 'doptions The followovers only the specific steps you need for(,-. ClickPartial Page tab, selectorientad your,`n putp A)odersame wayf fx in an envelope. Important: Ifpre's a problem while x ) s, press Esc to cancelh( process. n.\./print_n/task_ paychecks.htmlPd pay cheques9:*L 3:continuous-feed  er 2:number 1:P lp &Forms Click the Bank Account drop-down arrow and choosepayrolling athat `ains you waJ to . ! Verify p inFirst C N field matH% fone res ". Ifb ng%mor|an one copy of each, enter fai(ho'\field. <.\./print_n/task_ paystubs.htmlP` pay 6:(E +Dlips 2:|cheques 1:Formt date Go to the File menu, choose ), andxn click PASp . If you wantp display s with a  from a differeH` range, specify a new int Dated Thru fields. S` number of copiesl'rint. .\./print_n/task_ registers.htmlPding a 9:click  R 5:C(X 2:transactions 1:QuickBookp 40 Open the' you want to . I  window, gox| File menu andf n 2. )pstart ll . . .<.\./print_n/task_shipping_labels.htmlP|ing  9:1h 9:Ship 9:form 3:purchase orders 3:field You can . for your invoices, sales receipts, adjustment not( , estimaand - . In the | To  oright of window, selectd"-to addresst ,4isn'Yni",h need  itddform: ! .\./print_n/task_timesheets.htmlPh weekly and blank (9:.H 6:name 4:( 4: )I3 invoices, statements, other forms 30 )? 450M116/ 40 ! You can # (, or y+.  to give| your employeesl subcontractorslfill outreturnxyou. If the list is longhonly wantx(l% a few people, click Select None+thenin t|columneach person whose(!+ . ! j.\./print_n/task_checks_partial.htmlPting a  page of one or two cheques9:single 8:. 3: C window 2:QuickBooks 1: toptions The followxcovers only the specific steps you need for(, D. In  on 1st Page secx, type 1u!2 lnumber`%xer+ . Click P/ tab, selectorienta` your,,`n put  ];odersame wayf fp"in an envelope.  %.\./print_n/task_ing_one_form.htmlPl ing a sales h (invoice, statement,receipt, or adjustt note)9:( 4:-~ 4| 3: Open the  you want to . O/window toolbar, click `If a message appears askxd to savexYes`+l with a new, unique number. .\./print_n/task_reminders_list_.htmlPxing the R x8:click(X 3:Company menu 3:, 30 2:File2 List Go to *( and -. CCustom View, Collapse All, or ExpsAll` display s in format you wanth. ! (L')@ List. ].\./print_n/task_report_.htmlPxing a 9:s 6:Click  1: 50 1-dgraphs  or exx  the 50*M1 s and (4p selected3t1p! Open). E* to Microsoft Excel! OA.\./print_n/task_reform.htmlR ing a sales p (invoice, statement,receipt, or adjustt note)9:( 4:-~ 4|  1:Pl Open the you want to . If you've already senhito@customer,p might',type ed anddate iMemo field. SelectTo be )ed checkbox`mark(forx+later. .\./print_n/task_sales_.htmlPting forms (invoices,  orders, purchase'@and others)9:click Fg 9:  9:mailp label 9:*l 7:CSl Receipts   , statements, '30'8adjustp notes 50 ! There are several different ways to $*7<bill pay stubp&ay slipT)chequespX, ., $H$r!, timeshee(<. You canmost#from the#3 menu or y+them 'd) window. L.\./print_n/task_speeding_ing.htmlPl ing faster8: 3:Sn 2er driver)@fontstresolution  invoices, statements, and other forms 30  up  70  reportsgraphs 5260 ! Free|available memory by clos| Windows applicax s. Change your er fonts. ZN .\./print_n/task_vendor_info_.htmlPl ing supplier drmation9:6| 6:transact list 2:'$Click S Centre 2:T(s tab Unlike reports, you cannot memoriselr display settings or a particular .X. Howev the'<t e +,3y,xl contents ofcurrentlyed2D#0 attop$ andgn c, Information. .\./print_n/task_vouchers_.htmlP`ing cheque  detail on plain paper9:3 6:) 2:bill payment 2's- 1* version of a0You can  a* . Toth/for a 1,a remittance advice Hnother type`) , use a transacttjournal report.  .