i3J8 J9 !J: 9J; UJ< qJ=& J> J? J@ JA JB JC) JD HJE iJF {JG JH JIS"JJvJKw'JL+JM=JN> JOrHJPiJQK%JR2qJS+JT&JU.JV&&JWMJX"iJY"JZJ[J\J]J^J_2J`MJa.hJbJc,Jd Je Jf5Jg@;Jh(|Ji+Jj+Jk*Jl,(Jm+UJn(Jo$Jp-Jq+Jr-)Js,WJtJu*Jv)Jw,Jx%Jy @JzMJ{eJ|!}J}J~JJJJJ!3JUJnJJJ!JJJJ/5J9eJJ5J$J/J%DJjJ.J$JJJJ0J7LJ4JJ6JJ,J6DJ;{J,J8JJ,6J5cJ4JDJ0J DJ eJsJJCJ6JJ$+JPJdJ|JJJ7J J "J! <J2 ^J J0 J J J!JF!J2!eJ1!JH!J'"J&";J4"bJ;"J"J7"J#&J#AJ#WJ#uJ+#J.#J%#J$J$$J$7J $HJ($TJ($}J $J$J"$J %J % J:%J%RJ%ZJ%wJ%J%J %J %J %J%J%J %J %J &J &J &#J &1J&?J&OJ &`J &mJ &{J &J&J&J &J &J &J &J &J &J 'J 'J 'J'*R';R 'MR'[R'jR'pR'R'R'R'R'R'R'R(R(R ('R(5R (DR!(QR(sR(R$(R(R(R(R(R(R(R)R) R)R)R);R)CR)KR)`R)uR)}R)R)R)R)R)R*R*R *R *R*$R*9S*AS*XS*pS*S*S*S*S*S +S #+(S +LS +]S +oS +S)+S-+S+S3,SE,RS6,S>,S&-SA-5SO-wS--S8-S ..SH.OS#.S2.S".S/S -/&S!;/TS"</S#(/S$8/S%0/S&0ES'0YS(+0tS)0S*0S+ 0S,30S-1S.1:S/+1TS0A1S1M1S22S320<2P=2i>2?2@2A 2B!2 No permissions for user %s. No table or view %s. No synonyms for user %s. Memory Allocation Error. Could not open file %s. Error with read, returns errno = %d MAGIC NUMBER = %d MESSAGE CNT = %d MESSAGE NUMBER = %d MESSAGE LENGTH = %d MESSAGE OFFSET = %ld Usage: dbmsg fname [bmsgnum] [emsgnum] OPEN LOG returns iserrno = %d Program over. SOMETHING UNEXPECTED USAGE: selog logfile [-v] [-l] [-d bdate edate] [-t btime etime] [-u user] [-f unixfilename] [-r brecloc erecloc] [-h num] -v verbose option, tells everything in log file except record images. -d bdate is beginning date and edate is ending date, gives transaction within the two dates. Defaults to today if time option is given. -t btime is beginning time and etime is ending time, gives transaction within the two times. -l print location information. -u gives transaction for a particular user only. -f unix file name of db table to use as a filter. -r brecloc is beginning record location and erecloc is ending record location to print. -h num is the frequency with which header lines will be printed in the output. dbschema [-t tabname] [-s user] [-p user] [-r rolename] [-f procname] -t table name or \"all\" for all tables -s synonyms created by user name or \"all\" for all users -p permissions granted to user name or \"all\" for all users -d database name filename is the name of file that the SQL script goes in. {%s is the grantor} {no grantor for a view} {%s is owner of view %s} {%s is owner of synonym %s} {%s is owner of table %s} {%s is owner of index %s} %s depends on the following table(s)/view(s): %s is a base table %s has the following view(s) based upon it: %s has no view(s) based upon it BREAKDOWN: %s has the following view(s) directly based upon it: dbdepend [-v vname | -b bname] [-s] -d dbname [filename] -v vname is a name of a view. DBDEPEND will give all of the permanent tables and/or other views that vname depends on. -b bname is a name of a permanent table or of a view. DBDEPEND will give all of the views that depends on bname. -s just give the tables/views that vname directly depends on, or that depends directly on bname. do not recursively go down the dependency tree. -d dbname is the database name. filename is the name of the file that DBDEPEND will output the info to. CONCLUSION: CHECKING BASE TABLE %s CHECKING VIEW TABLE %s isopen(%s, AUTO+IN) returns %d isindexinfo on %s returns %d Row size inconsistency: systables rowsize = %d isam file has = %d syscolumns entries = %d Row size consistent: Number of indexes inconsistency: systables nindexes = %d sysindexes entries = %d number of indexes consistent isclose on %s returns %d Number of columns inconsistency: systables ncols = %d number of columns consistent No circular permission chain Usage: dbcheck dbname [tablename] [filename] if filename not given, output is sent to screen PERMISSIONS for table %s grantor = %s, grantee = %s is part of circular chain A bad log record was encountered. Date given in option is bad, error code = %d Error with lseek, returns errno %d Cannot get system user name User must be INFORMIX or have DBA permission Tape size or block size is missing Path name too long Cannot make export directory Cannot create SQL script file Cannot create unload file Usage: dbexport [-X] [-c] [-q] [-d] [-ss] [{ -o | -t -b -s [-f ] }] NOTE: arguments to dbexport are order independent. Cannot open sql script file Cannot open load file Load file has different number of columns than table Usage: dbimport [-X] [-c] [-q] [-d ] [-l [{ buffered | }] [-ansi]] [{ -i | -t [ -b -s ] [-f ] }] NOTE: must be a complete path arguments to dbimport are order independent { TABLE %s row size = %ld number of columns = %d } { TABLE %s row size = %ld number of columns = %d index size = %d } { unload file name = %s number of rows = %ld } { DATABASE %s delimiter %c } { VIEW %s } dbexport completed dbimport