'g  Y  YVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved..\./centers_n/info_and_reports.htmlUsing the Centres 9:Employe 9:QuickBook 5R  4:Customer DSuppli(DEach has several useful that you can run without leav,, andalways have access to all /s in. Yciseviewe)same way)+appearancescope of a0Tthen dresulta# format. This gives ql4 easyo ,0)@Xyour data'h,o/p+modify2 outsid) . 3.\./centers_n/F1_custom_filter.htmlFinding entries in a QuickBooks C`e list9:C fields 9:Search drop-down 9:retur TCompany Name 9:Edit er Choose  to find informationcthe'or Jobfor *s &qs,Supplier,plus* , Contact, aDAlt. Address Bill ToShipl* =h(+',((-)s8aXl&Dfound on Addi`0 al Info tab ofNew or 9window ers, jobs,l suppliers. ` .\./centers_n/info_customer__list.htmlUsing the Cs & Jobs p9:Activ){ 9:3 7:jobs 3:View drop-down 2:print  | rmation Note: T6 issame a:Job. Use+< to hold* aboutpeople and companiesh whom you sell`r products services. Click)0 with Open Balanc see only "s  any kind of od balance.  .\./centers_n/info_customer_ _txns.htmlFinding and editljob transactions9:.H 9:Show drop-down list 9:Filter 9:open invoicesXsingle  Select a'H or | from the . T)( associated with that/ are displayed in )D o right side ofC' Centre. I/is not)because+s & Jobs is expanded to entireOdth5 window, -click,d<choose 5 List= Details. E .\./centers_n/info_customer_ _using.htmlUh the C Centre9: 9:-p 9:detail | rmation 9:jobHtransacls Use2| to access*  about all of your s andg ir * in a x le place. Ind default view'@--, s & Jobs list is displayed o left side` '%, 0d)T forcurrently selected' or job are0$right. R|-click inu>,H+tmenu2to common h9vities pl 9,a,`).  .\./centers_n/info_customer_ _views.htmlCising what you see in the  er Centre9:-D 40 1'Ps & JobsHcontents of2$ 1:transaction lists Adjustwidth.  to usefull , ! U14. 0.\./centers_n/info_vendor_ _list.htmlUsing the Suppliers t9:Activ)_ 3: List\contractors 2:tipxClick'8 Centre T)  shows x rmation about.people or companies from whom you buy goods and services, includtbanktax agencies. For most c(,q r'  will e sub+s'ofZil materials, equipment rental)lgeneral business '@. Choos)H th Open Balances to see only' any kind of od balance. %.\./centers_n/info_vendor_(_txns.htmlUsing the Supplier Centre to find and display s transactions9:'tab 9:click.@\3 6:)4 list 4:custom filter You can modifycontents ofsxshow All'$s, Activ(s, or(| with Open Balancey create your own +. The .0's each inst` at type(H.l2'associatedit. A particular(h will appear mo`9han once in%/i(' has had multipl+L- at type. o-.\./centers_n/info_vendor_ _using.htmlUh the Supplier Centre9:click.\ 9:s 6:Transactions tab 3'w's krmav 20T0 display+ about all of your s and|ir t*0in a p le place. Herex can add a new'-,) to an existing)or printl'X list o+(. C)d-.. #.\./centers_n/info_vendor_1_views.htmlCustomising what you see in the Supplier Centre9:click.\ 5:ss 2:Navigation bar 1'p Transachs lists 1:elements YTcan ce how2  displays ' and'6 t). Go to ,l3H. Adjustwidth of"c usefull +Centre. J.\./centers_n/task_fa_tools.htmlWhat are decision  ?9:QuickBooks-p 1:Planning & Budgeting 1:business 1: l information D+ provide ) to help you manage and mak(s aboutnr . 7(Hcomphalternatives, analyse financial posi``d set policies. Click a& name belowbgotany of thes now. .