---------------------------- README ---------------------------- Note: Please read the "Automatic installation" section in your manual carefully before reading this file. Note: All files/directories on the CDROM can be in uppercase or lowercase letters, depending on your host Operating system and/or the way you have mounted it. The files/directories below are shown in lowercase. 1) Description : ----------- F4GL compiler is delivered to you with the following files/directories : - readme : This file. - ./os/nt/ : NT runtime version. - ./os/unix/ : UNIX version (development/runtime). - ./sources/ : Source programs for many utilities (gcc,Tcl/Tk,bison,...). - ./clients/ : Clients interfaces. - ./windows/ : Runtime version for Windows. 2) Installation : ------------ In order to install the F4GL compiler for your Operating System, just go to the corresponding directory, then follow the instructions mentioned in the file named "readme". For example, if your Operating System is of type UNIX, then go to directory ./os/unix/, then run the shell script named "install.sh". But if you intend to install a runtime version for Windows NT, go to directory ./os/nt/runtime/disk1/, then type "setup.exe". 3) Problems : -------- On some machines, you may have to wait a few seconds between dialog boxes. Simply wait for the next dialog box to appear.