You need to have at least DG/UX release 4.20MU01. Can't continue LanSafe installation. Unknown System Please specify your system like, "\"./ \"" Valid systems are LINUX AIX4 AIX5 HPUX Install failed. Override set. Install failed. Exiting Check status failed. Override set. Installing to Installed: done Please type the name of the tar file to install from. File name: is invalid because it is a directory? Expecting a device name, but is a file? Is this okay? does not exist or is not a device? Extracting files ... Error extracting files? A special Device Driver is needed to allow the LanSafe daemon to communicate with your model This device driver will be installed next. LanSafe: Warning" The asyc device driver controlling the serial port must be disabled. Please edit the /etc/conf/cf.d/sdevice and /etc/conf/sdevice.d/asyc files to disable the asyc driver on the UPS port. In both files locate the line specifying that the asyc driver should manage that serial port and change the Y to an N to disable the asyc driver. To disable the ups device driver from a port edit the /etc/conf/cf.d/sdevice and /etc/conf/sdevice.d/ups files. You must make these changes before installing the ups device driver. LanSafe: Warning" The asy device driver controlling the serial port must be disabled. Edit the /etc/conf/cf.d/sdevice and /etc/conf/sdevice.d/asy files to disable the asy driver on the UPS port. In both files locate the line specifying that the asyc driver should manage that serial port and change the Y to an N to disable the asy driver. To disable the ups device driver from a port edit the /etc/conf/cf.d/sdevice and /etc/conf/sdevice.d/ups files. You must make these changes before installing the ups device driver. During the driver installation your kernel will be rebuilt to include this device driver. When the installation is completed you must reboot your computer to install this new kernel. Install the device driver? The UPS Driver MUST be built into the kernel for LanSafe to work The files for the driver has been copied to /tmp/ups_drv To install the driver into the kernel login in as root and type: The file does not exist. Skipping modifications to Adding PowerMonitor services in Modified: The following lines were removed from The following lines were added to PowerMonitor (LanSafe Power Monitor) Removed: Ready to copy ls.init to install path Installing ls.init to init.d ... Installed: Deleting Linking Linked Welcome to LanSafe! To install LanSafe for LINUX/UNIX, press y and then press and fill in the configuration items as they are presented to you. Continue installation? The installation process is divided as follows: LanSafe for Unix will be installed first. LanSafe SNMP agent will be installed next. NOTE: If you already have LanSafe for Unix installed and you do not wish to re-install it, select (N)o to stop LanSafe for Unix installation. You will be then prompted to install LanSafe SNMP agent. Continue LanSafe for Unix installation? LanSafe SNMP Agent installation Version The LanSafe SNMP agent enables a serially connected UPS to communicate via SNMP over the network. This function is useful when you want to monitor a serially connected UPS with a Network Management System (NMS). reserved Do you want to install the LanSafe SNMP agent? Unable to determine your system. Answering (N)o to this question will exit without installing LanSafe. Do you want to install LanSafe for AT&T SVR4 derivative? Installing from CD-ROM Installing from tar file The default install path name for this software is: Do you want to continue with this install path? Enter absolute install path: New install path is: Warning: You must enter absolute path to install directory. e.g. Unable to install to Choose another directory. Automatic Startup To automatically run LanSafe upon startup on the computer being installed, enter (y)es, otherwise enter (n)o. NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you select Yes for this option in order to provide full protection from multiple power outages. Automatically run LanSafe power monitor daemon on startup? LanSafe Installation Parameters: File to install from : Directory to install to : Automatically run LanSafe on startup : Are these installation parameters acceptable? License Agreement: Install failed! Unable to determine how to make your system automatically load the Power Monitor at boot time. Consult the manual for your system. Okay? LanSafe does not support UnixWare 2.x with a Dry Contact UPS. Now extracting LanSafe SNMP agent installation script. Please wait... Error extracting files! LanSafe Notification: LanSafe requires HP-UX 10.0 transition links which may not be installed on your