iLG 0lA)0g33;3>"D"KEkR^Xgp_v]qDy0B "!I 11$a!@-&<]qm}Hm 21_Eoѥ 5FOMޖ]Bc>+4 7=    [|7 vm  Q4CREATE NEW DATABASE Menu. The CREATE NEW DATABASE Menu presents two options: Yes Creates the specified database and its system catalogs. No Does not create the specified database. PROCEDURE: Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you select the Yes option, INFORMIX-SQL creates the database you specified and displays the TABLE screen. If you select the No option, INFORMIX-SQL displays the CREATE TABLE Menu without creating the new database. QUIT: Press DEL (on UNIX systems) or CTRL-C (on DOS systems) to return to the TABLE Menu without creating the new database. DATABASE screen. The DATABASE screen lets you: Select an existing database. Create a new database. PROCEDURE: Select an existing database: Use the ARROW keys to move the highlight over the database name you want to select. Press RETURN. You can also enter the name of the database you want after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. INFORMIX-SQL displays the TABLE screen. Create a new database: Enter the name of the new database after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen. Press RETURN. INFORMIX-SQL displays the CREATE NEW DATABASE Menu. QUIT: Press DEL (on UNIX systems) or CTRL-C (on DOS systems) to display the INFORMIX-SQL Menu without selecting or creating a database. NOTES: A database name must begin with a letter. It can have from 1 to 10 characters and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores (_). To use the new database, you need to choose a table name and then select the Create option from the TABLE Menu and create a schema for the new table. TABLE screen. The TABLE screen lets you: Select an existing table from the list on the screen. Name a new table. PROCEDURE: To select an existing table: Use the ARROW keys to move the highlight over the table name you want to select. Press RETURN. You can also enter the name of the table you want after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. ISED displays the ISED Menu, with the name of the table on the fourth line of the screen. To name a new table: Enter the name of the new table after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen. Press RETURN. ISED displays the ISED Menu, with the name of the table on the fourth line of the screen. QUIT: Press DEL (on UNIX systems) or CTRL-C (on DOS systems) to return to the ISED Menu without selecting or naming a table. NOTES: A table name must begin with a letter. It can have from 1 to 18 characters and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores (_). To use the new table, you need to select the Create Table option from the ISED Menu and create a schema for the new table. ADD DUPLICATES Menu. The ADD DUPLICATES Menu is used to indicate whether an indexed column will allow duplicate values. The ADD DUPLICATES Menu displays two options: Yes Permits duplicate values in this column. No Does not permit duplicate values in this column. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you select the Yes option, the schema editor enters the word "Dups" under the "Index" heading for this column. Duplicate values are allowed in the column. If you select the No option, the schema editor enters the word "Unique" under the "Index" heading for this column. Duplicate values are not allowed in the column. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD DUPLICATES Menu without specifying whether the column will be indexed. NOTES You will often want to have many rows with the same value in an indexed table column (e.g., you can have as many "Smiths" in your table as is appropriate). Select the Yes option to allow duplicates. In some cases, you may want to make sure that you do not have more than one row with the same entry in an indexed column. As an example, you might not want to have one part number appear in two inventory rows or the same social security number appear in two personnel rows. If this is the case, select the No option, and duplicates are not allowed. RESTRICTIONS Duplicate values are not allowed in a SERIAL column, so the ADD DUPLICATES Menu will not appear for a SERIAL column. The schema editor automatically enters "Unique" under the "Index" heading for a SERIAL column. ADD INDEX Menu. The ADD INDEX Menu is used to indicate whether a column is indexed. The ADD INDEX Menu displays two options: Yes Specifies that this column will have an index. No Specifies that this column will not have an index. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the Menu option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you select the Yes option, the ADD DUPLICATES Menu is displayed. If you choose the No option, no entry appears under the "Index" heading for this column. The NULLS Menu appears next. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD INDEX Menu without specifying whether the column will be indexed. NOTES In tables with more than 200 rows an index may help INFORMIX-SQL find information more quickly. In most instances an index is optional--just as you can find information in a book without looking in the index, INFORMIX-SQL can find information in a table without the use of an index. Indexes are associated with columns. You can index a last name column (if the table has a last name column), a part number column, or by any column in the table. INFORMIX-SQL allows you to have as many indexes as you need, and you can add and drop indexes as your needs change. If you are just getting started with INFORMIX-SQL and have a small table, you do not need to concern yourself with indexes; INFORMIX-SQL will work fine without them. You can add an index later if you need it. You can add indexes that permit duplicates any time. You cannot add a unique index to an existing column that contains duplicate values. RESTRICTIONS You can index any column. INFORMIX-SQL automatically provides an index for a SERIAL column, so the ADD INDEX Menu is not displayed for a SERIAL column. Columns that contain numerous identical entries (for example, yes/no data) should not be indexed. An index on a column with more than 60,000 identical entries can cause an error. ADD LENGTH Screen. The ADD LENGTH Screen is used to Enter a column length for a CHAR column or accept the default length of 20). Enter a column length (between 2 and 32) for a MONEY column or accept the default length of 16. Enter a column length (between 2 and 32) for a DECIMAL column (including FLOAT and SMALLFLOAT columns, which are implemented as DECIMAL columns), or accept the default length of 16. The column length for other types of columns is automatically set. PROCEDURE Indicate the maximum number of places you will want in this column after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen. Then press RETURN. You can also press RETURN to accept the default column length for a CHAR, MONEY, FLOAT (DECIMAL 16), or SMALLFLOAT (DECIMAL 8) column. When you specify a length and press RETURN, the schema editor moves the column length from the top line of the screen to its proper position in the schema, moves the highlight under the "Index" heading, and displays the ADD INDEX Menu. For MONEY or DECIMAL it displays the SCALE Screen. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD LENGTH Screen without indicating the column length. RESTRICTIONS A CHAR column can store from 1 to 986 characters, but if you plan to index a CHAR column, its length may not exceed 120 characters. ADD NULLS Menu. The ADD NULLS Menu is used to indicate whether a column will accept Null values. The ADD NULLS Menu displays two options: Yes Specifies that Null values are permitted in this column. No Specifies that Null values are not permitted in this column. