Tax Table

Tax Table Information

Tax File Numbers

The tax file number, as shown by the employee on his/her Tax File Number Declaration is entered in the Tax Reference Number field. This field can be found by going to Employees>Payroll Info>Tax Details. The data in this field is also shown in the Tax No field within the Employees>Address Info> window. Input and editing can be done in either field. There are some cases where the employee does not provide a tax file number. The rules below explain what is required under these circumstances.

000000000 :
Enter this number in cases where the employee does not provide a tax file number. It is necessary to select the 4-NoTFNr or 4-NoTFNn tax code and enter nine zeros in the Tax Reference Number field.

111111111 :
Enter this interim code in cases where the employee has applied for a TFN. This code would usually be updated with the employee's TFN when it becomes available. If the employee does not provide a TFN within the 28 day period allowed, it becomes necessary to enter 000000000 to signify that the employee has not provided a TFN.

333333333 :
This code is used for employees under the age of eighteen who earn:

  • $112 or less weekly, or
  • $225 or less fortnightly; or
  • $489 or less monthly;
Such employees are able to claim an exemption from quoting a TFN.

444444444 :
Use this code for an employee who is a recipient of a social security, service pension or benefit (refer to Centrelink and/or ATO for more information). These employees can claim an exemption from quoting a TFN.

987654321 :
In the event that the employee includes a non numeric in the tax file number, the code 987654321 must be used in place of the quoted TFN. This code must also be used where the TFN quoted exceeds the mandatory 9 digits.