'g  Y  YVantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved. .\./incometax_n/info_estimate_'d.htmlTracking and payhd  taxes9:4`" 9:business liability 5:QuickBooks 4:personal chequeh To get a more accurate picture of'\ies, many es use ( to tt the amounthmoneyly expect`pay in 4`. Solet ders$rtnPhips aremov' I. Tax Class IV NatiInsurancTn profits. These, considered '0 |bestHid with(+notsckeh9). (a(.\./incometax_n/info_fein.htmlHow to get a Tax Rego ID9:)4 4:ATO 3:employees 3:pension tTreturns 2File Number According| the ATO, if you are a sole proprietor who has no ' andfilexcise or 1%, can usemr)g as(\. ! You must have an ABNr business fits any of these situations:x To apply forcallt ATO. . .\./incometax_n/popup_print_coa.htmlPx ing the chart of accounts9:CA window 9: 3:Lists menu 3:click / 2:FileGo to( and 5. In/`, g'L' then  list. . &'.\./incometax_n/task_change_legal_and_company_name.htmlChing your  or  ` (and address)9:3 8: 2:chequesdlick C Information 2:ls Yd+) appear on printed invoices, , `other . Go to the'menuc6H . Enter a newd address. hW).\./incometax_n/task_company_phone_fax_email.htmlEnter my 's , fax, or  on chequeslforms9:- 9:faxt 8: 7:ingati[ 30 3* in the Contact I)sec of+ window. This *\appearspprintedXvoices, , and other ps. Important: To *lon your'@.,x must "addur0 nameaddres,t ed forms". .\./incometax_n/task_dummy_account_for_psetup.htmlSetting up a   to make tax line assignments9:+ company 6:2 5:chart of s 4:click On the / for , looks that correspondhd '|you use in your own business. An expenD named "Freight & Delivery"pp +P1could-Qa7Shipp`2Costs '/`. When an) o( P$ss$oneh2 H or.,s, note1'/QuX8BooksEe.-.(. *.\./incometax_n/task_(@reports.htmlPreparing for end of year  taxes6:/L 1:Company Information screenQctype 1:tax lines 1:(htm Make sure you arPet upx)!  ing. In the 8, m'Xthat havp lectedappropriate*dyour *0. Verify amounts to go inp% lines. 1.\./incometax_n/task_(@setup.htmlSetting up accounts to track  tax-related and expenses9: 9:*  9:chart of' l  form 8: T9 in QuickBooks, you must assign eacht 'ua` line. I am uss onetthe preset / dl from tEasyStep interview have add\',he1<2N.\./incometax_n/task_hchange_fiscal_or_filing_year.htmlCding the financial or  tax {6:1y 3T' 2:date rxpefault setting 2:)summary and detail reports YourTlection for rst month in yt(x serves as a d,'(certaingraphs. $'   \. Go to! Company menuclick  Information. 4.\./incometax_n/task_hchange_form.htmlC` ing the tax h you file9:'h 2:Unassigned 1:accountshssociationx click Company In`  (your'h resets all ofa)H between  andlines to <(h>. Gop`menu7p . Select a new -. ^.\./incometax_n/task_hlines.htmlAssigning tax  to accounts9:balance sheet 9:' 1:click Chart of A 1: button 1:Lists menu If you file a SelH ssessment Tax Return, we reD@d thata)onlyx and expenses. Although QuickBooks also lets4cto 3s, in many cases a4 won't report the correct total aend|'|x+ year. For advice on when it'L ppropriatep!a'<4<, seeir#ant. 5.\./salestax_n/help_preftax.htmlChange  tax terences9:3\ 8:defaultcode 6:ptracking 6:QuickBooks#Reports If switching from an accruals scheme to cash, you must,the datestartduse d, identify and separjintr records any paymentsd`eive or make for transactions alreadypountedundernormal method of GSTing. The Ay Cettj"in%Graphs sed xPref5 window does not affec3 to display d6), got(h Edit menuclick ),|n chooK.Tax(Tleft. {.\./salestax_n/info__` adjust_why.htmlReasons for ing your tax liability8:+< 7:example 6:r 4:unpaidj 3agency You will need to make anmentt0 if any of the followlhas occurred: ! Ypgovern aesld deductamount ax  o suppliers or)0whenl're resellpkproh purchased fromz m.|&  charged a fine, penalty,h interest becausep made a lateAy|, didn't file on timedid not`pr tax. .\./salestax_n/info__`multiple_vendors.htmlWhat does " taxes" mean on a` report?9:, 9:tax 7 group item 4rate 4:example If you use (, some s show the ` amount once for eachate so can clearly see. All of |collected is payable to'|agency named CA Tax. Theliabilityss owed1andtotal sfat(ob&tear returns usingcorrect amounts.  