SCRAM 500 directory of files ---------------------------- readme Introduction to the SCRAM 500 PD KitWare release kitware Discussion on the nature of KitWare order_form Order form for custom SCRAM 500 components SCRAMPrep.pic What SCRAMPREP looks like SCRAM500.pic What the SCRAM 500 looks like SCRAMpcb.pic A picture of the main PCB and Schematic 1/3 SCRAN500_parts.pic What the various components of the SCRAM 500 look like SCRAM500.lzh archived chunk of all the following ... : V DOCS Directory with SCRAM 500 documentation assembly.doc notes on how to assemble a SCRAM 500 A1000.doc notes for Amiga 1000 owners chips.doc description of custom chips design.doc design notes for the SCRAM 500 parts.doc notes on locating various components SCSI.doc notes on connecting SCSI devices trouble.doc troubleshooting guide text version of User's Manual SCRAMPart Bill of Materials HP_PLOTS Directory contains 12 plot file for schematics & PCB HP_PLOTS.doc notes on the HPGL plots provided HP_PLOTS.lzh archived HPGL plots (12 of them) PLT.lzh archived copy of PLT (intact with directories) SOFTWARE Directory contains drivers and utilities software.doc description of software and driver files example.asm assembly code example of how to talk to driver SCRAMPREP partitioning utility software SCRAM8.device mountable device driver SCRAM8.bin ROMable driver SCRAM8_P.device fast mountable device driver SCRAM8_P.bin fast ROMable driver ScramAutoMount mounting program for non-AutoBoot systems