\./centers_n/task_list_adjust_width.htmlAing the  of a Centre {9:)4 9:Supplier 9:4 9:Balance Total columnshhow 'List In default view*,, you is displayed oleft sidelp, and tail informationransacs aH/dright. To get back to  that shows a narrowerbut also includes?R, -click iexpanded hchoose Sp,l+Deh s opl. Move*mous]%vLd&  edgMf x@ untilpoipK image changes,hn hold dow butt,draM 'or 7to `  's width. .\./centers_n/ov_.htmlUsing the QuickBooks Centres9:Employee 9:transaction informal 7:customers 7:00 6:e s Each  is a x le place that gathers all ofrelevant )s as well}oh*X, suchhhnames and addressesh 't ppliers, or '. ThP giv\ you access toyour '` jobs, contactbillx/) f|t#,+-'3[of 'l, includ`)payroll.^.\./classes_n/glossary_2.htmlC (definition)9:South  5:(l 2:restaurant locad 1:transact s 1:QuickBooks You can use (\ es to,ify your income and expenses by department, business office or'/, s` ate properties`  own,dany other meaningful breakdown of the(you do. Ifhad a )with three's,might cret a City, a West,a ) fXtracking6.\A farmx,6 each enterprise-` example, "Corn," "Wheat,""Cane." =.\./classes_n/info__tracking.htmlWhat is  ?9:North 7:,|? reports 6:location 4:associated income 4:business In QuickBooks, you can create es t|lassign topnsacp s. This lets and expenses by department,  office or , s`xpropertie own,d any other meanP' ful breakdown ofmr'. I had a restaurant with three'!might! a city, a South,a )N fDing6 location. .\./classes_n/info_ to_track_segments.htmlUsing  to   of your product-based business9:QuickBooks 6:4 3:expenses 3:incomeamples 0, gived another wayx categorise and  bylpyou abreak downv r 2for thesd sell. I" different lw#, o's from more than one manufacturer, can use)`1portioT4relatedhose6x(*ldepartDshouldn't+lfst` locations. V.\./classes_n/info_ vs_type.htmlC compared to customer, job, and supplier d 9:QuickBooks 9: 8:job 8:+ 3:transactions (an aY ylall *, so they are not ti any particular'. Use a "i"l ify'ss,hs. If you have separate d`tmentDxcan crema for each), such as "children's ") "women's." 8.\./classes_n/task_assign_.htmlA a  to a transaction9:racking 9:)x 5:QuickBooks windows 2:Sales Orderx individual line items Which 0 let me add7`? The following are some of the2Xfrom wyou can;. To &T"default%for al*? onT)p, useCt0 field attop) form. .\./convert_n/task_ quicken.htmlC Q data toBooks (overview)9: 2010/11 9:Cashl en '\2003 6:version of) 6: You cannot directly   from any .(*to this/hs. To'Pyour)d'; following these steps: ! If you needt(upgrade3 , or require informatt$about how see red(*7withrelease,, p%contact Reckon Technical Support on 1300 137 657 which X* free for allAdvantage subscribers. .\./convert_n/task_data_export.htmlE lists to another QuickBooks company9:0P 9:Supplier 9:  file 8) 6:t  information If "Bartel Insurance" is on the +r i),*adds2:to8,. Whe twos happp o have identical entries+updates) for those-If) addres@$3as "4565 Hermosa Av_)and *1Hp 20300 Commerce,"*|chang2+fto0." ).\./convert_n/task_enable_qbfeatures.htmlEx ing QuickBooks 9:(W 8::2 2:payroll preference 1:inventory 1:purchase orders As you begin us,, might need to  specific' thatwantduse. Iftrack '( or write -D , turn on the) for)and.(plan+Oor $-/. g.\./convert_n/task_reinstall.htmlR QuickBooks9:(2 6)1  ation 5:Licence Number 5:change),+ type 3:re-register If you are ing`r existt*, se<. unlocked a new edik of) , follow theructs in Important Inform  for I*ersl received. T alln% used previously will be displayX, and Product/ window. 8*.\./convert_n/task_reinstall_move.htmlMove your QuickBooks ation6:5d 5:loc 3) 1)0 data 1:software If| need to run, a new ,w'll' the in* and ``+xh. I!