'^ ! !VantageCopyright(c) 2002 Vantage. All rights reserved..\./acct_n/about_report_templates.htmlAm  'o9:.H 9:memorised 'settings 7 using data 6:company file R( let you imd or ex the layout andxter fD.Ls so tha can recreate a generat\ by another ustyour own,|s +8$s ( from thei*s. A-ys*=of a .8t /|*. When2has/ - are specific torr *P, QuickBooks will T.`h=it. n.\./acct_n/ov_charitable_donations.htmlTracking ( '9:enter6| 5:business 5:accountant 5:partnershiptroprietoYou can use QuickBooks to record( that your company make)organis TheH instruc cover howx set up anda*ytt# the value of'. I! is a sole p+ or )Y ,l may not be |:tdeduct3& ap' expense. *.\./acct_n/ov_troubleshooting_reconcile.htmlT,y iation discrepancies9:report 9:-X; 5:Previous R  4:QuickBooks 3:R s menu , Detail  lists all the transacls cleared in a given.xperiod. By comparing this against bank statement for , you can spot changes made to,`aftey were*(. Note: If wantd see aic summary of a p+,, go`|#*`, choose Banking, anddn click P R+. ].\./acct_n/rpt_discrepancy.htmlReconciliation )| report9:r> 5:cleared transacp s 3:beginning balance of the -Lperiod 3:QuickBookt4Tp can help you when ( and| r bank statement show differx/s forcur3 . Wd18 is complete, Select -R, dialog appearszre`choosetyp'3d 'd like to seel!find ded,P, click Previous s T?dLocate D'ies windL&[ creya.'9 in which(h was entered. .\./acct_n/rpt_previous_reconcile_detail.htmlRiation  report9:2x 4:transachs 3:P ,T 2:QuickBooks h (rds 1:Account field You can compare a printed copy of the4 directly against a bank statement to spot discrepancies between your 0T andu ''. Iml"ant: T( covers only *4 that were cleared in,l window. T),.a% register do noPppear 6contributex!x' balances shown,. ?.\./acct_n/rpt_previous_reconcile_summary.htmlRiation  report9:3| 3:P ,  2:QuickBooks p rds 2:transacl s 1:cheques You can compare a printed copy of the4 directly against a bank statement to spot discrepancies between your 0x andu ''. T) cleared inaccount register do not contributexx totals shown-. I A field, select+for whicho waview&=.x=6report. !b.\./acct_n/task_journal_reverse.htmlRing a  entry (Premier and Enterprise Solutions edi)9:+ 7:QuickBook(,T2F 3* Accountant 2:) If you use )0 or*),'Q, can $ any,d. This feature is available only in the 1-,. 8"cr@ es a new3, dated first day ofnext month, whichsdebit:cr| amounts. 4a'.\./acct_n/task_reconcile_previous.htmlViewing and print   iation report9:3^ 5.\ period 4:transacp s 4:account 4:P R You can create s that show oyou'ed an  for any7$. If thave QuickBooks Premier or Enterprise edii,tdisplay'' T)| been deletedhassigned to another'will no longer show.  ^.\./acct_n/task_report_ex template.htmlEing a  to another company file9:Click Memorised R 7:* 6:  10 3:  1:Work t with's 60 )L 10 98<! You can ! the " s you use foror m's so that #users create same/ usp,data fromdir own+s. By default, QuickBooksasv n~ of. a filename. .\./acct_n/task_reports_journalentries.htmlR ing on general  - for a specific period (Accountant and Enterprise Solutions edi)9:EAll6 9:transacp detail  8:Premier ( 7t  5*T'1 h) s 40 Create ahtoday's/W20 'p6<Select(<coverx-)<time*30 ! Click s to display a ),| show 8|d:ered or modified .Printic! paper copy of the report. lk.\./acct_n/task_view_gjelist.htmlViewing a l of selected general journal entries9:single3y 2:Click Hide Listq E 2:Enterprise editions 2:Premier Accountant 2:GJ drop-down Adjustt are indica`withAttin the Adj field. tS  and chooseX date range. Al' added durdthat time display Ddescend|order by date. .