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"!p!.!A"3! #0 $ %< & m'1 ;(" )!*#+,-!}._/@02 13213LZ4B546678tX9Y&OZIv[#\]cdK*eHvf-g 24,6a')+!6Xm!"#%$%&)*2+A,R-e.x/01234569:#;5<E=V>f?{@ABCDEFGH2IAJPKXLjM|NOPQ R STU V!W5XKY`Z~[\]^_(`)cHdaewfgh,ijkl m%n5oEpYqurstu vwMXMY MZM[#M\ M]M^ M_$M`5Ma FMbSMc iMdtMe MfMgMhMiMj MkMl/Mm1-Mn+_Mo Mp MqMrMs MtMuMv MwMx%My9MzOM{eM|~M}M~MMMM M M/M.5M-dMM#M'M M!M%M$AM0fMM1MMMM*/MZMtMMMMMMMM/M2DM wMM MMMM MMMMMMM#MK:MM M Identifier is too long. A syntax error has occurred. An illegal character has been found in the statement. An illegal integer has been found in the statement. An illegal floating point number has been found in the statement. Cannot use ROWID for views with aggregates, group by or on multiple tables. The specified table (%s) is not in the database. Cannot declare a SELECT INTO statement FOR UPDATE. Memory allocation failed during query processing. Incompatible database format. Explicit path name too long. Cannot read system catalog (%s). Cannot add index. Statement interrupted by user. Cannot remove file for table (%s). Cannot open file for table (%s). Cannot remove ISAM index on file. Column (%s) not found in any table in the query. Synonym (%s) not found. Wildcard matching may not be used with non-character types. Cannot begin savepoint. Cannot build temporary file for new table (%s). Cannot write to temporary file for new table (%s). Duplicate table name (%s) in the FROM clause. Cannot open transaction log file. Cannot create file for system catalog (%s). Cannot create index for system catalog (%s). DDL operations on "%s" prohibited. UPDATE or INSERT on "%s" prohibited. Could not open or create a temporary file. Could not read a temporary file. Cannot perform aggregate function with distinct on expression. A SERIAL column (%s) may not be updated. Cannot read record that is locked by another user. Cannot insert into virtual column (%s). Character column size is too big. Number of columns in INSERT does not match number of VALUES. Cannot begin work. Cannot commit work. Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column. Could not delete a row. Cannot rollback work. Could not open database table (%s). Could not position within a table (%s). Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row. Could not position within a file via an index. Could not do an indexed read to get the next row. Rollforward database failed. Cannot commit savepoint. Virtual column must have explicit name. Cannot read record from file for update. ORDER BY or GROUP BY column number is too big. Cannot get system information for table. Identifier too long - maximum length is 18. Too many or too few host variables given. Not in transaction. Transaction not available. System limit on maximum number of statements exceeded, maximum is %s. System error - invalid statement id received by the sqlexec process. Cursor not open. Cannot execute a SELECT statement that is PREPAREd - must use cursor. Cannot create file for table (%s). There is no current cursor. Could not lock row for UPDATE. Could not write to a temporary file. Load or insert cursors must be run within a transaction. There is no current row for UPDATE/DELETE cursor. The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable. Unique constraint (%s) violated. Cannot add column (%s) that does not accept nulls. Could not position within a temporary file. Could not insert new row into the table. No SELECT permission. No UPDATE permission. No DELETE permission. No INSERT permission. Cursor not found. UPDATE table (%s) is not the same as the cursor table. Cannot rollback savepoint. Cannot grant or revoke database privileges for table or view. A quoted string exceeds 256 bytes. Could not add index to a temporary table. Found a quote for which there is no matching quote. Found a non-terminated comment ("{" with no matching "}"). A subquery has returned not exactly one row. Invalid cursor received by sqlexec. Default value of the primary key column %s is NULL. Cannot add serial column (%s) to table. Table (%s) not locked by current user. Cannot lock table (%s) in requested mode. Cursor not declared with FOR UPDATE clause. Cannot change lock mode of table. An implied insert column (%s) does not accept NULLs. IS [NOT] NULL predicate may be used only with simple columns. The column (%s) must be in the GROUP BY list. Referenced and referencing tables have to be in the same database. Referenced table %s not found. Cannot find unique constraint or primary key on referenced table (%s). Cannot grant permission to public with grant option. Cannot grant permission to self. There are too many GROUP BY columns. The total size of the GROUP BY columns is too