-x +usingoriginal+ disks\ You can create a compact versF) orny file, suitable for|v to-. [.\./convert_n/task_repair.htmlR a QuickBooks or*4 Server installation9:Close) 9:)* 6*d14 4:equipment problems 4:Click  You may need to  you+* if| have hard diskxother 0. | can re )solve many+P issuesIIare moving-a differ|computert' , see the inform. about(\| in a new location. f.\./convert_n/task_transfer_lists.htmlT reports, , and registers to another program9:QuickBooks 9:databases 9: 6: 5:Microsoft Excel You can  the information in any /, or't+ s, such as wordlcessor`preadsheesor / . If you wantp 'ap-I,jexd+, directlyzan s( . Gopp - where use)T1 .  ~.\./convert_n/task_update_qbooks2.htmlU! your company file from previous versions of QuickBo9:(3 9: d+  9:Online backup 9: ,,' After installing a newer,,p must |-0 so that it will work in the,h. If` use) ontand+iP#pdifferent uter)fir\move" to another location 6 .copyx)0ti&e'  or server whernew4O is7ed. -.\./history_n/gloss_retained_earnings.htmlR  (definition)9:' 5:( 3:profits 2:QuickBookpcompany's owners 1are  froml ,lier accounting periods that have not been distributed to the .. At end of your \ ancial year, (utes into an equity named 'E+ . $.\./history_n/task_adjust_accrual.htmlA for Uncategorised Income and-` Expenses on an  basis9:, .`  7:equityxount 7:+@ 5:click Chart of Acc`s When you enter unpaid balancesc\omerssuppliuwset uptr company, QuickBooks assigns the tos calle.44, respectively. Ifh keeb1,probably should maki5 < ment so that alli(=e8from beforex r stt, date are treatedsavAs 2af`0l$(lgardlesHE f whether payhas occurred. The proceduO# inVisL-pic t4v am?;,d? to zero. ".\./history_n/task_adjust_income_and_expenses.htmlA  and  amounts for a mid-year start date9:QuickBooks(cc 9: 9:1T- 8:A field If you are setting up with4< ANDknow whatur1ms ` the period from |beginnz offinancial through(5,p can enter an /ment(them. Have ready a -to-|) profit0lossj-te* curr +F, you*. Inames 3 '/ s do not matcdose injr )Chs@of 6s, bW4urei 0ich*a  is equivalhto ea@on+tement. U.\./history_n/task_change_start_date.htmlCxing your  t9:earlie*S 2: ical transactions 1:procesd detail In the  of entert 5,x may find thatwant to choose a different). Youa late* so don't havep hmany 5d` catch up, or` n 0htrack " fYa(period. E"opp) al mid-year adjustments. /.\./history_n/task_distribute_opening_balance_before_start.htmlD' earps and equity from  your  date9:Bal E 7:retaineH 6:( 2:optional adjustment 1: accounts Afterp  have entered all of~r  made othP(s,d may want to move the amd in O$ (<` -. This Kan 1^ i'identify / or of several owners. See TransferringDney out`"0. O.\./history_n/task_ical_data.htmlEnter (i k9:)D transactions 8:QuickBooks 6*` 6:earlier startt e 4:bank account balances Why should I e.$*? If the)\ youed for| r company is before today's,p'll need topr past *, beginning with tha . You don't havp all58x#ush (@)urren,8. .\./navigate_n/info_view_customize.htmlCsing your p of the main QuickBooks window (desktop)9:  8:/  3)N 2+) 2)  40 You can se0 08 to reflect howh move around), find features, and switch between"s. To qn%ly6<(,, go|t,View menu click/appropriateitem` For more t: rmation aboutvarious'opxs, sedtypel=chang' want`make: ! K.