'r  XH  XHVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved.R .\./graphs_n/_ap.htmlAccounts payable 9:'aPG` 7:a 3:suppliers 1:S & xpie chart Go to the Reports menu, choose 2, andhn click 4T. T[ bar atpX p shows how much you currently owefr '$'is overdue by 30, 60, 9L`h 90 dayslegehright of'(hwhich' each |slice represents.  .\./graphs_n/ _ar.htmlAccounts receivable 9:a6l 3:date range 2:aging h 2:customer 2:bar  Go to the Reports menu, choose Cs & R'$s, andtn click '( Gd. TP ' at|Pp shows how much your s oweh as of today'iD verdue by upP  30, 60, 9Ll over 90 dayspie chartbottoma breakdown| unpaid balances`  forcurrent year-to-date. B .\./graphs_n/ _budget.htmlB vs actual 9:AGg 3: ed net income 1sGbarLReports menu Go to the *\, choose s & Forecasts, anddn click vs. *X . The upper ' shows your company''( less 1X for each month low1tfive" dxpense accounts that are` furthest from budget. 9 .\./graphs_n/_incexp.htmlIncome and expense 9:+< 9:i 2s 2:& EGh % 1:Company & Financial Go to the Reports menu, choose 1,then click 4. TW bar across top shows  s for period, whileie chart atbottom a breakdown of or(s by account. Customising a graph. 1 .\./graphs_n/_networth.htmlNet  9:eWb G` 9:company's net 2: 2:assets 2:bars Go to the Reports menu, choose C & Financial, anddn click -. The showsp following amounts for each month ofperiod covered by: ! n'data poi areXnnectedtform a line graph. ^ .\./graphs_n/_qzoom.htmlQuickZoom 9:-D) 2:composition of the item 1:bar 1:pie chart 1:sales In a  , for example, double-clicking barx monthl June creates a ' that showssourceshyourlJune. .  k .\./graphs_n/ _sales.htmlSi 9: 1:company's income@ 1:pie chart 1:Reports menu Go to the *\, choose , andln click Gl. TSbar atdP p shows your 4 for each month from invoices, adjustment notndreceipts'bottom a summary of$-broken down by item, custT'r, or'p-hx$period` time coveredxtgraph. & .\./graphs_n/h_qzoom.htmlQuickZoom Gp window9:4` 5:data groups 4:sales 3:pie chart 2:slice In a ), for example, double-clicking the barlmonth of June creates a ' that showssourcHof yourld. Ch  Next Gt. An 11th  summaris~ ll other groups. V?.\./graphs_n/task_ _create.htmlCling a 9:sales 4:Reports menu 3 2:Company & Financial 1:Accounts Go to the *, choose 1, anddn click Income & Expense Gl. The )s usually display by item, but you can changey m`/customer or by rep. ! CPrint atxTp of'B ptgraph. .\./graphs_n/task__customize.htmlCsing a 9: When you create, an do the followhthings to se : ! Printh a graph. $.\./graphs_n/task__date.htmlChanging a 's p range9:(0 20 8: 3:end|cs 1 window 1: e In the , click Dates. Ct drop-down list and choose a)l or enter beginnlh*Z iFromTo fieldyT'X may get too cluttered if you + much longer than a year. r.\./graphs_n/task_ _group.htmlChanging how a  s data9:x 9:sales s 5:Income 3:Gp  3:expense the in a different way 60  ! Applies to:  and ,, *, budget vs. actual. 1>l.\./graphs_n/task_ _hide.htmlHiding detail in a 9: 8:40 5:data 2:hidden value 2:reports If is complex, you can y h that's less imtant. ata simplifies the appearance of. When (~ins, QuickBooks stilpclud *& w` it calculatsp#|graph. ^.\./graphs_n/task__label.htmlDisplaying exact dollar amounts in a 9:,o 6: 2:bar 2:data point 2:mouse er Move the +_ tobar, pie slice, or (0 for which you want a, . Hold down right button. @.\./graphs_n/task__prefs.htmlSetting h erences for s9: 9:) 4:reports 3:black-and-white patternhoption Open the  and *. Becausepre is one less dimension to draw, QuickBooksst fasT. Us(H Select thd  if you wantd p6D|diff|$tiate bars, pie segments,legend entries. (.\./graphs_n/task__qzoom.htmlExpanding detail in a 8: 8:gt# 4:bar 2:pie slice 1:Click Move the mouse pointer tobar, ', or data for which you want~ser re. Ifdon't x barx 'pl , it could bjat` was too small howpl .  Next Group|display+. mZ.\./graphs_n/task_ _view.htmlViewing data in s9: 9:d Print` a graph. _.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_account_detail.htmlA listing report9: 9:s 6 columns 1:L(D ant Go to the R s menu, choose ant, and`n click . Memorisia for reuse. 3.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_account_tax.htmlIncome tax preparation report9:i3 9: 1:A antP s 1:Rs menu Go to the *\, choose (, and`n click TEP(. TP  showsp line assignedxeach  in your chart of s. Memorising a for reuse. T.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_cust_contact.htmlCDomer  list9:report 9:h/ 6 columns 5:jobs 3:shipping addresses Go to the R s menu, choose s & Receivables, andtn click' C List. The information comes from your'| Jobs . Add or delete Addxl!'! ^_.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_cust_openbalance.htmlOpen  report (for a specific domer)9:, 9: 4:date range 3:Click B 2:outstanding invoices The Amount column shows t]aoriginally billed to. Thisalso)total x  owes your company. When t%'pis lesua ,difference \d ' has paid as ofe!'report. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_cust_phone.htmlC\omer  list9:report 9:x-z 6 columns 2:email addresses 1: s & Receivables Go to the R s menu, choose 5, andtn click' Pl List. The information comes from your'tJobs . Add or delete Adding'`l#'! f.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_emergency_contact.htmlE  list9:report 9:'+ 6 columns 2:Employee Organiser 1'Ps & Payroll Go to the R s menu, choose ), anddn click (C List. Memorising a  for reuse. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_emp_contact.htmlEmployee  list9:report 9:e2 6 columns 1: information 1(roster 40 Go to the R s menu, choose  s & Payroll, anddn click' C List. The ) comes from your(x . Memorising a  for reuse. E+.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_emp_withhold.htmlPayroll Totals report9:3\ 9:p+ 6: columns 1:Employees &  1:R s Centre Go to the ,d, click 1 on left-hand side, dthen . Memorising a for reuse. *&3.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_est_by_job.htmlEstimates by job report9:active e 9:(~ 5p 4:date range 1:customer Go to the R "s menu, choose Jobs, Time & Mileage, and then click +iJ@ You can see at a glance how many( exist for each  orx. TP shows transwons all dates. M!.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_item_detail.htmlItem listing9:| 9:report 6 columns 3:p ription of each p 1:Rs menu Go to the *\, choose List, andhn click ding. Add or delete AddL'`l'! Memorisra  for reuse. %=.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_item_price.htmlItem  list report9:Click Modify R 9:x 6: columns 2: xP` List Go to the s menu, choose Customers & Receivables, andwn c (\ . Add or delete Adding'`l, ! Setl  that you wantpfocus on us|l=, >,t < optionenter specific price. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_memtrans.htmlMemorised  actions listing9:report 7:m3 6 columns 34  1:R s menu Go to the *\, choose List, andhn click (Thing. G a  for reuse. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_new_hire.htmlNew t list9:report 9:'R 6 columns 2:tHire List 1:Employees & Payroll Go to the R s menu, choose 1, anddn click + . Memorising a  for reuse. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_other_contact.htmlOh names  list9:report 7:+v 6 columns 2:Nx'1C  List Go to the R s menu, choose, andhn click  *4. Editingt+list. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_other_phone.htmlO` names  list9:report 8: 6 columns 2:Nx'1P`  List Go to the R s menu, choose, andhn click  (, . Memorising a  for reuse. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_paid_timeoff.htmlPaid d off list9:report 7:|'v 6 columns 1:Employees & Payroll 1: Time OP List Go to the R s menu, choose 1 , anddn click@ L+X . Memorising a  for reuse. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_payitem.htmlPayroll d listing9:report 9:p1~ 6 columns 1:Employees &  1:Rs menu Go to the *\, choose 1, anddn click  Item L. MemorisO a  for reuse. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_terminated_list.htmlT'P employees x 9:report 8:(( 6 columns 2:E Organiser 1'Ps & Payroll Go to the R s menu, choose ), anddn click )(L` Memorising a  for reuse.   .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_terms.htmlTh listing9:report 8:payment  6 columns 1:Rs menu 1: L Go to the *, choose |, andhn click +. MemorisC a  for reuse. '.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_todo.htmlCreate To Do Notes report9: 7: 6$ columns 2:customer phone numbers 1:Click Go to the R s menu and cd List. * . Add or delete Adding'`l'! 4.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_uom_item.htmlItems with Units of Measure report8: 2:Rs menu 2:QuickBooks 1:click List 1:versiont )h mm is not available in your 3 . Go to the **, (, anden9. Note: Ifx don't see 9 onx ,needurn unit*on. 3.