iG1,G.G4GDG<FHIHJH-HK7HH*H6H 'H S>H AH ?H@{HK/HIHEHHVH&/H" H- H0 H> nH% HH- H H; H0 HB PH : H#, H% H&D H'0 [H(F H-D H.C H/8 RH28 H3F H5M H\/ TH]" 1H^ H_ H`Hd ^]m}y\Y\SSJJO)1. 0<.mM'464kZ0?,l?C4x >YbB|G!%-*JXM.2.9a116NNVG` b n R R7 6 n            ! "!# !$!%!&!'!*( !1)!;* !C+!N,!T-!]. !d/!n0 !w1!2 !3 !4 !5!6 !9!:!;!< !=!>!?!@"A"B"C"D""H<"&I "cJ"qK"tL"xM"N"O"P"Q"U "V"W"X"Y"Z"["\"]"^"_"`"a"b#c#dC# gR#NhT#i#j#k$l$m$n$o $#p $1q$?r$Bs $Ft$Tu$Wv $[w$gx$ky $oz${{$~| $}$~$ $$$ $$$$$$$$$!$Not enough available memory %s. Cannot find Help number %d. Cannot read Help file "%s". Error number %d. The name you entered is too long. You may not use a SQL reserved word as a name. You may not change a column containing non-CHARACTER data to type CHARACTER. A database or file of the same name exists already in this directory. This column is indexed and its length cannot exceed %d. The length must be a positive integer not exceeding %d. The scale must be a non-negative integer not exceeding the length. Syntax error - you may have used a SQL reserved word as a name. Could not add index on column "%-.10s" - duplicate values were found. Could not add index on column "%s" - error %ld. Cannot convert from type "%-.9s" to type "%-.9s" in column "%-.8s". Not enough memory %s. First serial number must be greater than 0. Cannot delete index for column "%-.18s" error number %ld. Cannot open file "%.15s" for reading. Please check the spelling. Cannot exclusively open database table "%.35s". Cannot load row %ld--duplicate value in an indexed column. Cannot load row %ld--%s. Cannot open file "%.20s" for writing--%.20s. Row %ld in file "%.20s" is too long. Row %ld in file "%.20s" has an incorrect number of columns. Row %ld in file "%.20s" has no linefeed at end. Cannot start to read database table "%.25s". Cannot write row %ld to file--%s. Cannot confirm number of rows loaded. Cannot specify current as default value with non-datetime column type. Cannot specify null default value when column doesn't accept nulls. Cannot specify server or site as a default value with this column type. Cannot specify server or site as a default value with this column length. Cannot specify today as a default value with this column type. Cannot specify user as a default value with this column type. Cannot specify user as a default value with this column length. Cannot create unique or primary key constraint with column type of BYTE or TEXT. Column not found in referenced table. Number of columns in composite list exceeds maximum. You cannot modify an existing constraint. Column not in this table. To drop an existing constraint, the current field must be constraint name. You have exceeded the temporary buffer size. You must first delete the unique constraint(s) that refer to this column. The fill factor percentage must be a positive integer not exceeding 100. Dbspace has already been selected as part of the strategy. Table has already been selected as part of the attaching strategy. An Alter Fragment Option has already been altered. Dbspace is not part of the current strategy. A Dbspace is required if a Position is defined. Running . . . There is no database with the name you specified. Do you want to create a new database now? Database created. WARNING: Removing a database will erase all of the tables in the database as well as the data contained in them. WARNING: Removing a table will erase all of the data contained in it and remove its description from the database. Database removed. Table removed. ADD STORAGE PATH >> Enter full path and file name in which to store the database table. MODIFY STORAGE PATH >> Enter full path and file name in which to store the database table. DATABASE >> Choose database with ARROW keys or enter database name. Press RETURN. TABLE >> Choose table with ARROW keys or enter table name. Press RETURN. Name must start with a letter or "_" and contain letters, digits or "_" . Press CTRL-W for Help Preparing to define and build the table. Choose a database before selecting this command. Choose a table before selecting this command. Could not open or read message file - error %d. Build a schema before selecting this command. Page %d of %d Please wait ... SPACE bar moves highlight to next option, RETURN selects highlighted option. The following databases are available: The following tables in the database are available: The type of your terminal is unknown to the system. COLUMN NAME >> Enter column name. RETURN adds it. INTERRUPT returns to CREATE/ALTER menu. LENGTH >> Enter column length. RETURN adds it. STARTING NUMBER >> Enter the starting number. RETURN adds it. This entry depends on one to the left and cannot be changed. INTERRUPT displays the CREATE/ALTER Menu. ARROW keys move the highlight. COLUMN DELIMITER >> Enter one character and then press RETURN. FILENAME >> Enter the name of the copy file and then press RETURN. You may not change the Serial start value of an existing table. INTERRUPT displays the CREATE/ALTER Menu. ARROW keys move the highlight. ADD Command aborted A CHAR or VARCHAR column longer than %d cannot have an index. MODIFY Creating database files. Any data in this column will be lost when you select Exit, Build. Any data in this column will be truncated when you select Exit, Build. Changing database files. No Yes FLOAT values are implemented as DECIMAL(16). This database includes some full-Informix features and cannot be changed. There is a column with this name; it's data will be copied into this column. Index MAXIMUM LENGTH >> Enter maximum length of data from 1 to 255. RETURN adds it. MINIMUM SPACE >> Enter amount of space to reserve for each item from 0 to max length. SELECT BLOBSPACE >> Select a BLOBspace with the Arrow Keys, or enter a name, then press RETURN. That name is already used for another column. Add columns to the schema before selecting Build. The highlight must be on a value when you select Modify. There's already another column with type Serial. SMALLFLOAT values are implemented as DECIMAL(8). The row size cannot exceed %d. to begin table design to build SQL statement in the SQL process Unassigned to insert a column SCALE >> Enter the number of digits to the right of the decimal. RETURN adds it. Unique Dups SCRIPT FILENAME >> Enter the name of the file you wish the sql script to go into. The highlight must be on a value when you select Drop. Press return to continue. File name is too long. Cannot modify type to serial. Column Name 0 19 Type 19 12 Length 31 25 Index 56 8 Nulls 64 11 first TO last Year TO Year Month TO Month Day TO Day Hour TO Hour Minute TO Minute Second TO Second Fraction TO Fraction first(n) TO last TO last Constraint Name 0 20 Column Name 20 19 Constraint Name 0 20 Value 20 40 CONSTRAINT NAME >> Enter a constraint name. RETURN adds it. Column Name 0 19 Type 19 9 Value 28 32 Constraint 1 19 Referencing Column 20 19 Referenced Table 39 19 Referenced Column 58 19 CD 77 2 REFERENCED TABLE >> Enter referenced table name. RETURN adds it. ADD FILL FACTOR PERCENTAGE >> Enter the fill factor percentage. RETURN adds it. MODIFY FILL FACTOR PERCENTAGE >> Enter the fill factor percentage. RETURN adds it. Literal User Current Null Today Server DBSERVERNAME Dbspace Name 0 19 Dbspace Name 0 20 Expression 20 50 Table Name 0 37 Table Name 0 37 Expression 37 11 Position 49 8 Dbspace 58 20 BEFORE AFTER Altering table definition. Altering fragmentation strategy.