h4dDCf!!g5hNij!ak&:l2m%nIoAUp)+} } U}I }aI}}f}w}"}7}z}Mh} }f}>}]}F}*O} }{}} }^!!}"}#@} };#}^$}U$f} }$}a%} }M' }Y(n}:(}Y+}+]}d-}T-u}a.}I/,}?1v}#1}Z2}35}B5}764}b6l}6}6}Z:}< }V=} }>4}?~?~A ~QA~ ~B~kB~qD~SDs~ ~  D~ HE~ pF~  F~ ^G~AH~]JR~bJ~QK~OKe~?K~9K~OL/~GL~FL~|M~NM~GM~`N"~?N~BN~ O~eZ~ ]5~!_~"^a~#~f2~$$h~%h~&h~'h~(h~)h~*Hi~+9iK~,i~-3i~.i~/i~0i~1j ~2j~3Cj-~4Mjq~5 j~6j~7 j~8j~9j~: j~;k ~<2k~= kR~> k^~?kj~@kr~Aky~Bk~~Ck~Dk~Ek~Fk~Gk~H1k~Ik~Jk~Kk~L o~M>yf~NIy~O/y~P0z~QDzP~Rz~Sz~Tz~Uz~Vz~Wz~X!z~Y{~Z{%~[T{~\|'~]z|~^M}K~_}~`a~o~c~~d~e1~f~ga#~hN~iM~j"~k~l~m~n ~o!~p>~q>~rB~sJ~tR~u b~vn~w~x~y ~z ~{~| ~}~~~~~,~L~z~K~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~\~ ~ ~9~49~n~F~O~z$~/~'~.~+&~R~G~~{ ~v~~3~M~o^~5~~~J~~^~ ~ ~)~ >~K~O~ ~jf~K~m~J~ ~:~ ~$~8~O~OA~~1~@~r$~9~E~ ~e~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~b~~[~ =~K~T~Z~c~i~p~x~~(1~fZ~~~wI~~u~B~/&~V~~~ź~ȅ~e~dm~T~ '~.5~|d~~zҊ~?~{E~ׇ %V Copyright (C) 1990-1996 Informix Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved %N The New option is used to type SQL statements on the screen and edit them with the SQL editor. There are no limits on the number of lines that you may enter. If your statements require more than one page the editor scrolls the page as you type and indicates your current line position on the status line near the top of the screen. The Use-editor option is also available for entering statements. Separate SQL statements with semicolons. Press ESCAPE when you are finished. Then select the Run option to execute the statements. If there are errors, the Modify option will be highlighted. Select Modify or Use-editor, edit the statements, and run them again. The Run option runs the current SQL statements and displays the output on your terminal. If there are errors: If there are errors, an error message will appear on the bottom of the screen and the Modify option will be highlighted. Select Modify or Use-editor, correct the error, and run the statement again. When there are several statements in an entry, all the statements that come before a statement with an error are run successfully and their results appear on the screen. Statements that come after a statement with errors do not run until you correct the errors. The Modify option calls the SQL editor and is used to modify the current statements. The Modify option is highlighted if there are errors in the current statements after you select the Run option. Select Modify and the cursor appears on the first error. Once you use the SQL editor to edit the statements you can run them with the Run option. The Use-editor option calls a user-specified editor to enter statements or to edit the current statements. You may specify the editor you want to use with the DBEDIT environment variable. If you have not specified an editor, a screen appears asking for the name of an editor. If you do not indicate an editor, the default editor for your system (vi on UNIX systems; edlin on most DOS systems) is used. When you select the Use-editor option to edit statements containing errors, error lines are included in the file you see, each beginning with the pound symbol (#). You do not have to remove these lines when you edit the errors; SQL removes them when you select the Run option. The Output option calls the OUTPUT Menu, with these options: Printer Runs the current SQL statements and directs the output to the printer. New-file Runs the current SQL statements and sends the output to a file you specify. If you select an existing file, any data in that file is lost. Append-file Runs the current SQL statements and adds the output to a file you specify. To-Pipe Runs the current SQL statement and pipes the output through an operating system command (UNIX systems only). The Choose option provides a list of the available SQL command files and prompts you to select and run (or modify) the SQL statements contained in the command file. The Save option is used to assign a name to the current SQL statements and save them in a command file. You can run or modify the command file by selecting it from the list of available files that appears on the screen when you select the Choose option on the SQL Menu. The INFO option provides information on the tables of the current database. The tables available to users are listed, but a system table can be specified by entering its name. The Drop option displays a list of the available SQL command files and prompts you to select the file you want to drop. The Exit option exits the SQL Menu and returns to the DB-Access Main Menu. The Printer option runs the current SQL statements and sends the results directly to the printer. The New-file option is used to enter the name of a file you want to hold the results from running the current statements. Type the file name after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press the RETURN key. The name can be up to 14 characters long on UNIX systems, or 8[.3] (name[.ext]) characters long on DOS. It must be a legal file name for your system. SQL runs the current statements and sends the results to the file. If you select the name of an existing file, any data in the file is replaced with the results from the SQL statement. The Append-file option is used to enter the name of a file you want to hold the results from running the current statements. Type the name of an existing file after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. The name can be up to 14 characters long on UNIX systems, or 8[.3] (name[.ext]) characters long on DOS. SQL runs the current statements and adds the results to the end of the file. The To-pipe option is used to send the results from running the current statements to an operating system program. Enter the name of the program after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. SQL runs the current statements and sends the results to the operating system program you specify. The Exit option returns to the SQL Menu. The Columns option displays a list of the columns in the table you are working with, the data type of each column, and whether the column allows null values. The Indexes option displays information about the indexes for the table you are working with. You can find out the name of each index