þh¥a:â¥b<¥¥c'}¥d&V¥e),¥f$¥j7Ï¥µ5™¥¶!w¥·$R¥¸'*¥¹=쥺:±¥»’¥¼4]¥½A¥¾DÖ¥¿B“¥À8Z¥ÁN ¥Â3×¥Ã"´Unable to load locale categories. Memory allocation failed during locale processing. Code-set conversion function failed due to illegal sequence or invalid value. Error opening required code-set conversion object file. The current database engine does not support code-set conversion. Invalid argument for the code-set conversion initializing function. DBLANG and CLIENT_LOCALE environment variables are incompatible. An error occurred during locale structure creation. Invalid locale specification. An error occurred during environment variable processing. Internal error. Illegal argument for locale initialization. Place holder for invalid GCV argument. Place holder for unknown GCV error. Place holder for GCV truncation. Code sets of the locale categories are not the same. Multibyte database name is not allowed in this system. Code-set conversion restore failed. Reset locale failed. Connection refused. Unknown locale in selected database. Database locale information mismatch. GL_COLLATE information is missing from the system catalogs. GL_CTYPE information is missing from the system catalogs.