completed { DATABASE %s tape# %d delimiter %c block size %ld tape size %ld} Can not write data to disk and tape at the same time Cannot open tape %d errors occurred during DBEXPORT Write tape failed *** end of export *** *** end of dbexport *** Read tape failed Performing %s on database %s Please mount the tape and press return to continue ... Interrupt signal received ... This %s is now invalid. Unable to open the tape device. This tape is tape number %d in this %s sequence. Please label the tape. Please mount the next tape and press return ... *** load table *** *** end of table *** Wrong tape number %d Header size error, block size should be %dK, tape size should be %dK Please mount tape number %d and press return ... WARNING: the database is in inconsistent state. Invalid serial number. Please consult the Installation Instructions. Block size must be a positive integer Tape size must be a positive integer Block size must be less than or equal to tape size Invalid directory name or it was specified more than once Database name is missing Block size or tape size must be multiple of page size Directory does not exist No tape device name Subdirectory already exists Sql file already exists Wrong tape format. -f option is required. Wrong tape format. -f option is not allowed. DBCHECK Database Consistency Utility key.k_nparts = %hd key.k_flags = %hd key.k_len = %hd key.k_part key.k_part: kp_start kp_leng kp_type -------- ------- ------- CHECKING PERMISSION CYCLE ON %s DBDEPEND View Utility DBDEPEND Table Dependency Utility database begin work Disk space full. Cannot write to file. Dbexport aborted. export Cannot create message file open userscur fetch userscur close userscur open alltab fetch alltab close alltab fetch allview close allview open idxcur fetch idxcur close idxcur open keycur fetch keycur close keycur prepare idxobj describe idxobj open colcur fetch colcur close colcur open viewcur fetch viewcur close viewcur open syncur fetch syncur close syncur open tacur fetch tacur close tacur open cacur fetch cacur close cacur prepare unldobj describe unldobj open unldcur close unldcur YyNn Do you want to abort? create database prepare sqlobj execute sqlobj prepare locktable execute locktable prepare unlocktab execute unlocktab prepare loadobj execute loadobj open loadcur close loadcur put loadcur DBSCHEMA Database Schema Utility DBSCHEMA Schema Utility Table %s not found. DBLOG: Transaction Log File Display BEGWORK ROLWORK COMWORK BUILD ERASE ISAM File = %s CINDEX DINDEX CLUSTER ISAM File Descriptor = %d DELETE INSERT Record Number = %ld Record Image: UPDATE Length Of Data Row = %d Pre-Image: Post-Image: SVPOINT Save Point Number = %d Save Point Record Size = %d FOPEN FCLOSE SETUNIQID UNIQUEID Unique Id = %d RENAME Old Filename = %s New Filename = %s Transaction Id Number = %d User Id = %d---%s Length Of Log Record = %d Transaction Time = %s Location Prev Loc Pr Ln -------- -------- ----- ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ID ==> %d COMMIT WORK TRANSACTION ID ==> %d Row Length = %d Build Mode = %#x Rename from Import data is corrupted! The -ansi option requires the -l option Tape ID does not match; please check label. Unable to open BLOB file %s. Buffered logging not permitted with -ansi option. Invalid delimiter; Don't use '\\', SPACE or HEX or Multibyte chars. Invalid tape header; This may not be an import tape! Unable to open tape device [error=%d]; Check tape and retry. { Encoded Optical BLOB descriptor } TY Trx ID User User Name Date/Time Lngth FD Recno Filename -- ------ ---- ---------- -------------- ----- -- ----- ---------------------- %2s %6d %4d %10s %6d %15s %8d %8ld %8ld TY TransID User ISFD Filename Date TYPE USER TXID DATE iserrno = %d errno = %d iserrio = %d isstat1 = %c isstat2 = %c -f stored procedure name or \"all\" for all stored procedures Illegal Stored Procedure Entry. No procedure %s. -ss generate server specific syntax -hd Histograms of the distribution for columns of of a specified table, a specific table column, or \"all\" for all tables. [-hd tabname] -d dbname [-ss] [filename] Distribution for %s Constructed on %s High Mode, %f Resolution Medium Mode, %f Resolution, %f Confidence --- DISTRIBUTION --- --- OVERFLOW --- Invalid distribution for %s Database has pseudo tables - can't build schema. Error fetching data row. Float conversion error. -r create and grant of the role or \"all\" for all roles :Not a valid option for SE File size limit exceeded. Please increase hard resource limit using ulimit. Could not get resource limit. Could not set resource limit. Could not free sqlobj. Could not free lktab. Could not free ulktab. Could not free unldobj. Could not free unldcur. WARNING Could not set lock mode to wait