system. See Installing HP-UX 10.0 and the swinstall manpage for further information. Press ENTER to continue: LanSafe Notification: SunOS 4.1.3 requires a patch to run Motif applications. LanSafe may require the patch in order to run the ls3X and ls3conX applications while using the xnews X server. The patch is not required to run the ls3 and ls3con applications (Power Monitor and the character based LanSafe Console). Contact Sun Microsystems for patch number 100444-66. LanSafe was successfully installed on your system. Registration: Would you like to register LanSafe now? Attempting to open web browser. It may take a few seconds to start. WARNING: LanSafe was NOT successfully installed on your system. LanSafe installation can not continue. Refreshing SNMP subsystem... See for details. WARNING! Patch DFIX1350 is not installed in HP OpenView Extensible SNMP Agent /etc/snmpd.ea. Good! Extensible Agent for HP-UX is running. WARNING! Extensible Agent for HP-UX is installed on this system, but it is not running. You need to have Extensible Agent from HP-UX running on your system. to be able to run LanSafe SNMP agent PowerMonitorAgent. Extensible Agent for HP-UX is not installed on this system. If you purchase Extensible Agent from HP, you can later install LanSafe SNMP Agent by running this script. Can't continue LanSafe SNMP Agent installation. Exiting. file does not exist on your system. file is created and adding rfc1628 MIB to it... Can't find snmptrap executable on your system. Check your system setup. You will not be able to receive traps from ls3agent to your management station. Good! Extensible Agent for Solaris is running. WARNING! Extensible Agent for Solaris is installed on this system, but it is not running. You need to have Extensible Agent from Solaris running on your system. to be able to run LanSafe SNMP agent PowerMonitorAgent. Extensible Agent for Solaris is not installed on this system. If you purchase Extensible Agent from Sun Microsystems, you can later install LanSafe SNMP Agent by running this script. Can't continue LanSafe SNMP Agent installation. Exiting. NOTE! snmptrap executable can not be found in its default location /opt/OV/bin. Please manually edit PATH variable setting in and files. to reflect your system setup. Good! LanSafe for Unix Power Monitor daemon PowerMonitor is running. NOTE! LanSafe for Unix Power Monitor daemon PowerMonitor is not running. LanSafe SNMP agent requires LanSafe Power Monitor daemon to be running in order to communicate with the SNMP daemon snmpd. Please start the Power Monitor manually or reboot your system if you selected automatic startup. To automatically run LanSafe SNMP agent upon startup on the computer being installed, enter (y)es, otherwise enter (n)o. Automatically run LanSafe SNMP agent on startup? LanSafe SNMP Agent Installation Parameters: Directory to install to is: Automatically run LanSafe SNMP agent on startup: Device or tarfile to install from is: Please enter the absolute custom path where LanSafe for Unix is installed. Enter absolute path: exists, but there is no LanSafe power monitor PowerMonitor executable. You must enter absolute path to LanSafe install directory. LanSafe V SNMP agent is not available for this system. Cannot continue execution. not a device name. No such directory. Welcome to LanSafe SNMP Agent! Version 6.0.0 To install LanSafe SNMP agent, press and fill in the configuration items as they are presented to you. NOTE that in order to run LanSafe SNMP agent you need to have LanSafe for Unix already installed in your system. This installation script will later prompt you to enter the directory in which LanSafe for Unix was installed unless PowerMonitor is not found. Good! SNMP daemon snmpd is running on this node. WARNING! SNMP daemon snmpd is not running on this node. SNMP daemon must be running in order to use the LanSafe SNMP agent. Please consult your system's documentation for instructions on installing and running the SNMP daemon. LanSafe SNMP agent will be installed in the same directory as LanSafe for Unix. LanSafe for Unix installation has been detected in the directory /usr/Powerware/LanSafe. Could not find LanSafe for Unix installation in the standard installation directory /usr/Powerware/LanSafe. Do you want to continue LanSafe SNMP agent installation by specifying your custom LanSafe for Unix installation directory? LanSafe SNMP Agent was successfully installed on your system. Invalid number of command line parameters. Usage: ./ [language] [tarfile name] [path to install] Usage: ./ [Language] [tarfile name] [SYSTEM] Please go to to register LanSafe. Warning: Recommend not to install at root directory. 6.0.0