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_uom_set.htmlUnit of Measure Set Listing report9:8p 4:shippxunits 32 2:QuickBooks 2:click 9 'amis not available in your versionp( . Go to the Rs menu, l, anden9@. Memorisia# for reuse. m4.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_uom_unit.htmlU/M Sets with Related Units report9:*8 7:U/M 4:+ 2:QuickBooks 2:click of Measure t umis not available in your versionl(p . Go to the Rs menu, List, anden*$1 . Memorising a for reuse. T.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_vend_contact.htmlSupplier  list9:report 9:s2 6 columns 1:informationT s & Payables Go to the R s menu, choose 2, andhn click' C List. The )  comes from your(d . Memorising a  for reuse. I.\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_vend_openbalance.htmlOpen  report (for a supplier)9:, 8:% 4:date range 4:outstanding bills 3:company From the S list, select  about whom you want a,hn click B You can see, amg, how much~ r  still owes on each, as well|htotal amouCyou(h. Whenq `.'|is less tharigin'\ difference @` 2has paidtlp-nofe03report. .\./rptdesc_n/lrpt_vend_phone.htmlSupplier  list9:report 9:s0z 6 columns 1:s & Payable*X Go to the R s menu, choose 2, andhn click' Pl List. The information comes from your(| . Memorising a  for reuse. ;I.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_account.htmlA QuickReport9:r 9:*x 5:expense s 3:transactions 2's balance If th' has sub, groups*_ by). For  sheet'D+8shows a running record o+@( inB column income or .total atbottom iccumulated 0kforperioime coveredx!d*report.  .\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_class.htmlCh QuickReport9:Click s 9:* 2 2:transactions 1Hass list In the h, select for which you want a r. +" abottom of|  and c)  . To open any*ed, double-l)'s entry ireport. Z!.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_ctype.htmlCustomer h QuickReport9:Click s 9:c6 5:'Type List 2:transactions 2(& Supplier Profiless Go to th s menu, choose '7, and{n c''\. Inh(8 list, select,for which you want a r%. + abottom of | ). j.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_customer.htmlC QuickReport9:'X Balance Detail r 9:* 5:job 4:parent  4:date range In the ' Centre, choose a(dor Job from list and click ). If you selected\ name instead of ofX specific job, groupstransactions by each|hr company performed for. The' shows +L(r'month to date. Z.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_employee.htmlE QuickReport9:r 9:*| 4:transactionsX date range 2' If you useBooks payroll, mostif not allof the *d listed will bed cheques. purchase something from an 'andfor 'with a or credit card,is-D also appear ind . To open any 8, , double-click) entry report. O.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_invitem.htmlInventory l QuickReport9:Click s 9:i7 4:date range 3:transactions 3:c Item List In the  list, select(partfor which you want a r. If` has subzs, groups*{ by. The  also rs (Dadjustmentd at aff|quantity on hand lopen purchase order8order. i$.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_item.htmlItem QuickReport9:Click s 9:p* 4:date range 3:transactions 1: list In the 'D, select for which you want a r. If(has subvs, groups*' by. Other charge, discount, payme`or tax x +t`s eaD invoice, sales receipt, adjustx note, bill, cheque, or credit card whereh appears. .\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_jtype.htmlJob t QuickReport9:Click s 9:2 4:date range 2:job 2:transactions In the xType list, selectjfor which you want a r. +> abottom of h  and c)< . To open any*ed, double-d)'s entry ireport. d .\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_other.htmlOh name QuickReport9:Click s 9:. 4:date range 3:Names list 3:transactions In the (, select for which you want a r. +F abottom ofx and c)D . To open any*ed, double-`)'s entry ireport. hj.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_paymethod.htmlP{nt s QuickReport9:Click s 9:c) 9: ( 5: M List 4:date range Go to thes menu, choose Customer & Supplier Profiles, andzn 1. Inm -p list, select, for which you want a r"m f ed "Cheque,"  shows all transactions in)` either wrote a c or received(Pfromt ustomer. .\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_pitem.htmlPayroll d QuickReport9:Click s 9:p5 4:date range 3' transactions 3:c Item List In the +d list, select+for which you want a r. + abottom of x  and ) . To open any*) ped, double-d)'s entry ireport. a.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_register.htmlR QuickReport9:r `*| 4:transactionsXdate range 3:Lynn Favor In the  , single-clickpayee for whom you want a , andfn ) i toolbar at` top of. If selected an invoiceA (,d! shows allsales,Lments received from)lcordTaccount'. T%)*%x dates. (.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_rep.htmlSales rep QuickReport9:Click s 9:s2 4:date range 3: Rep list@transactions In the ,, selectname for which you want a|ort. +z abottom ofh and c)x . To open any*ed, double-x)'s entry ireport. r.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_salestaxcode.htmlSd tax l QuickReport9:Click s 9:2 6: l 5:cT\ Code List 2:transactions Go to ths menu and 1. + atbottom oflist)) . To open any*= ped, double-t) in report. _N3.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_shipvia.htmlShipping methods QuickReport9:Click s 9:c) 8:| * 4:date range 3:h ' Go to the Lists menu, choose Customer & Supplier Profil, andvn S\ Via . Inu 'X list, select- for which you want a r. To open any of transactions x ed, double-p)'s entry ireport. B .\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_terms.htmlTh QuickReport9:Click s 9:/ 7:payment 5 List 4:date range Go to the ps menu, choose Customer & Supplier Profiles, and{n cl . Ini  list, select+ for which you want a r. To open any of transactions p ed, double-t)'s entry ireport. %,.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_vendor.htmlAbout Supplier QuickReports9:r 7:3 4:date range 3:transactions 2:s  On thes tab, right-click on a t the list andnn )|. To open any of} * ed, double h )'s entry i r he initially shows,forcurrent month-to-date. .\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_vendor_salestax.htmlSt tax supplier QuickReport9:6h 8:r 6: " 4:date range 3:transactions Right-click and select*. To open any of the * listed, double - ins he  shows,Kforcurrent month-to-date. J%.\./rptdesc_n/qrpt_vtype.htmlSupplier h QuickReport9:Click s 9:s6 5:'Type List 4:date range 2:transactions Go to ths menu, choose Customer & '\Profiles s, and{n c''. Inh(  list, select,Xfor which you want a r". +J abottom of | )H.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ap_aging_detail.htmlA/P Ageing  report8: 8:/ 7:unpaid bills 1:List|Suppliers & Payables Go to the R s menu, choose 2, andhn click )D If a is overdue,p column showsnumber of days past due. Memorisa!a for reuse. R$.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ap_aging_quickzoom.htmlA/P ageing Qd Zoom report7:2w 4:. 3:listed transactions 2:company's open balance 1Books It t s the individual+, that make up amount you double-clicked onare work with. If*br 4 a particular supplier,^is/)\ bills and ited,ceipts from which" cal` *he&. To)one ofl'- in its original form,+). 7a!.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ap_aging_summary.htmlA/P ageing  report8: 6:A/P 3:date range 2:accounts 1v AS Go to the R s menu, choose Suppliers & Payables, andhn click h,\ . For each s| whom your company owes money,h  shows how much1forcurrent previous bill`%periodit ptotal amh#. T\( also5qd{all'Xs. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ap_salestax.htmlSt tax liability report9:2[ 9:, 5:accrual basis 5:multiple` es 3:QuickBooks Go to the R  Centre, choose Suppliers & Payables from left-hand side, d then click TUL. TX  shows your totalpq ,non-tax*`  amount ofd`  owe eachagency. Although ( normally createson an + , can change itp& cash basis. 8.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ap_unpaid_bills.htmlU  detail report8: 8:+ 5+T 1:Lists 1:Balance column Go to the R s menu, choose Suppliers & Payables, andhn click Bb D. The totals shown inq , are your company's s. If a is overdue, Aging s number of days past due. }C).\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ap_vend_bal_detail.htmlSupplier balance  report9: 8:s4 7:single 'Ring 6:payments 4:bills The ending date of the is today's, and s shown are as). You can,a different  by choop anotherrange from Dates drop-ddlist.  on all  to a l 3` ! l*.