Netwatch Release Notes Version 5.0.2 – For MAC OSX Version 5.0.1 - For all other sperating systems These release notes are provided as a guide to help troubleshoot Netwatch deployment issues. This document is not intended to be all-inclusive. The contents of this document are copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation. For the latest updates and product release information, visit For additional installation and software assistance, review the Netwatch help files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1.0 Product Description 2.0 Firewall User Notice 3.0 System Requirements 4.0 Compatible Devices 5.0 New Features 6.0 Known Issues 7.0 Workarounds 8.0 Bug Fixes 9.0 Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Product Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Netwatch Client software is provided to shut down a server or workstation under the control of a UPS being monitored by a ConnectUPS Web/SNMP card, BestLink Web/SNMP adapter or Pulsar series Network Management Card (NMC). Netwatch Clients monitor the activity of a single UPS through communication with the ConnectUPS, BestLink or NMC. Netwatch alerts the user(s) of a server or workstation whenever a power failure occurs. During an extended power failure, the ConnectUPS, BestLink or NMC informs all configured Netwatch Clients that it is time to shut down their respective operating systems, thus preparing them for the removal of AC power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Firewall User Notice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Netwatch normally requires UDP ports 2844 and 2845 for communicating with Connect UPS or BestLink card and ports 4679 and 4680 when communicating with a Pulsar series NMC. If your system uses a Firewall, then these ports must be unblocked. See the 'Advanced Network Settings' help file topic for more information about UDP port configuration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 System Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Supported Platforms Operating systems are running on 32-bit processors unless otherwise specified. * Windows > Windows XP (&) - Home - Professional > Windows Server 2003 (&) - Standard - Web - Enterprise > Windows Server 2008 (&) - Enterprise > Windows Vista (&) - Home Premium - Business - Ultimate > Windows 7 (&) - Ultimate * HP-UX > 10.20, 11.0, 11i (11.11) for PA-RISC (&) > 11i v1.6 (11.22) for Itanium (&&) > 11i v2 (11.23) for Itanium (&&) * IBM AIX > 5.1, 5.2 for PowerPC > 5.3, 6.1 for Power5 (&&) * Linux (Systems with Libc 2.3.x, 2.4.x, and 2.5.x are supported, systems with Libc 2.2.x are not supported) > Red Hat - Red Hat Enterprise Linux v. 3 (&) - Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES v. 4 (&) - Red Hat Enterprise Linux v 5.1 (&) - Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES v 4 for Itanium (&&) - Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS v 4 for Itanium (&&) > SuSe - 9.x, 10.x (&) - SuSe Enterprise Linux Server 9 (&) > Fedora Core 5, 6 > Ubuntu Linux 6.10 * VMWare ESX Server > VMWare ESX Server 3.5 (Linux Kernel 2.4) * Novell NetWare > 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.5 (Must upgrade to the latest service packs) * SCO OpenServer > 5.0.7 * SGI Irix (MIPS) > 6.5.2.x (&&) * Sun Solaris > 8, 9, 10 for SPARC > 8, 9, 10 for x86 * Mac OS (PowerPC) > 10.3.x, 10.4.x, 10.5.x * Mac OS (Intel) > 10.5.x * VMware > ESXi 3.5 till update 3 > ESXi 4 (vSphere 4 Standard and above) & - Includes support for 32 and 64 bit processors && - Running on a 64 bit processor Note: You should install the latest service packs and patches for all of the operating systems listed above. 3.2 Windows Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 200 MHz processor * 20MB of RAM * 30MB of available hard-disk space * CD-ROM drive, if installing from CD 3.3 IBM AIX Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 66 MHz processor * 16 MB of RAM * 16 MB of available hard-disk space 3.4 HP-UX Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 66 MHz processor * 16 MB of RAM * 16 MB of available hard-disk space 3.5 Linux Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 66 MHz processor * 32 MB of RAM * 16 MB of available hard-disk space 3.6 Mac OS Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 500 MHz processor * 32 MB of RAM * 16 MB of available hard-disk space 3.7 NetWare Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 200 MHz processor * 16 MB of RAM * 16 MB of available hard-disk space 3.8 SCO OpenServer Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 66 MHz processor * 32 MB of RAM * 16 MB of available hard-disk space 3.9 SGI IRIX Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 66 MHz processor * 32 MB of RAM * 16 MB of available hard-disk space 3.10 Solaris Minimum Requirements * Installed TCP/IP networking * 70 MHz processor * 16 MB of RAM * 16 MB of available hard-disk space -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 Compatible Devices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following have been tested to work with Netwatch 4.1 Communication Cards * ConnectUPS-X Web/SNMP 10/100 Card (X-Slot) * ConnectUPS-BD Web/SNMP 10/100 Card * ConnectUPS-E Web/SNMP network adapter * BestLink Web/SNMP network adapter * ConnectUPS-MS Web/SNMP network adapter (Part # 103006826) * Pulsar series Network Management Card 66102 (Note: Pulsar series Network Management Card firmware must be at version DA or above). ( Also refer to section 9.0 for Limitations related to Network Management Card 66102 and ConnectUPS-MS support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 New Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0.2 - Added support for MAC OS X (Intel) v10.5. 