associated with the table, its owner, its type, and the name of the column it indexes. The Privileges option displays information about the user access privileges for the table you are working with. It shows which users have specific privileges, and which SQL statements (SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, and ALTER) they can use. It also shows who can change indexes. The Status option displays information about the table you are working with. It lists the name of the table, the table owner, the row size (in number of characters), the number of rows in the table, the number of columns in the table, the date the table was created, and the name of the audit file associated with the table, if there is one. The Table option displays a list of tables in the current database and prompts you to make a selection. The INFO Menu is displayed with the table you specify as the current table. The Exit option leaves the INFO Menu and returns to the either the SQL Menu or the TABLE Menu depending on from which INFO was chosen. The Next option displays the next screen page of results. The Restart option runs the statements again and displays the first screen page of results. The Exit option exits the DISPLAY Menu. Any subsequent results are not displayed. When you enter an UPDATE or DELETE statement without a WHERE clause, SQL assumes you want to change or remove every row in the table. The Yes option is used to confirm that assumption. After you select Yes, SQL runs the statement as it is written. When you enter an UPDATE or DELETE statement without a WHERE clause, SQL assumes you want to change or remove every row in the table. The No option is used to reject that assumption. After you select No, SQL displays the SQL Menu, with the highlight on the Modify option. SQL has not run the statement. Change your statement and run it again. The CHOOSE Screen displays a list of available SQL command files and prompts you to select the one you want as the current statement. Highlight or type the name of the command file you want to work with and press RETURN. Use the Run, Modify, or Use-editor options on the SQL Menu to run or modify the statements in the file. CHOOSE >> Choose a command file with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. The OUTPUT NEW-FILE Screen is used to enter the name of a file you want to store the results from running the current statements. Type the name after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. The name can be up to 14 characters long on UNIX systems, or 8[.3] (name[.ext]) characters long on DOS. It must be a legal file name for your system. SQL runs the current statements and sends the results to the file. If you select the name of an existing file, any data in the file is replaced with the results from the SQL statement. OUTPUT NEW-FILE >> Enter the name you want to assign to the new file, then press Return. The OUTPUT APPEND-FILE Screen is used to enter the name of a file you want to store the results from running the current statements. Type the name of an existing file after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. The name can be up to 14 characters long on UNIX systems, or 8[.3] (name[.ext]) characters long on DOS. SQL runs the current statements and adds the results to the end of the file. OUTPUT APPEND-FILE >> Enter the name of the file you want to append results to, then press Return . The OUTPUT TO-PIPE Screen is used to send the results from running the current statements to an operating system program. Enter the name of the program after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. SQL runs the current statements and sends the results to the operating system program you specify. OUTPUT TO-PIPE >> Enter the name of the pipe you want to send the results to, then press Return. The SAVE Screen is used to save the current SQL statements in a command file. Enter a name for the file after the double angle brackets and press RETURN. The name can be up to 8 (on DOS systems) or 10 (on UNIX systems) characters long. Use a letter for the first character of the name; the remaining characters can be letters, digits, and underscores. SQL saves the statements in an operating system file labeled with the name you indicate and the suffix .sql. You can run or modify the command file by selecting it from the list displayed on the CHOOSE Screen. SAVE >> Enter the name you want to assign to the command file. The INFO FOR TABLE Screen provides a list of available tables and prompts you to make a selection. Highlight or type the name of the table and press RETURN. You will see the INFO Menu with the Columns, Indexes, Privileges, Status, Constraints, Triggers, Table, and Exit options next. INFO FOR TABLE >> Choose a table with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. The USE-EDITOR Screen is used to specify the system editor you use when you select the Use-editor option. Type the name of the editor you want to use after the double angle brackets and press RETURN. The default editor is vi (on UNIX systems) or edlin (on most DOS systems). SQL calls the editor you specify. Enter, modify, and save text according to the editor rules. You return to the SQL Menu after you save the file. This screen only appears once per session with DB-Access. After you enter an editor name, that editor stays in effect for the Use-editor option until you leave the program. The screen does not appear if there is an entry for your DBEDIT environment variable. USE-EDITOR >> Enter editor name. (RETURN only for default editor) Commit work will commit all the changes you have made. Rollback work will rollback to the last commit work, and all changes since then will not be made. No Triggers defined. The Query-language option calls the SQL Menu, with nine options: New Is used to enter and edit SQL statements on the screen, using the SQL editor. Run Runs SQL statements. If there are errors in the statements, the Modify option is highlighted. Modify Is used to change current SQL statements using the SQL editor. Use-editor Is used to enter and edit SQL statements on the screen, using a system editor. Output Is used to send SQL query results to the printer, a file, or (on UNIX systems) a