6[NCREATE TABLEAddAAdds columns to the table above the line with the highlight.ModifyMModify the column definitions.DropDDrop the highlighted column from the table.ScreenSDisplays the next screen of the table.sTorageTEnter full path in which to store the database table.ConstraintsCPrimary, foreign, check, unique and defaults menus.ExitELeave the CREATE/ALTER TABLE Menu.@._omdeftypecomms@n2_sadeftypecommsB_smdeftypecommsD2_adfltvalcommsE_mdfltvalcommsF _ucdelcommsG _undelcommsH _yneditcommsI(Z _strgcommsI _frgmtcommsJ" _rndrbcomms Kx _exprcomms LL _edexcommsM$ _arndrbcomms O _aexprcommsP> _anostrgcommsS* _atabrcomms Sx _atabecomms UZx _dattcomms V" _afrgmtacommsW _afrgmticommsXD _alrowidcommsZ _adrowidcommsZf _drrowidcomms[Hb