\./navigate_n/ov_or_about.htmlUsing the QuickBooks Home page9:2X 9:Invoices icon 9:business tasks 8:bank account|( Tl; are organised into logical groups with workflow arrows to help you learn how relateh each other andd'decide what|do next. In addition`p"'diagram,%'| provides company informa {acc#o$ in right-h|pane. From Get Started box can customiswich0s appear vhe( set(  preferen|8by clickyAC'x(. Uz8.\./navigate_n/ov_what_todo_first.htmlHow do I start using QuickBooks?9:(4 4:tasks 3:company-specific information 3:b` ess 2:powerful tool (4 is a +x that canlmany@ ings. There are some basic Lat most people want top as they begin/{. )<provides several learn`" and assistance| at youusx mohbout)) pget answers`your questions. P.\./navigate_n/task_colors_changing.htmlCte your QuickBooks 6:/N 4.L>ur scheme 4:Display Settings for Microsoft Windows 3:desktop view preferences 2: Colt You can choose from several.'Ls, or5d to use the' selected in x. Ope6lMy P( tab, click , drop-down arrow anda,. . .\./navigate_n/task_complete_setup.htmlCing your lany 8:+< 7:bank information 5:QuickBooks preferences@accounthcustomer Note: Dif t versions of )%o~ d'ways to up, file. Reviewgeneral'8) ! #e  , supplier, and items lists ! ,<.\./navigate_n/task_desktop.htmlReopen windows when starting up QuickBooks9: 7:Opend  view preferences 7:( 3:options 2:D+The 1` determine which' automatically gyouyour company file. By savta set of'<that p frequently use,can`e time o#up. z tP6. \.\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_add.htmlAdd ps to the Icon Bar9:| bar 9:window 8(L4:features 4:reports For quick acces'Tareas of QpBooks you use most, consider customisingirx by add|` and  thatt" open on a daily or weekly basis. There are two waya^!a , form,p $#: ! Oh d$ firstthenh it ! f$.\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_add_bydisplaying.htmlAdd ds to the bar by opening window you wantx add9:click }W 9:` h  6:customised report 2:View menu Go| x'P and .lt Icon Bar, where istitle oflare add~  again. Choose a label that will help#recognisep!, but avoid long name`cau)xbecome too wide. + .\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_add_custform.htmlAdd domised `s to the t bar9:- 7: 6:memor'transaction 3:Lists menu 2:Icon Bar If you already saveder.  as a 3t, open3|. Go(, click M'T( |, and| n double-to2x%. Choose a label, descripx %for` ..  ".\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_add_custreport.htmlAdd lomised s to the d bar9:0 6: 2:Icon Bar 1:click d Window 1:View menu If you have already savedyr'0ations by memorising, open'. Go' and .dt . Choose a label, descripi,for/H. M .\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_add_fromlist.htmlAdd ts to the bar by selecting s a 9:b 6h* 4:Customise Icon Bar window 3:feature 2:descriptive text S name of`  that should appel efore your new. Ifh don't an,d( will at end+ bar. ! ModifyDons whend  pauPmohabove an icon. #.\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_customize.htmlUsing the ` bar9: 1:QuickBooks desktopQqp access 1:reportfshCcut s For * to ds and  you frequently use,can add ,d at op of0. Mov.. 1'.\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_edit.htmlEdit xs on the bar9:Shows 6:p|, 4:Customise Icon Bar window 3:labels 2:descriptions You can d by changingcir , *, or graphics. To hide for all , selecty ( only oan's +*+T andh n clicki ( button. . a+.\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_missing.htmlWhy don't I see the a D?9:@ 4:low screen resolution 2:click Icon Bar 1:View menu 1:QuickBooks desktop If you. on0,might have closed it ormr0x may be too low.  previously hid can ope again* still does not appear,z re insufficient room to displayrdu|x0. .