big. No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view. Expression mixes columns with aggregates. HAVING can only have expressions with aggregates or columns in GROUP BY clause. Subscripted column (%s) is not of type CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT nor BYTES. Subscript out of range. Illegal subscript definition. Corresponding column types must be compatible for each UNION statement. ORDER BY column (%s) must be in SELECT list. Table (%s) already exists in database. Cannot open system catalog (%s). Cannot update system catalog (%s). Not owner of table. Table (%s) currently in use. No create index permission. Index (%s) already exists in database. Must have the same number of selected columns in each UNION element. File with the same name as specified log file already exists. Index does not exist in ISAM file. Not owner of index. Cannot group by aggregate column. Cannot create a trigger on, alter, rename view (%s). Cannot grant permission on temporary table. Ambiguous column (%s). Filename must be specified with a full path name. Referential constraint has too many referenced columns. Cannot unlock table (%s) within a transaction. Column (%s) already exists in table. Database not found or no system permission. Cannot create or rename database. Cannot drop database directory. Cannot access audit trail name information. The audit trail file already exists with a different name. Cannot create audit trail. There is no audit trail for the specified table. Cannot create or drop audit on a temporary table (%s). Cannot create view on temporary table (%s). Cannot drop audit trail. The audit trail file name must be given in full directory path. Cannot open audit trail file. Could not read a row from audit trail file. Remote host cannot execute statement. Row from audit trail was added to a different position than expected. Cannot delete row - row in table does not match row in audit trail. Cannot update row - row in table does not match row in audit trail. Could not update a row in the table. Could not open table for exclusive access. Could not read a row from the table. Database not selected yet. Index already exists on column. Database contains tables owned by other users. Column (%s) not found. No table or view specified when granting/revoking privileges. Incorrect database or cursor name format. Cannot rename file for table %s. Data type of the referencing and referenced columns do not match. Dependent table for view (%s) has been altered. Must close current database before CREATE, START or ROLLFORWARD. Cannot drop or rename current database. Cannot modify table or view used in subquery. Column size too large. Can have only one column of serial type. CURSOR not on SELECT statement. Column (%s) not declared for UPDATE OF. Cursor must be on simple SELECT for FOR UPDATE. The scale exceeds the maximum precision specified. Sums and averages cannot be computed for character columns. Incompatible sqlexec module. Invalid serial number. Please consult your installation instructions. Cannot drop last column. Cannot create unique index on column with duplicate data. Cannot alter table with audit trail on. DBPATH too long. Can only use column number in ORDER BY clause with UNION. Cannot create log file for transaction. Log file already exists. Must terminate transaction before closing database. Record currently locked by another user. Cannot revoke privilege on columns. Cannot erase log file. Cannot grant to someone who has granted you the same privilege before. Same number of columns must be specified for view and select clause. Need to specify view column names in the view definition. Cannot modify non simple view. Data value out of range. Column contains null values. No connect permission. No resource permission. No DBA permission. Synonym already used as table name or synonym. Cannot insert a null into column (%s). System error - unexpected null pointer encountered. A condition in the where clause results in a two-sided outer join. View (%s) not found. The where clause contains an outer Cartesian Product. Illegal join between a nested outer table and a preserved table. System catalog (%s) corrupted. Cursor manipulation must be within a transaction. Cannot access log file. Fetch attempted on unopen cursor. Fetch attempted on NULL cursor. Address of a host variable is NULL. The size of a received row disagrees with the expected size. The cursor or statement is not available. The address of a host variable is not properly aligned. Memory allocation failed. Error number zero received from the sqlexec process. Invalid message type received from the sqlexec process. Sqlexec was not found or was not executable by the