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ap_vend_bal_summary.htmlSupplier balance  report9:s< 4:bills 4:today's dateXx range 3:unpaid To see a list of the transactions that make up a , double-clickamount in . The ending  is *, and s shown are as). You can,a differentby choos`another% fromDates drop-down list. c .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ar_aging_detail.htmlA/R ageing  report9:/k 9:: 3:statement charge 3:unpaid invoices 1:Customers & Receivables Go to the R s menu, choose 5, andtn click eAD If an or . is overdue,q  column showsnumber of days past due. To open anyx| transactions listed, double--'s entry in report. $.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ar_aging_quickzoom.htmlA/R ageing Qd Zoom report9:.K 7:2 4:individual transactions 1Bookp To open one of the listed+ in its original form, click). Memorisiad reuse. g!.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ar_aging_summary.htmlA/R ageing  report9: 7:A/R 3:date range 3:overdue balances 2:bill|periods Go to the R s menu, choose Customers & Receivables, andtn click iAS To see a list of` transactions that make up a, double- p in. The 1-30, 31-60, 61-90>90 columns show .< from previous -l. 2.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ar_collections.htmlC(@ report9:*QR 7:) 1:Customers & Receivables 1:transa 1:s menu Go to the *\, choose 5P, andtn click 0|. It also includes c contact names phone numbers. To seeh  detailed informal% for any )l in this&, double-oqe*. _(.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ar_custbal_detail.htmlCustomer balance  report9: 9:single pRingL'P," 8:unapplied payments 4:date range You can show thes as of a different by choox another  fromDates drop-down list attopl x . Scall' a d 3 on ! ope@djustd! note amounts and 0 for a1l2< s etc. ! u).\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ar_custbal_summary.htmlCustomer balance  report9:x9 4:date range 3:unpaid . s 3:today's  1:'BS To see a list of the transactions that make up a , double-clickamount in . The ending and s shown are as) . You can,a different by choosdanother' from Dates drop-dd!attop he report.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ar_open_invoice.htmlOpen s report9: 9:d'| 4:customer 3:date range 3:partner R ing Go to the s menu, choose C s & Receivables, andtn click Is. T@  shows all + as of today. Show1by billing / on-H)  ! h.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_audit_trail.htmlAbout the   report9:A~ T| 9:accountingx nsaction 7:Billed Date 5:tra head|informa 5:example Any )j a'T* that has been changed is highlMtxn Bold Italic type in . By default,A/w sorb by user who crea| or last modifiXp() )@, and date*was7. Although)with-group 'original* ), multiple,s tosame+are ( of occurrence. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_balsheet.htmlBalance  standard report9:3\ 6:today's date 3:x range 2:company 1: Sb S Go to the R s menu, choose C & Financial, anddn click 4h. TT  calculates how much your business is w@h by subtracting allp  money owes from everyth|it owns!is *, butd  can chl% by enterl a different+ in As Of field. !.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_balsheet_comparison.htmlBalance  prev year ( report9:? 7:today's date 3: Sr Py Yy C' 3:l range 1:business From the R s menu, choose ny & Financial and`n click . T@  calculates how much your  is wL!h by subtracting all` money(ny owes fheveryth|it ownsfo+is *(, but`  can chp%by enterh a different0 in As Of field. $H.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_balsheet_itemized.htmlBalance  detail report9:1T 2:account 2:b+ 2:default 1: Sj D  The result is what your companyBh:business's equity. By  this displays the adjustments column,P ich indicates if an  has had pmanual+ made to it. Ift prefer,can hil3. D&.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_balsheet_netincome_quickzoom.htmlNet  detail report9:2X 3:listed transactions 2:Qx Zoom 1:balance (Xform It ` s the individual+X that make up amount you double-clicked on2are working with. To open one ofh-l in its original },+)<. Memorisu a` reuse. 7A.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_balsheet_quickzoom.htmlTransactions by account report9:listed t) 7:QtZoomH 1:balance 1:form It h s the individual+ that make upamyou double-clicked on2 xare working with. To open one ofh- in its original },+)d. Memorisu a` reuse. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_balsheet_summary.htmlBalance   report9:2X 6:today's date 3:x range 2:company 1: Sz S The  calculates how much your business is wH h by subtracting all the money owes from everyth|it owns. xtotal for equity includes+$'s netoomedfinancial year to snapshotp*, butd  can ch`&'by enterta differen n As Of field. 7.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_bud_pl_overview.htmlBudget  report9:T1` 9:monthly # 6:accounts 4:date range 3:Profit & Loss Go to the R s menu, choose s & Forecasts, anddn click O Each am| shown ise , for one type of income or expense.  only on thx that have aingh:! e&.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_bud_pl_performance.htmlProfit & loss Tget ) report9:< 7: 6:accounts 4:date range 2:bal` sheet Go to the R s menu, choose Budgets & Forecasts, anddn click 'Lt P) To ch`|diod covered outsidewizard, xDates drop-down list a different (.  only on th|" that have a.ingp:! J!.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_bud_pl_vs_actual.htmlBudget vs.  report9:Click Modify R 8:X get 6:accounts 4:date range 3ed am| Go to the s menu, choose s & Forecasts, andgn cA For each type of income xxpense,h compares your 'sd ye s.  only on th| that have a ingl :! >.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_cashflow.htmlCash x forecast report9: 7:h 6:Bank Accnts ), 5:customer payments 4:Net In~ s ), Go to the R s menu, choose Company & Financial, anddn click Flow F. To see a list of` transactions that make up an amount, double- ` . Memorising a#t% reuse. f7.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_cashflow_quickzoom.htmlCash ` forecast Qd Zoom report9:.K 7:`  2:individual transactions 1((x 1:)'s entry It lists the 5\ that make up amount you double-clicked on'.are working with. To open any of)sed,+. i. Memorisy a,| reuse.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_cashflow_stmt.htmlStatement of } `s report9:(O 9: 9:s4 4:date range 2 Go to the R s menu, choose Company & Financial, anddn click +Cash Flows. It showst amou)(earned from profit, where you received additional 'r was spent. TH!yout' forf yearp t#, butcan chl% ing period by$ha differh5t,h+Dates drop-down list. G.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_check_detail.htmlCheque  report9:c1Z 7s 3:supplier 3:transactiond date range To open any of the * listed, double-click. . The Paid Amount column as to bill payments. Wht+Xxs partoriginal, this shows how QuickBooks allocated  amongaccxs affec~bybill. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_bills_job.htmlUnpaid  by job report9:(0 9:u) 8l6 6:associated customer 5:Contractor To change the period covered, click Dates drop-down list and choose a different date rp . This is useful if your standard pcicel to pay supplier for a specific!when| receivtpaymlfrom. I did mordan one ,- showslubtotal l each job. e!.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_bills_vendor.htmlUnpaid job  by supplier report9:u- 9:- 7'D3 6:Name column 5:Contractor If the Customer:Job field is blank for a,)0 showsni o ',instead. The Amount)total ap, while Open BaAchow much )pstill due. Go toR( s menu, choose (@, and`n click 1y"Bp5|1 Supplier. *.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_cost_to_complete_summary.htmlCost to  by job  report9:QuickBooks 9:active`testimated o 9:0 7 This  shows you whetherl r finances are on track for all)( with s, and whatexpec is+ each of thes. For ( an',h/r'|"percentagez$is'the actual)pdatewrom|se numberD(T calculatt%nd displaysd'$'w job'`))0mount over \!under estimate. |).\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_cost_to_complete_detail.htmlCost to  by job  report9:estimated { 9:/ 9:QuickBooks 6` 5:JM D  For each item of ah , the shows your e+percentage', andactualddate. Fromx se numbers, ( calculatesdisplaysd'$'l`lexpecd"))4mount over \under . The as for alll s are subtotaled`3| type'n | the job.  t.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_cust_info.htmlCX omer account h rmation report9:Contractor Rs 9:d 6 2:active s 2:columndjobs You can change the  that appear in by clicking Modify and seleBng you want to add or delete. S Ship To itemlis'each'`'s s]p|addressx p. Go' menu, choose 0y,then 'A4 Information. S.