h9$F:R#;N#<9"=!"F>" ?!@&!A!KB% G3 I7 %J+K*uL+M(NADO;P<PR;S?VT'U.V%YWPX3OY5Z[&[\"]3^$c_+`3a(rb5c"e.bf!g$h?Ti2j<tk8l!m |nNo0|p@qr&s$jt. u#v#|w!8xy$z~{>|}~R"    F & $ r# * % , J% & ( ^! )  + 00!J##"tB0L;d;elf0gB1h"i#j#&kjl!m0n+ \o p) q! <r( s& t% $u, wv% w x# Ny$ z& { (| e} ~ :n!^$!Z##.;$&!^0N- !8;<2!?$!@."5<'3G$3"8&53P&/(-@<=<B),H+,8 ]4 %!%!g&!!"'""h:"O#OS#$fISAM error: duplicate value for a record with unique key. ISAM error: duplicate value for a record with unique key. ISAM error: file is not open. ISAM error: file is not open. ISAM error: illegal argument to ISAM function. ISAM error: illegal argument to ISAM function. ISAM error: illegal key descriptor (too many parts or too long). ISAM error: illegal key descriptor (too many parts or too long). ISAM error: too many files open. ISAM error: too many files open. ISAM error: bad isam file format. ISAM error: bad isam file format. ISAM error: non-exclusive access. ISAM error: non-exclusive access. ISAM error: record is locked. ISAM error: record is locked. ISAM error: key already exists. ISAM error: key already exists. ISAM error: the key is the file's primary key. ISAM error: the key is the file's primary key. ISAM error: end or beginning of the file. ISAM error: end or beginning of the file. ISAM error: no record found. ISAM error: no record found. ISAM error: there is no current record. ISAM error: there is no current record. ISAM error: the file is locked. ISAM error: the file is locked. ISAM error: the file name is too long. ISAM error: the file name is too long. ISAM error: cannot create lock file. ISAM error: cannot create lock file. ISAM error: cannot allocate memory. ISAM error: cannot allocate memory. ISAM error: bad custom collating sequence. ISAM error: bad custom collating sequence. ISAM error: cannot read log record. ISAM error: cannot read log record. ISAM error: bad log record ISAM error: bad log record ISAM error: cannot open log file. ISAM error: cannot open log file. ISAM error: cannot write log record ISAM error: cannot write log record ISAM error: transaction not available ISAM error: transaction not available ISAM error: no shared memory ISAM error: no shared memory ISAM error: no begin work yet ISAM error: no begin work yet ISAM error: can't use nfs ISAM error: can't use nfs ISAM error: bad row id ISAM error: bad row id ISAM error: no primary key ISAM error: no primary key ISAM error: no logging ISAM error: no logging ISAM error: too many users ISAM error: too many users ISAM error: no such DBspace ISAM error: no such DBspace ISAM error: no free disk space ISAM error: no free disk space ISAM error: rowsize too big ISAM error: rowsize too big ISAM error: audit trail exists ISAM error: audit trail exists ISAM error: no more locks ISAM error: no more locks ISAM error: TBLspace does not exist ISAM error: TBLspace does not exist ISAM error: no more extents ISAM error: no more extents ISAM error: chunk table overflow ISAM error: chunk table overflow ISAM error: DBspace table overflow ISAM error: DBspace table overflow ISAM error: logfile table overflow ISAM error: logfile table overflow ISAM error: global section disallowing access ISAM error: global section disallowing access ISAM error: TBLspace table overflow ISAM error: TBLspace table overflow ISAM error: overflow of TBLspace page ISAM error: overflow of TBLspace page ISAM error: deadlock detected ISAM error: deadlock detected ISAM error: key value locked ISAM error: key value locked ISAM error: system does not have disk mirroring ISAM error: system does not have disk mirroring ISAM error: the other copy of this disk is currently disabled or non-existent ISAM error: the other copy of this disk is currently disabled or non-existent ISAM error: archive in progress ISAM error: archive in progress ISAM error: DBspace is not empty ISAM error: DBspace is not empty ISAM error: INFORMIX-OnLine daemon is no longer running ISAM error: INFORMIX-OnLine daemon is no longer running The limits of the INFORMIX