current user. Prepare statement failed or was not executed. Cannot specify both host variables and descriptor. Command pointer is NULL. Insert attempted on unopen cursor. Insert attempted on NULL cursor. Data conversion error. USING option with open statement is invalid for insert cursor. FLUSH can only be used on an insert cursor. NULL SQLDA descriptor or host variable list encountered. SQLDATA pointer in SQLDA or host variable is null. Cannot execute remote sqlexec. Unknown service for execution of remote sqlexec. Flush attempted on unopen cursor. A "fetch current" was attempted with no current row. Cursor already declared from this "prepared" statement. Database is currently opened by another user. Unknown values have already been supplied. Bind count routine called with a different count. Bind routine called too many times. Indicator variables should be 2-byte integers. Type integer does not match size. Type float does not match size. Type date does not match size. Type money does not match size. Type decimal does not match size. Time-out value must be -1 or greater. Call back function must be defined when time-out value is 0 or greater. Connection must be established before registering call back function. Call back function must be NULL if time-out value is -1. Database server is currently processing SQL task. Cannot update more than one non-Informix DBMS within a transaction. Possible inconsistent data at target DBMS (%s) due to an aborted commit. Illegal ESQL locator, or uninitialized blob variable in 4GL. Locator buffer size too small. 'loc_open()' failed. 'loc_close()' failed. 'loc_read()' failed. 'loc_write()' failed. Indicator value cannot fit in host variable. Database server terminated unexpectedly. Long transaction aborted. INFORMIX-OnLine was shut down. Statement length exceeds maximum. File open error. File close error. File read error. File write error. No more memory for locator buffer. File length error. Indicator object is missing. Cannot obtain user id from system: unable to start database engine. This descriptor does not exist. The value of occurrence must be greater than 0. An invalid descriptor name has been used. Occurrence value is out of range. The specified data type is not a X/OPEN standard type. Unknown field type. In a GET statement, if DATA is null, then INDICATOR must be specified. The LENGTH field must be specified when the type is SQLCHAR. Buffer is too small. User must specify TYPE. The number of DESCRIBED columns is greater than the allocated space. A descriptor with the same name already exists. Invalid statement name or statement was not PREPAREd. Invalid operation on a non-SCROLL cursor. SQL descriptor's name is too long. Limit is 18 characters. Statement/cursor's name must be between 1 to 18 characters. Number of host variables does not match SELECT list. Illegal data type found during data conversions. A cursor can only be declared as static or dynamic. Invalid operation on cursor. Exception number out of bounds. Database was created without NLS functionality. DBNLS not set (LC_COLLATE must be '%s'). LANG or LC_COLLATE environment variable invalid. DBNLS not set (LC_CTYPE must be '%s'). LANG or LC_CTYPE environment variable invalid. LANG or LC_MONETARY environment variable invalid. LANG or LC_NUMERIC environment variable invalid. LANG or LC_TIME environment variable invalid. Bad "itoxmsg" file. Please check installation. Clustered index (%s) already exists in the table. Index (%s) is already not clustered. Cannot cluster index. Too many tables locked. Cannot lock a view. Number of columns in UPDATE does not match number of VALUES. Do not have permission to update all columns Cursor (%s) not found. Cannot rename a temporary table. Cannot rename a column in a temporary table. Cannot create synonym for temporary table (%s). Cannot modify system catalog (%s). No References privilege on the referenced columns. Statement not available with this database server. Only DBA can create, drop, or grant for another user. Constraint %s has already been dropped. System error - temporary output file not created yet. The total size of the index is too large or too many parts in index. Child constraint %s not found. Cannot update column to illegal value. Cannot open database tblspace. Cannot lock system catalog (%s). Table (%s) not selected in query. Can only recover, repair or drop table. Lock table can only be used within a transaction. Failure to satisfy referential constraint %s. Updates are not allowed on a scroll cursor. Lock mode is not available on this system. Maximum output rowsize (32767) exceeded. Cannot attach to transaction. Check constraint (%s) failed. Duplicate column (%s) exists in view. Cannot