h.\./salestax_n/info__`'sell_outofstate.htmlWhat does "multiple taxes" mean on a` report?g@.\./salestax_n/info__`terms.htmlQuickBooks  tax |inology8:. 7:multipleitems 7*- 4:dagency 4:collected| A )t  that is uslo calculate the appropriax for a . When you sell| able v s,charg4!rd by assigning ad to each 5groups 0 soan only one o r sales. E.\./salestax_n/info__`track_with_code.htmlTping taxable and non- us hs9:item'sx 7:3 3:t profit customer 3:QuickBooks 2j (D use(s to  the status of bothls you sellyour's. Whenturn onf, ) creates several|s ford : ! Note: A'h)( alwayD verrides an h).  .\./salestax_n/nf_codeedit.htmlChanging  tax ` information (taxable and non-status)7:960 5:4 3:inactive' 3:Edit TDCode window 2:click(\ List Open the 2. Go to|s menu14. An /D won't appear o 'xx  unless you select Include Inactive. Q.\./salestax_n/ov_ _tax.htmlAbout  tax (an overview)9:'g 5: 3:QuickBooks 1:busineshproducts If you collectm , must pay it to ad agency on a regular schedule. ( helps automatee rtracking sop can keep accurhrecords athe~esandl . The followp informatiDis important for settrupl r tax. |.\./salestax_n/pop_code.htmlUsing the Tax Code List9:click,T 9:C+V 1Activities 1:view reportx| s menu To display0, go to( and 1/. ,/ atbottom oflPp add, edit, or delete tHh!s. You can make a'h inale, prin ` ,more. z.\./salestax_n/task__`acct_register.htmlUsing the Tax Payable account  to view and edit transactions9:: 7:QuickBooks 7:tax+ 6agency When you set up (ltrack c forxr business,*created a3vto|ck all ` l collect, owe,pay, evNif} '  more than one . Each timefill out an invoice, 4 receipt, adjustment note, or otherformp t includesd+entersam9asl"se inFis/. Imakpaymsd/6$r'ne.breakdow@"f whatoweue"ax $, rte\4h0liability report. .\./salestax_n/task__`add_code.htmlAdd a tax o9: 30 3tt urn 1:click TL Code List 1:x s menu Go to th and 1. C x'Pbutton atbottom oflist then New. InNew(x window, enter) you wantkuse a description for it. LX.\./salestax_n/task__` add_item.htmlAdding a tax x and rate9: 3: formsT&click Item List 2:business 2:name When you first set up n QuickBooks, added all of thetemsneeforzr . FromT\ Agency drop-down list, chooseappropri\ a . Select whethe  will uis | in !transactions or purcha|)`. 4.\./salestax_n/task__`agency.htmlAdding a tax  (supplier)9:(_ 8: 5| 4:account 2:Reportl Period section A*lis a  to which you pay thethat collect. In6, sedvr /andcorresponE(S t(s) for thd(')\wantusextrack on purchases xsales. .\./salestax_n/task__`apply.htmlHow tax is charged and died when you make a l9:C30 9:x 4:Customer Tax CodeMc 3 s form Enter s that are paid in full 10 + Use invoices-t40 Create Dimat/30 ! Ifset up correctly usingitems, ry,!codes you've assigned tor r s QuickBooks automatically.calculx on',%receipts,(oth'<d,s. At the time o., )4checP your recordsfseQ-flD taxable. d.\./salestax_n/task__`as_of_start_date.htmlEntering an openh5balance for tax liability (what you owe)9:Amount columns 9:QuickBooks h  9:tax 9:- 7|(| When creat`a new )Hcompany file, it is important to bcross the OB)Ld|payable as'red ` purposes. Ifcollect}",needee`) owe as or*$(p(lknowtotal(Z, }n/T ield and set""/xo!acc5+7x.\./salestax_n/task__`assign_customers.htmlAing tax information to a 9: 9:- 4'r'scode 3:QuickBooks 2*purchases Set up's 10  -@s 4 30 ! The x tells (h whetherutoxcally add a harge or not`each  they make. followp*instruc`* s assume that you've already s the'(, but' still need|9`changp )forl'(. .\./salestax_n/task__cchginfo_on.htmlChanging tax xrmation for a specific l 9:customer 9:g 9:|rateable status of the '6) You can cue 2 atime you makp. Sd  to non-profits are notd ed, regardles'tax1itemst 're sellv$or3. To permanently3| associated with* , example iftia'd in her home, and she movesa2e differen" h7, edi+ record. [t.\./salestax_n/task__`find pmt.htmlFind a tax payment9:)7 6:x What do you know about the*? .