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Security AssessmentFiling StatusSingleMarriedHead of FamilyDon't WithholdAL - Unemployment CompanyAR - WithholdingFiling StatusWithholdLow Income Single, 1/3 taxLow Income Single, 2/3 taxLow Income Jt Filing, 1/3 taxLow Income Jt Filing, 2/3 taxLow Inc Head Househld, 1/3 taxLow Inc Head Househld, 2/3 taxExemptNumber of DependentsAR - Stabilization TaxFiling Status(a) Single(b) Married(c) Joint filing(d) Head of HouseholdDon't WithholdFiling StatusWithholdLow Income Single, 1/3 taxLow Income Single, 2/3 taxLow Income Jt Filing, 1/3 taxLow Income Jt Filing, 2/3 taxLow Inc Head Househld, 1/3 taxLow Inc Head Househld, 2/3 taxExemptFiling StatusWithholdLow Income Single, 1/3 taxLow Income Single, 2/3 taxLow Income Jt Filing, 1/3 taxLow Income Jt Filing, 2/3 taxLow Inc Head Househld, 1/3 taxLow Inc Head Househld, 2/3 taxExemptAR - Unemployment CompanyAZ - WithholdingMarital StatusSingleMarriedDon't WithholdWithholding Rate(none)10%18%21%23%29%34%Marital StatusSingleMarriedDon't WithholdWithholding Rate(none)10%18.2%21.3%23.3%29.4%34.4%Marital StatusSingleMarriedWithholding Rate(none)10%18.2%21.3%23.3%29.4%34.4%Marital StatusSingleMarriedWithholding Rate(none)10%19.0%23.0%25.0%31.0%37.0%AZ - Unemployment CompanyAZ - Job Training TaxMarital StatusSingleMarriedDon't WithholdCA - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarried (one income)Married (two incomes)Head of HouseholdDon't WithholdEstimated DeductionsCA - Employment Training TaxFiling StatusSingleMarried (one income)Married (two incomes)Head of HouseholdDon't WithholdCA - Disability EmployeeCA - Unemployment CompanyCO - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedDon't WithholdCO - Tax SurchargeFiling StatusSingleMarriedDon't WithholdCO - Unemployment CompanyCT - WithholdingFiling StatusBox A (Married/CivilUnion)Box B (Head of Household)Box C (Married/CU, 1 income only)Box D (High Income)Box E (Exempt)Box F (Single)CT - Unemployment CompanyDC - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarried filing separatelyMarried filing jointlyHead of HouseholdExemptDC - Admin. Funding AssessmentFiling StatusSingleMarried filing separatelyMarried filing jointlyHead of HouseholdExemptDC - Unemployment CompanyDE - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarried filing separatelyMarried filing jointlyExemptDE - Unemployment CompanyEmployee Social Security TaxEmployer Social Security TaxFL - WithholdingFiling Status(none)FL - Unemployment CompanyFuta tax on Employer without SUIFuta Tax on Employer with SUIGA - WithholdingMarital StatusSingle, G-4 Line 3AMarried, G-4 Line 3BMarried, G-4 Line 3CHead of Household, G-4 Line 3DExemptMarital StatusSingleMarried filing SeparateMarried Jt.2 Spouses WkMarried Jt.1 Spouse WkHead of HouseholdExemptNumber of DependentsGA - Admin. AssessmentMarital StatusSingle, G-4 Line 3AMarried, G-4 Line 3BMarried, G-4 Line 3CHead of Household, G-4 Line 3DExemptGA - Unemployment CompanyHI - WithholdingMarital StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single rateHead of HouseholdCertified Disabled or ExemptHI - E&T AssessmentMarital StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single rateHead of HouseholdCertified DisabledHI - Disability EmployeeHI - Unemployment CompanyIA - WithholdingMarital StatusSingleMarriedExemptIA - Admin. SurchargeMarital StatusSingleMarriedExemptIA - Reserve FundFiling StatusSingleMarriedExemptReserve Fund %IA - Unemployment CompanyID - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedHead of HouseholdExemptFarm EmployeeNoYesID - Unemployment CompanyID - Workforce Dev. FundFiling StatusSingleMarriedHead of HouseholdExemptWorkforce Dev. Fund %IL - WithholdingFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdAdditional AllowancesIL - Unemployment CompanyIN - WithholdingFiling StatusWithholdDon't Withhold# of Qualifying DependentsIN - Counties TaxFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdIndiana County %# of Qualifying DependentsIN - Unemployment CompanyKS - WithholdingFiling StatusSingle & All Other FilersMarried Filing JointlyHead of HouseholdDon't WithholdKS - Unemployment CompanyKY - WithholdingFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdKY - Srvc Capacity Upgrade FndFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdKY - Unemployment CompanyLA - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedExemptNumber of DependentsLA - Incum Worker/Sup Int FundFiling StatusSingleMarriedExemptIncum