Installing INFOFLEX Products from the Internet
- Log in as root
- Download the INFOFLEX program to the directory where you would like them
- Position to the Download directory and execute the following commands
for each downloaded file.
For downloaded filenames ending with
'.gz' enter the following commands:
gunzip filename.gz
tar xvf
filename (If the previous step displayed the message "NOT gzip
format" then include the .gz suffix here)
For downloaded
filenames ending with '.Z' enter the following commands:
uncompress filename.Z
tar xvf
Running the INFOFLEX-4GL DEMO system
- Position to the DEMO directory as follows:
cd fx/demo/bin
- Enter the the following command to start the Demo:
Appendix 1 in the INFOFLEX-4GL User's
Guide explains the various demo options.
Running the ACCOUNTFLEX system
- Position to the ACCOUNTFLEX directory as follows:
cd act/bin
- Enter the following command:
The ACCOUNTFLEX User's Guide explains
the various menu options.
Running the QUERYFLEX DEMO system
- Position to the DEMO directory as follows.
cd qryflex/demo
- Set the environment variables by entering the following command at the
UNIX prompt.
. ./qfsetdemo
Note you must be in the Bourne shell
and there MUST be a space between the two periods.
- To run the QUERYFLEX demo, enter the following command at the UNIX prompt.
Upon entering the above command, the
Relation menu will appear. This menu is for the end-user to select the
database tables from which to report. After selecting a relation the
user will then be given the opportunity to create and run reports.
Please refer to the QUERYFLEX User Guide for further explanation.
- To configure QUERYFLEX, enter the following command at the UNIX prompt.
Upon entering the above command, the
Configuration menu will appear. This menu is for the programmer to setup
up the database information so it will be understandable by the
end-user. From this menu the programmer will be able to assign user
friendly files and field names, default format characteristics, default
heading names, and join relationships. Please refer to the QUERYFLEX
Configuration Guide for further explanation.
Running the SQLFLEX DEMO
- Position to the DEMO directory as follows:
cd sqlflex/demo
- Set the Environment Variables as follows.
. ./sqlsetdemo
Note you must be in the
Bourne shell and there MUST be a space between the two periods.
The sqlsetdemo script will display a message identifying the machine
you are on. If this message is incorrect, you will need to edit this
script file so the correct machine is displayed.
- To run SQL scripts use the 'xsql' command as follows.
xsql demo select.sql
where 'demo' is the database name and
'select.sql' is a sample sql script.
- To run the embedded SQL within C demo enter the the following command.
Note that this demo is compiled using
the makefile 'makedemo.unx'.
- For Infoflex Technical support please e-mail to
SQLFLEX documentation may be purchased from us or from Informix. To
purchase from Informix call (800)438-7627 and ask for ESQL/C version 4.0
manual partno 12006391-100.
Viewing Documentation
- Startup your Desktop
- Run Acrobat Reader version 3.0 or higher. The Acrobat Reader 4.0
utility is normally found at /usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread. If
Acrobat Reader is NOT installed on your system download it from or install it from the INFOFLEX CD. To install from the
INFOFLEX CD, refer to the instructions below.
- When in Acrobat Reader click on the FILE option followed by the OPEN
suboption. While in the OPEN suboption, select the directory docflex
which is located where the INFOFLEX programs were installed.
- Select a document to view from the list provided on the far right or
select document welcome for a menu of choices.
- Documentation may also be viewed by pressing the CTL-G key while in any
Infoflex program. Note that you must be running the Infoflex program
from your Desktop in order for this to work.