ži:’’}5#ų’’}6#Ō’’}7"±’’}A€0’’}Nõ’’}P%³’’}W4’’}X9ć’’}Y8Ŗ’’}Z)€’’}[,S’’}\,&’’}],ł’’}^#Õ’’}_č ģ’’}l ½’’}n% {’’}wł’’}xf’’’}{‡ ’’}|$å’’}}!Ć’’}‡=v’’}ˆ-H‚y7“‚z%ģ‚{‚|/‚}“C‚~%ų‚‚€ =‚1^‚‚2‚H‚Ž>_‚ˆ ž‚. '‚‘$ V‚“ ”‚•Ø Ł‚–- ‚‚—“ °‚˜< e‚™I ¢‚«DR‚¬>—‚­ˆւ®._‚Æ$Ž‚±Ł‚³Ø‚“-ŗ‚µ“肶L‚·Eź‚Ģ‚Ķ Usage: %s arguments The demo script would not run if INFORMIXSERVER is not set. DBACCESS Demonstration Database Installation Script Dropping existing %s database .... Creating %s database .... Loading data ... The creation of the demonstration database is now complete. The remainder of this script copies the examples into your current directory. Press "Y" to continue, or "N" to abort. Now copying SQL command files .... End of DBACCESSDEMO script. Sorry, unrecognized option %s Sorry, database name must begin with a letter. Usage: %s [dbname] [-log] [-dbspace] [DBspace] Usage: esql [-e] [-thread] [-esqlcargs] [-otherargs] [-o outfile] [-libs] esqlfile.ec [othersrc.c...] [otherobj.o...] [-lyourlib...] -e Preprocess only, no compilation or linking -thread Multithread support -esqlcargs esqlc arguments (-g, -G, -nln, -Ipathname, -nowarn, -V, -ansi , -xopen, -local, -log, -EDname, -EUname, -icheck) -otherargs Other arguments are passed to cc -o Next argument is program name -libs Display the list of libraries used by esql at link time. esql: file name required with -log esql: When using -thread, the THREADLIB environment variable must be set to a supported thread library. Currently supporting: DCE. Usage: ifx_getversion libname where libname is [ libixos.so libixasf.so libixsql.so or libixgen.so ] Library %s does not exist. INFORMIX Embedded SQL/COBOL Demonstration Database Installation Script This script will create and populate a database named: %s . If a database of that name exists, the script will drop and replace it. If you do not own or have DBA privilege for an existing database %s, the script will try to drop it and fail. In that event, run the script again specifying a different database name. This script will create and populate a database named: %s . If a database of that name exists now in the current directory, the script will drop and replace it. If you do not own or have DBA privilege for an existing database %s, the script will try to drop it and fail. In that event, run the script again either with a different current directory or specifying a different database name. To continue, press return Dropping existing %s database .... Unable to drop existing %s database. Creating %s database ... Database setup incomplete. Based on the server information in sqlhosts, the database engine does not support the data types varchar, text and byte, so the table "catalog" has not been installed. Now installing indexes on loaded tables... The creation of the demonstration database is now complete. The remainder of this script copies the examples into your current directory. Press "Y" to continue, or "N" to abort. Now copying INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL program source files .... End of INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL Demonstration Database Installation script. Usage: esqlcobol [-n] [-e] [-esqlargs] [-otherargs] [-native] [-o outfile] esqlfile.eco [otherobj.o...] -n Display preprocessor and compilation steps -e Preprocess only, no compilation or linking -esqlargs esqlcob arguments (-esqlout, -t type, -Ipathname, -bigB, -w, -V, -ansi, -xopen, -local, -log file, -EDname, -EUname, -icheck) -native Generate native code -o Next argument is program name (compiler-specific) ERROR: Invalid COBOL compiler type %s: Only one '*.cob' file allowed as input. %s: Only one '*.cbl' file allowed as input. %s: Only one '*.eco' file allowed as input. esqlcobol: file name required with -log You must set INFORMIXCOBTYPE before running this script ESQL/COBOL preprocessor error detected, skipping compile You must set INFORMIXCOB before running this script INFORMIX Embedded SQL/C Demonstration Database Installation Script This script will create and populate a database named: %s . If a database of that name exists, the script will drop and replace it. If you do not own or have DBA privilege for an existing database %s, the script will try to drop it and fail. In that event, run the script again specifying a different database name. This script will create and populate a database named: %s . If a database of that name exists now in the current directory, the script will drop and replace it. If you do not own or have DBA privilege for an existing database %s, the script will try to drop it and fail. In that event, run the script again either with a different current directory or specifying a different database name. To continue, press return Dropping existing %s database .... Unable to drop existing %s database. Creating %s database ... Database setup incomplete. Based on the server information in sqlhosts, the database engine does not support the data types varchar, text and byte, so the table "catalog" has not been installed. Now installing indexes on loaded tables... The creation of the demonstration database is now complete. The remainder of this script copies the examples into your current directory. Press "Y" to continue, or "N" to abort. Now copying INFORMIX-ESQL/C program source files and BLOB data files .... End of INFORMIX-ESQL/C Demonstration Database Installation script. Usage: infxserver [-bldsvrargs] [esqlfile.ec] [esqlfile.eco] [othersrc.cob] [othersrc.cbl] -bldsvrargs buildserver arguments You must first set INFORMIXCOBDIR You must first set INFORMIXCOBTYPE ERROR: Invalid COBOL compiler type Y y