pipe. Save Is used to name SQL statements and save them in a command file. Use the Run and Modify options with the command files. Choose Provides you with a list of available SQL command files and prompts you to make a selection. Use the Run and Modify Menu options with the command file. Info Is used to retrieve information about tables in the current database. Exit Returns to the DB-Access Main Menu. The Database option calls the DATABASE Menu, with six options: Select Selects a database with which to work Create Creates a new database Info Displays information about a database Drop Drops a database cLose Closes the current database Exit Returns to the DB-Access Main Menu The TABLE option calls the TABLE Menu, with seven options: Create Creates a new table Alter Alters the structure of existing table Info Displays information about the tables in the current database Drop Drops a table from the database Table_options Specify extent size and Lock modes for the table (Only available with the Informix-Online product). Exit Returns to the DB-Access Main Menu The Exit option leaves the DB-Access Main Menu and returns to the operating system. The Create option guides you through the steps necessary to create a new table. You are first prompted for the name of the new table, and then the interactive schema editor is used to create the table. The Alter option guides you through the steps necessary to make changes to an existing table. You are first prompted for the name of the table, and then the interactive schema editor is used to make the changes to the table. The Info option displays a list of the available tables for the current database and prompts you to make a selection. The INFO Menu allows you to locate information about the columns, privileges, indexes, and status, constraints triggers and fragments of the table. The Drop option displays a list of the available tables for the current database and prompts you to select the one you want to drop. The table is then dropped from the database. The Exit option leaves the TABLE Menu and returns to the DB-Access Main Menu. The Select option displays a list of the available databases and prompts you to select one to be the current database. The Create option creates a new database. It prompts you for the name of the database. The CREATE DATABASE Menu allows you to assign certain options when creating the database. The database will be created when you EXIT the CREATE Menu and confirm the database creation. The newly created database is made the current database. The Drop option displays a list of the available databases and prompts you to select the one you want to drop. The Exit option leaves the Database Menu and returns to the DB-Access Main Menu. This menu makes certain you want to drop the specified item. When you drop a database, you lose whatever data it contained. When you drop a report or a form, you lose the source and compiled output. YES I want to drop the item NO I want to abort the command USER NAME >> Enter the login name you want to use for this connection. The USER NAME Prompt allows you to enter the login name you want used when attempting to make this connection. The SELECT DATABASE Screen displays a list of available databases and prompts you to select the one you want as the current database. Highlight or type the name of the database you want to work with and press RETURN. The database name will appear on the fourth line of the screen. SELECT DATABASE >> Select a database with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. The CREATE DATABASE Screen is used to create a new database. Type the name of the database you want to create after the double angle brackets and press RETURN. The name can be up to 8 (on DOS systems) or 10 (on UNIX systems) characters long, and must be unique. Use a letter for the first character of the name; the remaining characters can be letters, digits, or underscores. The database you create will be stored as a subdirectory of the current directory, and becomes the current database. Use the program interrupt key to exit and return to the CREATE Menu. CREATE DATABASE >> Enter the name you want to assign to the new database, then press Return. This menu asks for the name of the table you wish to create with the interactive schema editor. CREATE TABLE >> Enter the table name you wish to create with the schema editor. ALTER TABLE >> Enter the table name you wish to alter with the schema editor. This menu asks for the name of the table you wish to repair. CHOOSE TABLE >> Enter the table name you wish to repair. This menu asks for the name of the table you wish to drop from the database. DROP TABLE >> Enter the table name you wish to drop from the database. CREATE DATABASE >> Enter the name of the database you wish to create. The prompt is asking for the user name that you want to alter access permissions. The choices are either grant or revoke. USER NAME >> Enter the name of the user you wish to alter access permissions. This menu asks for the name of the SQL Command File you wish to drop. DROP COMMAND FILE >> Enter the name of the sql command file you wish to drop from the database. This menu asks for the name of the Database you wish to drop. DROP DATABASE >> Enter the name of the database you wish to drop. ALTER INDEX index-name TO [NOT] CLUSTER ALTER TABLE table-name { ADD ( new-column-name datatype [NOT NULL] [DEFAULT default_opts] [NOT NULL] [UNIQUE [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] [column-constraint-definition][,...] [BEFORE old-column-name][,...] )[BEFORE old-column-name] | DROP (old-column-name[,...]) | MODIFY (old-column-name new-datatype [DEFAULT default_opts] [NOT NULL] [UNIQUE [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] [column-constraint-definition] [,...] ) | ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (old-column-name[,...])