\./acctreview_n/glossary_copy.htmlAccountant's Copy (definition)9:/ 9:a' 5:( 4:books 3:adjustments Suppose your ( wants to make some )` , butd cannot affordqll acces (xrself. By giving an /O of datal (,td continu day-to-day operap& s with QuickBx! whil(H enters th+ . You work on current transac 3<isl+from pd?ous P;ancial period. 1.\./acctreview_n/ov_|_copy.htmlAccountant's Copy overx for a'x s9:Exchanging / 9:) 9:client' X company file 6)L+ With0 you can work on~r L*| at the same time as*. You doday-to-day tasks incurrent period, whileh  make adjustments to priora special version of )T called an0-send/8 transfer- and continues(f9on actions after dividing date. Q6.\./acctreview_n/info_merge_copy.htmlWhat an accountant can do in the A'`'s Copy9:/O 9:( 8:password changes 8:client 5s A/use4 to make most ptransactions on or befordividing date. T@(then sendbse'lback he , whoimportam$currep'ompany fil`While you are workvinh./,d  QuickBooks applicap title bar shows "/" next') name. +.\./acctreview_n/info_merge_master.htmlWhat you can do while`r accountant has the A'H's Copy9:/O 8:( 6)0Pchanges 2:transactions 1:list entry P2is making  to4U,`make most+) incurreD period, afterdividt date. Until import orj ce*(, QuickBooks applicap title bar shows ",D& Pent" next company filenamx Create, editXnd delete *. #.\./acctreview_n/ov_|_working_with.htmlAccountant's Copy overx 9:Exchanging / 9:a' 9:company file 6)l.^ 3,p es With0 you can o on~r * at the same time as(. Y|ontinue to `!*D, while( makes adjustments|a special version of*D called an0. Note: I restrictionsbus3 won't xmmodatsituaq,/x(convert3$regula,. W.\./acctreview_n/cancel_l _copy.htmlC an Accountant's Copy9:click0f 6,hanges 3:File menu 2:,T  fileAa' If the (H is making c to3  and you  /,will not be able import(D!. Gop`'b, 5,then9. ! Exdes'(. -B .\./acctreview_n/info_dividing_date.htmlChoose a  o9:+< 3:accountant 3:changes 3:transactions 2:A''s Copy To use the /t, you need to selectoateparl your company file into two parts. You can continuwork on * after that, wh` ( ms/on or beforh. The  is calldh. date. .\./acctreview_n/convert_p _copy.htmlC& an Accountant's Copy to a regular company file9:click / 9:* 7`ent 2:COpenPchanges If the restrictions on using1hwon't aHmmodate your situaq,| may wantd . Ifl r client is currently work`in anothe|$py o 's data,d@ill P be ablepimport " intoei en} h'/h 2window, locx#and select5|: tha\0ceived fromlient. ^.\./acctreview_n/p_copy_other_edition.htmlOi s of QuickBooks and Accountant's Copy9:/O 9:  9:( 8:portable company filenth(L data 6:client If you open x in a differentd (won't be to work o +at same time asgr c,$he or sXwill no+nim`hanges automatically. YLeed tok!mun\te with about howdproceedmay wantd discard this0 ave+jseP>d+a backupd|%+jof#data. .\./acctreview_n/p _copy_earlier_version.htmlE  of Accountant's Copy9:; 8:older0 5:QuickBooks 2010/11P/ file 22( If you have an0 created inp1(H, theannot be opened with full functionalityx (. Open(9i)x)that it was originally). You won' able to work o companyat same time ash%r client, and he or sZwiX importhanges automatically. hf.\./acctreview_n/convert_p_transfer_file.htmlC the Accountant's Copy  `9:click 0T  File 8/ 5:a's 4:Nam2+8. window 2:completion QuickBooks When your client has created an1xand givXit toq,p'll needl($+8pT ( 's working%. Goph+|! menu,rck02, utl . In  , choose a locak), np0pp=Save. ^ .