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_job_status.htmlJob  report9:/L 4:jobs of one type 4:projected end datpmS 3dgress You can modify the  to display only ., such aT'x that are in pro . To do so, click M RhFilters tab, and select( from scroll box. Goht s menu, choose Contractor  then(. &.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_jobcost_detail.htmlJob rs  report9:Contractor Rs 9:.; 7:job 2:Name drop-down list 2:customer If you have more than one job for a , the showsPsubtotaleach`. Go to menu, choose 0, and`n click lCosts D#?PIndustry Specific f .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_jobcost|_detail.htmlJob `s by job and supplier  report9:active| s 9:Contractor Rp` CostmSD 5:  For eachp , expenses are further subtotaledp , including aed list of all the trans| ons that make up'f . Go to menu, choose 0,&then click '`pt*-4 Professional Services- ! .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_jobcost|_summary.htmlJob ds by job and supplier  report9:active` s 9:Contractor Rpd CostmS S 5:  Go to the menu, choose 0q,then click 'ppp.. =Professional Services 7Industry Specific 3U.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_jobcost_vendor.htmlJob ps by supplier and job detail report9:activeh s 9:Contractor Rp` CostDT  For each', expenses are further subtotaledp job, including aed list of all the transhons f job. Go to menu, choose 0I,!then click 'qS*d Professional Services( $.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_jobcost_vendor_summary.htmlJob ps by supplier and jD report9:activel s 9:Contractor Rpd CostS X  Go to the menu, choose 0],then click '}S*d. =Professional Services 7Industry Specific 3 Z=.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_po_vendor.htmlOpen purchase orders by supplier report9:-G 9:PO 4:S 3:Retail 3:Contractor R s This can help you dk which materialshave on and when they are due to arrive. To view ds of a- listedw the ,, double-click` .i. Godh menu, choose 0,t| 28h1 Supplier. ;.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_po_vendor_detail.htmlOpen purchase orders by supplier  report9:4` 9:o1$ 2:S D. 2:finish plumbing 2:quantity The Qty and Amount columns on the reflecttotal aoforiginal-, even iitem has beh"artially received i|ly p'x{. `$ covp( all dates, but you can changeperiod simeedt/choosing a rfromDx  list. If are u.4 to track committed costs, this*will show whichhe- is sth outstanding. } .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_time_billstat.htmlBilled/Unx ed hours by person report9:+< 8:employee 3:ExpenseXasis 3:l able projectnno tasks The h is sorted to show lmuchhas been ` ed, not'.or|| . If you invoice on a Time and Material, thisl useful inecompare s'` versus *). Gopthe R)s menu, choose Contractor,then click .H4Person. %.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_time_item_billstat.htmlBilled/Unxed hours by person and activity report9:A 9:Contractor Rs 2: menu 2:column header 2:date range Go to the, choose 0y,then click . HP(. =Professional Services >Industry Specific :)$.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_time_job_billstat.htmlBilled/Unxed hours by person and job report9:Contractor R#s 9:job 2:column header 2:date range 2:invoices The t is sorted to show lmuchhas been , not'.or|able. Thisxa goodt print before creating  for customers, especially if you d" Time#Material@&asis. Gow the# menu, choose 0, then click .AH2P(@Job. %.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_unassigned_exp.htmlExpenses not  to jobs report9:Contractor Rs 9:e 9:v 6x -related costs 4:customer Your|  s willccurH ly reflect alls, making y s look more profitable than theh ally are. If` invoice a  on a Time and Materials basis,might missthe(for|t don't ge,@djob. Go`,|) menu, choose 0,then click 'NU6A: to Jobs. J&.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_con_vendor_info.htmlSupplier account h rmation report9:Contractor R 9:s9 2:active  2) 2:Modify You can change the items that appear in by clicking +4 and seleFngcolumns you want to add or delete. Gotd s menu, choose / , then ')A)Info) |Industry Specific ) V.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_costs_by_job.htmlUnbilled  by job report9:(0 9:u+ 8: 7` 4:date range Go to the R s menu, choose Customers & Receivables, andtn click  CostsaJL You can also g<Jobs, Time & Mileage h display this#. T@$ groups iu+uc so y see how much of~r -applies`each customer. W .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_custom.htmlC summary report9:click SR 2:standard profit 1:ability of some aspecxloss 1:s menu Go to the *\ and 9. THresult is similarn a - )  , but unlike a0a % can show youbottom line) jobs, items, or classes. You choose want 0dbreak down,(data. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_deposi|tail.htmlD del report9:,\ 4:date range 2:click Dxustomer's payment 2 Go to the R s menu, choose Banking, andvn 2. The Name column listsf cs whh s were included in Amount shows how much of each'( was9fC5.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_emp_journal.htmlEmployee earnings summary report9:e= 4:date range 1:payroll item 1:'E S )ls & P The has a row for each '4 and a column(x* . To elimin`*l transactions that did not affect(# , click Modify R# x the Filters tabt('cov he current month to date. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_emp_state_taxes.htmlS` payroll tax detail report9:7o 1: tes 1:Employees & P L  Taxe D  1:R s menu Go to the *\, choose 1x, anddn click 7. T@  can help you preparenr )@% Memorising a# for reuse. o.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_emp_summary.htmlPayroll  report9:p3` 4:date range 3:Employer Taxes 3 2:example Go to the R s menu, choose es & , anddn click S Th'Contributions secc ofp  shows amount accrued duringperiod covered by# , regardlessx whether your company paim. You can run aD2{#see.totalsue,eforwhole'ta single'period.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_find.htmlFind report9:| 2:transactions 1:window 1:detail 1:search criteria To open a ) in its original form, double-clickentrysthe . Memorising a` reuse. |*.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_inv_stock_byitem.htmlInventory status by t report9:)4 5:date range 3:average sales 2:i  2:expected receipt d Go to the R s menu, choose '8, and|n click(f S'I{ TT  shows ' value forh current month, but you can chlperiod of time cover^by bying a diffe t# from Dates drop-down list. Memoris dreuse. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_inv_stock_byvendor.htmlInTtory status by supplier report9:-D 4:date range 2:(S 2' 1:information Go to the R s menu, choose '$, and|n click(e aS. For each item,` showsfollowing )I: name, c&riph, reorder point, quantity on hand,D, expected receipt |$average sales per week. TP!-i'Lvalue for current month, but you can chh1period of time coverBby T<.p!a diffe x: fromDates drop-down list. fH .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_inv_value_detail.htmlInventory lation  report9:5d 4:date range 2:i 1:(XValu D 1:Dates drop-down list Go to the R s menu, choose 'D, and|n click(e .. T\  coversd current month, but you can chxperioded bying a diffe( from2. Memoris for reuse. !.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_inv_value_summary.htmlInventory pation  report9:6h 5:i+ e 4:date range 2({ 1:(Valu S Go to the R s menu, choose ', and|n click(e /T . For each (item,d showsh name, g'rip|! , unit price, quantity on hand@verage cost, asset)e, percent of total)l*e, sales retail`/*. T@&4(  forcurrdmonth, but you can chp5periodimdvered by by2ing a diffe ( fromDates drop-down list. C.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_inv_worksheet.htmlStock take 'd9:s1X 8:report 3:inventory 1:Rs menu 1:| ription Go to the *, choose I, and|n click T}W'5 The Physical Count column contains blank lines where you can write in|  actual quantities asmoa p c ofrr ' . Memorising a # for reuse. +.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_itemdetail_quickzoom.htmlItem actual cost  report7:)P 4:QtZoom 3:listed transactions 1:d profitability1:form It h s the individt*  that make up amount you double-clicked on7are working with. If*4 total revenuereceived from an m ,Ois .`+lvoicesdwhich billx&`|. To open one ofd$t)r i`s original y),+4). x".\./rptdesc_n/rpt_jobdetail_quickzoom.htmlJob cost  Qx Zoom report6:7 4:. 3:listed transactions 2:job 1t profitability summary  It ` s the individual+8 that make up amount you double-clicked onjob;are working with. If*P total'of a ]+,Zis/+8voices billy$oZat`. To open one of t!|)8 in its original form,+). \.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_journal.htmlJ report9: 4:date range 2:accountants 2:defaultd ouble-entry ing Use it if you're familiar with d4. By  this displays the adjustments column, which indicatesfan has had any manual+made to it. For eap tem containing multiple amp! s, QuickBook|mbineXP a sing'. `.