[table-constraint-definition] | DROP CONSTRAINT [owner] (constr-name[,...]) }[,...] CONNECT TO database-environment USER user-identifier CREATE DATABASE database-name [WITH LOG IN "pathname" [MODE ANSI]] CREATE [UNIQUE|DISTINCT] [CLUSTER] INDEX index-name [FILLFACTOR percentage] ON table-name (column-name [ASC|DESC], ...) CREATE PROCEDURE procedure-name ( [expression[,...]]) [define-stmt] [exception-declaration] [statement-list] END PROCEDURE [DOCUMENT string[,...]][WITH LISTING IN string] CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION username {set of create and/or grant statements} CREATE SYNONYM synonym-name FOR table-name CREATE [TEMP] TABLE table-name ( column-name datatype { [NOT NULL] [UNIQUE [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] | [DEFAULT default_opts] [table-constraint-definition][,...] [column-constraint-definition][,...] [NOT NULL] [UNIQUE [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] [UNIQUE (unique-column-list) [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] } ) [WITH NO LOG] [IN "pathname-directory"] DATA TYPES SERIAL CHAR(n) SMALLINT DECIMAL(m,n) FLOAT DATE INTEGER MONEY(m,n) SMALLFLOAT DATETIME INTERVAL CREATE TRIGGER trigger-name { INSERT | DELETE | UPDATE [ OF (column-list)] } ON table-name [REFERENCING { OLD [AS] correlation-name [ NEW [AS] correlation-name] | NEW [AS] correlation-name [ OLD [AS] correlation-name] } ] { BEFORE trigger-action-list [ FOR EACH ROW trigger-action-list ] [ AFTER trigger-action-list ] | FOR EACH ROW trigger-action-list [ AFTER trigger-action-list] | AFTER trigger-action-list } trigger-action-list trigger-action [ , trigger-action ... ] trigger-action [WHEN search-condition ] { DELETE statement | UPDATE statement | INSERT statement | EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement } CREATE VIEW view-name [(column-list)] AS SELECT-statement [WITH CHECK OPTION] DATABASE database-name [EXCLUSIVE] DISCONNECT {CURRENT | DEFAULT | ALL} DROP DATABASE database-name DROP INDEX index-name DROP PROCEDURE procedure-name DROP SYNONYM synonym-name DROP TABLE table-name DROP VIEW view-name DELETE FROM table-name [WHERE condition] INSERT INTO table-name [(column-list)] { VALUES (value-list) | SELECT-statement } UPDATE table-name SET {column-name = expression [,...] | {(col-list) | *} = (expr-list)} [WHERE condition] UPDATE STATISTICS [ { HIGH [FOR TABLE [{table-name|synonym-name} [(column-list)]]] [RESOLUTION percentage] | MEDIUM [FOR TABLE [{table-name|synonym-name} [(column-list)]]] [RESOLUTION percentage [confidence-percentage]] | [LOW] [FOR TABLE [{table-name|synonym-name} [(column-list)]]] [DROP DISTRIBUTIONS] } | FOR PROCEDURE [procedure-name] ] SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT | UNIQUE] select-list FROM [OUTER] table-name [table-alias] [,...] [WHERE condition] [GROUP BY column-list] [HAVING condition] [ORDER BY column-name [ASC | DESC],...] [INTO TEMP table-name] SELECT-statement UNION [ALL] SELECT-statement [UNION [ALL] SELECT-statement ...] WHERE conditions: expr rel-op expr expr [NOT] BETWEEN expr AND expr expr [NOT] IN (items) column-name [NOT] LIKE "string" [ESCAPE escape-character] column-name [NOT] MATCHES "string" [ESCAPE escape-character] expr rel-op {ALL | [ANY | SOME]} (SELECT-statement) expr [NOT] IN (SELECT-statement) [NOT] EXISTS (SELECT-statement) column-name IS [NOT] NULL GRANT tab-privilege ON table-name TO {PUBLIC | user-list} [WITH GRANT OPTION] [AS grantor] GRANT db-privilege TO {PUBLIC | user-list} [WITH GRANT OPTION] [AS grantor] REVOKE {tab-privilege ON table-name | db-privilege} FROM {PUBLIC | user-list} DATABASE PRIVILEGES TABLE PRIVILEGES CONNECT ALTER DELETE RESOURCE INDEX INSERT DBA EXECUTE SELECT[(cols)] UPDATE [(cols)] REFERENCES[(cols)] ALL [PRIVILEGES] BEGIN WORK This statement is not valid for ansi databases CHECK TABLE table-name CLOSE DATABASE COMMIT WORK CREATE AUDIT FOR table-name IN "pathname" DROP AUDIT FOR table-name EXECUTE PROCEDURE procedure-name (argument-list[,...]) INFO {TABLES | COLUMNS FOR table-name | INDEXES FOR table-name | STATUS FOR table-name | {ACCESS | PRIVILEGES | REFERENCES} FOR table-name} LOAD FROM "pathname" [DELIMITER "char"] INSERT INTO table-name [(col-list)] LOCK TABLE table-name IN {SHARE | EXCLUSIVE} MODE OUTPUT TO {"file-name" | PIPE "program-name"} [WITHOUT HEADINGS] SELECT-statement RECOVER TABLE table-name RENAME COLUMN table.old-column-name TO new-column-name RENAME TABLE old-table-name TO new-table-name REPAIR TABLE table-name ROLLBACK WORK ROLLFORWARD DATABASE database-name SET CONSTRAINTS { ALL | full-constraint-name[,...]} [IMMEDIATE|DEFERRED] SET DEBUG FILE TO expression [WITH APPEND] SET EXPLAIN {ON | OFF} SET LOCK MODE TO [NOT] WAIT START DATABASE database-name WITH LOG IN "pathname" [MODE ANSI] UNLOAD TO "pathname" [DELIMITER "char"] SELECT-statement UNLOCK TABLE table-name This screen is used to enter or edit SQL statements. There are no limits on the number of lines that you may enter. If your statements require more than one page the editor scrolls the page as you type and indicates your current line position on the status line near the top of the screen. Separate SQL statements with semicolons. Press ESCAPE when you are finished. Then select the Run option to execute the statements. If there are errors, the Modify option will be highlighted. Select Modify or Use-editor, edit the statements, and run them again. The Use-editor option is also available for entering statements. No SQL command files are available. Press CTRL-W for Help -y -n NEW MODIFY ESC = Done editing CTRL-A = Typeover/Insert CTRL-R = Redraw CTRL-X = Delete character CTRL-D = Delete rest of line Unknown error number %d The type of your terminal is unknown to the system Press Return to continue Running . . . Unloading . . . Loading . . . Load line %d: %s Column name Type Nulls User Select Update Insert Delete Index Alter Table Name Owner Row Size Number of Rows Number of Columns Date Created Audit Trail File Index name Owner Type Cluster Columns Table name Descending unique dupls Yes No All None secheck Table Dropped Database Dropped You have reached the end of the SQL syntax list. Done. -qr BEGIN WORK CLOSE DATABASE COMMIT WORK INFO { TABLES | COLUMNS FOR table-name | INDEXES FOR table-name | STATUS FOR table-name | [ACCESS | PRIVILEGES | REFERENCES] FOR table-name } LOAD FROM "pathname" [DELIMITER "char"] INSERT INTO table-name LOCK TABLE table-name IN {SHARE | EXCLUSIVE} MODE OUTPUT TO {"file-name" | PIPE "program-name"} [WITHOUT HEADINGS] SELECT-statement RELEASE family-name volume-number RENAME COLUMN