After you have identified your printer, you must specify a communication mode for your printer and set up the appropriate network parameters for that mode.
Note: The installation utility will detect your system settings and will try to provide a recommended communication mode, but you can select a different mode if desired. Only valid options appear. Parameter values that you assign are not configured on the printer until you have finished the installation.
If the printer does not have valid TCP/IP settings:
Enter a valid IP address for the printer, a valid subnet mask, and a valid IP address for the gateway into the fields provided. You should consult with your Network Administrator before assigning values.
Click Suggest Settings to have TCP/IP parameters automatically entered by the installation utility.
Use the default port name checkbox (Windows NT , 2000 and XP). Check this box to use the default port settings for your printer. If this box is not checked, the Port Name dialog will be the next wizard screen, after the Set Network Communication Mode wizard screen.
CAUTION: If your printer will be connected to other networks, TCP/IP settings suggested by the utility may not be globally unique and may conflict with other devices. Use caution when connecting to other TCP/IP networks.
If the printer already has valid TCP/IP settings:
The current TCP/IP settings will be displayed. To change any values, click Change Settings.
CAUTION: Changing valid TCP/IP settings can prevent access by other users. Consult with your Network Administrator before changing valid settings.
Note: If the TCP/IP parameters have been password protected by management software, such as HP Web Jetadmin, the Change Settings button will be disabled.
Use default port name checkbox (Windows NT, 2000 and XP only). Check this box to use the default port settings for your printer. If this box is not checked, the Port Name dialog will be the next wizard screen, after the Set Network Communication Mode wizard screen.