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_ledger.htmlGeneral  report9:g2\ 4:account 2:defauld transactions 1:Aant To open any of the * listed, double-click.. By  this displaysadjustments column, which indicates if an  has hadmanual *made to it. For eap tem containing multiple am`# s, QuickBook|mbineXP a sing'. 7(.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_miles_by_job_detail.htmlMileage by job  report9:/O 9:l age 2:sales price 1:trip 1:JYD Go to the R s menu, choose Jobs, Time &  , and then clickd(h. The ) accounts for any levels you have set. If a ` was not assigned`an item,x,nd amx are zero. q).\./rptdesc_n/rpt_miles_by_job_summary.htmlMileage by job  report9:0S 9:x age 1:unbilled trips 1:JQS  s Go to the R s menu, choose Jobs, Time &  , and then click|) . Memorising a for reuse. %.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_miles_detail.htmlMileage by vehicle  report9:page 9:3 1 expense 1:Jobs 1:V D Go to the R s menu, choose t, Time &  , and then clickd,x . Memorising a for reuse. &.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_miles_summary.htmlMileage by vehicle  report9:xage 9:4 1 expense 1:Jobs 1:V S Go to the R s menu, choose x, Time &  , and then clickp-| . Memorising a for reuse. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_missing_checks.htmlM cheques report9:click C 9:' 4:date range 3:asset account 2:transactions Go to the R s menu, choose Banking, andvn 3,. TH points out xduplich) numbers withinl ,Pshows )s for all dates. h .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_mwd_inventory_reorder_report_by_Ddor.html[Manufacturing and Wholesale] I   by supplier9:(R R 8: 4:date range 3:+ 2:hdminus quantity Go to the s menu, choose + ,,then click)D,eS. For each item,showsfollowt& information: name, o2rip},'point,' on p,D6, expected receipt l(average `5 s per week. TX%+'( status for current month, but you can ch|4period of time coverFby \A2t!a diffe |> fromDates drop-down list. +.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_mwd_open_purchase_orders_by_item.htmlOpen   by d report9:P O 9:) 3:Manufacturing 2:Wholesale*. R s Go to the menu, choose +4 and '<,then click 2qIx To see if an is overduel /or expectedparrive soon, enterdatesupplitold yougoods would be received in'field of,. That is usis3 `can quickly' shipmentylrorh'to ). HM.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_mwd_profitability_by`duct.htmlP*t by prot report9:,A (@ 3:Manufacturing 2 2:Wholesale Go to the R s menu, choose +  and ',then click /P. The0x,  tells you how muchofitmade on each item thasell.  is calculated`(taking revenue minuscosts buy product. '.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_mwd_sales_by_class_and_item_type.htmlSd by  and e d report9:Wholer Rs 9: 9:'Lh s 3:Manufacturing Go to the menu, choose +/,then@ick 'CdItem Td If you have multiple locationsneedxseparate h!,can use field for(E.,on( but morgan hprofit centre, product., Y dhtment+esstraP '+@d*H.  K!.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_mwd_sales_by_customer_type.htmlSl by C Type report9:Wholeb Rs 9:x|+ 3:Manufacturing 3: x  field Go to the menu, choose +  and /,then click 4 . Wl you generate a(,t, tcan see how much revenue make from each +. You use+ |record h!'wasT ferred. >.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_mwd_sales_by_product.htmlSt by  report9:,C 9: 8s 4's revenue 3:Manufacturing Go to the R s menu, choose + and Wholel ,then click 'P Focus effL on your lowest-sellings|increasecir x s. Changepricedemargins` specific+Tgenerate more sales. #.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_mwd_sales_volume_by_customer.htmlSu  by  report9:-E (EsL  3:Manufacturing 3: Go to the R s menu, choose + and Wholep,then click VaC It is useful|underst| what percentage of your total `s come from a particular'd, or groupt#s. If' indicates tp p few', s make up 90 %| trevenue,dP uld set a goafind[waywseln+}ol\ ll more goodsxlower7)=f`he next quarter. ].\./rptdesc_n/rpt_np_big_donors.htmlBiggest D/Grants report9: 9:Nonprofit Rs 9:L   3:dateO range To learn more about QuickBooks editions and how to upgrade, visit the Reckon website. Godh s menu, choose /, then click 3 `Industry Specific "5).\./rptdesc_n/rpt_np_bva_donors.htmlBudget vs. Actual by D/Grants report9: 9:Nonprofit Rs 9:  3:default date 3:b ed amount Go to the menu, choose /h, and|n click . =Industry Specific /For each type of income xxpense,l+ compares your -s`&a4 |" expenses. 8+.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_np_bva_programs.htmlBudget vs. Actual by P /Projects report9:Nonprofit Rs 9:  3:default date 3:b ed amount Go to the menu, choose /, and|n click . =Industry Specific 3 For each type of income xxpense,l- compares your -s`'a6 |# expenses. 1.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_np_donor_sum.htmlDx Contribution Summary9:Nonprofit Reports 5:8 3:default datexate range 2)0and Accountant edi|s To learn more about QuickBooks' `how to upgrade, visit the Reckon website. God menu, choose /, then click 8 tIndustry Specific '.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_np_donors.htmlD/Grants report9: / Rs 9: 8: 3:Nonprofit 3:date Go to the menu, choose /, and|n click  . =`Industry Specific . Use` horizontal scroll bar atbottom of)d see all your (grants. (+.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_np_fin_income.htmlStatement of Financial I and Expense report9:,C 9:. 9:s X 3:Nonprofit R s 3  Go to the menu, choose /,then click . =Industry Specific 6Usehorizontal scroll bar atbottomp7p#4h%see all your programs or funds.  :9.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_np_fin_pos.htmlStatement of Financial Position report9:7l 9:s  7:today's date 41L 3:Nonprofit R s Go to the menu, choose /, and|n click =. =Industry Specific ,The" for comparison is *, but you can changetby entering a differ|:o- in As Of field.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_np_programs.htmlP/Projects report9: / 'qR 9: 7| 3:Nonprofit  s 3:default date Go to the menu, choose /, and|n clickh( . =lIndustry Specific %TL& title assumes you have set up\FesraH( or projects. q.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_payroll_journal.htmlP transaction detail report9:1 9: 4:date range 22 1:Employees &  Go to the R s menu, choose 1, anddn click T)D. To open any ofx* s listed, double- )amount for. p X! covers current month, but you can chd%perioded bying a diffe(| fromDates drop-down list. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_payroll_transaction.htmlP )`s by payee report9:*9 x + 4:date range 2 2: listsx ` Go to the R s menu, choose Employees & , anddn click T(LPh. To open any ofd+ed, double- d),'s entry inp D coverscurrent calendar quarter, but you can chh$perioded`/ ing a diffe (` fromDates drop-down list. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pending_build.htmlP s report9: 9: 2:inventory assembly items 2, form 1:Display For each +l, the showsdate of reference numbernam'+hquantity to as entered in(, and any memo intation from- . You can d1 by clickingtransacd 's linepT+.. Godq%R4 s menu, choose I2then <Builds. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pitem_detail.htmlPayroll a  report9: 9:p0 4:date range 1' transactions 1:Employees & Go to the R s menu, choose 1, anddn click  Item D To open any of} *< listed, double- |)'s entry in . T\ coverscurrent calendar quarter, but you can chx$perioded bying a diffe (p fromDates drop-down list. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pitem_liabilities.htmlPayroll y balances report9:Click Modify R 9:p7 4/pies 2:example 2:Form 941 Go to the s menu, choose Employees & , andgn c Ly B. TD  covers unpaid'ies incurred duringp  period of time shown inFrom To fields. If your company a'y(with date range ', omits that(4, eveAfpayment ocafterendh p'. )9.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pitem_liabilities_quickzoom.htmlTransactions by payroll y d report9:individual t) 9:; 6:PAYG Tax 4:QlZoom 2/ies It lists the 5 that make up amount you double-clicked in.(are working with. If*8 for ,Cis .) *hwhich| r company deducted tax durhl time coveredp6l84. To open r of+{+ed,+.'s entryl`report. x-.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pitem_quickzoom.htmlTransactions by payroll l report9:1T 9:individual t) 3:tax 2:Qh Zoom  2:Earnings Base column It lists the 5T that make up amount you double-clicked inare working with. A zero for at  chequxFis mean~at employee has exceededanna#elimit x ptax. To open any of* "ed,+x.'s entryreport. l(.