\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_remove.htmlR hs from the bar9:d 30 6bar 5:Customise Icon Bar window 1:Click Delete 1:d Open 7. Select  that you want to remove. .\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_reorder.htmlR ps on the bar9:s 6:|h 4:Customise Icon Bar window 1:diamondDleft of'\ Ope 7. To move an, click  to. and drag it up or down. <$#.\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_reposition.htmlMove the ` bar9: 3:ionn 3*lleft 1:cursor You can m.G to | below,h if you would like extra room for adding mors bar. ! Placerr  on verticalhside of T)@ will stay beneath-untilp it again. . .\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_scroll.htmlS to see additional ps on the bar9:Icon Bar 8:ht 2:QuickBooks 1:drop-down list 1:end of 'I is not wide enoughtdisplay al, (|s a , at 1. ! Click>> symbol1.. O7.\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_showhide.htmlST or d the x bar9: 4:click Icon Bar 1:QuickBooks features,TmenugivView p What is+? T)located just below)h '| you one-access to. thp use most. You can select which!s appear in " , and controlfiranceorder. .\./navigate_n/task_iconbar_spaces.htmlAdd  to the t bar8: 6: 5:Customise Icon Bar window 2s 1:name of'8 Open7. Select . that should precedespace. .\./navigate_n/task_navbar_showhide.htmlST or d the ion bar9:,@ 2:customisable ic% 2:View menu 2:horizontal space 2:QuickBooks Centres T/, located just below)l p , gives you one-click access to. and Home page. From timeime, might want|5 so can have more . for3,|/l1both,0&use0s shortcut keysLNote: You dalso move,(, <icons. .\./navigate_n/task_or_customize.htmlC se the Home page by choosing which icons appear9:' 9:h  6:QuickBooks 4s 3:business 20 The hs and workflow shown on-$reflect how you use ( to runfr . l versioI f-Hxsee whe start*Tis basedxyour company file preferences, or'hanswered questi&bout, iEasyStep Interview'x has limited space for-, so|  can't addevery,wantr%dodrepo\x!run. EY/.\./navigate_n/task_sounds_customize.htmlChange your QuickBooks 9:/L 5:desktop view preferences 2*actions 1:Help for Microsoft Windowp0LYou can cthe associated with* , such as deleting a trans. In i S! Properties control panel, . F@ more informat  about{ignl+ to program events, )`l8. . Y5.\./navigate_n/task_turnoff_homepage.htmlShow or hide the QuickBooks HE k9:2X 30 6*dl 6:desktop view preferences 1:company file 1 T5 isdset to be open on your whe*. InD area, selecttclear!' ling a *T checkbox, as appropriateX You can still and us,(|by clickx t/buttoh toolbar. w*.\./navigate_n/task_view_resolution.htmlChange your screen ( 9:recommended0| 5:QuickBooks 4:windows 3:size of (D contents You can c: to display more or less informa` in the same amounth space. When| increas6 for example,x1024 X 768#computer des, and~ir'l +in a given Yx/monitoradapphardware limit how much?. 0.\./navigate_n/task_window_showhide.htmlST or d the Open Ws list9:/L 2:QuickBooks 2: menu 2:View  1:left side of 0 To enlarge your workspace,| can9 that appears on . Go to' and click*< List. Note: Onc'vezde/(still vt"d-p+u!od.(s from*,. k,.\./navigate_n/task_windows_mdi_sdi.htmlView single or multipL on the QuickBooks desktop9:v< 8:( 3:s 2:menu 1:individual  ( is preset to show i/ fXeach | . You can useOpen W Lis havl`of ot always visibL! left side of )applicationDIf youkferh&only one at a time, got|-' and click OLWindow. .