5.0.1 - Added support for Windows 7. - Added support for VMware ESXi on VIMA/vMA - Automatically run setup.exe when user double-clicks (open) the downloaded file for Windows. 5.0.0 - Added support to ConnectUPS-MS Web/SNMP network adapter (Part # 103006826) - Added support for Pulsar series Network Management Card (66102) - Added support for AIX 6 - Added support for Fedora Core 6 - Added support for Windows Server 2008 - Added support for VMWare Server ESX 3.5 - Added support for Solaris 10 (SPARC and Intel) - Dropped support for Fedora Core 2 - Dropped support for IBM AIX 4.3.x - Dropped support for Red Hat Linux v 9.x - Dropped support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS v2.1 - Dropped support for Sun Solaris v7 (SPARC and Intel) - Dropped support for Mac 10.2.x (PowerPC) 4.2.0 - Added support for Windows Vista. - Added support for Red Hat AS, ES for Itanium2. - Added support for Fedora Core 5. - Added support for Ubuntu Linux 6.10. 4.1.2 - Batch script execution has been decoupled from the Netwatch system shutdown process on UNIX and Windows. - Added batch script support for UNIX. - Added support for HP-UX Itanium systems. - Added support for Suse 9.x & 10.x. - Added support for embedded PPC Linux. - Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES v. 4. - Dropped support for IBM AIX 4.1.X. 4.1.1 - Added Windows 2003 Installation support. Previous version of the Netwatch installation did not explicitly support Windows 2003. 4.1.0 - New features for Netwatch v4.1.0.7 include support for systems with multiple network interface cards (NICs). - Removed the option to specify an alternate installation. - Default installation path was changed from "/etc/powerware/netwatch" to "/usr/Powerware/Netwatch". - The install script will now warn the user if a previous Netwatch installation was detected. The user can select to uninstall the previous Netwatch installation and continue with the new, or exit the install script. All old files, links, and directories will be removed regardless if the old installation was located in "/etc/powerware/netwatch" or "/usr/Powerware/Netwatch". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 Known Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM : On Windows 7, after restart, Netwatch fails to show "Connection Established" message box to user. ITEM # : 4034 DESCRIPTION: When the machine is restarted, the pop-up message box for "Connection Established with the Shutdown Server 'IP Address'" is not displayed. WORKAROUND: Check event log to check if connection is established with Shutdown server. ITEM : Open documents are not saved/backup during Netwatch initiated shutdown ITEM # : 2368 DESCRIPTION: Netwatch should save all the open documents before shutting down the Operating system. But it fails to do that and does not save open documents and instead shows dialog that windows will restart after some time. WORKAROUND: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.0 Workarounds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Unable to discover or change configuration settings when logged in as non-admin user on MAC OS X Check the file permission for the folder “/Applications/Powerware/netwatch”. Contact administrator to grant access rights to the user. - When logged in as a non-admin user, updated configuration settings are not reflected if netwatch is already running Check the access permission for the current user. User must have access to kill the netwatch process. Contact administrator to grant access rights to the user. - When logged in as a non-admin user, unable to uninstall if netwatch is already running Check the access permission for the current user. User must have access to kill the netwatch process. Contact administrator to grant access rights to the user. - Unix Uninstall Fails to Remove the Powerware & Netwatch folders When running from the directory where Netwatch was installed (by default, it is /usr/Powerware/Netwatch), the Powerware and Netwatch folders are not removed. Workaround: Run the from outside the directory where Netwatch was installed. - Unable to find Pulsar series UPSs in the network Check the firmware version for the Network Management Card, it should be vDA and above. - Unable to find one or more UPSs in the network Check if the firewall is On. If firewall is ON, please enable the ports used by Netwatch. 1. For Powerware ConnectUPS card, default is 2844 and 2845 or configured ports should be allowed. 