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the Menu option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you select the Yes option, the word "Yes" appears under the "Nulls" heading for this column. The COLUMN NAME Menu appears next. If you select the Yes option, the word "No" appears under the "Nulls" heading for this column. The COLUMN NAME Menu appears next. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD NULLS Menu without specifying whether the column will allow Null values. RESTRICTIONS A SERIAL column must contain a value. INFORMIX-SQL automatically enters the word "No" under the "Nulls" heading, so the ADD NULLS Menu is not displayed for a SERIAL column. ADD NUMERIC Menu. The ADD NUMERIC Menu is used to indicate the numeric data type assigned to the column. The ADD NUMERIC Menu displays four options: Integer Stores whole numbers (no fractions or decimals) in the range -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647. Smallint Stores whole numbers (no fractions or decimals) in the range -32,767 to 32,767. Decimal Stores a number with a decimal point and up to 32 significant digits. Float Displays the ADD PRECISION Menu from which you can choose Smallfloat (implemented as DECIMAL 8) or Float (implemented as DECIMAL 16). PROCEDURE Type the first letter of the data type option you want: i for Integer, s for Smallint, d for Decimal, or F for Float. The schema editor enters the option you have selected under the "Type" heading and displays the next menu. If you choose the Integer or Smallint option, the ADD INDEX Menu is the next screen. If you choose the Decimal option, the ADD LENGTH Menu is the next screen. If you choose the Float option, the ADD PRECISION Menu is the next screen. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD NUMERIC Menu without specifying a numeric data type. ADD PRECISION Menu. The ADD PRECISION Menu is used to define a data type as Smallfloat or Float. The ADD PRECISION Menu displays two options: Smallfloat Defines the column as type DECIMAL with eight significant digits. Float Defines the column as type DECIMAL with sixteen significant digits. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: s for Smallfloat, f for Float. The schema editor enters DECIMAL under the "Type" heading and 8 or 16 under the "Length" heading. Then it displays the ADD LENGTH Screen. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD PRECISION Menu without specifying whether the column is type Float or Smallfloat. NOTES SMALLFLOAT and FLOAT numbers are implemented as DECIMAL 8 and DECIMAL 16 numbers. ADD SCALE Screen. The ADD SCALE Screen is used to enter a column scale for a DECIMAL or MONEY column, or accept the default. The default for a DECIMAL type is a floating point DECIMAL. The default for a MONEY type is a scale of 2. PROCEDURE Indicate the maximum number of digits you want to appear to the right of the decimal point. Then press RETURN. You can also press RETURN to accept the default scale. When you specify a scale and press RETURN, the schema editor moves the scale from the top line of the screen to its proper position in the schema, moves the highlight under the "Index" heading, and displays the ADD INDEX Menu. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD SCALE Screen without indicating the scale. RESTRICTIONS The scale assigned to a column cannot exceed the length of the column. ADD STARTING NUMBER Screen. The ADD STARTING NUMBER Screen is used to Enter a starting number for a SERIAL column. Accept the default starting number (1) for a SERIAL column. PROCEDURE Type the number you want as the starting number after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen. Press RETURN. You can also accept the default value of 1 (displayed under the "Length" heading) by pressing RETURN. The schema editor places the number you type under the "Length" heading. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD STARTING NUMBER Screen without selecting the starting number for the SERIAL column. RESTRICTIONS The starting number for a SERIAL column must be greater than zero. ADD TYPE Menu. The ADD TYPE Menu is used to indicate the data type of a column. The ADD TYPE Menu displays seven options: Char Stores any combination of letters, numbers, and punctuation. Numeric Stores numeric data (SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, SMALLFLOAT, and FLOAT data types). Serial Stores sequential serial numbers starting with a whole number greater than 0. Date Stores dates. Money Stores money values. date-Time Stores date-time values. Interval Stores interval values. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: c for Char, n for Numeric, s for Serial, d for Date, m for Money, t for date-Time, or i for Interval. The schema editor enters the option you have chosen under the "Type" heading or, if you select the Numeric option, displays the ADD NUMERIC Menu. If you select the Char or Money option, the ADD LENGTH Screen next appears. If you select the Numeric option, the ADD NUMERIC Menu next appears. If you select the Serial option, the ADD STARTING NUMBER Screen next appears. If you select the Date option, the ADD INDEX Menu next appears. If you select the date-Time option, the ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu next appears. If you select the Interval option, the ADD INTERVAL QUALIFIER Menu next appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD TYPE Menu without specifying a data type. NOTES A CHAR column can store any printable characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, punctuation marks, and numbers. It is possible to store all of your data as characters. But if you do not tell INFORMIX-SQL that a column, such as someone's age, is numeric, it may not be able to give you the list you want (e.g., all the people between the ages of 7 and 13). For the same reason, dates should be stored as type DATE and money should be stored as MONEY. RESTRICTIONS You can have only one SERIAL column per table. ADD NAME Screen. The ADD NAME Screen is used to enter a new column name. PROCEDURE Type the name you want for the column name after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen. If you make a mistake, use the BACKSPACE key or the left ARROW key to back up and correct it. The highlight on the schema shows you where the schema editor will place the name of the column after you enter it. Press RETURN when you are satisfied with your entry. The schema editor moves the column name from the top line of the screen to its proper position in the schema, moves the highlight under the "Type" heading, and displays the ADD TYPE Menu. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD NAME Screen without adding a new column name. When the table schema is complete position the highlight under the "Column Name" heading and press RETURN. RESTRICTIONS The column name must start with a letter and can contain up to 18 letters, digits, and underscore characters (_). MODIFY ANYWAY Menu. The MODIFY ANYWAY Menu is used to confirm that you want to make a change to the table schema. The MODIFY ANYWAY Menu displays two options: Yes Continues with the change to the data length. No Does not continue with the change. PROCEDURE If the new data length is less than the current length, INFORMIX-SQL displays the MODIFY ANYWAY Menu. A message at the bottom of the screen warns that "Any data in this column will be truncated when you select Exit, Build." If you continue with the change the new data length requires truncating the data currently in the column. Information may be lost with the change. Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you select the Yes option, the schema editor enters the new value under the "Length" heading. If you select the No option, INFORMIX-SQL keeps the old value under the "Length" heading. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY ANYWAY Menu without changing the column length. NOTES The schema editor displays the MODIFY ANYWAY Menu regardless of whether the column whose length you are decreasing contains data. The schema editor does not display the MODIFY ANYWAY screen when you increase the length of a CHAR, MONEY, or DECIMAL column because there is no chance of losing data. MODIFY DUPLICATES Menu. The MODIFY DUPLICATES Menu is used to indicate whether an indexed column will allow duplicate values. The MODIFY DUPLICATES Menu displays two options: Yes Permits duplicate values in this column. No Does not permit duplicate values in this column. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you select the Yes option, the schema editor enters the word "Dups" under the "Index" heading for this column. If you select the No option, the schema editor enters the word "Unique" under the "Index" heading for this column. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY DUPLICATES Menu without changing the Duplicates entry. NOTES To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. RESTRICTIONS The column must have an index. If it does not have an index, the schema editor displays "This entry depends on one to the left and cannot be changed." You will have to change the entry under the "Index" heading before you can change the Duplicates entry. Duplicates are not allowed in a SERIAL column. INFORMIX-SQL automatically enters "Unique" under the "Index" heading for a SERIAL column. MODIFY INDEX Menu. The MODIFY INDEX Menu is used to indicate whether a column is indexed. The MODIFY INDEX Menu displays two options: Yes Specifies that this column will have an index. No Specifies that this column will not have an index. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you choose the Yes option, the schema editor displays the MODIFY DUPLICATES Menu. If you choose the No option, the schema editor makes no entry under the "Index" heading for this column. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY INDEX Menu without changing the column entry under the "Index" heading. NOTES Any column can have an index. INFORMIX-SQL automatically provides an index for a SERIAL column so the MODIFY INDEX Menu does not appear when you move the highlight under the "Index" heading of a SERIAL column. Instead, the schema editor displays "This entry depends on one to the left and cannot be changed." If you want to remove the index, first change the type of the column. To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. MODIFY LENGTH screen. The MODIFY LENGTH screen is used to increase or decrease the column length for a CHAR, MONEY, or DECIMAL column. PROCEDURE Enter the new length after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. If you increase the length of a CHAR, MONEY, or DECIMAL column, the schema editor moves the number you entered from the top line of the screen to its proper position in the schema. If you decrease the length of a CHAR, MONEY, or DECIMAL column, the schema editor displays the MODIFY ANYWAY Menu after you press RETURN. Information may be lost with the change. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY LENGTH Screen without changing the length of the column. NOTES To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. RESTRICTIONS The Change Length option is only available for CHAR, MONEY, or DECIMAL columns. A character column can store from 1 to 986 characters, but if you plan to index the CHAR column, its length cannot exceed 120. MODIFY NAME Screen. The MODIFY NAME Screen is used to change an existing column name. PROCEDURE Enter the new name after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen. If you make a mistake entering the new name, use the BACKSPACE key to back up and correct it. Press RETURN when you are satisfied with your entry. The schema editor moves the column name from the top line of the screen to its proper position in the schema. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY NAME Screen without changing a column name. NOTES A column name can be up to 18 characters long, must start with a letter, and can include letters, numbers, and underscore characters (_). To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. MODIFY NULLS Menu. The MODIFY NULLS Menu is used to indicate whether a column will accept Null values. The MODIFY NULLS Menu displays two options: Yes Specifies that Null values are permitted in this column. No Specifies that Null values are not permitted in this column. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the Menu option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you select the Yes option, the word "Yes" appears under the "Nulls" heading for this column. If you select the Yes option, the word "No" appears under the "Nulls" heading for this column. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY NULLS Menu without changing the the value in this column. RESTRICTIONS A SERIAL column must contain a value. You cannot change the entry under the "Nulls" heading for a SERIAL column. MODIFY NUMERIC Menu. The MODIFY NUMERIC Menu is used to change the numeric data type of a column. The MODIFY NUMERIC Menu displays four options: Integer Stores whole numbers (no fractions or decimals) in the range -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647. Smallint Stores whole numbers (no fractions or decimals) in the range -32,767 to 32,767. Decimal Stores a number with a decimal point and up to 32 significant digits. Float Displays the MODIFY PRECISION Menu from which you can choose either Smallfloat (treated as DECIMAL 8) or Float (treated as DECIMAL 16). PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: i for Integer, s for Smallint, d for Decimal, or f for Float. The schema editor enters the option you have chosen under the "Type" heading or displays the next menu. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY NUMERIC Menu without making a change in the data type of the column. NOTES To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. MODIFY PRECISION Menu. The MODIFY PRECISION Menu is used to indicate whether the column is a Smallfloat or Float data type. The MODIFY PRECISION Menu displays two options: Smallfloat Defines the column as type DECIMAL with eight significant digits. Float Defines the column as type DECIMAL with sixteen significant digits. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: s for Smallfloat, f for Float. The schema editor enters DECIMAL under the "Type" heading, either 8 (SMALLFLOAT) or 16 (FLOAT) under the "Length" heading, and displays the ALTER TABLE Menu. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY PRECISION Menu without specifying the NUMERIC data type. NOTES SMALLFLOAT and FLOAT numbers are implemented as DECIMAL 8 and DECIMAL 16 numbers. To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. MODIFY SCALE Screen. The MODIFY SCALE Screen is used to change the scale for a DECIMAL or MONEY column. PROCEDURE Indicate the maximum number of digits you want to appear to the right of the decimal point. Then press RETURN. You can also press RETURN to accept the existing scale. When you specify a scale and press RETURN, the schema editor moves the scale from the top line of the screen to its proper position in the schema. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY SCALE Screen without changing the scale. RESTRICTIONS The scale assigned to a column cannot exceed the length of the column. MODIFY STARTING NUMBER Screen. The MODIFY STARTING NUMBER Screen is used to: Enter a starting number for a new SERIAL column. Accept the default starting number for a new SERIAL column. PROCEDURE Enter the new starting number after the double angle brackets at the top of the screen and press RETURN. If the column has just been changed to SERIAL, you can accept the default or current starting number shown under the Length heading by pressing RETURN. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY STARTING NUMBER Screen without affecting the starting number of the SERIAL column. NOTES To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. RESTRICTIONS The MODIFY STARTING NUMBER Screen is available for SERIAL columns only. You cannot enter a starting number less than 1. You cannot change the starting number for an existing SERIAL column once the table contains data. MODIFY TYPE Menu. The MODIFY TYPE Menu is used to change the data type of a column. The MODIFY TYPE Menu displays seven options: Char Stores any combination of letters, numbers, and punctuation. Numeric Displays the MODIFY NUMERIC Menu from which you can select SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, and FLOAT. Serial Stores sequential serial numbers starting with a positive whole number. Date Stores dates. Money Stores money values. date-Time Stores date-time values. Interval Stores interval values. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: c for Char, n for Numeric, s for Serial, d for Date, m for Money, t for date-Time, or i for Interval. The schema editor enters the option you have chosen under the "Type" heading or displays the MODIFY NUMERIC Menu. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY TYPE Menu without making a change to the data type of the column. NOTES To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. RESTRICTIONS You can have only one SERIAL column per table. CREATE TABLE Menu. The CREATE TABLE Menu is used to make changes to a table schema. The CREATE TABLE Menu displays seven options: Add Adds new column definitions to the table schema. Modify Changes existing column definitions. Drop Removes a column definition. Screen Displays the next page of the table. Storage Specify full pathname where to store the table. Constraints Constraints, References, Unique and Default options. Exit Leaves the CREATE TABLE Menu. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: a for Add, m for Modify, d for drop, s for Screen, t for sTorage or c for Constraints or e for Exit. Use the Screen option to display other pages of the schema. If you have only one page, the Screen option will not do anything. If you have more than one page, the Screen option will display the next page. When you reach the last page of the schema, select the Screen option to cycle back to the first page. The "Page x of y" message on the fourth line of the screen tells you how many pages the schema contains and which is the current page. QUIT Select the Exit option to leave the CREATE TABLE Menu and return to the TABLE Menu. ALTER TABLE, MODIFY Menu. You are attempting to to change an element of a column definition that depends on another element. PROCEDURE Change the appropriate preceding entry in order to change this entry. "Duplicates" heading: The entry under the "Duplicates" heading depends on the entry under the "Index" heading. You can have duplicates only when you have chosen the Yes option under the "Index" heading. To change the entry under the "Duplicates" heading, use the left ARROW key to move the highlight under the "Index" heading. When INFORMIX-SQL displays the MODIFY INDEX Menu, change the Index entry to "Yes". Then use the right ARROW key to move the highlight under the "Duplicates" heading. Change the Duplicates entry. "Index" heading: INFORMIX-SQL automatically provides an index for a SERIAL column. You cannot change the entry under the "Index" heading for a SERIAL column unless you first change the data type. To change the data type, use the left ARROW key to move the highlight under the "Type" heading. When INFORMIX-SQL displays the MODIFY TYPE Menu, select a type other than SERIAL. Then use the right ARROW key to move the highlight under the Index column. Change the Index entry. "Length" heading: INFORMIX-SQL automatically provides an appropriate entry under the "Length" heading for every data type except CHAR, MONEY, and DECIMAL. You can change the length for a CHAR, MONEY, or DECIMAL column, but you cannot change the length for other data types. When you change the data type, the length automatically changes. To change the data type, use the left ARROW key to move the highlight under the "Type" heading. When INFORMIX-SQL displays the MODIFY TYPE Menu, select the option you want. You can change the length of the column if you select the Char or Money option. You can also change the length if you select the Numeric option from the MODIFY TYPE Menu and then the Decimal option from the MODIFY NUMERIC Menu. Use the right ARROW key to move the highlight under the "Length" heading and enter the length you want. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY Menu without making a change to the table. RESTRICTIONS You cannot change the entry under the "Duplicates" or "Index" heading for a SERIAL column. You must first change the column to a different data type. EXIT Menu. The EXIT Menu is used to exit the CREATE or ALTER TABLE Menu. The EXIT Menu displays two options: Build-new-table Incorporates changes to the table and displays the TABLE Menu. Discard-new-table Discards changes to the table and returns to the TABLE Menu. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the option you want: b for Build-new-table, d for Discard-new-table. If you want to make the changes you have made to the table schema permanent, select the Build-new-table option. If you want to discard the changes you have made to the table schema, select the Discard-new-table option. After you make your selection, the TABLE Menu appears on screen. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to return to the CREATE or ALTER TABLE Menu. You can then make additional changes to the table schema. ALTER TABLE Menu. The ALTER TABLE Menu is used to make changes to a table schema. The ALTER TABLE Menu displays six options: Add Adds new column definitions to the table schema. Modify Changes existing column definitions. Drop Removes a column definition. Screen Displays the next page of the table. Constraints Primary, Foreign, Unique and Default options. Exit Leaves the ALTER TABLE Menu. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: a for Add, m for Modify, d for drop, s for Screen, c for Constraints or e for Exit. Use the Screen option to display other pages of the schema. If you have only one page, the Screen option will not do anything. If you have more than one page, the Screen option will display the next page. When you reach the last page of the schema, select the Screen option to cycle back to the first page. The "Page x of y" message on the fourth line of the screen tells you how many pages the schema contains and which is the current page. QUIT Select the Exit option to leave the ALTER TABLE Menu and return to the TABLE Menu. REMOVE Menu. The REMOVE Menu is used to remove a column from a constraint. The REMOVE Menu displays two options: Yes Removes the column from the constraint. No Does not remove the column from the constraint. REMOVE Menu. The REMOVE Menu is used to remove a constraint from the table. The REMOVE Menu displays two options: Yes Removes the constraint from the table. No Does not remove the constraint from the table. CONFIRM CHANGES Menu. The CONFIRM CHANGES Menu is used to confirm the changes made to the value field. The CONFIRM CHANGES Menu displays two options: Save Save the changes. Discard Discard the changes. CONSTRAINT NAME Screen. The CONSTRAINT NAME Screen is used to enter a constraint name. If you want the database server to assign a name, then press RETURN. A temporary constraint name will be assigned and will exist until you modify the temporary name or the database server generates a name when building the table. REFERENCED TABLE NAME Screen. The REFERENCED TABLE NAME Screen is user to enter the referenced table for a foreign key constraint. REMOVE Menu. The REMOVE Menu is used to remove a column from the table schema. The REMOVE Menu displays two options: Yes Removes the column from the table. No Does not remove the column from the table. PROCEDURE First Use the ARROW keys to put the highlight over the column you want to drop, then select the Drop option. Enter the first letter of the option you want: y for Yes, n for No. If you select the Yes option, INFORMIX-SQL removes the column from the table. If you select the No option, the schema editor does not remove the column. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the REMOVE Menu without removing a column. ADD TYPE Menu. The ADD TYPE Menu is used to indicate the data type of a column. The ADD TYPE Menu displays eight options: Char Stores any combination of letters, numbers, and punctuation. Numeric Stores numeric data (SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, SMALLFLOAT, and FLOAT data types). Serial Stores sequential serial numbers starting with a whole number greater than 0. Date Stores dates. Money Stores money values. date-Time Stores date-time values. Interval Stores interval values. Variable-length Stores byte or text values. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: c for Char, n for Numeric, s for Serial, d for Date, m for Money, t for date-Time, i for Interval, or v for variable length strings. The schema editor enters the option you have chosen under the "Type" heading or, if you select the Numeric option, displays the ADD NUMERIC Menu. If you select the Char or Money option, the ADD LENGTH Screen next appears. If you select the Numeric option, the ADD NUMERIC Menu next appears. If you select the Serial option, the ADD STARTING NUMBER Screen next appears. If you select the Date option, the ADD INDEX Menu next appears. If you select the date-Time option, the ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu next appears. If you select the Interval option, the ADD INTERVAL QUALIFIER Menu next appears. If you select the Variable option, the SELECT VARIABLE TYPE Menu next appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD TYPE Menu without specifying a data type. NOTES A CHAR column can store any printable characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, punctuation marks, and numbers. It is possible to store all of your data as characters. But if you do not tell INFORMIX-SQL that a column, such as someone's age, is numeric, it may not be able to give you the list you want (e.g., all the people between the ages of 7 and 13). For the same reason, dates should be stored as type DATE and money should be stored as MONEY. RESTRICTIONS You can have only one SERIAL column per table. MODIFY TYPE Menu. The MODIFY TYPE Menu is used to change the data type of a column. The MODIFY TYPE Menu displays eight options: Char Stores any combination of letters, numbers, and punctuation. Numeric Displays the MODIFY NUMERIC Menu from which you can select SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, and FLOAT. Serial Stores sequential serial numbers starting with a positive whole number. Date Stores dates. Money Stores money values. date-Time Stores date-time values. Interval Stores interval values. Variable-length Stores byte or text values. PROCEDURE Enter the first letter of the menu option you want: c for Char, n for Numeric, s for Serial, d for Date, m for Money, t for date-Time, i for Interval, or v for Variable-length. The schema editor enters the option you have chosen under the "Type" heading or displays the MODIFY NUMERIC Menu. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY TYPE Menu without making a change to the data type of the column. NOTES To change more than one entry in the schema, do NOT press RETURN after you make an entry. Instead, use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. When you select a menu option, do NOT enter the first letter of the option. Use the SPACE bar to move the menu highlight over the option you want. Then use the ARROW keys to move the screen highlight to the item you want to work with next. While the highlight is over an item, the schema editor displays the appropriate screen for that item--your entry is put in its proper place on the screen after you move the highlight to another location. Press RETURN only after making all your changes. RESTRICTIONS You can have only one SERIAL column per table. ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu The ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu is used to indicate both the first and last parts of the qualifier assigned to the column. The ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu displays eight options: Year The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a year value. Month The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a month value. Day The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a day value. Hour The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a hour value. miNute The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a minute value Second The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a second value Fraction The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds fractional seconds value fiRst Switch to select the first field in the qualifier PROCEDURE Type the first letter of the first qualifier field you want: y for Year, m for Month, d for Day, h for Hour, n for miNute, S for Second, or f for Fraction (of a second). Selecting r for fiRst does nothing at this time. The schema editor replaces the word "first" with the option you have selected. The menu is redisplayed to provide all the legal values that may be selected for the last qualifier field. Type the first letter of the last qualifier field you want: y for Year, m for Month, d for Day, h for Hour, n for miNute, S for Second, or f for Fraction (of a second). Selecting r for fiRst enables you to modify the choice for the first qualifier field. If the last qualifier field is Fraction, the ADD FRACTION Menu will appear. After the fraction has been selected, the last qualifier field will be complete. After the last qualifier field has been selected the ADD INDEX Menu will be displayed. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu without specifying the qualifier. MODIFY DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu The MODIFY DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu is used to indicate both the first and last parts of the qualifier assigned to the column. The MODIFY DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu displays eight options: Year The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a year value. Month The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a month value. Day The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a day value. Hour The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a hour value. miNute The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a minute value Second The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a second value Fraction The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds fractional seconds value fiRst Switch to select the first field in the qualifier PROCEDURE Type the first letter of the first qualifier field you want: y for Year, m for Month, d for Day, h for Hour, n for miNute, S for Second, or f for Fraction (of a second). Selecting r for fiRst does nothing at this time. The schema editor replaces the word "first" with the option you have selected. The menu is redisplayed to provide all the legal values that may be selected for the last qualifier field. Type the first letter of the last qualifier field you want: y for Year, m for Month, d for Day, h for Hour, n for miNute, S for Second, or f for Fraction (of a second). Selecting r for fiRst enables you to modify the choice for the first qualifier field. If the last qualifier field is Fraction, the MODIFY FRACTION Menu will appear. After the fraction has been selected, the last qualifier field will be complete. After the last qualifier field has been selected the MODIFY INDEX Menu will be displayed. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu without specifying the qualifier. ADD FRACTION Menu The ADD FRACTION Menu is used to indicate the fractional precision of the dateTime qualifier assigned to the column. The ADD FRACTION Menu displays five options: 1 The fractional field will hold tenths of a second. 2 The fractional field will hold hundredths of a second. 3 The fractional field will hold thousandths of a second. 4 The fractional field will hold ten-thousandths of a second. 5 The fractional field will hold hundred-thousandths of a second. PROCEDURE Type a number from 1 to 5 indicating the precision the qualifier is to have. After the precision has been selected the ADD INDEX Menu will be displayed. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD FRACTION Menu without specifying the qualifier. MODIFY FRACTION Menu The MODIFY FRACTION Menu is used to indicate the fractional precision of the dateTime qualifier assigned to the column. The MODIFY FRACTION Menu displays five options: 1 The fractional field will hold tenths of a second. 2 The fractional field will hold hundredths of a second. 3 The fractional field will hold thousandths of a second. 4 The fractional field will hold ten-thousandths of a second. 5 The fractional field will hold hundred-thousandths of a second. PROCEDURE Type a number from 1 to 5 indicating the precision the qualifier is to have. After the precision has been selected the MODIFY INDEX Menu will be displayed. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY FRACTION Menu without specifying the qualifier. ADD INTERVAL QUALIFIER Menu The ADD INTERVAL QUALIFIER Menu is used to indicate both the first and last parts of the interval qualifier assigned to the column. The ADD INTERVAL QUALIFIER Menu displays eight options: Year The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a year value. Month The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a month value. Day The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a day value. Hour The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a hour value. miNute The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a minute value Second The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a second value Fraction The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds fractional seconds value fiRst Switch to select the first field in the qualifier PROCEDURE Type the first letter of the first qualifier field you want: y for Year, m for Month, d for Day, h for Hour, n for miNute, S for Second, or f for Fraction (of a second). Selecting r for fiRst does nothing at this time. After the first qualifier field has been selected the ADD PRECISION Menu will be displayed. The schema editor replaces the word "first" with the option and precision you have selected. The menu is redisplayed to provide all the legal values that may be selected for the last qualifier field. Type the first letter of the last qualifier field you want: y for Year, m for Month, d for Day, h for Hour, n for miNute, S for Second, or f for Fraction (of a second). Selecting r for fiRst enables you to modify the choice for the first qualifier field. If the last qualifier field is Fraction, the ADD FRACTION Menu will appear. After the fraction has been selected, the last qualifier field will be complete. After the last qualifier field has been selected the ADD INDEX Menu will be displayed. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu without specifying the qualifier. MODIFY INTERVAL QUALIFIER Menu The MODIFY INTERVAL QUALIFIER Menu is used to indicate both the first and last parts of the interval qualifier assigned to the column. The MODIFY INTERVAL QUALIFIER Menu displays eight options: Year The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a year value. Month The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a month value. Day The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a day value. Hour The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a hour value. miNute The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a minute value Second The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds a second value Fraction The first (or last) field in the qualifier holds fractional seconds value fiRst Switch to select the first field in the qualifier PROCEDURE Type the first letter of the first qualifier field you want: y for Year, m for Month, d for Day, h for Hour, n for miNute, S for Second, or f for Fraction (of a second). Selecting r for fiRst does nothing at this time. After the first qualifier field has been selected the MODIFY PRECISION Menu will be displayed. The schema editor replaces the word "first" with the option and precision you have selected. The menu is redisplayed to provide all the legal values that may be selected for the last qualifier field. Type the first letter of the last qualifier field you want: y for Year, m for Month, d for Day, h for Hour, n for miNute, S for Second, or f for Fraction (of a second). Selecting r for fiRst enables you to modify the choice for the first qualifier field. If the last qualifier field is Fraction, the MODIFY FRACTION Menu will appear. After the fraction has been selected, the last qualifier field will be complete. After the last qualifier field has been selected the MODIFY INDEX Menu will be displayed. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu without specifying the qualifier. ADD INTERVAL PRECISION Menu The ADD INTERVAL PRECISION Menu is used to indicate the number of digits which can be held in the first field of the qualifier assigned to the column. A precision of three digits can hold an integer number up to 999. The ADD INTERVAL PRECISION Menu displays nine options: the numbers 1 to 9. PROCEDURE Type a number from 1 to 9 indicating the precision the qualifier is to have. After the precision has been selected the ADD INTERVAL Menu will be displayed. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD INTERVAL PRECISION Menu without specifying the qualifier. MODIFY INTERVAL PRECISION Menu The MODIFY INTERVAL PRECISION Menu is used to indicate the number of digits which can be held in the first field of the qualifier assigned to the column. A precision of three digits can hold an integer number up to 999. The MODIFY INTERVAL PRECISION Menu displays nine options: the numbers 1 to 9. PROCEDURE Type a number from 1 to 9 indicating the precision the qualifier is to have. After the precision has been selected the MODIFY INTERVAL Menu will be displayed. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY INTERVAL PRECISION Menu without specifying the qualifier. ADD VARIABLE LENGTH TYPE Menu. The ADD VARIABLE LENGTH TYPE Menu is used to indicate the VARIABLE LENGTH data type assigned to the column. The ADD VARIABLE LENGTH TYPE Menu displays three options: Varchar Stores strings up to 255 characters. Text Stores any kind of text data (up to 2^31 bytes) Byte Stores any kind of binary data (up to 2^31 bytes) PROCEDURE Type the first letter of the data type option you want: v for Varchar, t for Text, or b for Byte. If you choose the Varchar option, the ADD VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Menu appears. If you choose either Text or Byte, the ADD BLOBSPACE Menu appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD VARIABLE LENGTH Menu without specifying a variable data type. MODIFY VARIABLE LENGTH TYPE Menu. The MODIFY VARIABLE LENGTH TYPE Menu is used to indicate the VARIABLE LENGTH data type assigned to the column. The MODIFY VARIABLE LENGTH TYPE Menu displays three options: Varchar Stores strings up to 255 characters. Text Stores any kind of text data (up to 2^31 bytes) Byte Stores any kind of binary data (up to 2^31 bytes) PROCEDURE Type the first letter of the data type option you want: v for Varchar, t for Text, or b for Byte. If you choose the Varchar option, the MODIFY VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Menu appears. If you choose