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl.htmlProfit & loss standard report9:2X 6:default date range 6:financialx a 1:Company & F 1:'LiS Go to the R s menu, choose 10, anddn click 4h. TT  shows subtotals for each income x xpense account in your chart ofs. You can p)t'l a differen* bying anotherx&) fromd Dates drop-down list. !.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_byclass.htmlProfit & loss by  report9:*; 9:t 7:QuickBookses 6:default date range 6:financialxa The  includes subtotals for each type oflome x xpense so you can see where money is coming in andxare spendt. Ifassigned to items transactionsp (,tuse thisto review p+ability'l(d+esxtrack0product line, the columns labeled Income/RevenueCost|'Goods Sold h broken down'<, but E,t( are not. K,.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_byjob.htmlProfit & loss by job report9:(3 8:d 4:Job 2:income 1:Company & Financial The includes subtotals for each type oflome x xpense so you can see where money is coming in andxare spendt. Note: yp8 onlyp etransactions that w`assigned to a CustM"rd$. Othert h|30do not appear on t' , which causexe amounts| be different from thosY)nHstandard ,report. x.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_cust_detail.htmlIncome by homer  report9:4` 9:company's net sales i 4:date range 2' 2:job For each(or job, the lists , returns, and reimbursed expenses@lated to' . The totals shown inBalance column are.X from3 duringtimd vered`+(Hgr``bold atbottom of0 is your 8all'As$jobs.  @.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_cust_summary.htmlIncome by lomer  report9:5d 9:net sales i 4:date range 1:Company & FinancialtT S Go to the R s menu, choose 1, anddn click (!C-x. To see a list of` transactions that make up an amount, double- `. Changingd a cash or accrual basis. /.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_itemized.htmlProfit & loss detail report9:0P 6:default date range 2:expense account 2 1:Company & Financial For each | containing multiple amd s, QuickBooks combines th' into a sing'. Shorte t in this fashion makes itP sier to print. You can show p%and% for a differen*8 by choo` anoth\ ( fromDatHdrop-down list. i.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_previous.htmlProfit & loss l year comparison report9:> 1:Cxny & Financial 1:'Lp Prev Yp   1:net income 1:expense account Go to the R s menu, choose ,, anddn click  . The intermediate lines ind ! show subtotals for each x,| your chart ofslast s (D this month sameyear. z1.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_quickzoom.htmlTransaction detail by account Qp Zoom report9:6h 7:t/, 4:individual )| s 2:income 1: Books It lists the 5 that make upamyou double-clicked Xd profit and loss `are working with. If*(*for total ,Bis/  from which  calculatedyr . To open one ofr%ed+h in its original form,+`)8. /%.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_unclassified.htmlProfit and loss * report8: 7:l 1:QuickBooks  1:Company & Financial 1: & Lq U) Go to the R s menu, choose 1A,thenXick 8x . Memorising a for reuse. $f).\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_vend_detail.htmlExpenses by supplier  report9:company's net e 9:'summary*d 4:date range 2' Go to the R s menu, choose C & Financial, anddn click * SD For each'y,l lists credit transactionlat your ! had with!. The gr otal in bold atbottom of, is+l- for all' s. :*.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_vend_summary.htmlExpenses by supplier  report9:net e 9:5 4:date range 1:Company & FinancialUS S Go to the R s menu, choose 1, anddn click *.. To see a list ofh transactions that make up an amount, double- h. Changingl a cash or accrual basis. P2.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_pl_ytd.htmlProfit & loss YTD comparison report9:8p 2:net incomeP financial year 2:expenses 2 Go to the R s menu, choose Cxny & F , anddn click 'L . The intermediate lines inl show subtotals for each x accounl your chart ofslast s(p xmonth , to date. |7.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_po_openbyjob.htmlOpen purchase orders by job report9:PO 9:( 4:line items 3d 3:customer When you create a- in QuickBooks,have the option to enter  andfor whichare ing each '. Iftrack this h informaor $caP' eriodically run 'ssee's `still on.. To t30tlistedp$|! , double-cli' e order. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_po_ytddetail.htmlPayroll  review report9:p9y 5xK 5:numbers QuickBooks 3:Social Security tax 2:employee pay cheques Suppose you suspect that 1 was underwithheld on some s'*x during the lastl run, andwant to see exactly how)L calculated/\tother f@-rate`es. YPcan genea'2t|behind each tax';iond every'h +. This< helps identify when*adjusts al amount,yourl ( administrator makes manual ments, or h_7encp ered an anwage base limit. b7.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_prof_ar_aging.htmlA/R ageing detail by class report9:/ 9:* 7 es 3:accountxceivable transactionhProfessional Services R s If you are us` es tod ck partners, for example, the shows which' gettl bills paid andhnot. Go @  menu, choose ;, then@)ick }'Aj. D'Ck,. !?Industry Specific 4.Y.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_prof_billed_vsx posal.htmlB vs. pro byl ject report9:PAmt 9:pro)~ 4|` 3:Diff columns 3:H itive amount The *4. and Amt. compare yourd posed or estimated revenue toactual'Xfrom each job. Godthe R s menu, choosfessional Services,then clickh''<I'P# Industry Specific 7..\./rptdesc_n/rpt_prof_open_balances.htmlOpen  by customer/project report9:B 9: / , 4:C 4:P 3dfessional Services R s The invoand statement charges are grouped ubtotaled* . Go to the  menu, choose Pro8U, then click +p/ Industry Specific :* u.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_profpject_contact.htmlProq  list report9:1T 4:columns 4:C  List 3xfessional Services R s 2'Xinformation If you want to add new kthe, or delete any of pexisting , click Modify and selectnames .$'. Sx lShip Toxs each customer's sMp`address,0. Go$ menu, choose Pro8=,then2P. I.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_profpject_cost_detail.htmlProa bs  report9:+< 8:labour 7:p 3:Professional Services Rs 2| Costs D If you have more than one  for a customer, the showsPsubtotaleach. You can filterZ is to include only*. Go to  menu, choose ;, andln clickt/. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_profpject_status.htmlProm  report9:p2^ 6 s of one type 4:S 3ed end datePProfessional Services Rs You can modify the to display only +, such aP+that are in| gress. Click Job  drop-down list and choose a$. Thl formation on thiscomes from'tInfo tabp&a customer or job recordxyour Cus & Jobs list.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_prof_timed ject_billstat.htmlBilled/Unxed hours by person and prod report9:Professional Services Rs 9: 2:column header 2:date range 2:invod The p is sorted to show lmuchhas been , not'.or|able. Thisxa goodt print before creating  for customers, especially if you p$ Time%ExpensT!basis. Gos the# menu, choose ;), then click .H5P( Project. &.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_prof_unassigned_exp.htmlExpenses not  to projects report9:Profe@ onal Services Rs 9:($-related e  5:Goods Sold accounts 3:A drop-down list Your or job costs willccurP ly reflect all', making y)Ds look morep fitable than thed ally are. Ifp invoice a customer on a Time and 'Dbasis,might misskthe(for'dt don't ge,Xp-. Note: In orderx6filtfhe$pshow onlyxt:/dr chart of'o muT-be set upp use Co0of 15 dh//. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_prof_unbilled_expenses.htmlU  by project report9:,C 9: ' 6 4:customer 3:Professional Services R s The  shows /`+ for all dates, but you can change the period of time coveredpttchoosing a different r from Dx  drop-down list. )groups0by so' see how muchpyour1 applies to each'(. If did morpan one'%',,a subtotal+ project. A.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_purch_item_detail.htmlPxases by u  report9:summary 9: } # 4:date range 3:payroll-related expenses Go to the R s menu, choose '\, and|n click(ddItem D To get a about all of your non- .L, crepeither an'h supplier ,. o8". TT* shows ' forp current month, b\you can chp*periodt time coveredt`* by)ing a diffe ( from Dates drop-down list. I.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_purch_item_summary.htmlP|ases by y  report9:1T 9:dollar | 4:date range 3:payroll-related expenses 1:R s menu Go to the *\, choose ', and|n click(dhItem S To get a about all of your non- ., crepeither an'l supplier- o8detail. TX, shows( fort current month, b\you can chp,periodt time coveredtd* by)ing a diffe ( from Dates drop-down list. T.