Demo Version have been exceeded. The limits of the INFORMIX Demo Version have been exceeded. ISAM error: Illegal value in varchar length field ISAM error: Illegal value in varchar length field ISAM error: Illegal message type received from remote process. ISAM error: Illegal message type received from remote process. ISAM error: not in ISMANULOCK mode. ISAM error: not in ISMANULOCK mode. ISAM error: Lock Timeout Expired ISAM error: Lock Timeout Expired ISAM error: Primary and Mirror chunks are bad ISAM error: Primary and Mirror chunks are bad ISAM error: Interrupted ISAM call ISAM error: Interrupted ISAM call ISAM error: Operation disallowed on SMI pseudo table ISAM error: Operation disallowed on SMI pseudo table ISAM error: Collation sequence invalid ISAM error: Collation sequence invalid ISAM error: only one blob may be open at any time. ISAM error: only one blob may be open at any time. ISAM err: no blob is open. ISAM err: no blob is open. ISAM err: BLOBspace does not exist. ISAM err: BLOBspace does not exist. ISAM err: begin and end page stamps are different. ISAM err: begin and end page stamps are different. ISAM err: Blob stamp is incorrect ISAM err: Blob stamp is incorrect ISAM err: Blob Column does not exist. ISAM err: Blob Column does not exist. ISAM err: BLOBspace is full ISAM err: BLOBspace is full ISAM err: BLOBpage size is not multiple of PAGESIZE. ISAM err: BLOBpage size is not multiple of PAGESIZE. ISAM err: archive is blocking BLOBpage allocation. ISAM err: archive is blocking BLOBpage allocation. ISAM err: BLOB pages can't be allocated from a chunk until chunk add is logged. ISAM err: BLOB pages can't be allocated from a chunk until chunk add is logged. ISAM err: Illegal use of a BLOBspace ISAM err: Illegal use of a BLOBspace ISAM error: isam file format change detected ISAM error: isam file format change detected ISAM error: Unexpected internal error ISAM error: Unexpected internal error ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical log back up. ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical log back up. ISAM error: An error has occurred during archive back up. ISAM error: An error has occurred during archive back up. ISAM error: An error has occurred during physical restore. ISAM error: An error has occurred during physical restore. ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical restore. ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical restore. ISAM error: Database is locked; pending change to logging mode. ISAM error: Database is locked; pending change to logging mode. ISAM error: no free disk space for sort ISAM error: no free disk space for sort ISAM error: Shared open blob table is full ISAM error: Shared open blob table is full ISAM err: No Optical Subsystem connection ISAM err: No Optical Subsystem connection ISAM err: Duplicate optical BLOBspace name ISAM err: Duplicate optical BLOBspace name ISAM error: DDR log post processing is already active ISAM error: DDR log post processing is already active ISAM error: DDR log post processing is not active ISAM error: DDR log post processing is not active ISAM err: Transaction table overflow ISAM err: Transaction table overflow ISAM error: No such chunk ISAM error: No such chunk ISAM error: Can not drop first chunk ISAM error: Can not drop first chunk ISAM error: Chunk is busy ISAM error: Chunk is busy ISAM error: Chunk not empty ISAM error: Chunk not empty ISAM error: No miscellaneous vp ISAM error: No miscellaneous vp ISAM error: Operation not allowed in temporary DBspace. ISAM error: Operation not allowed in temporary DBspace. ISAM error: Partition recently appended to; can't open for write or logging. ISAM error: Partition recently appended to; can't open for write or logging. ISAM err: Cannot alter table. Too many in-place alters of the table in progress. ISAM err: Cannot alter table. Too many in-place alters of the table in progress. ISAM error: Smart Disk error. ISAM error: Smart Disk error.