table.old-column-name TO new-column-name RENAME TABLE old-table-name TO new-table-name RESERVE family-name volume-number ROLLBACK WORK SET ISOLATION TO {DIRTY READ | COMMITTED READ | CURSOR STABILITY | REPEATABLE READ} SET LOCK MODE TO {[NOT] WAIT | WAIT [seconds]} SET [BUFFERED] LOG SET MOUNTING TIMEOUT TO WAIT | NOT WAIT | time-out SET OPTIMIZATION [HIGH | LOW] UNLOAD TO "pathname" [DELIMITER "char"] SELECT-statement UNLOCK TABLE table-name ALTER TABLE table-name { ADD ( new-column-name { datatype | {BYTE | TEXT} [IN {TABLE | BLOBspace-name}] } [DEFAULT default_opts] [NOT NULL] [UNIQUE [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] [column-constraint-definition][,...] [BEFORE old-column-name][,...] ) | DROP (old-column-name[,...]) | MODIFY ( old-column-name new-datatype [DEFAULT default_opts] [NOT NULL] [UNIQUE [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] [column-constraint-definition] [,...] ) | ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (old-column-name[,...])[table-constraint-definition] | DROP CONSTRAINT [owner] (constr-name[,...])}[,...] | LOCK MODE {PAGE | ROW }[,...] | MODIFY NEXT SIZE number } ALTER OPTICAL CLUSTER [owner] cluster-name CLUSTERSIZE [clustersize] CONNECT TO database-environment USER user-identifier CREATE DATABASE database-name [IN DBspace-name] [WITH {[BUFFERED] LOG | LOG MODE ANSI}] CREATE [UNIQUE|DISTINCT] [CLUSTER] INDEX index-name ON table-name (column-name [ASC|DESC],...) CREATE PROCEDURE procedure-name ( [expression[,...]) [define-stmt] [exception-declaration] [statement-list] END PROCEDURE [DOCUMENT string[,...]][WITH LISTING IN string] CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION username {set of create and/or grant statements} CREATE SYNONYM synonym-name FOR table-name CREATE [TEMP] TABLE table-name ( column-name { datatype | {BYTE|TEXT} [IN {TABLE | BLOBspace-name]}] } [DEFAULT default_opts] [table-constraint-definition][,...] [column-constraint-definition][,...] [NOT NULL] [UNIQUE [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] [UNIQUE (unique-column-list) [CONSTRAINT constr-name]][,...] ) [WITH NO LOG] [IN DBspace-name] [EXTENT SIZE extent-size] [NEXT SIZE next-size] [LOCK MODE {PAGE | ROW }] DATA TYPES SERIAL CHAR(n) SMALLINT DECIMAL(m,n) FLOAT DATE INTEGER MONEY(m,n) SMALLFLOAT INTERVAL DATETIME VARCHAR TEXT BYTE CREATE OPTICAL CLUSTER [owner] cluster-name FOR table-name (blob-column-name [,...]) ON (cluster-key-column-name [,...]) [CLUSTERIZE [clustersize]] CREATE VIEW view-name [(column-list)] AS SELECT-statement [WITH CHECK OPTION] DATABASE database-name DISCONNECT {CURRENT | DEFAULT | ALL} DROP DATABASE database-name DROP INDEX index-name DROP OPTICAL CLUSTERED [owner] cluster-name DROP PROCEDURE procedure-name DROP SYNONYM synonym-name DROP TABLE table-name DROP VIEW view-name Use space bar, arrow keys, or type number to make selection. Enter CTRL L, CTRL K, CTRL J, CTRL H, or type number to make selection. Enter 'e' to return to previous menu or exit. Enter carriage return to execute selection: %2d Warning: Statement uses Informix extension to ANSI/ISO SQL syntax. Error in line %d Near character position %d yes no Invalid choice "%s" is not a hexadecimal value. ENTER PASSWORD: The DBSPACE option displays a list of Dbspaces in the the current database and prompts you to make a selection. Information regarding the selected Dbspace is displayed. The NLS option displays information about the current database's NLS environment. The Procedure option displays a list of stored procedures in the current database and prompts you to make a selection. The text of the stored procedure is displayed. The Database option displays a list of the available databases and prompts you to select one to be the current database. The Exit options exits Database Info Menu and returns to the Database Menu. The SELECT Screen displays a list of available stored procedures from the current database and prompts you to select one. Highlight or type the name of the stored procedure you want displayed and press RETURN. SELECT PROCEDURE >> Select a procedure with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. The Info option allows you to locate information about the current database and select a new database. If there isn't a current database then a list of databases will be displayed and you will be prompted to make a selection. Dbspace Idx/Tbl name Dbspace Expression The CONSTRAINTS FOR TABLE Screen provides a list of available tables and prompts you to make a selection. Highlight or type the name of the table and press RETURN. You will see the CONSTRAINTS Menu with the Reference, Primary key, Unique, Check, Defaults, and Exit options next. CONSTRAINTS FOR TABLE >> Choose a table with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. The Primary option displays the primary constraint associated with the table. The Unique option displays the unique constraints associated with the table. ALTER ROWIDS Menu. The ALTER ROWIDS Menu is used to add or drop the rowid column from a fragmented table. A table must be fragmented in order to use this option. Select ADD, DROP an press RETURN. The ALTER ROWIDS Menu displays 4 options: ADD Enables rowids for a fragmented table. DROP Drop rowids from a fragmented table. NONE Discard a previously selected ADD or DROP. EXIT Exit the ALTER ROWIDS Menu. DROP ROWIDS Menu. The DROP ROWIDS Menu is used to drop rowids for the table. The DROP ROWIDS Menu displays 2 options: YES Drop rowids for the table. NO Do not drop rowids for the table. The Fragments option displays the fragmentation strategy for a table. If the table is fragmented with a round robin fragmentation strategy, the DBspaces that make up the strategy will be displayed in the order of the definition. Likewise for a table fragmented by expression, the DBspaces and expressions will be displayed in the order specified in the definition. The CONSTRAINTS menu guides you through the steps to display default values, primary, unique, and check constraints and displays the reference menu. Column name Type Value The Session option allows you to display information about the current DB-Access session. Session information includes information about the server, the server's capabilities