Tax Table

Tax Table Information

Key for Tables

Abbreviation Meaning of Abbreviation

1-NoTFT No Tax Free Threshold:
This tax code should be used for employees who have not claimed the tax free threshold with this employer. It is likely that the employee derives the greater part of his/her income with another employer and has decided to claim the tax free threshold with that employer.

2-TFT Tax Free Threshold:
Use this tax code for employees who have provided a tax file number and where the employee receives loading when taking holiday leave.

3-NonRes Non Resident:
Use this tax code for employees who are not residents.

4-NoTFNr No Tax File Number - Resident:
To be used for residents who have not provided the employer with a tax file number.

4-NoTFNn No Tax File Number - Non Resident:
To be used for non residents who have not provided the employer with a tax file number.

5-FullML Full Medicare Levy:
Used for employees who claim the full Medicare levy.

6-HalfML Half Medicare Levy:
Used for employees who claim the half Medicare levy.

7-No LL No Leave Loading:
Use this tax code for employees who are claiming the tax free threshold and who are not paid leave loading when taking holiday leave.

8-No TaxC No Tax Code:
Use this tax code in cases where none of the above tax scales is appropriate for the payee. For example, you may have a contractor who has tax deducted at 20%. In this case you would choose "No Tax C" and enter 20.0% in the "Tax %" field.