þh?K%x?L#ž?M#Â?Næ?O?P<#?Q"`?R(ƒ?S5¬?Tâ?U(û?V*$?WO?Xa?Yw?Z)“?[½?\ Õ?]jß?^J?_`?`x?a’?b²?cÐ?d&ð?e+?f3C?g/w?hN§?i2ö?jJ)?kt?l#z?m*ž?n É?o<ê?p4'?qN\?r5«?s,á?tA ?uA P?vI ’?w: Ü?x5 ?yC M?zK ‘?{# Ý?| ?} ?~$ $?/ I?€2 y?7 ¬?‚E ä?ƒ_ *Memory Allocation Error. Value list field does not match field given in FILE statement. Number of values given does not match number of columns. Illegal value element in value list. Cannot open raw data file -> %s. Dbload statement has no end to it. Error occurs during parsing. Statement is too long - 4096. Too many INSERT statements for one FILE statement - max 16. Cannot open control file -> %s. Cannot open error logging file -> %s. In INSERT statement number %d of raw data file %s. Row number %ld is bad. %ld Row(s) loaded so far to table %s. Table %s had %ld row(s) loaded into it. Database name: Command file name: Error logging file name: Syntax error occurs on statement above. Line %d Character %d Usage: dbload [-d dbname] [-c cfilname] [-l logfile] [-e errnum] [-n nnum] [-i inum] [-s] [-p] [-r | -k] [-X] -d database name -c command file name -l bad row(s) log file -e bad row(s) # before abort -s syntax error check only -n # of row(s) before commit -p prompt to commit or not on abort -i # or row(s) to ignore before starting Do you wish to rollback to last commit (Y or N): More than %d bad rows have been encountered. The field beginning byte position is greater than the ending byte position. Log file name is the same as command file name. A valid FILE statement must be the first statement in the command file. yYnN Table %s does not exist: Aborted You specified more fields than existed. The command file %s is empty. Field %d was previously set to a different type : Aborted Field %s contains non hex digit for a byte column Field %s contains odd number of hex digits to convert into binary : Aborted Reached unexpected end of line while reading field Unexpected error while reading field #%d. Problem opening a tmp file. Check system file limits : Aborted Problem writing a tmp file. Check system file limits : Aborted The # of fields in the load file does not match the # on the FILE line Unexpected EOF- Missing delimiter in last row : Aborted Cannot insert a constant value into BLOB column %s Load file name is the same as command or log file name : Aborted The position of the fixed-length field is out of range in the load file. -r loading without locking table BLOB VALUE DBLOAD Load Utility Cannot use synonym as a table name. -X recognize HEX escapes in character fields -k loading with exclusive lock on table(s) Cannot specify both -r and -k options simultaneously. Invalid delimiter; Don't use '\\', SPACE or HEX or Multibyte chars. Cannot load a synonym that refers to a remote database table without specifying column names