Sharing payroll updates over a network

Before you and your coworkers can share any payroll updates or QuickBooks updates over a network, each of you must have the Share Download option in your copy of QuickBooks set to Yes.

To set your Share Download option:

  1. From the Help menu in QuickBooks, choose Update QuickBooks.
  2. In the Update QuickBooks window, click Options.
  3. For the Share Download option, select Yes and click Save.

When everyone's Share Download option is set to Yes, each person with Internet access will receive payroll updates in a location where others can share them. When a coworker without Internet access starts to do payroll, QuickBooks prompts the person to install the new payroll update by clicking OK.

If the payroll update occurred when the Share Download option was turned off

The person who downloaded the update with the Share Download preference turned off can install and use the Payroll Update. All other users will not have access. The user who downloaded the Payroll Update will need to enable the Share Download preference and then re-download the full Payroll Update. To do this, you must go to Help, Update QuickBooks, select the Options button, and then set the radio button for Share Download to Yes. Click Save, and then go to the Employee menu, Get Payroll Updates. On the Update section in the window, select the radio button for "Download entire payroll update.", click Update. This will now download and prepare the Payroll Update to be shared for other users on the network.

To get another payroll update:

For QuickBooks 2006 and QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions:

  1. Choose Get Payroll Updates from the Employees menu.
  2. Click Update.

Afterwards, each person who tries to do payroll will be able to install the payroll update when prompted.

For more information on how to set up QuickBooks to share a company file over a network: for QuickBooks 2006click here and QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions click here.