
Table of contents:

I   - CD-ROM contents.
II  - Install from CD-ROM.
III - Install without using the CD-ROM device 

NOTE: Depending on your system the file names can be in lowercase or uppercase.

I - CD-ROM contents.

	Informix Dynamic 4GL and other products for Unix Systems are
 delivered to you with the following files and directories:

/< Mounted directory>
           |- OS
               |- UNIX
                    |- INSTALL.SH    <--- Install script for the Universal 
                    |                     compiler.
                    |- INSTGCC.SH    <--- Install script for the Gnu C 
                    |                     compiler.
                    |- INSTTCL.SH    <--- Install script for the Tcl/Tk.
                    |           --
                    |- AIX        |
                    |             |
                    |- DEC        |
                    |             |
                    |- DGUX       |
                    |             |
                    |- DYNIX      |
                    |             |
                    |- HP         |
                    |             |
                    |- LINUX      |
                    |             |
                    |- SCO        | <--- Directories containing the INFORMIX
                    |             |      product for each Operating System (*)
                    |- SGI        |
                    |             |
                    |- SINIX      |
                    |             |
                    |- SOLX       |
                    |             |
                    |- SUN        |
                    |             |
                    |- MPRAS      |
                    |             |
                    |- UNIXWARE   |
                    |           --
                    |- README        <--- This file 
                    |             |
                    |- AIX3.2        <--- Contains the special distribution 
                                          for AIX 3.2.x (**)

  (*) Each Operating System directory contains several subdirectories. 
      For example:
                        |- COMPILER <--- Contains the Informix Dynamic 4GL 
                        |                Archive.
                        |- RUNTIME  <--- Contains the Informix Dynamic 4GL Runtime 
                        |                Archive.
                        |- DEMO     <--- Contains the Informix Dynamic 4GL Demo 
                        |                Archive.
                        |- SELFEXTR <--- Contains the self-extract version of each
                        |                package.
                        |- TLB      <--- Resource files used by the different
                        |                installers.
                        |- GZIP     <--- Contains the binary version of Gzip.
                        |- TAR      <--- Contains the binary version of tar.
                        |- TCL/TK   <--- The Tcl/Tk archive.

  (**) Read the file OS/UNIX/AIX3.2/README for more information about AIX 3.2.x.

Note that for the LINUX, the DGUX and the DYNIX systems, there are no 
GNU C packages.

II  - Install from CD-ROM.

 Mount the CD-ROM device on your system (see your system documentation). Go into
 the OS/UNIX directory of the CD-ROM.  Now you are able to run one of three

  The install script is a bourne shell script. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE SCRIPT.

 To install the Informix Dynamic 4GL by type:
   $ /bin/sh ./install.sh [ -t path ] PRODUCT_TYPE
  The flag "-t" is used only to specify the path to a temporary directory
  if the tmp or $DBTEMP directory have less than 10 Mb free space.

  PRODUCT_TYPE:     - compiler: For the development version.
  -------------     - runtime : For the runtime version.

   Example: I would like to install the development version. So, I must type
   -------- the following command: /bin/sh install.sh compiler
            Now, I would like to install the runtime version, but my tmp
            directory is too small. Of course, the specified directory for the 
            temporary directory must have the right 0777.  In this case, I can type
            the following command: /bin/sh install.sh runtime -t /usr1/tmp

 To install another package:
  Install the Tcl/Tk package by type: /bin/sh ./insttcl.sh -i

  Install the Gnu C compiler. For this package, you must be root to install.
  /bin/sh ./installgcc.sh -i

III - Install without using a CD-ROM device.

  Perhaps your Unix system doesn't have a CD-ROM drive. You need to either 
  copy self-extracting files onto your system or download the necessary files.

  1 - The self-extract file:
  The self extract file contains all necessary files to install a package.
  Copy from the CD-ROM the self-extracting file
  corresponding to the product type you want to install. All self-extracting
  files are located in /<Mounted directory>/OS/UNIX/<OS>/SELFEXTR

  Product type: - For the Development version choose: COMPILER.SH
  ------------- - For the Runtime version choose    : RUNTIME.SH

  BE CAREFUL, do not forget to transfer the files using binary type.

  Run the self-extract file: /bin/sh [COMPILER.SH | RUNTIME.SH] -i 
  2 - Using a copy: To install, you must copy several files used by the 
  ----------------- install script.

                  - The install script: 
                     - install.sh    <--- To install Informix Dynamic 4GL.
                     - insttcl.sh    <--- To install the TCL/TK
                     - instgcc.sh    <--- To install the Gnu C compiler. 

                  - The resource file: 
                    The resource file contains the complete list of files
                    to install. These files are located in 
                    <Mounted directory>/OS/UNIX/<OS>/TLB
                    <OS>-DEV.TLB    : for the compiler.
                    <OS>-RTE.TLB    : for the runtime.
                    <OS>-DEMO.TLB   : for the demo.
                    <OS>-TCLTK.TLB  : for the Tcl/Tk.
                    <OS>-GCC.TLB    : for the Gcc.
                  - The package file  : (****)
                    The package file is: 
                        - COMPILER/F4GL.TGZ  : for the compiler. 
                        - RUNTIME/RTF4GL.TGZ : for the runtime.
                        - DEMO/DEMO.TGZ      : for the runtime.
                        - GNUC/GCC.TGZ       : for the Gnu C compiler.
                        - TCLTK/TCLTK.TGZ    : for the Tcl/Tk.

                 These files are required, but you must also copy other
                 files like gzip and tar.

  Copy all files on the target machine in the same directory and then run 
  the install script.