\./franchise_n/info_what_if_(`business.htmlWhat if my  is a '?9:'0' )P s 1:QuickBookp cleaning serviceloffice supply stores Fs are available for many types of'es, includd restaurants, 2, real xte firms, / , and more. )Phave some specific accountpconcerns, such as how to calculatD nd pay royaltiesxthe corporh. Th|llowp x7rmation mDbe useful#r8g (your('. .\./franchise_n/task_frnch_pay_royalty_orfees.htmlPaying  or ' w9:,C 9: 6:QuickBooks sales report 6: 5 volume If you own a( , the corporate office sets 0p for whichx 're responsible. Ries may be based on,Onetfigure population ofarea serving,| any other con established by.. Click Dates drop-dt$ list and choose a time period, want to pay a7D. 0p#.\./franchise_n/task_frnch_track_purch_credits.htmlT`ing ase  from a '@ r9:Corporate C asset account 9:. 9:( 8:opent balance 6:Co expense'4When the c'officHssigns0 to you, enteramht have received as an "Increase" i regisvofnew,. Now ofa r, is $1500, and+for"d* gcomT)|also 7;7 is $800. N .\./retainers_n/task_applying_.htmlA an upfront deposit or  todinvoice9: 9: 9:- 1:costs 1:excess of the2 When you have incurred  onproject in ?E, create) and ! amount.bto. Revenue is recorded *4is moved ou'@ liability accd . At end items, enterU2D(ER; using a Quantx of -1a Rdequalx7horigin\< that'are%ing. Z'.\./retainers_n/task_creating_client_ledger_report.htmlC a  trust   (law firms)9:8 6,pbank account 5:law 2:Rs menu 2:memorised To view the, go to*, choose M''dProfessional Services, andu ntck C$ L$  . Click Modify at`Tp of$. InColumns aL+, make surensedht selected: Type, Date, Num, Name,, Split, Am|( Balance.  .\./retainers_n/task_handling_(d and_upfront_deposits.htmlH   and '9:- 9: 5:customer 5:money 4:QuickBooks An.|, or'x, is  that belongs to the client, but which)T has givenwyouxhold| to usedpurchase suppliesxlabor for| ir project. !/  tools, materiah,u4/@.(job. When l"have incurred costs onx in excesAfA`%=, create an invoickd a]*yamount o,9 invoice. !.\./retainers_n/task_handling_trust_accounts.htmlH   (law firms)9:client- '\7funds 5:law 4:Help topics 3:state's rules You can have one or more bank ' designated as- , for the purpos\f holding  that belong, in whol in part,] s. Each  has specific of professional and ethical conduct, tlvarious( you might set upth|. p%alsoL&ndle ' , which are  p h#, butdo not needx be heldx$separat-0. Z".\./retainers_n/task_invoicing_for_legal_fees.htmlI for  t (law firms)9:(` 7:trust account client 5:law 3: e 3transactions You can  a 20 as usual. ddon't need to print the, since has given youin advance. To notifys of *,hcreate a ledger reporpat shows costs and ( paid outt 's moneyl accumulated am,h.*5each|7a seleclperiod of time. 54.\./retainers_n/task_paying_client_costs_out_of_a_trust_account.htmlP third parties out of a    (law firms)9:2 7:QuickBooks cheques 6:  5:law 3: face Memo field You need to write directlythe ing(s)xpay legal expenses, court #, settlements, orlsubcontractors for services. If you don't print 0, clear |To beedd ckbox and entee number manually attop`2t soL6at it appears on reportn most statlhhave|be sureHl(,xp6 funds belongf,tof r ?, deposited in a2F, act#t; he bank.  .