alter temporary table (%s). Extent size too small, minimum size is %sk. Cannot open EXPLAIN output file. Already in transaction. Number of columns in child constraint does not match number of cols in parent co nstraint. Constraint column %s not found in table. Cursor (%s) has already been declared. DBTEMP too long. write failed on constraints. User does not have ALTER privilege. Cannot specify a column more than once in a constraint, trigger, or index. ESCAPE character must be only one byte. Cannot have aggregates within aggregates. No write permission for table %s. Cannot have host variables when creating a view (%s). Must rollforward database in the directory where the database is. No referential constraint or trigger allowed on a TEMP table. Column (%s) in UNIQUE constraint is not a column in the table. Total length of columns in constraint is too long. The constraint contains too many columns. Blob host variables are disallowed in multi-statement prepares. Mkdbsdir not found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. Consult your installation instructions. Syntax disallowed in this database server. Cannot use a select or any of the database statements in a multi-query prepare. Cannot create, drop, or modify an object on an another database server. Cannot locate table on another server after %s levels of synonym mapping. Changrp not found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. Consult your installation instructions. Cannot create a synonym on top of another synonym. Synonym with tabid %s not found in systables. Sums and averages cannot be computed on datetime values. Database conversion failed. Cannot acquire exclusive lock for database conversion. Cannot sort rows. Cannot read sorted rows. Cannot initiate sort. Cannot write sorted rows. Cannot reference an external database without logging. Cannot reference an external database with logging. Cannot reference an external ANSI database. Cannot reference an external non-ANSI database. The specified wait duration is too long. Cannot set log to buffered in a mode ANSI database. A subquery has returned not exactly one column. LENGTH() requires string type values. Cannot specify CONSTRAINT name for TEMP table. A constraint of the same type already exists on the column set. Owner name is too long. Not owner of synonym. Cannot revoke permission. Error loading message file. Database does not have logging. View permissions are no longer valid. Cannot rename system catalog. Cannot rename column in system catalog. Cursor is already open. Cannot delete file (%s). Invalid host variable number. Cannot update multiple database servers within a single transaction. Procedure cache corrupted. Invalid default value for column/variable (%s). Cannot specify column to be not null when the default value is null. Cannot specify default value for SERIAL column. Cannot specify non-null default value for blob column. Bad use of aggregate in this context. Bad EXIT/CONTINUE statement. Not within a %s loop. [Internal] Premature End Of Buffer. Bad cursor name (%s). Cannot mix INFORMIX-OnLine syntax with INFORMIX-SE syntax. Cannot create blob. Cannot delete blob. Cannot open blob. Cannot close blob. Cannot read blob. Cannot write blob. Invalid blob space name. Text/Byte subscript error. Illegal attempt to convert Text/Byte blob type. Illegal attempt to use Text/Byte host variable. Index not allowed on blob columns. Scroll cursor can't select blob columns. Blobs are not allowed in the "group by" clause. Blobs are not allowed in the "distinct" clause. Blobs are not allowed in the "order by" clause. Blobs are not allowed in this expression. A blob subscript is not allowed within this context. A blob data type must be supplied within this context. Error on copying blob data. A blob error has occurred in the front-end application. Unable to update next extent size. Unable to update new lock level. Error on locating constraint index (%s). Unable to find CONSTRAINT (%s). Unable to drop CONSTRAINT (%s). Constraint name (%s) already exists. Cannot obtain or set serial value. Cannot prepare coordinator for two-phase commit. Cannot end two-phase commit transaction at coordinator. Cannot end heuristically rolled back transaction. Cannot prepare database server %s for commit. Cannot create optical cluster on non-blob column (%s). Cannot create optical cluster. Cannot drop optical cluster. Object does not exist. Not owner of object. Total size of key fields is too large or there are too many key fields. Cannot alter optical cluster. Cannot cluster blob columns on non-optical media. Cannot cluster blob columns on different optical families. QPlan sanity failure (%s). Cannot reserve/release