\./salestax_n/task__` group.htmlSetting up a tax  item9:,@ 3:New IL window 3:local or statehes 2p A`) is twomors that you apply to a d at the samXime, usd one combined rate. This allows to track and reportxes sepaply forqrd returns, but show`m ashingle line( customers. Ift use several g|0s, suchl d''h with'different 2,can set;s many.l you need. <L.\./salestax_n/task__`item.htmlUsing tax ls and rates to chargew9:'  3dable | 3:QuickBooks 2:customers (_ us` 'h alculateaddt s when you make al' or purchase. Wset up,assign itpssocidit with th agency`!whichpay. All of s can be found ir T\ Item List. p.\./salestax_n/task__`item_change.htmlCling tax t information (rate, agency, etc.)9:2 6'[ 5: 3:click TP Item List 2:instrucl s You also can 48 for a single p. The only4that might need to be d is the if it goes up or down. If necessary, however, you*other .!,l make a a*active, dexamplX-Td no longer use it. .\./salestax_n/task__`mark_items.htmlAssigning a tax code to an w9: 2: form 1:click Item List 1d able status of# 1:QuickBooks As you set up each product and servicell,must a-p. If the customerdwhomg'reJlllis alsode,rn ( calculatesh| based oncost`s taxp% s. The followh proceduresume have alreadyT!. but did no5it. .\./salestax_n/task__`set_up.htmlSet up tax9:T item 9:XYZp 9:defaultt codes 6:Type drop-down listTxgroupYou may want to learn more abou ncepts. This will help yX understand how QuickBooks uses`s, rates, d`track the| collect from` r customerspay`your agency. Impor\t: Be suL| )|t xdiffereD between a singl|a(. ;.\./salestax_n/task__` track_liability.htmlKeeping  of how much tax you owe8:tax 1u ' 1:methods 1:summary agency Use any| the followx  to2. Create a' reportvset| ' lhave billed on behalfveaD Scan p Tax Payable account register'llm#rx-related` nsactions. .\./salestax_n/task__`turn_on.htmlTurn  tax on6:` 3:tpreferences 1:trackt 1:quS ionxd tax Open them ). For Do you 'L? .\./salestax_n/tshoot__hcalc_with_discount.htmlHow is tax h ulated for a ed ` ?9:non-taxable'{s N2W 9:line itemsP-Tdollar amx\tax When you create)8 , the wayset it up affects h\youris*qw apply to a. D*X)IfP/h and a *' are followed by)d3'T@4 divided proportionally betweentwo ' s. Percentag* $subtotalt)a p0 %.\./salestax_n/tshoot__hfix_ap_top.htmlMy  tax payable account balance is wrong9:' 6:5 5:numbers 4:QuickBooks 2:  If your3 appears to be incorrect, it maypthe result of onexpfollowing problems: ! Many users calculate |ronhir state's form and get a different am#owed than ( L-ws. Youhave simply made a mistakxT transaction, such as chargdtoo msor llittleu,neko m| @adjustmrtohh you owe. .\./salestax_n/tshoot__h top.htmlTrouble tax problems9:*8 70 7:paying~ 4reports 4:calculations 3:  forms When I Quick Add a customer onT(, the`  item is not set ! .\./salestax_n/tshoot__hvoid_pmt.htmlVoiding a tax payment8:)4 1:cheque You can't t,. xneed to delete the , and|n create a new one. orcheque. .\./salestax_n/ov_taxcodes.htmlTax  9:default t 5*L 4:non-capital acquisitions 2:QuickBookpWGST The following table lists all the / that (, installs when you create a new company.   .\./salestax_n/task_adjust__tax.htmlA*ing tax9:Credit column 9:Tax Payable account 9:row of the A8:\ liability 7,= ment am From time to , you may needtyr|(|, possiblyxcorrect an error in activity stateord fP a discrepancyia pay—exampler"anttellhl write of$x"d' a bad debt f{a CP3omer. Note : You'record.!on two rowsp x1journal wonelldebit and .c?" . Click once`"pfirst 3`displaydown arrow,n c d selt6your 1 . [(.\./salestax_n/task_elim_vatrounding.htmlEliminating tax  (for accrual|Tp)7:|ADJ 5 code of B 4: 4ADJ itemXline Go to the Lists menu and click Tax Codes reate two newh s: 'A''B'. (PCustomer/aC Invoic  Previous untilui you wantx edit appearsXOn one `, add' with'e$Aenteramount. .\./salestax_n/task_h account_basis_change.htmlCling the x of your tax reportland trackS9:. 