Worker/Sup Int Fund %LA - Unemployment CompanyMA - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedJoint filingHead of HouseholdFT Student or ExemptBlind Exemption(none)Employee onlySpouse onlyEmployee & SpouseMA - Unemployment CompanyMA - Workforce Training FundFiling Status(none)MD - WithholdingFiling StatusResidentNonresidentEmployed in DelawareExempt (state & county)Subject to State WithholdingYesNoCounty % RateMD - Unemployment CompanyME - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarried, 2 incomesMarried, 1 income onlyExemptEmployee Medicare TaxEmployer Medicare TaxME - SurtaxFiling StatusSingleMarried, 2 incomesMarried, 1 income onlyExemptME - Unemployment CompanyMI - WithholdingFiling StatusNon-ExemptFT Student or ExemptMI - Cities Work TaxFiling StatusNon-ExemptNo-FormFT Student or ExemptTax RateAnnual ExemptionMI - Cities Res TaxFiling StatusNon-ExemptNo-FormFT Student or ExemptTax RateAnnual ExemptionMI - Unemployment CompanyMN - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedDon't WithholdMN - Workforce Enhancement FeeFiling StatusSingleMarriedDon't WithholdMN - Unemployment CompanyMO - WithholdingMarital StatusSingleMarried, Spouse WorksMarried, Nonworking SpouseHead of HouseholdExemptMO - Unemployment CompanyMS - WithholdingMarital StatusSingleMarried, 2 incomesMarried,1 income onlyHead of FamilyDon't WithholdAnnual Exemption AmountMS - Unemployment CompanyMS - Training ContributionMarital StatusSingleMarried, 2 incomesMarried,1 income onlyHead of FamilyDon't WithholdTraining Contribution %MT - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single RateExemptMT - Admin. Fund TaxFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single RateExemptMT - Old Fund Liab. CompanyFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single RateExemptMT - Old Fund Liab. EmployeeFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single RateExemptMT - Unemployment CompanyNC - WithholdingMarital StatusSingleMarriedQualifying Widow(er)Head of HouseholdExemptNC - Unemployment CompanyNC - Training and ReemploymentFiling StatusSingleMarriedQualifying Widow(er)Head of HouseholdExemptTraining and Reemployment %ND - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single rateExemptND - Unemployment CompanyNE - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedSurviving SpouseHead of HouseholdDon't WithholdNonresident % RateNE - Unemployment CompanyNE - State Unemp. Ins. TaxFiling StatusSingleMarriedSurviving SpouseHead of HouseholdDon't WithholdNH - WithholdingFiling Status(none)NH - Admin. ContributionFiling Status(none)Admin. Contribution %NH - Unemployment CompanyNJ - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarried JointQualifying Widow(er)Married SeparateHead of HouseholdExemptRate TableRate "A"Rate "B"Rate "C"Rate "D"Rate "E"NJ - Health Care Subsidy Co.Filing StatusSingleMarried JointQualifing Widow(er)Married SeparateHead of HouseholdExemptHealth Care Subsidy %NJ - Health Care Subsidy Emp.Filing StatusSingleMarried JointQualifing Widow(er)Married SeparateHead of HouseholdExemptNJ - Disability CompanyNJ - Disability EmployeeNJ - Unemployment CompanyNJ - Unemployment EmployeeNJ - WF/SWF CompanyFiling StatusSingleMarried JointQualifing Widow(er)Married SeparateHead of HouseholdExemptNJ - WF/SWF EmployeeFiling StatusSingleMarried JointQualifing Widow(er)Married SeparateHead of HouseholdExemptNM - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedHead of HouseholdExemptNM - Unemployment CompanyNV - WithholdingFiling Status(none)NV - Career Enhancement ProgramFiling Status(none)NV - Unemployment CompanyNY - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single rateHead of HouseholdDon't WithholdNY - City NonresidentFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single RateHead of HouseholdDon't WithholdNY - City ResidentFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single RateHead of HouseholdDon't WithholdNY - Re-employment Service FundFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried Using SingleHead of HouseholdDon't WithholdNY - Disability CompanyNY - Disability EmployeeNY - Unemployment CompanyOH - WithholdingFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdOH - School DistrictFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdSchool District %OH - Unemployment CompanyOK - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried-Dual IncomeHead of HouseholdExemptFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single