family on non-optical media. Family name must be a character string. Volume must be a number. FAMILY(), VOLUME(), and DESCR() require BLOB column on optical medium. Cannot reserve volume. Cannot release volume. Error evaluating math library function(%s). Cannot open DEBUG file for stored procedure trace. The debug file name must be a NON-NULL CHAR or VARCHAR. Maximum varchar size has been exceeded. Reserved column size > maximum column size (varchar). Local variables do not allow default values. Variables declared as LIKE cannot be global. Bad use of PROCEDURE declaration type. RETURN value count does not match procedure declaration. Procedure is not declared to return values. Cannot create a procedure within a procedure. Variables declared as GLOBAL require a default value. INTO TEMP table required for SELECT statement. Loop variable(%s) cannot be modified. Number of variables does not match number of values returned. Loop variable(%s) specified more than once. You are using more than one procedure-calling syntax for procedure(%s). Wrong number of arguments to system function(%s). Internal error on semantics - %s. Variable(%s) must be declared INTEGER or SMALLINT. Variable(%s) not declared. System command cannot be executed. Variable(%s) redeclared. Variable(%s) declared as SERIAL type. Procedure call(%s) has duplicate parameter name. Invalid data structure (%s). Procedure (%s) already exists in database. Procedure (%s) not found. Illegal SQL statement in stored procedure. Invalid check constraint column. Check constraint cannot contain subqueries or procedures. Invalid subscript for column (%s) in check constraint. Cannot read constraint violation data for constraint (%s). Cannot write constraint violation data for constraint (%s). Column specified more than once in the INSERT list. Error reading constraint index on table (%s). Specified STEP expression will not traverse RANGE. Procedure (%s) returns too many values. Procedure (%s) returns too few values. Procedure (%s) has returned more than one row. Set debug file before tracing stored procedures. Variable(%s) must be declared CHAR or VARCHAR. Global variable(%s) declared inconsistently. Cannot read keys from referencing table (%s). Missing key in referenced table for referential constraint (%s). Key value for constraint (%s) is still being referenced. System command expects a non-null value. Too many arguments passed to procedure (%s). Argument is not a parameter of procedure (%s). Variable (%s) has undefined value. STEP expression evaluated to ZERO. Inconsistent transaction. Number and names of servers rolled back - %s. Transaction heuristically rolled back. Statement is invalid within a global transaction. Statement is invalid within the XA environment. Cannot open database in exclusive mode. Primary key on table (%s) has a field with a null key value. Primary key already exists on the table. Cannot drop/modify procedure (%s). It is currently in use. Execute privilege denied on procedure (%s). Blob columns in optical cluster must be distinct. Optical cluster (%s) already exists. Blob column (%s) is already clustered. Table (%s) has been dropped, altered or renamed. Cannot insert encoded BLOB descriptor. Cannot insert encoded BLOB descriptor in non-optical BLOB columns. Cannot decode encoded BLOB descriptor. Cannot encode BLOB descriptor. Transaction state error. Possible inconsistent transaction. Unknown servers are %s. Invalid argument passed to system function(%s). Statement is invalid while a global transaction is suspended. Loop variable(%s) cannot be declared GLOBAL. Number of columns in FOREACH SELECT does not match number of variables. Stored procedure(%s) is no longer valid. Out of stack space. Cannot disable logging in an ANSI-compliant database. System initialization file $INFORMIXDIR/%s is missing. Error occurred while reading system initialization file $INFORMIXDIR/%s. First argument to dbinfo() must be a quoted string constant. Invalid or NULL TBLspace number given to dbinfo(dbspace). Unknown first argument of dbinfo(%s). Trigger has no triggered action. Cannot specify REFERENCING if trigger does not have FOR EACH ROW. Invalid use of column reference in trigger body. Incorrect use of old or new values correlation name inside trigger. Cannot reference procedure variable in %s statement. Object name matches old or new values correlation name. Cannot reference table that participates in cascaded delete. Resolution is not meaningful for LOW mode. Confidence is not meaningful for HIGH mode. DROP DISTRIBUTIONS is only valid in LOW mode. Confidence must be in the range [0.80, 0.99] (inclusive). Resolution must be greater than 0.005 and less than, or equal to, 