\./onboarding_n/f1_)<first_month_fiscal_year.htmlSelect the   of your financial k9:,@ 3:questions 2:businesses 1:12- periodDQuickBooks Many ( use July as20thei.4 to coincide with` ir income tax , which also makes it easierhpreparecompany's* statement. (ms$s(ionb se)default date range for certain reports and graphsU Yp.)Administrathan ch 1t - settings at h.time. . 7.\./onboarding_n/f1_)<how_company_organized.htmlSelect your  sation7:2X 5:tax form lines 4:QuickBooks use hincome 4:expense account )willsD to associate each  and -@ with the appropr ont return, so it'sX sier|k oryranttprepare$'sx statement. See Using#& !smo^ in|*/ about howwhy)lusedhthey benefi:. In just a few steps| canw*ign)@to news. . ].\./onboarding_n/info_about_fiscal_year.htmlAx financial d (deDition)9:L)w 4:(x 2:12-month period 2:company's ly)xreportsXincome tax A)is a -t used for calculating your . Many businessesx  July as the first ofjir.\ to coincide with-@, which makes it easier to prepare() statement. Ytaccountant can advisec ifdetoathl han July. . "b(.\./onboarding_n/info_change_preferences_later_skip.htmlChing feature selection  7:QuickBooks 6:/ 3s 3:P( window 2:accounts (( will use the industry you here as a guide tods and  that work best forx . YP can easily #'4)enables! from0 . To display5, click Customise )@.|)D Home page. . x'.\./onboarding_n/info_recommended_accounts_for_tax.htmlR(  for inHe tax9:(3 4: 3:QuickBooks 2:industry 2:businesses ( selects the( you need to pay), based on d ed. In most case se are all'repsyou* in (q fthinkfr  is not like othe(jes|t3 , check with antt see i should creatDdditional(, purposes.  .\./onboarding_n/info_start_date_choose.htmlWhat t should I  to  tracking my businesspnsactions?9:company's4 9:r 3)income tax` tements 1:`time 1pmon op  We reTKd thyou use July 1 as the0your4|. If any other ,|'ll need"eparatelyz cktra'@ between'Untr ch`0 Before|  decide on p%, learn mhaboutx(L people for al) rt date. .  .\./onboarding_n/info_which_business_entity.htmlWi   should I choose?9:-! 3:company 3:desired income tax form 2:QuickBooks 2's organisation Because differentlaws apply to each. , it's importaxo select the one that correspondsh your -,. Ytion determ}& (h -line mappings are availablea (| hto rex~es*@If you. Other/None, notlm will be associatedJthh'P.  5.\./onboarding_n/info_why_chart_of_accounts_important.htmlWhy is the Cl of A '?9: 9:/ 2:businessHrecommended0P 1:QuickBooks T4backbonepyour  ing system. It complete listoalls you need to categorisezr  activities. Based onx*rmationl provide ix is interview, ( will create a ;p thadesigntrack| *nd helpxpmake good financial decisions for` r company. 5!;.\./onboarding_n/info_why_use_recommended_accounts.htmlWhy should I use the ) ?9:2\ 7:business 7:Chart of A 7:QuickBooks 3+0 You can always change your / as grows and~ bpe more familiar with (D. A6 r ,, htailorx2to meet'needs.  .\./pref_n/help_lgeneral.htmlSetting  ` erences9:savp transactions 9:s8 9:QuickBookh drop-down list 9:fields Restri :"Automatically open ,s whPtyping" works only in  that have s andf the character you type matches a)rin|. D+s will not memo or descrip|$becauseh re are nofDthose. Never update name inforj#on 1I ! " .\./pref_n/info_l illed_account.htmlWhat if an  is already f in?9:pre-`s 2:transaction of the same type 2:grmageneral `erences 1:A field 1:find If you're c@ting a new *and z tlh+03, it means`  have a)H set tod, based znefollowing: ! The|vious+.