\./printsetup_n/glossary_cont_er.htmlContinuous-feed  (definition)9:`1 5:( 2) sheet of paper 2:individual pages 2:A 5xs on a)-l that has perforaps for .. Most dot matrix ers are)+4s. W.\./printsetup_n/glossary_landscape.htmlL orientation (definil)9:'* 5:( 2:page*|s 2:business form`lists One of the two / you can use when reports, , registers, or ,. In 3,long edgesaretop and bottom. . \ .\./printsetup_n/glossary_page_er.htmlPage-oriented  (definition)9:x/ 5:( 2:paper tray 2:separate hs of A/PBn 5 fed from a . Most laser ers and ink jet)Qr/s. A few dot matrix,also4s. z.\./printsetup_n/glossary_portrait.htmlP orientation (definil)9:* 5:( 2:page*|s 2:business form`lists One of the two / you can use when rews, , registers, or ,. In ||*u,long edgesareeft and right. . XH.\./printsetup_n/help_bad__settings.htmlRepairing damaged  9:4` 5:folders 5:Exit QuickBooks 3:Hidden filex Application Data Locate the named QBPh.qbp inollow irectory: C:\Documents and S\All Users\.\Intuit\( ! If you don't se"." .Bn *ps, click to\'lect Show h),*. s .\./printsetup_n/help_bios__warning.htmlMy er doesn't have full font support9: 8:presets 6:* 5:QuickBooks 3d cheque When your'canT s or mailing labels usstheh selected in ( , it automatically uses its *. Change (Uos and. +. Imx#ant: Texq"r  dollar amount i' by) to Arial 10 poin{nt,# be changed.  .\./printsetup_n/help_check_(\.htmlP| ing cheques9: 4:QuickBooks)P ing 3: C window 3:- problems Troubleshoot '<'. l.\./printsetup_n/info_label_formats.htmlLh and Rolodex card  supported by QuickBooks9:2 7:( 5:bold  numbers 4:Averys 2:  When you choose ay *,anwhether the  addresses or phone. Im|ant: Only( shown in appear ondrop-d|list wselect almat. The o" ted are equivalents to vof +. .\./printsetup_n/info_p all_lines.htmlAdding or removlall  on a form in er  9:individual 9: 9:click Pd]Sp 6:chang| xtings 3:invoices You ca snot)Els of a certain typex+,oaddx e them from an -  when youthe. Inf Fp!Name drop-down list, choos of anddn do onep llowing: ! To/e (*this , ,Do .around each field.  .\./printsetup_n/popup_displaychecks.htmlWays to open the Select ChequePt  window9:click Write 9:+< 3:File menu 2:Banking Isection, +. Gop|', choose Forms, andyn +x+D. [a).\./printsetup_n/popup_whypartial.htmlWhy would I want to  a  page of cheques?9:ing' 6:5 1')( *Hsingle'dIf you use Standardmay havHne or two left over fromlrevious ing. Note: Pp$a r-(s) by makh it the first.L and insertin %er's envelope feederhpaper tray. Troubleshoo' problems. `#.\./printsetup_n/task_page_orientation.htmlChanging y )x9:portrait/l 3:landscape 2:form 2:Smart O( 1:P For some  jobs, such as ren s,* is a matter of preference. If you'r `on a h, however,l must set the+~tov chdesign| x{. /D means that QuickBooks will choose best layoutd- either " or Landscape. .\./printsetup_n/task__labels_col.htmlP|ing  by column9:Click C 9: 1: L  window 1 1:direction What does it mean to / ? Open the ,. *Lp underp'. .\./printsetup_n/task__labels_row.htmlP|ing  by row9:Click Row 9: 3: L windY1 1:direction What does it mean to , ? Open the ,. '4`Row undert'. A.\./printsetup_n/task__labelspartial.htmlPhing a  sheet of 9: 9:5 6: L window 2:Row 1:Begin Load the6 so that it isfirst pageyou . ! For range option, select  At, ann enterow column numberxh on your, . Choose whethm oRow by xor C by Column. .\./printsetup_n/task_ _multiple.htmlPting  copies of a report or list9: 7:  4:graph 3: 1:click  List Open the , , you want to . For+p*vat topd(` . Fill iNumberlfield. M.\./printsetup_n/task_ _pages.htmlPh ing selected  from a document9:ing 6: 4:graph 4:report 2:number of the last  Open, , or list you want to . For a dclick  at top-. IFp field, enter,fir2D! [%.