6:+ 4:cash*tscheme 4lrual 3R s Note: T2Hfor GST is usually` p. I switch from to (,| cannot retrospective| pply$ (  @ $businessL$ans) must,h2datestartg useidentify x2separjintr records any paymentsd` eive or make |*transactions alread+nGedunder normal methoddEt2(l. T.\./salestax_n/task_hchange_rate.htmlC`ing the x of tax8:defaultt codes 7:tax 4t6 4:historical transactions 3:QuickBooks ProductGeneric comes with severP/tcorrects preset. If you need a differen` , create a new' for i(r'ds are not set up ly H used properly,h reports may be inaccurate. .\taxes_n.chmr trackpayestimateincometaxaccuratepictureliabilitybusinessusequickbookamountmoneyexpectsoletraderpartnershipliableclassivnationalinsuranceprofitconsiderpersonalcheckexpensetopicdescribeoweapplyownerpartnerofficerhowupdatedependcalculateminimumjanuaryjulypaymentyearsetaccountsuppliercreatefederalstatenecessarychartincludedecreasebalanceseeregoidentificationreg50atoproprietoremployeewhofileexcisepensionreturnnumberabnfitsituationcorporationwagecallprintlistmenuclickwindowchangelegalcompanynameaddress10appearinvoiceforminformationenternewokphonefaxe-mail30contactsectionimportantadddummylineassignselecttypemostcloselyresemblepromptsaveclosereopenopenrestorebrowsecomparetwolookcorrespondmatchwhatfindfreightdeliveryshipcostnoteprepareendscreensureappropriateverifypartfilloutreporttax-relatedpointwhichselfassessmentpreseteasystepinterviewupgradeearlyversionmanagefinancialfirstmonthservedefaultdaterangegraphsummarydetailchoosedrop-downresetassociationunassignedreassociate40whybuttonbottomedittax-linemaprecommendsheetcasecorrecttotaladviceaccountantitemsellpreferencetitleaffectuseradministratorsingle-usermodegoodsserviceregistergstturnovervoluntarybegincollectremitconsultofficechargecustomerpurchasetaxableoutputtoinputusuallyrecoverabledifferencerefundconfigurebillcreditcardjournaldueindicatedaysperiodactivitystatementbasisaccrualcashswitchschemestartidentifyseparaterecordreceivetransactionnormalmethodexcludefbtwetftclctfiguredisplayexclusivenetinclusivegrosscodecommonratepercentautomaticallypicktryleaveworkreasonadjustadjustmentwhatoccuroverpaypreviousgovernmentallowdeductresellproductagencydiscountexample.053compensatesmallfinepenaltyinterestlatetimeutahcommissionmaximumunpaidprescribelaworiginalfullcalculationroundshowdollargroupthresholdholidaymultipleonegivecancelduplicaterockcastleconstructioncomposethreeflatcity.5county1%7payablecacompletezeroterminologyquickreferencetermsetupdeterminerequirementcollectionlocationidentifierstatuspercentagenontaxable20turnneedadditionalaccommodateoverridenonprofit60double-clickrenamefieldinactivereactivateclearcheckboxoverviewrequireregularschedulehelpautomatekeepunderstandingtaskcurrentlyreceiptrunstorecontaindeleteviewincreasebreakdownexternalexpandogrowchoiceamtassociateensurecentertoolbaroutstandingaustraliamonthlybimonthlyquarterlybiannualannualscorrectlycolumnrightmultiplyspecialarisedifferentresolveissueorderbringpurposereferdatastronglycommenceprocedurehistoricalliabilitiesbrfwdgeneralentrydebitinsteadoptionalmemobalequityyear-to-datechurchorganizationinstructionassumecustomers&jobspecificnormallybuynon-profitshomemovecombineseparatelysinglelocalcanactivepermanentmayremoveexactlyplacelearnconceptunderstandlongexplaininvolvemajorstepgoodideaprintericontopscrollsymboltextxyzfinalfrequentlywhen8.258repeat9finishsimilarindividualtableeup23-digit5muchbehalfscanquestiondistributeproportionallydirectlysubtotalreducedivideportionbothfollowsplitsubtractwrongincorrectresultproblemmistaketoolittletroubleshoot70voidinstalllinkadjcafcapitalacquisitionfreecagcaiinput-taxedsupplycdccellardoorcdgcdexpgst-freeexportfreinpncfnoncapitalncgnciwcwgstwineequalizationerrordiscrepancywriteoffbaddebtrownodownarrowlocatepositivetipequaleliminateaccumulatea100b0othernegativeproductgenericproperlyinaccurateadviseuniquelettertwo-character"NF l 0BFYv]*UY(bM .HNP@1P ,-@1!L0TA0.@"& PF-P@QqPE P%HXi@fjhD0H)` 6# BF Xf*D0 q@ 7bf `FF2` @Pxbf bf&Fn$BFPFR MH* hb&ffƦR& @Ph&nfbfXF*@fj @.J&&FbfjXf. 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