and if NLS is enabled, the NLS capabilities and attributes. SE OnLine Server Multi-threaded No server. Connected to host No connection. NLS RDA gateway NLS Capabilities and Attributes Multiple collating sequences Language Collating Sequence CType Multiple languages Multiple bytes The LOG Menu is used for selecting the type of database transaction logging. The LOG Menu displays five options: None No transaction logging. Log Unbuffered transaction logging. Buffered_log Buffered transaction logging. log_Mode_ansi ANSI compliant database with unbuffered transaction logging. Exit Leaves the LOG Menu. EXIT menu. The EXIT Menu is used to exit the CREATE DATABASE Menu. The EXIT Menu displays two options: Create-new-database Creates new database and returns to the DATABASE Menu. Discard-new-database Returns to the DATABASE Menu without creating a new database. CREATE DATABASE Menu. The CREATE DATABASE Menu has three options: Log Activate or deactivate transaction logging and specify the transaction log pathname, if logging has been enabled. Mode_ansi Create an ANSI-compliant database. This includes mandatory unbuffered logging. Exit Leaves the CREATE DATABASE Menu. EXIT The EXIT option exits the LOG Menu and returns to the CREATE DATABASE ACTIVATE LOGGING Menu The ACTIVATE LOGGING Menu is used activate or deactivate transaction logging. The ACTIVATE LOGGING Menu has two options: No Do not activate transaction logging. Yes Activate transaction logging. The ACTIVATE MODE ANSI Menu. The ACTIVATE MODE ANSI Menu is used to create an ANSI compliant database with unbuffered transaction logging. There are two options: No Do not create an ANSI compliant database. Yes Create an ANSI compliant database. The SELECT DBSPACE Screen displays a list of available DBspaces and prompts you to select the one you want. Highlight or type the name of the DBspace you want and press RETURN. SELECT DBSPACE >> Select a DBspace with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. EXTENT SIZE >> Specify initial extent size in kilobytes. NEXT SIZE >> Specify next extent size in kilobytes. The PASSWORD Screen allows you to enter the password associated with the user identifier you've already entered. If both are valid, this will allow you to connect to the target server you've specified. You will not be able to see the password as you enter it. PASSWORD >> Enter the password associated with the user identifier. The Extent size option allows the user to specify the number of kilobytes in the initial extent containing table-name and its indexes. The default extent size is 8 pages and the minimum size is 4 pages. If you specify an extent size smaller than the minimum size, INFORMIX-OnLine implements the minimum size. The Lock mode option allows the user to specify if locking is done at the page level (the default) or at row level. The Exit option exits the Table_options menu. The Page option locks an entire page. The Row option locks a single row at a time. The Exit option exits the Lock mode menu. CREATE TABLE Menu. The CREATE TABLE Menu is used to make changes to a table schema. The CREATE TABLE Menu displays seven options: Add Adds new column definitions to the table schema. Modify Changes existing column definitions. Drop Removes a column definition. Screen Displays the next page of the table. Table_options Dbspace, Extent size, Next size and Lock mode options. Constraints Primary, Foreign, Check, Unique and Default options. Exit Leaves the CREATE TABLE Menu. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: a for Add, m for Modify, d for drop, s for Screen, t for Table_options, c for Constraints or or e for Exit. Use the Screen option to display other pages of the schema. If you have only one page, the Screen option will not do anything. If you have more than one page, the Screen option will display the next page. When you reach the last page of the schema, select the Screen option to cycle back to the first page. The "Page x of y" message on the fourth line of the screen tells you how many pages the schema contains and which is the current page. QUIT Select the Exit option to leave the CREATE TABLE Menu and return to the TABLE Menu. ALTER TABLE Menu. The ALTER TABLE Menu is used to make changes to a table schema. The ALTER TABLE Menu displays seven options: Add Adds new column definitions to the table schema. Modify Changes existing column definitions. Drop Removes a column definition. Screen Displays the next page of the table. Table_options Extent size, Next size and Lock mode options. Constraints Primary, Foreign, Check, Unique and Default options. Exit Leaves the ALTER TABLE Menu. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: a for Add, m for Modify, d for drop, s for Screen, t for Table_options, c for Constraints or e for Exit. Use the Screen option to display other pages of the schema. If you have only one page, the Screen option will not do anything. If you have more than one page, the Screen option will display the next page. When you reach the last page of the schema, select the Screen option to cycle back to the first page. The "Page x of y" message on the fourth line of the screen tells you how many pages the schema contains and which is the current page. QUIT Select the Exit option to leave the ALTER TABLE Menu and return to the TABLE Menu. A Table_option has already been altered. The initial extent size cannot be changed when altering a table. The user cannot change the DBspace name when altering an existing table. Illegal serial length has been used. Invalid delimiter. Do not use '\\' or hex digits. Incorrectly formed hexadecimal value. Value must be greater than zero. Trigger (%s) not found. Cannot create MODE ANSI database without specifying transaction log pathname. Data is unavailable, cannot open database sysmaster. Syntax not support by DB-Access. USING clause unsupported. DB-Access will prompt you for a password. The Nulls field for Serial columns cannot be changed. INTERRUPT displays the CREATE/ALTER Menu. ARROW keys move the highlight. ALTER/MODIFY NULL Column for SERIAL fields. A SERIAL field cannot have NULL data. A valid integer value must be assigned. The References option displays information about the user's