\./retainers_n/task_recording_.htmlR an upfront deposit or  as a liability9: 9:- 8:' 5:Un ed Funds 5:Savings account A<i+ on your books even thoughx'the f` intohr bank. Note: IfSales & Customers preferences are set to "Use /\$defaul(D,"x will not see mD-To field 'd ide steps below. If4 is displayed atbottom oform,WlecChequingl=-Plwhic*wa@Cto pufunds. p.\./retainers_n/task_%_for_cancelled_job.htmlHandling an upfront deposit or  for a ' job9:- 8: 6:+|ustomer 3:refund If the c s a projecwork orderwhich you received=, determine whetherwillcurn)keep allh a portion o. ForAmount, entL a negative valueya- thatare ` ing. You may waF2to'lDescrip*@transacto indicate this income wasa':n unfi|B,[ mak`e informa easier to track and understh in reports. .\./retainers_n/task_(@balance_report.htmlUpfront deposit or   9:5d 7:customerIC D s 6:  B R 4:Client R account To see an example of a  u-,, open either the SManufacturing CompanytWholesale-Distribution'file included with QuickBooks. Go to s menu, choose Memorised s'd's, anddn click *-l< 5X<t:-. *.\./retainers_n/task_setting_up_client_trust_accounts.htmlS up    (law firms)9:C Tf A  7:QuickBooks 6:bank 5:  5:law A3 is a chequing setdto hold money thatpor s have given you in advance of performt work on their case. I Name field, enter 2 T2\s, dependx on whetheronel more actual *s fD &1sif(than h *7 s, create sub' d eachund5hs. R0.\./retainers_n/task_writing_checks_for_your_legal_services.htmlW cheques for   out of a trust account (law firms)9:Client TA 9:click s e C 8:, 5:default deposit 5`ent After you have created invopr cscan see how much each owes by looking at the'Halance in Customers & Jobs list. Then g-e a' toxrself' and costs from , bank,. Id`<l area`1), selecFunds Helt# liability d and case. M?.\./acctreview_n/task_Num_Acct.htmlImport your accountant's changes8:QuickBookss 6:2 4:tick Use A Numbers 2:Lists menu 2:clie machine To add an n to)P, right-clc the'and select Edit. g voil y potential problems when upgrading or startla new file, it is besthuse ys\$dard 0x|scheme, especially for)s. Ifl2 .s on*<5office ) rathey a., will need|send .rtoclient. R.\./acctreview_n/ov_acc_ADT.htmlOverh for Accountants Data Transfer9:7l 8:Preliminary Tasks 7:Help menu 6:o # 6:QuickBooks For more information on how to use the8T Tool, simply press buttons or F1hfon74  window,p select Conte|" + Index from `. T;program `s youtconvertx r client's tb/ace"s : ! Whedatafile Verifies successfully obtain a backupx Portable copy of''?by ing Fd > Save C r Backup. \ 8.\./acctreview_n/task_merge_copy.htmlWorking with an Accountant's Copy6:/L 5:client 4:password changes 4:a'  2:employees Send the results of aPconciliation back to . Edit or delete existtcustomers, suppli' , items, lists,de Dries. tpreferences4&X2.\./acct_n/ov_acc_ADT.htmlOverview for Accountants Data Transfer9:7l 8:Preliminary Tasks 7:Help menu 6:o # 6:QuickBooks For more information on how to use the8T Tool, simply press buttons or F1hfon74  window,p select Conte|" + Index from `. T;program `s youtconvertx r client's tb/ace"s : ! Whedatafile Verifies successfully obtain a backupx Portable copy of''?by ing Fd > Save C r Backup. V9.\./acct_n/task_Num_Acct.htmlImport your accountant's changes8:QuickBookss 6:2 4:tick Use A Numbers 2:Lists menu 2:clie machine To add an n to)P, right-clc the'and select Edit. g voil y potential problems when upgrading or startla new file, it is besthuse ys\$dard 0x|scheme, especially for)s. Ifl2 .s on*<5office ) rathey a., will need|send .rtoclient. 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