10.0. Trigger for the same event already exists. Trigger and referential constraint cannot co-exist. Object (%s) already exists in database. Illegal SQL statement in trigger. Trigger execution has failed. %s Table or column matches object referenced in triggering statement. Exceeded limit on maximum number of cascaded triggers. Remote cursor operation disallowed with pre-5.01 server. Invalid distribution format found for %s Remote procedure execution disallowed with pre-5.01 server. All Smart Disk devices are busy. Access denied - User limit has been exceeded. Cannot access the license file. Cannot access the license file to release license. Evaluation version has expired. File open for light append can't pseudo close. Cannot implicitly reconnect to the new server (%s) Cannot use database commands in an explicit database connection. Remote procedure must commit or rollback before returning. INFORMIXSERVER does not match either DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES. Stack overflow occurred during statement parse. Error in auditing environment initialization. Only DBA can run update statistics on a database in this mode. Cannot EXECUTE a statement that has been DECLAREd. String must be null terminated. Cannot update/insert to a remote table through views with check options. Internal error in routine %s. Internal - iterator execution/phase error %s. Bad fragment id specified. Bad table lock id specified. Record/Key doesn't qualify for any table/index fragment. Expression required for new fragment. Cannot specify fragment expressions with a round robin fragmentation. Dbspace (%s) not used by table/index. Alter fragment error: unable to move row(s) to new fragmentation scheme. Internal - function not valid on fragmented table. Unable to alter fragmentation scheme on index. Duplicate table name in the alter fragment specification. Table/Index is not fragmented. Cannot alter fragmentation on a temp table. Attached table is fragmented. Cannot attach because of incompatible schema. Cannot detach because of the existing referential constraints. Cannot drop column because of table or index fragmentation. Non-fragmented table being attached to is not in the attach list. This index is attached it cannot be altered. Unknown operator/type. Internal error, expression not properly defined. SQL Edit buffer is full. Cannot open file for run. The file is too large for internal editing. Comment has no end. Cannot open file for load. Cannot open file for unload. Cannot open file for output. Cannot open file for choose. SQL Syntax error has occurred. Cannot open file for save. Cannot open printer for output. Cannot open pipe for output. Cannot write to pipe for output ( no reading process ). Cannot write file (check file permissions). Cannot read file (check file permissions). Specified user menu not found. There are no menu items in the menu. No more data to display. Cannot open file for default report. Statements are already saved. There are no statements to run. Missing values clause on insert statement. Program not found. Fork system call failed. Database not found. Command file not found. Form not found. Report not found. Error(s) found in Report specifications. Error(s) found in Form specifications. Saceprep could not compile Report. Sformbld could not compile Form. Current clause is invalid in interactive mode. Insert statement has no values clause. There is not enough memory available. A line in the load file is too long. Table not found. Name is too long. Name must start with a letter or "_" and contain letters, digits, or "_". Cannot read temp file. Cannot write temp file. Statement is too long -- out of memory. There are no user-menus in the database. Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns. Error in load file line %s. Form4gl could not compile Form. Warning(s) found in Form specifications. User does not have permission to modify this menu. Cannot drop file (check file permissions). Write failed. %d rows unloaded (check ulimit or disk space). Current transaction has been rolled back due to error or missing COMMIT WORK. Cannot drop rowids on a non-fragmented table. Rowids already exist on table. Rowids do not exist on table. Cannot specify the same DBspace twice in a fragmentation specification. "Distributions Only" is not meaningful in an update statistics LOW request. A fragmented object must have more than one fragment. Cannot create new PDQ thread. Alter fragment attach must have at least one consumed table specified. Cannot detach a table with rowids. Cannot attach a table with rowids. Cannot add/drop rowids/CDR cols in combination with other alter table options. Cannot attach tables that contain serial