þh0¬¼1½¬½£¬¾‡¬¿n¬ÀU¬Á6¬Â&¬Ã/ö¬ÄÛ¬Å$¶¬Æ+Š¬Ç,]¬È,0¬É,¬Ê*جË)®¬Ì)„S4'ïS5$S6*@S?*kS@5–SA8ÌSB/SC85SD6nSE0¥SF ÖSGãSH ýSI6SJ8USK7ŽSLDÆSM SN@%SOfSP(SQ¨SRÄThe database directory %s does not exist Database %s is already in SQL 2.0 format ISOPEN returns iserrno %d for filename %s ISCLOSE returns iserrno %d for file desc %d ISSTART returns iserrno %d for file desc %d ISWRITE returns iserrno %d for file desc %d ISREAD returns iserrno %d for file desc %d Linking of file %s to file %s fails ISERRNO -> %d ERRNO -> %d Error occurs during conversion of an isam file Program Abort. ISINDEXINFO on %s returns %d MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR ISREAD on %s returns %d ISREWCURR on %s returns %d ISCLOSE on %s returns %d Could not run exec deccon to update decimal data DBUPDATE SQL1.10 to SQL2.00 Translator Starting time of conversion is: %s CREATING NEW DATABASE UPDATING SYSTEM CATALOGS DATA UPDATING COLLENGTH FOR DECIMAL AND MONEY UPDATING NEGATIVE DECIMAL DATA END, negative decimal data are now updated Program over. SQLCODE -> %d Forking "deccon" program to update negative decimal data START, completion message will follow ... Usage: dbupdate [-bn] olddbname newdbname [no option] - convert blank character data to null, prompt user on numeric columns whether to convert zero data to null. -b - do not convert blank character data to null, prompt user on numeric columns -n - define all columns as NOT NULL ISAM FILE: OFFSET OF DECIMAL DATA: Usage : deccon [ -i | dbname ] deccon -i - runs interactively with user giving the necessary offsets into isam files deccon dbname - searches through system catalogs and find the necessary offsets into isam files OFFSET number %d -> %ld Do you want all zeroes in this field converted to nulls? (y/n) For column %s, table %s Please enter the date you wish the null dates to be converted to: YyNn