reference privileges for the table you are working with. User Column References The Close option will close the current database. Database Closed The ADD LOG PATHNAME Screen allows you to enter the full pathname where you would like to store the log. ADD LOG PATHNAME >> Enter the pathname for the log. The Dbspace option displays a list of the available DBspaces and prompts you to select one in which to store the table's data. Constraint name Value Constraint name Child Table Foreign Key Primary Key The Trigger option displays a list of triggers in the current table and prompts you to make a selection. The TRIGGER INFO Menu allows you to view the header and body of the selected trigger. INFO FOR TRIGGER >> Choose a trigger with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. DRDA gateway Server Capabilities Distributed XA No NLS capabilities. Displays the REFERENCE Menu which has two options, Referencing and Referenced. The Referencing option displays the foreign keys of the current table and whether cascading deletes are enabled. The Referenced option displays all other tables and their columns which have columns in the current table as foreign keys and whether cascading deletes are enabled. The Check option displays the check constraints associated with the table. The Default option displays the default type. If the default type is literal, the value is also displayed. The Exit option exits the CONSTRAINTS menu and returns to the INFO menu. The CONNECTION Menu allows you to connect or disconnect from a database environment. The CONNECTION Menu displays three options: Connect Connect to a database environment. A list of available database servers will be displayed and you will be prompted to make a selection. After selecting a database server you will be prompted to select a database. Disconnect Disconnect from a database environment. This will disconnect you from the current database server and close the database. Exit Returns to the DB-Access Menu. Disconnect from current connection. The SELECT DATABASE SERVER Screen displays a list of available Database Servers and prompts you to select a database server. Highlight or type the name of the server and press RETURN. Constraint Name Referenced Column Referencing Table Referencing Column CD Constraint Name Referencing Column Referenced Table Referenced Column CD Constraint Name Column Name Number of When Id Name Chunks Created Mirror The MODIFY LOG PATHNAME Screen allows you to enter the full pathname where you would like to store the log. MODIFY LOG PATHNAME >> Enter the pathname for the log. REFERENCE Menu. The REFERENCE Menu has three options: Referencing Displays the foreign keys of the current table. Foreign key information includes the referencing columns of the current table, the referenced table and it's columns, and whether cascading deletes are enabled. Referenced Displays other tables and their columns which have columns in the current table as foreign keys and whether cascading deletes are enabled. Exit Leaves the REFERENCE Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. SELECT DATABASE SERVER >> Select a server with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. as with user Connected. Disconnected. CREATE DATABASE Menu. The CREATE DATABASE Menu has three options: Dbspace Select a DBspace for storing the databases's data. Log Specify the type of transaction logging. Exit Leaves the CREATE DATABASE Menu. The DISCONNECT Menu allows you to disconnect from the current database environment. The DISCONNECT Menu displays two options: Yes Disconnect from the current database environment. No Do not disconnect from the current database environment. Does not support NLS. The Connect option displays list of available database servers and prompts you to make a selection. After selecting a database server you will be prompted to select a database. The Disconnect option will disconnect the current database server and close the database. The Exit option leaves the Connection Menu and returns to the DB-Access Main Menu. %d to %d of Literal User Current Null Today Server DBSERVERNAME The Storage option allows you to specify which DBspace will be used to store the table's records or define a fragmentation strategy for storing the table's records. STORAGE Menu. The STORAGE Menu is used to specify where the table's data is to be stored. The STORAGE Menu displays three options: Dbspace Display a list of available DBspaces and prompt for a selection. Fragment Define a fragmentation strategy. Exit Leave the STORAGE Menu. FRAGMENT Menu. The FRAGMENT Menu is used to define the fragmentation strategy. The FRAGMENT Menu displays four options: Round robin Select and define a round robin strategy for fragmentation. Expression Select and define an expression strategy for fragmentation. Rowids Enable rowids for the table. Exit Leave the FRAGMENT Menu. ROUND ROBIN Menu The ROUND ROBIN Menu is used to define the round robin fragmentation strategy used to determine where the table's data is to be stored. The ROUND ROBIN Menu displays five options: ADD Add a new DBspace to the round robin strategy. MODIFY Modify an existing strategy definition. DROP Drop the highlighted DBspace from the existing strategy. SCREEN Display the next page of the strategy. EXIT Leave the ROUND ROBIN Menu. EXPRESSION Menu. The EXPRESSION Menu is used to define the expression fragmentation strategy used to determine where the table's data is to be stored. The EXPRESSION Menu displays five options: ADD Add a new expression to the strategy. You will be brought to the SELECT DBSPACE Screen to select a DBspace from the current Online server. You will be brought to the EDIT EXPRESSION Menu to define an expression. MODIFY Modify an existing strategy definition. You will be brought to the EDIT EXPRESSION Menu to modify an expression. DROP Drop the highlighted expression from the existing strategy. SCREEN Display the next page of the strategy. EXIT Leave the EXPRESSION Menu. The SELECT DBSPACE Screen displays a list of DBspaces from the current Online Server and prompts you to select one. EDIT EXPRESSION Menu. The EDIT EXPRESSION Menu is used to define the expression used when determining where a record will be stored