Program TOMAKE.4GL allows to generate Makefiles based on the program descriptions in
database "syspgm4gl".

To compile this program, you have to create a schema of this database :

   fglschema syspgm4gl

This generates a file called "syspgm4gl.sch". 

Change file name "TOMAKE.4GL" from uppercase to lowercase : 

   * mv TOMAKE.4GL tomake.4gl

Set environment variable FGLDBPATH to this directory, and then 
compile with command :

   fgl2p -o tomake.42r tomake.4gl

To generate Makefiles :

   fglrun tomake <progname>

where <progname> is the name of a program defined in the database.
The result of the run is a makefile called M<progname>.

Example :

  fglrun tomake myprog

--> Mmyprog

This Makefile allows to compile "myprog" in the four different versions of

make -f Mmyprog 42r  : -> 4Js P-code (myprog.42r)
make -f Mmyprog 42e  : -> 4Js C-code (myprog.42e)
make -f Mmyprog 4gi  : -> Informix P-code (myprog.4gi)
make -f Mmyprog 4ge  : -> Informix C-code (myprog.4ge)