þh ãÔ"ºãÕ+ŽãÖ*cã×11ãØ4üãÙ5ÆãÚ2“ãÛ2`ãÜ4+ãÝ-ýãÞ0Ìãß/œãà/lLocale names do not match. Connection denied. Locale handshaking failed. Connection denied. Database was created without NLS functionality. DBNLS is not set or LC_COLLATE must be '%s'. LANG or LC_COLLATE environment variable is invalid. DBNLS is not set or LC_CTYPE must be set to '%s'. LANG or LC_CTYPE environment variable is invalid. LANG or LC_MONETARY environment variable is invalid. LANG or LC_NUMERIC environment variable is invalid. LANG or LC_TIME environment variable is invalid. This server does not have NLS capability. Cannot reference an external NLS database. DBNLS is set to an invalid value.