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_purch_open_po.htmlOpen ase orders report9:4c 3:Px yO 1:s 1:Rs menu 1:expected receipt date Go to the *, choose '@, and|n click 2. You can display any-{ bying` -x 's line entry in". Memorisia$ for reuse. v.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_purch_vendor_detail.htmlP`ases by supplier  report9:w 9:'summary*d# 4:date range 3:payroll-related expenses Go to the R s menu, choose ', and|n click(duSD To get a about all of your non- .\, cre`either an'x 5 o8". TD, shows ' for` current month, b\you can ch`+periodt time coveredtp* @<*ing a diffe ( from Dates drop-down list. [.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_purch_vendor_summary.htmlPdases by supplier  report9:5g 9: &ase of items 4:date range 3:payroll-related expenses 1:R s menu Go to the *\, choose ', and|n click(dmSS To get a about alllyour non- ., cre`either an'| 5f o8detail. TH- shows *s ford current month, b\you can ch`-periodt time coveredtt* \<*ing a diffe ( from Dates drop-down list. c}.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_realized.htmlRt sed Gains & Losses report7:agloss 6: 4:|es 4- 4:foreign transactions The  displays the original amount of each 1 in your home currency,actual exchange rate when)( was clooandresulting t or w. '~s |des arxcorded|iEq*/d* expense acct. FromR- s menu, click Mx+an'$l & Loss. H'.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_bal_sht_mthly.htmlBalance sheet monh comparison9:SMC' 9:Retail Reports 4:today's date 3:x rangp ny Go to the menu, choose Industry Specific'd,, andxn click 0. = h6,. The is * , but you can cht!tby entering a differentinDates drop-down list. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_bills_dd.htmlBt by due date report9:Retail Rs 9: 8:due 5:D@Date 2:Accountant Th shows all your . Go to tL menu, choose ,, andpn click ' DIndustry Specific Z=.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_est_by_cust.htmlEstimates by Customer9:Retail Reports 9:hl 9:outstanding e 3 2:transactions You can see, at a glance, the 30 for each . Go to menu, choose , andpn click 3 4Industry Specific-# s..\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_gr_mgn_item.htmlGross margin by inventory l report9:3\ 7:g| 7:lists-s 4:date range 4: M Go to the R s menu, choosptail, andpn click *,aI'Ir =xIndustry Specific- TD% shows sales for| current month, but you can ch`$period of time covered``% by$ing a diffe ( from Dates drop-down list.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_mon_sales_cust.htmlMonthly  by h omer report9:-D 9:m* 5' 3:transaction 3:Retail R s Click the Expand button to see ded informat forentire. Goxl menu, choose ,, t then cSt"tCustt dIndustry Specific #4!.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_pl_monthly.htmlProfit & loss  comparison9:'LiM C' 9:Retail Reports 9:t  2:change 2:expense account The r shows both the $  and%ed topreviou. /Psubtotals for each income x,L in yourt rt ofs. Go menu, choose ,,n click >. ).\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_rcpt_pay_mtd.htmlCustomer payments by item9:Retail Reports 9:c-1\ s 2:monthly sale| breakdown of ,p#You can choose Day from the Columns list to show dai . Go`p menu, ,, andd n click '%P!`!Item Industry Specific *4.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_ven_rt_det.htmlSupplier returns detail report9:'RDR 8:s 3:R*h s 2:Accountant 2 To open any of the transactioDlisted, double-click.'s entry in. Go to s menu, choose ,, andrn < xIndusxSpecific (5.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_ven_rt_sum.htmlSupplier returns summary report9:'RSR 8:s 3:Retail s@  volume 2:Accountant By default, the is sorted by . Go to menu, choose ,, andpn click =4 |Industry Specific )L6.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_rr_vend_pur.htmlPurchase volume by supplier report9:-D 9:monthly p, 3:Retail Rs 2'figuredAccountant To see more don the'h s that created , double-click any  and QuickZoom to h ransaction informal. Go menu, choose ,, then 'MV'MS* Industry Specific ,<.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_sales_cust_detail.htmlSx by domer  report9: 9:- 8: 1:incH 1:Rs menu Go to the *\, choose , andln clickaCHW r D It includes`ome from parts, services other charge items recorded on an invoice or |eipt. does no'+taxxreimbursed expenses. ~.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_sales_cust_summary.htmlS| by homer  report9: 9:5Dsingle( Ring 3(*Ptype of2Go to the  s menu, choose , andln clickyCDS  on t8<!04to a 7(83! .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_sales_item_detail.htmlSx by e  report9: of each product or service 9:) 8: 1:Rs menu 1: Go to the *, choose , andln clickpItem D Memorising a for reuse. c.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_sales_item_summary.htmlS| by i  report9:1W 9: of a single 1:Item S  1:dollar  1:R s menu Go to the *\, choose , andln clickx*. TX shows fort current month, but you can changeperiod| time coveredt t bying a diffe date r from Dates drop-down list. bon.,"<! <.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_sales_pending.htmlP  report9:+[ 4:Sc 1: transactions 1:R s menu 1:account Go to the *, choose , andln click + . For each ),` shows that will be affected when you markp as final. You can display any *_ bying)H 's line entry inreport. *0.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_sales_pending_alt.htmlOther ways to find out abt 9:+<@ 6:Click Modify Report 1:Filters tab 1:Posting Status 1:Customer You can include +x on many r s by f w the in a specificd. Choose )froms menuDSelect , ' scroll box and sEither. p.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_sales_rep_detail.htmlSt by rep hort9:Port 9: p 4:invoice Go to the Reports menu, choose , andln clickqRQD If you don't see "No p" listed,are readytcalculateir commissions. T@ showsfor| current month, buth  can changeperiod of time covered|| bying a diffe d}r from Dates drop-down list. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_sales_rep_summary.htmlSx by rep lort9:0S 9: 4:date range 2 income 1:RU S  Go to the Reports menu, choose , andln click`)(. TTPX includes`ome from parts, services other charge items recorded on an invoice or |eipt,showsforx current month, but you cancngeperioP f time coveredxx"by"ing a diffe (hDates drop-down list. d$.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_so_by_cust.htmlOpen sales order by vomLreport9:-D 9:multiple o-s 4' 2:Terms column 2: Go to the R s menu, choose S|, andln click  OislCustl . To add new s , or delete any oft  existing, tModify buttonselectnamp' s you wantdp'. Sdh *}s t&for each/x preport. U$.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_so_by_item.htmlOpen sales order by t report9:)4 9:o- 2:Terms column 2:  1:namp f thes Go toR s menu, choose Sd, andln click  OqsuIl To add new , or delete any oexisting, pModify  buttonselecte 2t you wantdp'. Sdh *}s t)for each .x preport. h.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_st_revenue_quickzoom.htmlTax Qh Zoom report9:t1X 6:accrual basis 3: Books 2:individ| transactions 1 liability It lists the 5 that make upamount you double-clicked|. are viewing. To open any of)ed,+.'s entry in'. Although*# normally create o} +i,can change it to cash basis. 6.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tax_detail.htmlTax  report9:t.L 4:date range 2:QuickBooksPindividual transactions 1:Tax For each t line, the  lists5 ( associated with . T(Xcover lastquarter. You can ch|age of! by choosing a different (4 fromDates drop-down list. 8.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tax_summary.htmlIncome tax  report9:i6l 4:date range 2:QuickBooks 1*formh Tax Go to the R s menu, choose Tax, anddn clickn S TH showsd amount ( tracked for eachline onl that your company files withfederal government.+c|last quarter.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tax_summary_quickzoom.htmlTax Qh Zoom report9:t1X 7:line item entries 3:account 2:transaction 1x y It lists the / that make upamh  you double-clicked in| with which are working. Ifsuspecta has been assigned to wrong  for l%ing, can display)$ where appears and )p to a different. To ope(|!'ry ,+ +)report. ;3.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tbzoom.htmlTransaction detail QuickZoom report7:t9 2:. 1:balance sheet 1:individual )L s It lists the 5 that make upamount you double-clicked Xd 2are working with. Memorisea for reuse. Kk .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tej_estimate_vs_actual.htmlJob s vs. s summary report9:job 9:,[ 4:d revenue 4h-related costs 4:date range Go to the R !s menu, choose Jobs, Time & Mileage, and then clickr EAs S. TD  compares'| /D) for all customers. If your ny did multiple jobs',x+ showp.btotal each job. V'.