2. For Pulsar series Network Management Cards, the ports 4679 and 4680 should be allowed. -Pulsar series UPSs in Different Subnet Router/ switch ports 4679 and 4680 need to be configured if Netwatch and Pulsar series UPSs are in different subnets - Netwatch Configurator on Vista Incase UAC (User Access Control located in control panel\User Accounts\Turn User account control ON or OFF) is ON, then run netwatch configurator in Administrator mode (right click on Netwatch configurator and select "run as administrator"). Incase UAC is OFF then run Netwatch configurator in normal mode. - Event Messaging On certain Unix/Linux based operating systems, messages for a communications failure do not appear in the console although they appear in the logs. Critical messages such as shutdown notifications are displayed on all open TTY consoles. Informational messages are sent to the system console. If informational messages are not being displayed, open the system console or designate any console as the system console. - Unexpected long delay for connection message for OFF load segment or Communication Failure Netwatch polls network adapters once every 5 minutes for status. In order to prevent erroneous communication failure warnings, Netwatch contacts a network adapter 3 times before signaling a communication failure. This can result in a communications failure not being reported for 10 to 15 minutes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.0 Bug Fixes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0.1 - User can use the command line options to change configuration settings. - Netwatch will execute the batch file before system shutdown for “Timer on Battery” mode if configured. 5.0.0 - Enable Operating System Shutdown after ____ minutes power failure" cannot change interval on first pass >User will be able to select shutdown option “Operating System Shutdown after ____ minutes power failure” in configuration wizard during installation. - Netwatch Registry had invalid settings >Netwatch Registry updated to show correct settings - Netwatch Window shows incorrect Segment of the Current shutdown Server on Windows >Netwatch Window will show the configured Shutdown Server as selected. - Netwatch service fails to restart & register with the UPS after each shutdown/reboot for Mac. >Netwatch service will start automatically after shutdown/restart on Mac. 4.1.2 - Linux Enterprise Linux ES & AS Fixed 32/64 bit system structure alignment issues. - UNIX Installation The UNIX install script will immediately exit if the local UNIX OS variant is not supported. - HP-UX Installation Updated UNIX install script to detect HP-UX systems where the 'uname -a' command doesn't always produce a 'HP-UX' text occurrence in the result string. - Linux Installation Updated UNIX install script to detect the Linux Libc version and install the appropriate binary file. - Fixed configuration file read problem for the "Use NAT" parameter. - Added support for Improved communications lost check to filter out spurious events. - Improved communications lost check to filter out spurious events. - Windows Shutdown Issues Improved Windows shutdown process to forcefully terminate stubborn programs and allow Windows to gracefully shutdown. 4.1.1 - Fixed socket error issue on UNIX. Systems with with multiple NICs could cause Netwatch to fail prematurely when registering to the ConnectUPS. - Fixed Autorun problem on Windows 98/ME. - UNIX HTML help page had several incorrect links. - Windows Installation Crash Fixed a crash problem that would occasionally occur when the install was started. - Windows Installation Error Fixed a 'Component Transfer Error' problem with Windows 2003. - Linux Installation Problem Fixed 'Bad syntax' message when installing on SUSE Linux. - UNIX Installation Issues Cleaned up minor problems with the install and uninstall scripting. - TCP/IP vs. UDP in documentation Changed all references of 'TCP/IP' to 'UDP' in documentation and programs. This was done so that users understand Netwatch uses UDP for network communications and can set up firewalls accordingly. - Installation - UNIX Revised install script to handle tar files in upper, lower, or mixed cased file name format. - SVR4 Installation Problem Fixed 'id -u' script problem when installing on SVR4 systems. - Control Panel - Win32 The IP common dialog control has been replaced by an edit box to handle dotted IP addresses or host names when using the manual IP dialog box. The IP common dialog control also had incorrectly converted '0's to '255'. - Installation - UNIX Resolved problems that would prevent users from installing or reinstalling the software if a previous installation was present on the system. Also fixed some problems in the reinstall process. - Uninstall - UNIX Fixed a problem that would cause the Netwatch uninstall script to exit prematurely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.0 Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - “OS Shutdown Controlled by Shutdown Server” is not available on Pulsar series Network Management Card (Part# 66102) and Powerware series ConnectUPS-MS Web/SNMP Card (Part# 103006826) So user should select “Timed Shutdown” while configuring Netwatch v5.0 for Pulsar series NMC card.