;Sample install.ini File from Brueckner & Jarosch Ing.GmbH Erfurt ;you can modify and redistribute this file with your 4GL-Server installation [INTROS] BACKGROUND=0 FOREGROUND=0 [TITLE] TITLELONG=Gebrauchtwagenpark Gitter TITLESHORT=GWP [DIRECTORIES] _4GLDEFROOT=GWP _4GLDEFGROUP=GWP-NUTZER CUSTDIR=custom [INSTALL] CU_DIALOG=0 SERVERINSTALL=0 ADDINSTALL=0 CFGINSTALL=0 INIFILEINSTALL=1 ;here come the 4GL terminal connections ;number of connections NUMCONNS=2 ;1 CONN0=login -w rene xterm "gwpall;exit" CONNTITLE0=Gebrauchtwagen ICONN0=icons\cars.ico ;2 CONN1=login rene xterm CONNTITLE1=unix login ;ICONN1=icons\rene.ico ;here come the additional WINDOWS executables (for documentation e.g.) ;number of executables ;NUMEXES=1 ;1 ;EXE0=write ;EXECMDLINE0=doc\wtksrv1.wri ;EXETITLE0=wtksrv1.wri ;EXEICON0=