using the SQL Editor. The EDIT EXPRESSION Menu displays four options: NEW Enter a new expression using the SQL Editor. MODIFY Modify the current expression using the SQL Editor. Use-Editor Modify the current expression using a system editor. Exit Leave the EXPRESSION Menu. The Fragment option displays the ALTER FRAGMENT Menu which guides you through the steps necessary to make one change to an existing fragmentation strategy or define and initialize an entire strategy. ALTER FRAGMENT MENU. The ALTER FRAGMENT Menu is used to alter the round robin fragmentation strategy for where the table's data is to be stored. Only one operation can be performed during an ALTER FRAGMENT session. The ALTER FRAGMENT Menu displays seven options: ADD Add one new DBspace to the end of the list. DROP Drop the highlighted DBspace from the esxisting strategy. SCREEN Display the next page of the strategy. INIT Define a new fragmentation strategy, discard the current strategy and initialize. ATTACH Attach one or more tables onto the current table. DETACH Detach records from the current table from a specific DBspace and create a new table with those records. EXIT Leave the ALTER FRAGMENT Menu. The SELECT ATTACHING TABLE Screen displays a list of available tables and prompts you to select one from which its records will be attached to the current table. A new fragment is added to the strategy as a result of attaching a table. Highlight or type the table name you want to press RETURN. The SELECT DBSPACE Screen displays a list of DBspaces from the current table's strategy and prompts you to select the one you want to position the new fragment BEFORE or AFTER. The DETACH DBSPACE Screen displays a list of DBspaces from the current table's strategy and prompts you to select the one you want records copied from into a new table. You will then be prompted for the new table name. The NEW TABLE Screen prompts you to enter the name you want assigned to the new table. This table will store the records from the DBspace you previously selected through the DETACH DBSPACE Screen. ALTER FRAGMENT Menu. The ALTER FRAGMENT Menu is used to alter the expression fragmentation strategy for where the table's data is to be stored. The Alter FRAGMENT Menu displays seven options: ADD Add a new expression to the strategy. MODIFY Modify an existing strategy definition. DROP Drop the highlighted expression from the existing strategy. SCREEN Display the next page of the strategy. INIT Define a new fragmentation strategy, discard the current strategy and initialize. ATTACH Attach one or more tables onto the current table. DETACH Detach records from the current table from a specific DBspace and create a new table with those records. EXIT Leave the ALTER FRAGMENT Menu. ALTER FRAGMENT Menu. The ALTER FRAGMENT Menu is used to alter the expression fragmentation strategy for where the table's data is to be stored. The ALTER FRAGMENT Menu displays three options: INIT Define a new fragmentation strategy, discard the current strategy and initialize. ATTACH Attach one or more tables onto the current table. EXIT Leave the ALTER FRAGMENT Menu. SELECT ATTACHING TABLE >> Select a table with the Arrow Keys, or enter the name, then press Return. DETACH DBSPACE >> Select a DBspace with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press Return. NEW TABLE >> Enter the name you want assigned to the new table, then press Return. Dbspace Name ATTACH TABLES - Round Robin Menu. The ATTACH TABLES - Round Robin Menu is used to attach one or more tables ot an existing expression fragmentation strategy. The ATTACH TABLES - Round Robin Menu displays five options: ADD Add an attaching table and expression to the expression strat- egy. MODIFY Modify an existing strategy definition. DROP Drop the highlighted table and expression from the existing list of attaching tables. SCREEN Display the next page of attaching tables. EXIT Leave the ATTACH TABLES - Round Robin Menu. ATTACH TABLES - Expression Menu. The ATTACH TABLES - Expression Menu is used to attach one or more tables ot an existing expression fragmentation strategy. The ATTACH TABLES - Expression Menu displays five options: ADD Add an attaching table and expression to the expression strat- egy. MODIFY Modify an existing strategy definition. DROP Drop the highlighted table and expression from the existing list of attaching tables. SCREEN Display the next page of attaching tables. EXIT Leave the ATTACH TABLES - Expression Menu. DEFINE ATTACH POSITION Menu The DEFINE ATTACH POSITION Menu is used to define an attaching position for the table you are attaching to the current expression strategy. Select BEFORE , AFTER or NONE and press Return. The DEFINE ATTACH POSITION Menu displays 3 options: BEFORE Position the new fragment before the selected DBspace. Brings you into the SELECT DBSPACE Screen to select a DBspace. AFTER Position the new fragment after the selected DBspace. brings you into the SELECT DBSPACE Screen to select a DBspace. NONE Position the new fragment in the default position, which is the last position. Returns you to the ATTACH TABLES - Expression menu. FRAGMENT Menu. The FRAGMENT Menu is used to create a new fragmentation strategy using attaching tables. The FRAGMENT Menu displays three options: Round robin Select and define a round robin strategy for fragmentation. Expression Select and define an expression strategy for fragmentation. Exit Leave the FRAGMENT Menu. FRAGMENT Menu. The FRAGMENT Menu is used to initialize a new fragmentation strategy. The FRAGMENT Menu displays five options: Round robin Select and define a round robin strategy for fragmentation. Expression Select and define an expression strategy for fragmentation. Dbspace Select a DBspace to move all records in the current strategy into or move a non-fragmented table to a new DBspace. Rowids Enable rowids for the table. Exit Leave the FRAGMENT Menu. The Rowids option allows you to add the Rowids column to a table during a create or an alter of a fragmented table. ADD ROWIDS Menu. The ADD ROWIDS Menu is used to enable rowids for the table. The ADD ROWIDS Menu displays 2 options: YES Enable rowids for the table. NO Do not enable rowids for the table. Unknown error number %d.