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tej_estimate_vs_actual_detail.htmlJob s vs. s  report9:Job 9:+T 4:date range 3: d cost+@revenue Go to the R !s menu, choose Jobs, Time & Mileage, and then clickr EAs D T@  compares'd s| (t sfor each item that you billed.-vers all p#s fromtr QuickBooks records. ;&.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tej_item_estimate_vs_actual.htmlItem s vs  report9: 4:d cost+@revenue 4:date range 3: E s Go to the R "s menu, choose Jobs, Time & Mileage, and then click ,L vs. As. TH  compares'p`t (`)for all p)/versts from your QuickBooks records. 7!.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tej_item_profitability.htmlItem +\ report9:l3l3 4:date range 4:company 3:subcontracted services 2:money Go to the R "s menu, choose Jobs, Time & Mileage, and then click P++ TH  subtotalsp data first by type(P.+ covers all`es from your QuickBooks records. ww.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tej_jobprofit_detail.htmlJob ability  report9:9t 4:date range 3:job 3:company 2:money Go to the R "s menu, choose Jobs, Time, & Mileage, and then clickv PD TD  lists cot`revenues for each item you billedcustomer socan see which parts ofa @) were'le*not.+tcovers all |&s fror QuickBooks records. P.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tej_jobprofit_summary.htmlJob ability  report9::x- 4:company 4:multiple jobs 4:date range 3:customer Go to the R !s menu, choose Jobs, Time & Mileage, and then clickr PS If your  did +h for a ,`  shows subtotalseachl. Revenue columnir+ received from  and job.  .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_tej_progress_invoices.htmlJob   vs. estimates report9:3 9: 9: 2:job 1:Mileage Go to the R s menu, choose Jobs, Time &  , and then clickr P IE. TL  includes1marked as pending. Memorising a for reuse. [5/.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_time_activity.htmlTime by job detail report9:/N 2o 1:ies 1:JID 1:Mileage Go to the R s menu, choose Jobs, & , and then click P(. TH  groupssubtotals h(| firstdcustomerh' by service iteml o see more"about a l( entry, double-|entry. }.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_time_item.htmlTime by d report9:)4 4:date range 3:company 2:jobs 1:work Go to the Rs menu, choose Jobs, & Mileage, and then click MIt For each service, l  lists customers or ` for which your  dihat type of x. TD cov` this financial year-to-!from QuickBooks records, butp canPstrictperiod edx.# ing a different - dDates drop-down list. +.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_time_job.htmlTime by job summary report9:0P 4:date range 3d s 1:Dates drop-down list 1:JQ S Go to the R s menu, choose Jobs, & Mileage, and then click T)`. For each customer orb, t stype of work performed. TLcovers l s from this financial year-to-dyour QuickBooks records, but you canPstrictperiod edt0! ing a different. p2. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_time_name.htmlTime by d report9:)4 4:date range 2:jobs 1:Mileage 1:Name Go to the Rs menu, choose Jobs, & , and then click Ld . For each worker, t  lists customer or job person performe  for. TX covers h s from this financial year-to-dyour QuickBooks records, but you canPstrictiod edx-" ing a different, |Dates drop-down list. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_customer.htmlTl action list by  report9:-G 9:s s 4:date range 2:*List 2'4 If a(has multiple jobs with your company, the+ are grouped under name of eachl . To opendetail behind any*L , double-click)'s entry i !~ he&1[ focurrent month, but` can chl& period covered2 hoosing a diffe( fromDates drop-down list. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_date.htmlT| action list by t report9:)7 9:s s 3:*, List 1:AccountanpDate The is useful if what you needha straight chronological ing of all the+$pr company made. To open jof0l ed, double-click.'s entry in!. By default thisdisplaysadjustments column,Hich ind[test an a& has hadmanual *` to it. W.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_deleted.htmlVoided and D Ttactions Summary report9:3Detail 9:non-posting  H  5:informa| 4:columns For more dP) on vorD+, see the >$+P. Entered/Last Modified Date: The date|which ) was e orl` changT1 Descrip| : If present, ext'in) Lld of).  `&.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_deleted_history.htmlVoided and  actionsPtail report9:non-posting+ 9: / D Tx Dec 9:  4:Credit informax P&columns Entered/Last Modified Date: The date on which tD) was e orl` changed. Nam namE fpersP or company that appears in). Descrip` : If present,ext'(*Xld o,bk.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_detail_acct.htmlTxaction  by account report9:,C 9: + 5 4:date range 2:default Go to the R s menu, choose Aant, and`n click *Dx. To open any ofe )s listed, double- `)'s entry in. By  this" displaysadjustments column, which indicates if an'lhas hadmanual * made to it. .\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_detail_date.htmlCustom action  report9:click TxD R 7:c6/ 4:d range 3:)s 2:telephone expense account Go to the s menu and X. A cheque written ( company would have two lines in!: x showing that as'from yourx,another +, you assigned am of to (-. To open x* listed, double-)|,)'s entry,. `.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_history.htmlThaction  report9:3r 5*s 1:*H  1:R s menu 1:credits Select or open the *f@ which you want a+,. To one of.@s listed, double-click.{his ixht accountants. \.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_journal.htmlThaction  report9:3r 2*s 1:*J  1:R s menu 1:credits Select or open the *f@ which you want a+, . Then choose 1( from *D . Use it ifd 're familiar with double-entry accounting. _d.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trans_vendor.htmlTdaction list by supplier report9:s s 9:- 4:date range 2:*List 1:S  The  group,p under each'L's name. )`-for the current month, but you can chh period coveredl choosing a diffe(` from Dates drop-dow(t o open any of*) ed, double-click.'s entry inreport. j.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_trial_balance.htmlTi  report9:-X 50 2DansactionsXB \ date 1:Accountant Go to the R s menu, choose (, and`n click +p . Note: The, displays all tr( up| you specify ind To field,From  is ignored. Whenenter ax scan QuickZoom on ]a$L)by#2(td)+tbetwee*range. l.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_unrealized.htmlU sed Gains & Losses report9:8R 6: ugloss 3:foreign accounts 2:ee`. *4or  affect only open transactions. Thi reflects the money you would make e by either receiving payment for a salmak*p on a debt us|d curr`exchange rate. From%s menu, click Multicy anden- & Loss. '.\./rptdesc_n/rpt_vend_payments.htmlCreating a supplier  report9:SP 9:s 9:> 7:filter 3:Header / Footer tab Click the Account drop-down list and choose Alls. OK to cme . To memorisbis for future use, c' MR buttonenha nameh report. . \4.\./rptusing_n/example_rptformat.htmlGrouping data on time reports9:*; 6:tX Donna Crawley 4: 4:bathpair 11:00 From the Display tab inModify R window, you can choose how)$ breaks dow amounts forworked. If instead wanted  to sh lmuch each employee t#jobwould"Td'by name." The in-ion about*h') then look like this: ! .\./rptusing_n/fields_filters.htmlUl report  9:2X 4:QuickBooks 3 3: s 2:scope of the  Each lresents a specific way you can restrict1<. Whenselect a , (x displayss fortotl in. Theask information that*L needs to know|apply'l(. %.\./rptusing_n/fields_timefilters.htmlTime  for reports9: 5: 4:QuickBooks 3: 2:scope of the Each lresents a specific way you can restrict1<. Whenselect a , (T displays n totl in. Thh|! ask information that*L needs to know|apply#l(. ~\I.\./rptusing_n/financial_statements.htmlUnderstanding the profit & loss and balance sheet '- (/9: 9:8 6:l ( 6:assets A-' that comparescurrent year's incomeexpensxo those ofprevious will indicate if your manag$ decisions are help$oo rea} rp s. T)netxjormargin, sxnies chop not to grow,to cut back on less able jobs or a certain typwork,h to | sell/msl%producLD Even# have selected nth, slowror revenueE7i.versus las6,d.\@|0needtf4ew`'Q),o makJurz atx4makh4moneyAmo~pe\onp%`"xhead expenses. :.\./rptusing_n/glossary_accrualbasis.htmlA  (definition)8: 5,< report 5:(0 3:expenses 3:income A method of bookkeeping in which you regard  or  as occurrlat the timeship a product, render a service,h receive|urchase. In QuickBDs, an + showslesslwhethr lllr custD rs have paida d(,4|' a billsDYou can put(p/]n0by selectd&