either Text or Byte, the MODIFY BLOBSPACE Menu appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY VARIABLE LENGTH Menu without specifying a variable data type. ADD VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Prompt. The ADD VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Prompt is used to indicate the largest varchar that can be accommodated by this column. The ADD VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Prompt requests a value from 1 to 255. The value entered is the maximum number of characters that this column can hold. PROCEDURE Enter a number from 1 to 255. After a valid number has been entered, the ADD VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Prompt without specifying a variable data type. MODIFY VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Prompt. The MODIFY VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Prompt is used to indicate the largest varchar that can be accommodated by this column. The MODIFY VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Prompt requests a value from 1 to 255. The value entered is the maximum number of characters that this column can hold. PROCEDURE Enter a number from 1 to 255. After a valid number has been entered, the MODIFY VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY VARCHAR MAXIMUM LENGTH Prompt without specifying a variable data type. ADD VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt. The ADD VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt is used to indicate the minimum amount of space for the varchar. The ADD VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt requests a value from 0 to the maximum length just entered. The value entered is the amount of space which will always be reserved for the column. PROCEDURE Enter a number from 0 to the maximum length just entered. After a valid number has been entered, the ADD INDEX Menu appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt without specifying a variable data type. MODIFY VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt. The MODIFY VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt is used to indicate the minimum amount of space for the varchar. The MODIFY VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt requests a value from 0 to the maximum length just entered. The value entered is the amount of space which will always be reserved for the column. PROCEDURE Enter a number from 0 to the maximum length just entered. After a valid number has been entered, the CREATE TABLE Menu appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY VARCHAR MINIMUM SPACE Prompt without specifying a variable data type. ADD BLOBSPACE Menu. The ADD BLOBSPACE Menu is used to indicate where the text or byte value is to be stored. The ADD BLOBSPACE Menu displays two options: Table Stores the text or byte in the table. Blobspace Displays a list of the available BLOBspaces and prompts you to make a selection for which BLOBspace the text or byte is stored. PROCEDURE Enter a either t for Table or b for BLOBspace name. If t (Table) is selected, the ADD INDEX Menu appears. If b (BLOBspace name) is selected, ADD BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD BLOBSPACE Menu without specifying the storage location. MODIFY BLOBSPACE Menu. The MODIFY BLOBSPACE Menu is used to indicate where the text or byte value is to be stored. The MODIFY BLOBSPACE Menu displays two options: Table Stores the text or byte in the table. BLOBspace-name Provide a BLOBspace name where the BLOB will be stored. PROCEDURE Enter a either t for Table or b for BLOBspace name. If t (Table) is selected, the CREATE TABLE Menu appears. If b (BLOBspace name) is selected, MODIFY BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY BLOBSPACE Menu without specifying the storage location. ADD BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt. The ADD BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt is used to indicate the name of the BLOBspace where the text or byte column is to be stored. The ADD BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt requests a legal BLOBspace name. PROCEDURE Enter a legal BLOBspace name. After a name has been selected, ADD INDEX Menu appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the ADD BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt without specifying a name. MODIFY BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt. The MODIFY BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt is used to indicate the name of the BLOBspace where the text or byte column is to be stored. The MODIFY BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt requests a legal BLOBspace name. PROCEDURE Enter a legal BLOBspace name. After a name has been selected, CREATE TABLE Menu appears. QUIT Press the program interrupt key to leave the MODIFY BLOBSPACE NAME Prompt without specifying a name. ADD CHAR TYPE Menu The ADD CHAR TYPE Menu is used to indicate the CHAR data type assigned to the column. The ADD CHAR TYPE Menu displays two options: Char Store any combination of letters, numbers and punctuation. Nchar Store any combination of national letters, numbers and punctuation. MODIFY CHAR TYPE Menu The MODIFY CHAR TYPE Menu is used to indicate the CHAR data type assigned to the column. The MODIFY CHAR TYPE Menu displays two options: Char Store any combination of letters, numbers and punctuation. Nchar Store any combination of national letters, numbers and punctuation. ADD VARCHAR TYPE Menu. The ADD VARCHAR TYPE Menu is used to indicate the VARCHAR data type assigned to the column. The ADD VARCHAR TYPE Menu displays two options: Varchar Stores strings up to 255 characters. Nvarchar Stores strings up to 255 national characters. MODIFY VARCHAR TYPE Menu. The MODIFY VARCHAR TYPE Menu is used to indicate the VARCHAR data type assigned to the column. The MODIFY VARCHAR TYPE Menu displays two options: Varchar Stores strings up to 255 characters. Nvarchar Stores strings up to 255 national characters. CONSTRAINTS Menu. The CONSTRAINTS Menu is used to define primary key, foreign key, check and unique constraints as well as defaults. The CONSTRAINTS Menu has six options: Primary Define primary key constraint. Foreign Define foreign key constraint. Check Define column and table check constraints. Unique Define unique column constraints. Defaults Define column defaults. Exit Leaves the CONSTRAINTS Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. PRIMARY KEY Menu. The PRIMARY KEY Menu is used to define primary key constraints for the current table. The PRIMARY KEY Menu displays five options: Add Add a constraint. Modify Changes a primary key definition. Drop Removes a constraint or column name. If the current field is constraint name the constraint and all column names are removed. If the current field is column name, the column name is removed. Screen Displays the next page of primary key constraints. Exit Leaves the PRIMARY KEY Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. CREATE FOREIGN KEY Menu. The CREATE FOREIGN KEY Menu is used to define foreign key constraints for the current table. The CREATE FOREIGN KEY Menu displays five options: Add Specify the constraint name, referenced table and cascading delete option or add a referencing / referenced column pair to the constraint. Modify Changes a foreign key definition. Drop Removes the entire constraint or removes a referencing / referenced column pair. Screen Displays the next page of referencing / referenced column pairs. Exit Leaves the FOREIGN KEY Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. FOREIGN KEY Menu. The FOREIGN KEY Menu is used to define foreign key constraints for the current table. The FOREIGN KEY Menu displays five options: Add Specify the referenced table or add a referencing / referenced column pair to the constraint. Modify Changes a referenced table or changes a referencing / referenced column pair in the constraint. Drop Removes the referenced table and all referenced columns or removes a referencing / referenced column pair. Screen Displays the next page of referencing / referenced column pairs. Exit Leaves the FOREIGN KEY Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. ENABLE CASCADING DELETES Menu. The ENABLE CASCADING DELETES Menu enables or disables cascading deletes. Enabling cascading deletes causes all child records to be deleted if the parent record is delete. Not enabling cascading deletes causes the deletion of a parent record to fail if there are child records. The ENABLE CASCADING DELETES Menu displays two options: No Do not enable cascading deletes. Yes Enable cascading deletes. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. CHECK CONSTRAINT Menu. The CHECK CONSTRAINT Menu is used to define checks for the current table. The CHECK CONSTRAINTS Menu displays five options: Add Add a check constraint for the table and enter the name and value of the constraint. If the value of the constraint is entered, then you will enter the ADD CHECK VALUE Menu and select from the SQL Editor or specify a system editor in which to enter the check constraint value. Modify Change the name or value of a constraint. If the value of the constraint is modified, then you will enter the ADD CHECK VALUE Menu and select from the SQL Editor or specify a system editor in which to enter the check constraint value. Drop Drop a check constraint. Screen Display the next screen of check constraints. Exit Leaves the CHECK CONSTRAINT Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. ADD CHECK VALUE Menu. The ADD CHECK VALUE Menu is used to define the value of the check. The ADD CHECK VALUE Menu displays four options: New Enter a new check value using the SQL Editor. Modify Modify the current check value using the SQL Editor. Use-editor Modify the current check value using a system editor. Exit Leaves the ADD CHECK VALUE Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. MODIFY CHECK VALUE Menu. The MODIFY CHECK VALUE Menu is used to redefine the value of the check. The MODIFY CHECK VALUE Menu displays four options: New Enter a new check value using the SQL Editor. Modify Modify the current check value using the SQL Editor. Use-editor Modify the current check value using a system editor. Exit Leaves the MODIFY CHECK VALUE Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. UNIQUE CONSTRAINT Menu. The UNIQUE CONSTRAINT Menu is used to define unique constraints for the current table. The UNIQUE CONSTRAINTS Menu displays five options: Add Add a unique constraint for the table and enter the constraint and column name. Modify Change the constraint or column name. Drop Drop a unique constraint or column name. If the current field is constraint name the constraint and all columns will be removed. Screen Display the next screen of unique constraints. Exit Leaves the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. DEFAULTS Menu. The DEFAULTS Menu is used to define default values for a column in the table. The DEFAULTS Menu displays five options: Add Add a column default and enter the column name, default type and if the default type is literal, enter the default value. To enter the default value you will enter the ADD DEFAULT VALUE Menu to select an editor in which to enter the value. Modify Change the column name, default type or default value and if the default type is literal, change the default value. When the value is changed, you will enter the MODIFY DEFAULT VALUE Menu to select an editor in which to enter the default value. Drop Drop a column default. Screen Displays the next screen of defaults. Exit Leaves the DEFAULTS Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. ADD DEFAULT TYPE Menu. The ADD DEFAULT TYPE Menu is used to define the default value of a column in the current table. The ADD DEFAULT TYPE Menu displays seven options: Literal Enter ADD DEFAULT VALUE Menu to assign a literal as the default value. User Assign the login name of the current user as the default value. Current Assign the current time taken from the system clock as the default value. Enter the ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu to specify the current time format. Null Assign NULL as the default value. Today Assign the current system data as the default value. Db-server-name Assign the current database server name as the default value. Site-name Assign the current site name as the default value. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. MODIFY DEFAULT TYPE Menu. The MODIFY DEFAULT TYPE Menu is used to define the default value of a column in the current table. The MODIFY DEFAULT TYPE Menu displays seven options: Literal Enter MODIFY DEFAULT VALUE Menu to assign a literal as the default value. User Assign the login name of the current user as the default value. Current Assign the current time taken from the system clock as the default value. Enter the MODIFY DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu to specify the current time format. Null Assign NULL as the default value. Today Assign the current system data as the default value. Db-server-name Assign the current database server name as the default value. Site-name Assign the current site name as the default value. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. ADD DEFAULT VALUE Menu. The ADD DEFAULT VALUE Menu is used to define a columns default value. The ADD DEFAULT VALUE Menu displays four options: New Enter a new default value using the SQL Editor. Modify Modify the current default value using the SQL Editor. Use-editor Modify the current check default using a system editor. Exit Leaves the ADD DEFAULT VALUE Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. The SELECT BLOBSPACE Screen displays a list of available BLOBspaces and prompts you to select one in which to store the column's data. Highlight or type the name of the BLOBspace you want and press RETURN. MODIFY DEFAULT VALUE Menu. The MODIFY DEFAULT VALUE Menu is used to redefine a columns default value. The MODIFY DEFAULT VALUE Menu displays four options: New Enter a new default value using the SQL Editor. Modify Modify the current default value using the SQL Editor. Use-editor Modify the current default value using a system editor. Exit Leaves the MODIFY DEFAULT VALUE Menu. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. ADD DEFAULT TYPE Menu. The ADD DEFAULT TYPE Menu is used to define the default value of a column in the current table. The ADD DEFAULT TYPE Menu displays seven options: Literal Enter ADD DEFAULT VALUE Menu to assign a literal as the default value. User Assign the login name of the current user as the default value. Current Assign the current time taken from the system clock as the default value. Enter the ADD DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu to specify the current time format. Null Assign NULL as the default value. Today Assign the current system data as the default value. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. MODIFY DEFAULT TYPE Menu. The MODIFY DEFAULT TYPE Menu is used to define the default value of a column in the current table. The MODIFY DEFAULT TYPE Menu displays seven options: Literal Enter MODIFY DEFAULT VALUE Menu to assign a literal as the default value. User Assign the login name of the current user as the default value. Current Assign the current time taken from the system clock as the default value. Enter the MODIFY DATETIME QUALIFIER Menu to specify the current time format. Null Assign NULL as the default value. Today Assign the current system data as the default value. You have reached the end of this help text. Press RETURN to continue. FILL FACTOR Screen. The FILL FACTOR Screen is used to define the fill factor percentage of an index. The range cannot be less than 1 or greater than 100. This value can only be set when creating an index.