\./printsetup_n/task_pset_chkstyle.htmlAbout cheques s9:voucher 9: 70 8:example of a V+ 6:standard'4:attached stubs Note:- formats with a in the middle an otopbottom are not supported by QuickBooks. hFor multipcopiesleach 'D`,, type number you want"Nof " fieldPz3 C/window: Selectl 0/ Settings tab4Cor Q8Sl@ window. .\./printsetup_n/task_pset_color.htmlPding reports and graphs in dur9:Click  6: 5: 1 checkbox 1: Open the or you want to . ) attop of '. Selec('( click OK. .\./printsetup_n/task_pset_fonts.htmlChange  on graphs, label| ists, pay slipD timesheets9:Fd  tab 7:Form Name drop-down list 6: 6: 6: Set up my  er 10 Select a 30 Pxpcompany name, address, or logo 70 th of your and 280 ! Important:ings ford chequesh!have different steps. Credit Card ReceiptRep d ms don't includeP'(. `&.\./printsetup_n/task_pset_labels.htmlChoosing a formatx mailp9:Avery `mats 9:s 2:Lf Fdrop-down list 2:| Name -h1:click P|er Sh To open the Hsettingsts, x6 and cne . Ct4*h#you use most often. Important: To save space,p omits some 1( that are equivalent toones shy)o"list. C).\./printsetup_n/task_pset_lines.htmlAbout adding or removl on a form9:{ 9:, 6:Pp er S|  5:changh settings 2:difference There are several  t ways you canm to'efrom. Y)e allrlls of a certain type in +H-Eahborder  particular field'*TP( by customis`$ the form.  .\./printsetup_n/task_pset_margins.htmlSetting  (reports, lisx and graphs)9:s, 8:Pq  8: 50 6:click List 2: x up my er 10 Set'20 ( 5' 30 ! Open the,, or , you want to. For ah, *at top of or graph. w#.\./printsetup_n/task_pset_orient.htmlChanging page ation8:c6l 6:Ph window 6:form 1 er Properties1:Click Opp s Open the *$ for| you want to . I)2, selectcorrl.l whichm rx m was designed@ QuickBooks cannot adapt) to a different/. %.\./printsetup_n/task_pset_orient_r.htmlChanging page ation (reports, lisx and graphs)9: 9:. 9: 6:click P| List 3: Open the , , or , you want to . For ah, *at top of '. Selec** use: landscape, d!raitxsmar`x(ation. r..\./printsetup_n/task_pset_papersize.htmlSelecting a different  w7:(0 50 6:P` window 4:form 1 er's Properties1:Change Open the * forh you want to .   )*use. 2&.\./printsetup_n/task_pset_papertype.htmlSelecting the | of  you  on8: 5:form 4:P|  window 1: 1:field Open * forh want to .   0 +L is form. 1e.\./printsetup_n/help_fine_coarse.htmlUse C for big vertical adjustments9:2X 2:continuous-feed ers 2: d text 1:Click '8Fine l when you nt to make small horiz\ al or3 to the position ofe!e. You can l"* afterl've made a &) . For large*`) on3, moveforms in&D1 y releasing andt` sprockets. .\./printsetup_n/help_pointer_position.htmlP Line P7:,\ 2:sample 2:number 2:QuickBooks 1:invoice It s to a  along the edge of . E`in3 field. . ; .\./printsetup_n/task_pset_ er.htmlChoosing a different 9: 8:business forms 4:Pt  window 3:documents 3:QuickBooks Open the *pp you want to. Click er Name drop-down list and cee+@use. Ifswitch| 1invoices, ( continuesfus evious@ for all other ,'. *.\./printsetup_n/task_p.htmlSetting up your er9:form 9:options 7: 2:invoices 1:click Pl er Sx  Whenx 're finished s the ,P lect another l. T( on d+ window change dependton which d . For eaKnew.x, press F1d assistance inD$tvarious options. d.\./printsetup_n/task_palign.htmlAdjusting ment forlms and cheques9:  20 9:tax 9:page-oriented ers 8:(dof the text 7:fine a|s I(| is out of position when you , sales, purchase orders, label\', or state, can3 so that its correctly. QuickBooks provides ` continuous-fe)-4. Determx%whicherhavett#click below to seestep$h r printer. *.\./printsetup_n/task_palign_coarse.htmlMaking  ment adjusths for your er9:: 9: 6:QuickBooks 6:sample 3b m he sure continuous-feed is turned on anxlinethat the s| want to aT inserted into's paper mechanism. Look pointer (l H across middle of,note number closeslarrow s. 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