rateExemptOK - Unemployment CompanyOR - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedExemptOR - Transit District (LTD)Filing StatusSingleMarriedExemptOR - DO NOT USEFiling StatusSingleMarriedExemptOR - Unemployment CompanyOR - Transit Dist. (Tri-Met)Filing StatusSingleMarriedExemptOR - WBF Assessment Co.Filing StatusSingleMarriedExemptWorker's Assessmt.RateOR - WBF Assessment Emp.Filing StatusSingleMarriedExemptWorker's Assessmt.RatePA - WithholdingFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdPA - Unemployment CompanyPA - Unemployment EmployeePR - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarried filing JointMarried filing SeparateHead of the FamilyExemptPersonal Exemption(none)$ 1,300.00$ 1,500.00$ 3,000.00# of Allow. for Deduct.PR - Special AssessmentFiling StatusSingleMarried filing JointMarried filing SeparateHead of the FamilyExemptSpecial Assessment %PR - Disability CompanyPR - Disability EmployeePR - Unemployment CompanyRI - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedHead of HouseholdExemptRI - Reemployment TaxFiling StatusSingleMarriedHead of HouseholdExemptRI - Job Development FundFiling StatusSingleMarriedHead of HouseholdExemptRI - Disability EmployeeRI - Unemployment CompanySC - WithholdingFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdSC - Contingency AssessmentFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdSC - Unemployment CompanySD - WithholdingFiling Status(none)SD - Investment FeeFiling Status(none)Investment Fee %SD - Unemployment CompanySec.125: Premium Only PlanThis tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions. Use to report pre-tax deductions for premium only plans and cafeteria plans associated with a section 125 plan. Effect on Form 941: Reduces taxable wages on lines 2, 5a, and 5c. Effect on Form W-2: Reduces taxable wages in box 1, 3, and 5.Section 401(k) plansThis tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions. Use for elective deferrals to 401(k) retirement plans up to the annual limit of $15,000 for year 2006. Effect on Form 941: Reduces taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Reduces taxable wages in box 1. Reports amount in box 12 using code D. Checks "Retirement Plan" checkbox in box 13.Section 403(b) plansThis tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions. Use for elective deferrals to 403(b) retirement plans. See your deferred compensation publication for limit information. Effect on Form 941: Reduces taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Reduces taxable wages in box 1. Reports amount in box 12 using code E. Checks "Retirement Plan" checkbox in box 13.Sec. 408(k)(6) SEPThis tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions. Use for elective deferrals to 408(k)(6) SEP retirement plans. See your deferred compensation publication for qualification and limits. Effect on Form 941: Reduces taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Reduces taxable wages in box 1. Reports amount in box 12 using code F. Checks "Retirement Plan" checkbox in box 13.Sec 457 Non-Gov DistrThis tax tracking type is usually associated with additions. Use for distributions to an employee from a non-governmental section 457 plan. This is for employees of tax-exempt organizations, other than churches. Effect on Form 941: Increases taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Increases taxable wages in box 1. Reports amount in box 11.Section 501(c)(18)(D)This tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions. Use for elective deferrals to a 501(c)(18)(D) retirement plan. See your deferred compensation publication for qualification and limit information. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports amount in box 12 using code H. Checks "Retirement Plan" checkbox in box 13.Adoption BenefitsThis tax tracking type is usually associated with additions. Use for reimbursements to employees for qualified adoption expenses, up to the current limit. They are not subject to income tax withholding. Effect on Form 941: None Effect on Form W-2: Reports amount in box 12 using code T.Advance Earned Income CreditEmployees may be entitled to a I.R.S. credit (EIC), if they meet certain criteia. 1.Must earn less than $9,500 annually with no children. 2.If they have a qualiying child the wage threshold is $25,760 for one child and $29,290 for two or more in 1997.Allocated TipsThis tax tracking type is usually associated with a company contribution payroll item. Use to represent tips you are required to allocate to employees of large food or beverage establishments, as defined by IRS. Search Help index for "tips" for more information. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports amount in box 8.Co. Paid Local TaxThis tax tracking type is usually used with other tax payroll items set up as a user-defined, company-paid tax. Use for company-paid state, county, or local taxes that are not on the drop-down list of predefined other taxes. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: None.Dependant Care Reimb.This tax tracking type is usually associated with additions or company contributions. Use to report company-paid dependent care benefits up to the annual limit of $5,000. Effect on Form W-2: Reports amount in box 10.Sec.125: FSA Dependant CareThis tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions for dependent care benefits, including amounts in a section 125 (cafeteria) plan, up to the annual limit of $5,000. Effect on Form 941: Reduces taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Reduces taxable wages in box 1. Reports in box 10.Elective 457(b)This tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions. Use for elective deferrals to Section 457 plans for employees of state or local governments or tax-exempt organizations up to the annual limit of $15,000 for year 2006. Effect on Form 941: Reduces taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Reduces taxable wages in box 1. Reports amount in box 12 using code G.Fringe BenefitsThis tax tracking type is usually associated with additions or company contributions. Use for taxable fringe benefits such as cars you provide, flights on airplanes, discounts on property or services, and tickets to entertainment or sporting events. Effect on Form 941: Increases taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Increases taxable wages in box 1. Reports in box 14.Federal UnemploymentFederal UnemploymentFederal WithholdingFederal WithholdingTaxable Grp Trm LifeThis tax tracking type is usually associated with company contributions. Use for the taxable amount of group term life insurance coverage over $50,000 provided to employees. Effect on Form 941: Increases taxable wages on line 2. Effect on W-2: Increases taxable wages in box 1. Reports amount in box 12 using code C.Health Savings AccountThis tax tracking type is usually associated with non-taxable company contributions to an employee's Health Savings Account (HSA). (QuickBooks 2004 and higher.) Amounts are exempt from federal and state taxes. Effect on 941: None. Effect on 940: Increases total payments on Line 1. Increases exempt payments on Line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Enters code W in box 12.Local Income Tax 1This tax tracking type is usually used with other tax payroll items set up as an employee-paid, user-defined tax. Use for deductions for local taxes not on the drop-down list of predefined other taxes. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports tax in box 19, reports wages in box 18.Local Income Tax 2This tax tracking type is usually used with other tax payroll items set up as an employee-paid, user-defined tax. Use for deductions for local taxes not on the drop-down list of predefined other taxes. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports tax in box 19, reports wages in box 18.Secondary Loc. TaxThis tax tracking type is usually used with other tax payroll items set up as an employee-paid, user-defined tax. Use for deductions for local taxes not on the drop-down list of predefined other taxes. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports tax in box 19, does not report wages in box 18.Sec.125: FSA-Med.CareThis tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions. Use to report deductions for medical expenses associated with a Flexible Spending Account benefit offered in a section 125 (cafeteria) plan. Effect on Form 941: Reduces taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Reduces taxable wages in box 1.Employee MedicareEmployee MedicareEmployer MedicareEmployer MedicareMedical Saving BenefitsThis tax tracking type is usually associated with company contributions. Use for company payments to a medical savings account. Amounts are exempt from federal taxes. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports amount in box 12 using code R.TN - WithholdingFiling Status(none)TN - Job Skills FeeFiling StatusSingleMarriedDon't WithholdNon-qualified Plan DistributionThis tax tracking type is usually associated with additions. Use for distributions to an employee from a non-qualified plan. Effect on Form 941: Increases taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Increases taxable wages in box 1. Reports amount in box 11.TN - Unemployment CompanySick Pay (Nontaxable)This tax tracking type is usually associated with additions. Use for sick pay that is nontaxable because the employee contributed to the sick pay plan or purchased the plan using his or her own funds. Nontaxable sick pay benefits are excluded from gross income. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports in box 12 using code J.Other Moving ExpensesThis tax tracking type is usually associated with additions or company contributions. Use for reimbursements or third-party payments for non-qualified moving expenses that are included in taxable wages. Effect on Form 941: Increases taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Increases taxable wages in box 1. Reports amount in box 14.Other ItemsThis tax tracking type can be associated with any type of payroll item. Examples include union dues, health insurance premiums deducted, nontaxable income, voluntary after-tax contributions, educational assistance payments, and Sec. 414(h)(2) contributions. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports amount in box 14.Qualified Moving ExpensesThis tax tracking type is usually associated with additions. Use for reimbursements for qualified moving expenses, which are exempt from federal taxes. Effect on Form 941: None. Effect on Form W-2: Reports amount in box 12 using code P.Reported TipsThis tax tracking type is usually associated with additions. Use for cash tips reported by an employee that are subject to federal taxes. Effect on Form 941: Increases taxable wages on line 2. Reports on line 5b. Effect on Form W-2: Increases taxable wages in box 1. Reports in box 7.SCorp Pd Med PremiumThis tax tracking type is usually associated with company contributions. Use for taxable medical insurance premiums paid by S Corporations for 2% shareholders. Effect on Form 941: Increases taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Increases taxable wages in box 1. Report in box 14.State DisabilityState Disability InsuranceCompany State DisabilityCompany State Disability InsuranceSIMPLE IRAThis tax tracking type is usually associated with deductions. Use for elective deferrals to SIMPLE IRA'S up to the annual limit of $10,000 for year 2006. Effect on Form 941: Reduces taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Reduces taxable wages in box 1. Reports in box 12 using code S. Checks "Retirement Plan" checkbox in box 13.Employee Social SecurityEmployee Social SecurityEmployer Social SecurityEmployer Social SecurityState UnemploymentState Unemployment InsuranceCompany State UnemploymentCompany State Unemployment InsuranceState WithholdingState WithholdingState Withholding 2Second State WithholdingWages & CompensationThis tax tracking type is usually associated with additions. Use for taxable wages such as bonuses, awards, and piece work in cash or other payments. Effect on Form 941: Increases taxable wages on line 2. Effect on Form W-2: Increases taxable wages in box 1.TX - WithholdingFiling Status(none)TX - Smart Job AssessmentFiling Status(none)TX - Unemployment CompanyFederal WithholdingUT - WithholdingMarital StatusSingleMarriedExemptUT - Unemployment CompanyVA - WithholdingFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdFiling StatusWithholdDon't WithholdBlind and Age ExemptionsVA - Unemployment CompanyVT - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarried or Civil UnionExemptNonresident % RateVT - Unemployment CompanyWA - WithholdingFiling Status(none)WA - Unemployment CompanyWA - Employment Admin. FundFiling Status(none)RateWI - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedExempt or NonresidentWI - Unemployment CompanyWV - WithholdingFiling StatusSingleMarriedOptional Two Earner % MethodExempt or NonresidentWV - Unemployment CompanyWY - WithholdingFiling Status(none)WY - Employment Support FundFiling StatusSingleMarriedOptional Two Earner % MethodExempt or NonresidentWY - Unemployment CompanyNY - Yonkers City NonresidentFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single RateHead of HouseholdDon't WithholdNY - Yonkers City ResidentFiling StatusSingleMarriedMarried using Single RateHead of HouseholdDon't Withhold