fields. Cannot generate new rowid. Cannot check constraints on the attaching table. Subqueries and procedures are not allowed in fragmentation expressions. Cannot specify duplicate remainder fragments. Remainder fragment must be specified last. Invalid fragment strategy or expression for the unique index. Invalid fragment expression column. Floating point exception error has occurred. Incompatible Access Mode and Isolation Level. Cannot issue "Set Transaction" in an active transaction. Isolation Level previously set by "Set Transaction". Invalid operation for a READ-ONLY transaction. Trim character must be null or have a length of 1. Trim character and trim source must be string types. Resulting string length must be less than or equal to 255. Cannot create rowids on a non-fragmented table. Cannot evaluate the fragmentation expression. Cannot alter an index on a temporary table. Invalid or NULL utc time given to dbinfo(utc_to_datetime). Cannot drop table or view because of existing dependencies. Cannot revoke because of dependent privileges, views or constraints. Cannot attach a table with constraints. Internal dataskip condition, should reposition to next row and continue. Cursor must be declared on an INSERT statement with a VALUES clause. Temporary table objects can only be enabled. Cannot disable object (%s) due to other active objects using it. Cannot activate/create object (%s) because of its dependencies. Cannot find object (%s). Cannot create violations/diagnostics table. Violations table is not started for the target table. Cannot modify/drop a violations/diagnostics table. Cannot alter a table which has associated violations/diagnostics tables. Too many violations. Reserved for internal use. Not implemented yet. Script saved in "%s" Query interrupted before it completed No where clause on Delete or Update, every row in table will be affected < Additional lines not displayed > Error in line %d Near character position %d Column name Type User select update insert delete index Table Name Owner Row Size Columns Created Audit File Index name Owner Type Columns Table name No forms are available - Use create to create one No reports are available - Use create to create one No databases are available - Use create to create one Form with the same name already exists Report with the same name already exists Database with the same name already exists Form was successfully compiled Report was successfully compiled %d row(s) unloaded. %d row(s) loaded. No rows found. Database selected. %d row(s) retrieved. %d row(s) retrieved into temp table. %d row(s) updated. %d row(s) deleted. %d row(s) inserted. %d row(s) inserted. Table locked. Table unlocked. Database created. Database dropped. Table created. Table dropped. Index created. Index dropped. Permission granted. Permission revoked. Table renamed. Column renamed. Audit created. Audit dropped. Table recovered. Table checked. Table repaired. Table altered. Statistics updated. Database closed. %d row(s) deleted. %d row(s) updated. Started transaction. Data committed. Transaction rolled back. Savepoint %d. Database started. Database rolled forward. View created. View dropped. Debug. Synonym created. Synonym dropped. Temporary table created. Lockmode set. Index altered. Isolation level set. Log set. Explain set. Schema created. Optimization level set. Procedure created. Procedure dropped. Constraint mode set. Procedure executed. Debug file for trace opened. Optical cluster created. Optical cluster altered. Optical cluster dropped. Reserved optical volume. Released optical volume. Mounting timeout set for optical media. Procedure Statistics updated. Smart Disk Inhibit set. Smart Disk Show set. Smart Disk All set. Trigger created. Trigger dropped. Statement with foreign SQL syntax executed. Dataskip set. PDQ Priority set. Alter fragment completed. Mode set. Table started. Table stopped. Session level set. Session authorization set. Table high set. Extent size set. Role created. Role dropped. Role set. DBpassword set. Database renamed. Cannot read network user authorization file. User not found in network user authorization file. User not authorized or too many entries in authorization file. Licensed INFORMIX-SQL server not accessible. Authorization file not on licensed INFORMIX-SQL server. Cannot locate sqlexec service/tcp service in /etc/services. Cannot locate database server (check DBPATH). Cannot create socket on current database server. Attempt to connect to database server (%s) failed. Invalid database name format. Cannot create an INFORMIX-OnLine database from an INFORMIX-SE client. System error - Cannot read from pipe. Network error - Could not write to database server. Network error - Could not read from database server. System error - Cannot write to pipe. Cannot create an INFORMIX-SE database from an INFORMIX-OnLine client. NFS mount table error. Must close current database before using a new database. Unexpected data received from another database server. System error. Wrong number of arguments to database server process. Cannot read host address in network data base. System error. Illegal or wrong number of arguments to sqlexec server. Cannot get name of current working directory. INFORMIX is licensed to access the current database server only. INFORMIX is not licensed to access the specified database server. The protocol type should be tcp. INFORMIX-OnLine is not licensed for distributed data access. Exceeded limit on maximum number of servers you can reference. The database server is not licensed for distributed data access. Cannot connect to database server (%s). Cannot locate %s service/tcp service in /etc/services. Error on network connection, %s system call failed. Unknown network type specified in DBNETTYPE. Connection to remote site no longer valid. Cannot obtain IPX address for service name %s. Error on remote connection, %s. Check Option is not supported in Union Views. Incorrect password or user %s is not known on the database server. User's password is not correct for the database server. Network server could not exec sqlexec program. Client is not known to database server. Database server could not receive data from client. Client host or user %s is not trusted by the server. Cannot create/access database on NFS mount. Integrity violations detected. Unable to alter table %s. Cannot insert from the violations table to the target table. Cannot drop not null constraint on the serial column. Invalid object and object mode combination. Table must be fragmented by expression to grant fragment authority. No permission on fragment (%s). No insert permission on the violations/diagnostics tables. Role name already exists as a user or role. Role name cannot be %s. Name cannot appear as both role granted and grantee. Only role administrator or DBA can grant, revoke or drop role. Role does not exist. No privilege to set to the role. Cannot grant database privileges to a role. Cannot grant privileges to a role WITH GRANT OPTION. Username already exists as a rolename in the database. Invalid password to access the database. Cannot set database password for a role. DBpassword should not exceed 8 characters. Illegal usage of replication shadow columns. Cannot add CRCOLS when table already has replication shadow columns. Cannot drop CRCOLS when table does not have replication shadow columns. Cannot create a temp table with CRCOLS. Cannot perform this operation on a table defined for replication. QUERY: Subquery: Estimated Cost: %ld Estimated # of Rows Returned: %ld Union Query Temporary Files Required For: REMOTE PATH SEQUENTIAL SCAN AUTOINDEX PATH INDEX PATH Remote SQL Request: Filters: (%d) Index Keys: (Key-Only) Lower Index Filter: Upper Index Filter: (Temp Table For View) PostIndex Filter: agg cursor declaration(%s) hides outer declaration variable declaration(%s) hides outer declaration identifier(%s) is a variable, not a column SORT SCAN: MERGE JOIN Merge Filters: Other Join Filters: expression: for statement iteration of cursory procedure end cursor error string = trace expression : illegal trace option start select cursor. start procedure cursor. select cursor iteration. for loop variable evaluates to global variable default value raise exception : SQL error ISAM error Participant site %s heuristically rolled back. Prepared participant site %s did not respond. Prepared participant site %s not responding. Mixed transaction result. Possible mixed transaction result. Transaction heuristically rolled back. Line %d: exception : looking for handler exception : handler FOUND exception : no appropriate handler Error initializing data dictionary hash table. Error initializing cache. Error initializing stored procedure hash table. Scan will use Smart Disk Smart Disk not used because: skinhibit is set the table is not accessible to Smart Disk no Smart Disk capability table is too small of insufficient memory no suitable filter was found before actions: end before actions for each row actions: after actions: end for each row actions end after actions Error initializing data distribution hash table. (expression) (Aggregate) Parallel Serial ALL NONE (FALSE) DYNAMIC HASH JOIN (Build Outer) Dynamic Hash Filters: Maximum Threads (TRUE) Access mode set. Scan uses Hash Filter Data source accessed using gateway (%s) might be in an inconsistent state. Gateway diagnostics: %d %s. (sampcnt) (medcnt) Unknown error number %d.