` for(person, 0X$ ly ` consistently uh'upplier. X&,6ed,cxlways@lect a diff|1 t account. ? .\./pref_n/info_l illed_amount.htmlWhat if an  is already f in?3:transaction of the same type 2:o rmax,4 general `erences 1:A field 1:find I- pre-, you cxlways in a diff| t amount. .0.\./pref_n/nf_onetimemsg.htmlRestore messages you've turned off (t erence)9:one-h' 8:opening general (s 2:QuickBooks 1:helpful information 1:Brxback all / checkbox O. provide 1h about usx (. When a appears,| can it so thatxdoesn't againT Open the2. .\./pref_n/nf_translowest.htmlShow  subaccount only (terence)9:ing (`s 9:/ 5:QuickBooks 1:A field of a  action 1:Use Numbers Controls h(< displays) s when you chooU a)t in th(4. This)l is available"if select 1. Ope 4. .\./pref_n/popup_general%exiting.htmlData verify and backup reminders9:data 6:.d 4:QuickBooks 3 1 file Sets how often you would like to be dx0 your d . By default (s once a week 8To change)5^to$'< select an option from the drop-down menu. . .\./pref_n/popup_generalautorecall.htmlAutomatify  inforton (xerences)9:QuickBooks *0 pre-fill new transactionxaccount 9:uf 9:0 ( remembers all yourcent+ for a supplier, not just the mostone. Ifh  consistently usesame /\)ew`h*p%('that+$any ti@ you selec in a bill, cheque, or credit card*(payrd" every month from*:, . soon start tod38t&qs$enter|/ landlord with usual account. C.\./pref_n/popup_generaldecimal.htmlAutomatically place  point (perence)9:+p 9:opening (s 5:number 1:QuickBooks 1:digit -inserts a- between the second and third  fromright when you enter a  with no,|. Iftype 4995, becomes 49.95. Wp this) is off, ()06at end .\./pref_n/popup_generaldefault_date_trans.htmlD | for new actions (|erence)9:  9:opening (s 9:*  2:today's1:choices Open the2. *.\./pref_n/popup_general deletewarning.htmlWarn when ing a transaction or unused list item (t erence)9:opea (ts 9:)3 6:.. 2+Hentry 1:QuickBooks s you`try toe0a  not currently in use. Wlthis) is off, ( allow:n+without . OpC-the2. B.\./pref_n/popup_general editwarning.htmlWarn when hing a transaction (xerence)9: (Ts 9:) 5:QuickBooks 4:change 1:links s you`-and\ y to leave it without recordlthe . Wtthis)t is off, (P allowto1/& *0 utomaticallys (_ if) does not h`#|otherP's. .\./pref_n/popup_generalenter.htmlPressing El key moves between fields (`erence)9: 9: (ts 6: (, 6:p $ 3:Record For windows that use the Save & New button,x *sadyour work and opens a new form so you can continueing. Some people, however, expect(Rto" tt e next#'they,L!data. If ssel isaf*,t| cursor s1when * Enter. ^.\./pref_n/popup_generalameupdate.htmlNever  name information when saving transacs (p erence)9:openl (ts 9:5w 9:1h 3:QuickBooks 2:billh address Does not<you enter a changb a*. ( asks if `want to *Dabout a%#` tht (in/I new - fo ustomer on anT2voice, d.\@ your Cu s & Jobs list. :.\./pref_n/popup_generalsave_print.htmlSave transactions before ing9:*{ 9: 2:QuickBooks 2:businesh company data s a*. to help protect your  and keep*v mpsecure. When this t erence is off, ( does not ! th+ /pit. . [ ".\./pref_n/popup_why_numbers.htmlAssigning account 9:a5o 8: s 4:chart of s 3:QuickBooks 2 name When you an to a new, (8 inserts thebefore in/|. The als\ppearsiA!fields,hrepoat list , and on graphs. . .\./pref_n/popup_whyclasstracking.htmlUsing  9:,@ 3:business 3:expensehfarmer 3:general conttor In QuickBooks, es give you a way toifyurtnsactions. 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