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Missing filenamesdevice argument requiredtar: cannot allocate physio buffer 'S' option requires 'k' option.tar: warning: 's' option results are predictable only with 'c' option or 'x' or 't' option and 0 'file' arguments -ww-can only create standard output archives.cannot append to pipe or FIFO.Suppressing absolute pathnames -Itar: missing argument for -I flag -Suppressing absolute pathnames. Usage: tar {txruc}[vfbFXhiBelmopw[0-7]] [tapefile] [blocksize] [exclude-file] [-I include-file] files ... sort +0 -1 +1nr %s -o %s; awk '$1 != prev {print; prev=$1}' %s >%sX;mv %sX %srVolume size not a multiple of block size.Volume ends at %luK, blocking factor = %dK A parent directory cannot be read-Itar: missing file name for -I flag. r-Ccan't change directories to %scan't change directories to %scannot change back?: tar: missing links to %s %8lo%8lo%8lo%12lo%12lo%8lo%8lo%8loustar%10lotar: directory checksum error tar: warning: tar file made with signed checksum %s %s tar: directory nesting too deep, %s not dumped tar: %s: %s tar: %s same as archive file a %s excluded tar: %s: file name too long tar: %s: filename is greater than %d tar: %s: prefix is greater than %d %s: failed to get acl count Insufficient memory %s: failed to get acl entries ustar00tar: %s: filename is greater than %d %s/%07o%07oa %s/ %luK %lu tape blocks %s/%s%s.can't open directory %scannot change back?: %s....cannot change back?: %star: %s: symbolic link too long can't read symbolic link %sa %s symbolic link to %s ustar00tar: %s: linked to %s tar: %s: linked name too long ustar00a %s link to %s tar: Single file cannot fit on volume a %s %luK %lu tape blocks ustar00%07oRead error on %star: %s: file changed size tar: %s: linked to %s tar: %s: linked name too long ustar00a %s link to %s tar: Single file cannot fit on volume a %s %luK a %s %lu tape blocks ustar00%07otar: %s: linked to %s tar: %s: linked name too long ustar00a %s link to %s tar: Single file cannot fit on volume a %s %luK a %s %lu tape blocks ustar00%07otar: %s: linked to %s tar: %s: linked name too long ustar00a %s link to %s tar: Single file cannot fit on volume a %s %luK %lu tape blocks ustar00%07otar: %s is not a file. Not dumped tar: %s needs unusual number of volumes to split tar: %s not dumped %lotar: large file %s needs %d extents. tar: current device seek position = %luK %lo%07o+++ a %s %luK [extent #%d of %d] tar: %s: file changed size tar: aborting split file %s a %s %luK (in %d extents) ustarx %s, 0 bytes, 0K 0 tape blocks tar: %s: cannot link %s linked to %s %s: mknod failedx %s, %lu bytes, %luK %lu tape blocks tar: %s: cannot link %s linked to %s %s: mknod failedx %s, %lu bytes, %luK %lu tape blocks Can't create special %s tar: %s: cannot link %s linked to %s %s: mknod failedx %s, %lu bytes, %luK %lu tape blocks Can't create special %s %s: symbolic link failedx %s symbolic link to %s tar: %s: cannot link %s linked to %s tar: %s: cannot link %s linked to %s tar: %s - cannot create tar: ignoring bad extent info for %s x %s, %lu bytes, %luK %lu tape blocks %s: failed to set acl entries tar: cannot stat extracted file %s tar: warning - file permissions have changed for %s (are 0%o, should be 0%o) close errorInsufficient memory for acl %7loaclfromtext failed aclcnt error unrecognized attr type tar: %d file(s) not extracted tar: %s: HELP - extract write error tar: %s split across %d volumes tar: first extent read is not #1 OK to read file beginning with extent #%d (%wc/%wc) ? close error+++ x %s [extent #%d], %lu bytes, %luK tar: first record is null tar: need volume with extent #%d of %s tar: first file on that volume is not the same file tar: extent #%d received out of order tar: should be #%d Ignore error, Abort this file, or load New volume (i/a/n) ? x %s (in %d extents), %lu bytes, %luK %s [extent #%d of %d] %lu bytes total [extent #%d of %d] linked to %s symbolic link to %s tar: %d file(s) not found tar: impossible file type%s%3d/%-3d%7lu%b %e %R %Y %s %07o%07o%07o%011lo%011lo%c %s: SCCSRCScoreerrsa.out%s %loclose error tar: please insert new volume, then press RETURN.-tar: cannot reopen %s (%s) outputinputupdate=%d, usefile=%s, mt=%d, [%s] tar: close errortar: device seek error tar: tape read error tar: tape read error tar: tape blocksize error tar: blocksize = %d tar: lseek to end of archive failed tar: backspace over record failed tar: tape write error tar: sizes below %luK not supported (%lu). bad size entry for %s in %s. tar: invalid blocksize "%s". bad blocksize entry for '%s' in %s. tar: error setting parameters for %s. tar: missing or invalid '%s' entry in %s. tar: '%s' entry in %s is empty! tar: block component missing in '%s' entry in %s. tar: size component missing in '%s' entry in %s. rcould not open %star: out of memory, exclude/include table(entry) tar: out of memory, exclude/include table(file name) tar: out of memory, link and directory modtime info lost tar: : %s tar: tar: %s error: unexpected EOF %s excluded /malloc%s%s%s%2s%s%s%07o%07o%s%07oacltotext failed can't allocate memory %06ounrecognized attribute type can't allocate memory %12lo%07o%011lo%07o%07o%011lor%u %ld04AKW   a D@ 00<0H0T0`0l0x00000000000000 0,080D0P0\0h0t0000000000000~0{0x(0u40r@0oL0lX0id0fp0c|0`0]0Z0W0T0Q0N0K0H0E0B0? 0<09$06003<00H0-T0*`0'l0$x0!0000000 0 00000 0,080D0P0\0h0t000000000000000(0/tmp/tarXXXXXXarchive0=writewritewrite/etc/default/tar/etc/default/tar/etc/default/tar/etc/default/tar/etc/default/tar/etc/default/tar/etc/default/tar/etc/default/tarcan't set time on %s@(#)SunOS 5.5 Generic November 1995.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rela.got.rela.bss.rela.plt.text.init.fini.rodata.rodata1.got.dynamic.plt.data.data1.bss.comment.shstrtab   a   )0 3DD =HHLC I OW` en8 sly44/d %.