hZ[$\+f]%@^!_#`aȬbc)d,\eBf%g?ܬh'SISS88S)qSS/S %s: Invalid serial number and/or key. %s: Cannot open file -- %s probably not in current directory. %s: Location %D is incorrect for %s %s: %s already branded. %s: Identifier string multiply found in %s %s: Serial number is wrong length in %s %s: Cannot open %s Error Reading from File Error Writing to File infgen: Invalid SQL serial number %s: Cannot create stream for %s %s: Identify string not found in %s %s: Warning: string found %d times in %s. Cannot open "%s"; system error %d. Unexpected EOF on "%s". ** Verify serial number and key values; restart installation procedure. ** Please type carefully. %s: usage: %s [-p] [-s serialnum key] file1 file2 ... %s: Identifier string found at %D in %s usage: %s serialnum key The -l flag has not been implemented. Sorry! %s: usage: %s file1 file2 ...